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Show Bi "The Wheat City" The Tiroes, Vol. 16, FY nnnn rnir ITI II lIliriirAl! A II IMl H r I I Vi . JUU11UUUU11 Urges People To "Eat More Apples" Nephi Apples Best In Flavor Of Any Grown In the Country Speaker Nephi Kiwanians enjoyed a very interesting address pn "National Ap pie Week" given by Harry Beagley at their regular weekly luncheon held Monday noon. Nephi grown Jonathan apples were used in decorating tables, and the attendance prize, which was a bushel box of apples was won by E. R. Shaw. "The Mr. Beagley said in part: government officials estimate of the apple crop of the United States is 120 million bushels. This is the com mercial crop after eliminating the apples that stay on the farm; the apples that are dried and canned. and in. other ways kept off the fresh . fruit market. VThe problem is to sell this in creased crop and to do it quickly, and at as great a profit as possible. At 150 apples per bushel, these 120 million bushels would mean 18 bill ion applesan apple a day for each man. woman and child in the U; S. for five months. "Even at as low a price as J1.50 per bushel this commericial applo crop represents 180 million dollars. Therefore the apple crop is one of the countries richest industries. There was a time when the apple was the greatest of American fruits, by .. . " WILL I ' . . DUdlnEdo mm s The road-shoput on in Motia. and the three Nephi wards Wednesday night, and at Levan Thursdpv evening, was a very good variety of vaudeville and drama, considering the fact that the entire cast are am ateurs. With the exception of the Nephi Wfard, the other wards pr sented one-aplays, while the Nephi Ward gave a dancing review, one girl representing each country. The w ct Stake officers presented a "fake radio broadcasting act, using some of Nephi's best talent. Each unit of Ithe show was put over in good shape and the one big benefit of the Mut- ual Road-Shoidea, is that H offers an opportunity for development of the boys and girls of the various wards. w Mi.-s- s Vlce-rreslde- Owen Gibson .... program for the card players for the first part of the evening. About ten thirty the guests went on a treasure hunt, which carried them through the cemetery, ravines and other spooky places. They returned about 12:00 oclock and supper was served to thirty; after which dancing was enjoyed on the veranda to tho strains of an orchestra, special for the oc casion. Those present were: Marthn Cowan, Florence Chirse, Mary .Morg an, Alice Cowan, Dorothy Haymon'l, Flometta Kendall, Lois Lunt, No'a Liint, Asenath Grovcr, Nelda Parkts Bessie Lomax, Wanda Petty, Max Ellison. Vincent Ord. Kenneth Judd Paul ChrlsHwon. Loren Kendall. Glen Schofiold, Hoyd Lunt, Loren Ned Ostler. Asel Clinse, Car roll Halley. Carl Belllxton. Clarence Burton. Douglas Cowan, the guest of honor. Ellon Cole, and the hoqteis. Edith Ord. n. Secretary-Treasur- er Howard Tanner Reporter The club boasts of thirty member this year. All the members are hi terested in their school work and like the school fine. They are all anxiois to boast for this college whenever t!:e opportunity presents Itself. W. H. Warner To Judge Poultry At Fair At Loa Wm. H. Warner, stopped In Nephi on his way to Wayn County, where he will Judge the poultry department at that county's fair, which Is being held this week Wednesday, - FACTS FROM THE JUAB COUNTY t NEPHI 2-- HIGH SCHOOL . . The Sea Gull girls were entertaiD- ed at a birthday party, at the home of Ruby Haycock, Monday evening. Refreshments were served to tlm following: Irene Cooper, Irene Olpl' Meril Brough. Grace Jenkins, Lucille Groenhalgh. Ethel Wilkey. Katherino Phillips. Minnie Smith. Josephine Stephenson, Mrs. Geo. Latimer, and the hostess. Ruby Haycock. Nephi Women Taking Courses At U. A. C. Mrs. Lucille Booth entertained the members of the Entre Nous club lart Thursday afternoon. Halloween sug eestfons were used as decorations and nt six o'clock a delicious lunch eon was served to iiueen gucsn. Thoce present were Afton Beckstcnd. Olga Forrest, Mildred Mangelson Orsena Warner, Eva Pyper, Joey Ludean Park, Arvilla Powers. Owen Willis; and special guests: Ed na Cazier, DaVeda Davis, Jennie HaU and F.dlth Vl kers. n, Mrs Paul E. Booth, Mrs. A. V. Gadd, Mrs. C. W. Johnson of NVii.il and Mrs. O'Conner of Eureka left Wednesday for Logan, Utah, where they will take a upeclal course at the Utah Agricultural college for the next two weeks. The course includes classes In "Home Management." 'Home Economics," and "Domestic M rs. Lucille Booth Entertains Membership: Mrs. Elva Bailey, Gadd 1345, Orme 1453. Dunn 1513. C. W Donnely 1294, Vickers 1428, Ockoy chairman; A. H. Belliston, Johnson, Mrs. Rose Sells, Mrs. Jen 1373. Parkes 1503, Burton 1299. nie Hobbs, Airs. A. W. Clyde, J. E McClain 1276, Kaighn 1533. Sperry . Memmott. . V?5J, .J311extao.il H44Bcyan 1344. FfnarTc'e: Dennfs Wood, chairmau"; Sanders 1454. Ekloff 1431, Carter W. C. Andrews, Harry Foote, Mrs 1371, Taylor 1636. Ellison 1155. Kate Burton, Mrs. Nora Reid, James Nephi, District No. 1 Smoot 270, H. Ockey, Mrs. Fern Paxman, P. J Snow 91, Bergeson 10 6, Colton 254, Sanders. Christensen 132, Hanson 229. Wilk Visiting Day will be Friday, Nov ins 101, Ryan 258, Gadd 96, Orme ember the 12th, during "American 265, Dunn 100, Donnely 259, Vick Education Week," and all parents ers 108, Ockey 254, Parkes 105, are 'invited to visit the schools, es Burton 256, - McClain 113, Kaighn 247, Sperry 194, Ellertson 166, Bry. pecially on that day. The following program has been an 100, Sanders 260, Eckloff 87. outlined: Carter 274, Taylor 140, Ellison 220. Objective: To encourage the grad- Nephi, District No. 2 Smoot 222. ng of the road west of the Central Snow 136, Colton 203. Bereeson School; the planting of lawn in the 165. Christensen 166, Hanson 192, Community Park; and the purchase Wilkins 137, Ryan 223, Gadd 148. of son:e playground equipment. Orme 213, Dunn 160. Donnely 202, November 18th at 7:30 p. m., ad Vickers 189, Ockey 179, Parkes 163. Burton 197, McClain 141, Kaighn dres by Professor Pryor Irwin. December 9th at 7:30 p. m., ad 219, Sperry 230, Ellerton 133, Bryan dress, "Discipline and Control of 138, Sanders 224,. Ekloff 116, Carter Students," Joel Taylor; Junior High 245, Taylor 212, Ellison 148. School Drills at 8:30 p. m. Nephi, District No. 3 Smoot 189, January 6lh at 7:30 p. m., "Better Snow 94, Colton 175, BergeBon 106. Understanding between Parents and Christensen 104, Hanson 176, Wilk- - The Juana Gleaner Girls of the e North Ward enjoyed an lalloween party Saturday night. An vacant farm house was procured and decorated in real hall- oween fashion, with witches, black cats, corn stalks, pumkins, apples, etc. The guests were entertained with ghosts, witches, games and dancing. Basket lunches, doughnut" and elder were served for "refresh ments. The spirit of Halloween was abode, and everyone enjoyed the party immensely. old-tim- ct fifty-fiv- Juana Gleaner Girls Entertains Sea Gull Enjoy Halloween Party Girl at Birthday Party Warner will also address thf Teacher's Institute being held at Los. Art." Mr. Armistice Day (November 11th) celebrated in Nephi this year, and will Include a continuous pro gram from eleven o'clock a. m. until midnight of that day. Guns will be fired at eleven o'clock, which will bd Republicans Elect Long-terfollowed with Jots of noise and cele Commissioner, Attorney, brating. State Representative and The members of the American Legion will hold a luncheon at the County Sheriff. Forrest Hotel at 12.15, and all ex service men are expected to be in attendance. Two Republican members on the At 1.15 a program will be given in State ticket, United States Senator the High School auditorium for the hifih school and junior high students, Reed Smoot, and Congressman Don Colton, nosed out of Juab County which will be followed by a big parwith small majorities, while Judge ade at 2.15. George Christenson, Democratic nom A main feature of this pro year's gram will be the unveiling of the inee for Justice of the Supreme Court German gun, which was received by succeeded in leading his man by sixvotes. two y Nephi City as jts quota of world war In the County election, the Re trophies. comThe days activities will include publicans elected the four-yean state missioner, sheriff, attpney the regular annual American Legion representative. Wm. G. Orme, present dance at the Arlington. county commissioner was for four years. Geo. H. Ryan of Eur was elected State Representa FRANK HAWKINS AND eka, tive. M. M. Kaighn of Eureka, wai. PROVO WOMAN MARRY elected sheriff, and P. J. Sanders re- ceived the majority of votes for the office of county attorney. Nephi preFrank Hawkins, of this city, and cinct elected J. S. Cooper, justice and Ituih Stratton Handley of Provo, pro J. R. Park, constable. The Democrats elected Vickers for cured a marriage license from county clerk Beulah H. Bowers, and were county clerk; Ekloff, surveyor; Dunn married by Bishop Thomas Bailey for commissioner; and ed Ida Parkes, county treasurer: Wednesday. Sperry recorder; and Taylor assessor. The report from Calloa, and Trout YEAR'S PROGRAM FOR Creek has not beenas received by the county clerk, but they only poll e about votes, it is not probP.--T. ASSOCIATION able that any changes will be made in the county ticket. The election returns from the coun Mrs. Geo.. W. Lunt, president, and ty are as follows: the members of the executive com Juab County Totals rSmoot 1499, mittee of the Parent Teachers' as Snow 1303, Colton 1434. Bereeson sociation met Wednesday and ap 1351, Christensen 1416, Hanson 1354, Wilkins 1326, Ryan 1477. pointed the following committees: i (By Florence Chase, Reporter) Assembly program was given by thi Seminary; those taking part were Mr. 'Don M. Rees, Officers, and the Mr. and Airs. Ramsey Connelly Church History class. spent Sunday at Fountain Green. Prayer was offered by Ellis Chase; "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Winter are was sung by those assembled. A clas rejoicing over the arrival of a baby was conducted on the stage with Mr. Rees presiding. Questions were asked girl, October 28th. and. answered by the class; a retold Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wood visited story was given by Nina Chappell; in Moroni Sunday. banjo selection, David Austin; read ing, Nelda Parkes; "The Origin of T.Mr. M.EI and ur Dihla", iamesArcGuner-vtoHirr ' - r i.andMrs. . . , . . i Jennings ,. luutj ouepiitiru bpeuL iitsi ween eiiu 111 solo, Wanda Petty. Sanpete County, visiting. Boyd Burton and Wayne Sidwell were visiting the N. H. S. this week Mrs. Esther Connelly will entertain The students were remarking about a number of relatives and friends at liow natural it seemed to see them her home this afternoon. The occa there. They are ever welcome. sion being her birthday. Wilford Warr was appointed field agent for the Underwood Typewriter Mr. and Mrs. Clair Mortenson company. His work takes him into moved to Tooele, Utah, where Mr. the commercial department of aM Mortenson is employed for the the high schools south of Salt Lake Citv. He was here Tuesday of this week and inspected and repaired all Niels Mortenson spent last week of the machines. "Glad to see you end in Levan. Air. Mortenson is Mr. Warr; come again." Doctor Richards of the State in Salt Lake City. working Health Board was at the N. H. S. this week. . A cash prize of five dollars has Clark Morgan Joins to the student in tn been Fraternity At U. A. C. school offered who composes the most sat isfactory words for a new N. H. S. song; the music will be composed by Clark Morgan, a freshman at the Professor Engar. We need a change Utah Agricultural College, on Wedho we are going to have one. nesday, October 27th was pledged to American Education Week will join the Delta Nu fraternity. He is soon be here. Friday, November 12 living with his people, who have has been especially marked off as moved to Logan for the college term. visitors' day, arid we would apprec He is registered in the school of iate it very much if all parents and others Interested would visit us then The members of the Nephi Club A large crowd of boys and girls met last Monday and elected the folwore entertained last Thursday at the lowing officers for the coming school Edith Ord, in honor of year: home of President Miss Ellen Cole. The rooms and spa- Sheldon Winn cious veranda were gaily decorated It ha Parkes in Halloween colors and scheme. K. F. I. was broadcasting an enjoyable SIX OFFICERS IN (PRYOR IRWIN) How to Control Ret4U Credits Theiri; Knowing the Goods you Sell Getting the Most out of Your Business; Cooperation for Trade Extension;. Making Your Commun ity prosper; The Salesman's Part in Present Day Building Business; Problems in Business. Ir. and Mrs. Edgar Christensen announce the arrival, of a baby boy at their home on October 31st. M. I. A. Road Show-ProveBig Success DEMOCRATS GET AT NEPHI ar OF EVENTS AT LEVAN - 10, No. 45 m two-o'clo- ck s CELEBRATED will be SHORT NEWS ITEMS Thomas Tranter entertained at a farewell party Wednesday even ing for Alma Tranter, who leaves Sunday for England, where he will perform a mission for the L. D. S. church. Games and music were enjoyed, and refreshments served to the following: Misses Delpha Allred. Bertha tMikkelson and Eva Llywelb'n of Fountain Green; Misses Virginia Clyde, RubyTafufer,' Edith Garret t, Priscilla Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pay, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Allen, War- illow Brough, Clarence Gowers, Al ma tranter, L,aron wiison, iiarry Carter, Clifford Olsen of Ft. Green, Miss Vivian Tranter, and the hostess Mrs. Thomas Tranter. Mrs- ARMISTICE DAY TO BE er Nephi Club Organized At Edith Ord Entertains In Utah Agricultural College Honor Of Miss Ellen Cole Chrls-teiiHo- lnomUtl Pryor Irwin, retail counselor and investigator, will open a special school in business training in thw city, iMonday, November 15th, and will deliver two talks each day, for a period of five days. He will, upon reauest. visit- - stores represented in the institute and render such person al help as possible in business promotion. Mr. Irwin conies to this city through the cooperative efforts of Nephi's leading business and professional men. The merchants institute is a series of meetings of. local merchants and business people everybody interested in the progress of , retail merchandiing. Prof. Irwin will also be available for public meetings during the evenings, and has, a number of lectures that will be of interest 'to the people of East Juab County. The following is a list of the lectures that Mr. Erwin gives, and the committee will select lectures to suit the local conditions: "Meeting Today's Competition; The Salesman of Today; The Measure of a Merchant; The Human Side of Retailing; How to Write Adver tising that Pulls; Planning for More Business; The Winning Salesman; PARTY IS GIVEN FOR ALMA TRANTER such a wide margin that nobody thought of any other fruit' in the same catigory. It w,as the first fruit brought over by the pioneers, and it followed the pioneers across the Al leghenaes and into the Messa Vallev. It followed the flag to the Pacific, and when the gold fever hit Califor nia, the miners paid $60 a bushel for apples. "But now apples are slipping. All of you may not know ttjat, but last totaled year the "apple movement 112,000 carlods, while the oranges had reached 57,000. Why did the oranges move up? Because the orange advertised. The oranfie growers growers of California spent $500,000 on advertising. In six years they have increased the yearly consumption of oranges from 37 per captia to 65. Aud i when oranges have been quoted in, Chicago at $5.00 per box, apples have been as low as $1.00 to $1.25 per'bushel. "In most years the apple crop has not been too big for the normal de mand, but this year, especially the growers, have already began to feel that the demand is lessening, that the market is threatened with a of apples. Everybody in the country knows apples. They used to say: 'An apple a day keeps the doc tor away.' Although everybody knows apples they don't know them for what they really are. They seem to accept them as an 'old standard that we have had for years. Other feeds have crowded out the apple because the apple people have simply takon it for granted that everybody knows all about apples 'and Is a friend of apples, and a consumer of them. But that is a serious mistake. Peoph (Continued on page eight) stir-plu- lnjuiuiu uunyni 'rhe Stake presidency of Juab Stake have announced this week that rhtirch durational Institute will be held in this stake on Sunday, next with representatives of the church board of education la attendance! A meeting will .be held at ten a. m, he 'Stake Seminary,' at which all Stake and Ward teacher training and Religion class workers including Stake and Ward boards oi education,, the High Counsel, mem bers of the Stake Boards and Stake and Ward supervisors or teacners. and auxiliary superintendences and presidencies, both Stake and Ward are expected to be present. The pur pose of the institute, it is announced. is to bring home to all Stake and Wan! officers, and all teachers, the need for preparedness, training and devotion to duty No Ward meetings will be held Sunday afternoon, but the entire Stake membership, and in particular all teachers and officers,, are called to meet at two o'clock in the Stake tabernacle for a general session, t"he program for which will include spec iar music, and addresses on the foil owing topics: "Teacher Training and Religion Class Work In Juab Stake, by President Samuel G. Paxman; The Need of Establishing A Relig ious Basis for Life," Don M. Rees principal of Stake Seminary; "Better Teaching! A Guarantee of the Re alization of Life Values of Religion," General Board Representative, The News, Vol. PRYflR IRWIN' RETAIL fftllNKFIftR CHURCH EDUCATIONAL niirrin ill "The Wheat City Nephi, Juab County Utah, Friday, November 5th, 1926 No. 45 URRY RFAfJ Nephi Club Ol-nl- Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Sparks will Mr. and' Mr. Ralph Koote of provo tomorrow (Saturday) for Los leave In a were few NVphl for days this Ralph Brough, cashier of the NepM Nalional Bank of this city, was in week, visiting with relatives aid Anefl-s- . California. wheri thrr will friends. Salt Lake Wednesday, on business spend the winter. Teachers in Child Guidance," Mrs. ns 95, Ryan 184, Gadd 94, Orme 190, Emma Brough; The Oral Expression Dunn 102. Donnely 179, Vickers 91, department of the N. H. S. will fur- - Ockey 193, Parkes 126, Burton 158, Tifth the program of entertainment. McClain 102, Kaighn 180. Sperry February 10th at 7:30 p. m., 171, Ellertson 113, Bryan 64, Sand Standards of Grading and Promo ers 219, Ekloff 94, Carter 188, Tay- tion," Calvin S. Smith; High School (Continued on page eight) Department of Music will furnish program. March 10th at 7:30 p. m., "Mental Elementary School enter- - Health;" ,a,A8pril th at 7:30 P. ... -- Educational and Phychological Tests," Al- onzo Ingram: Fine Arts club enter- - tainment. May 1 2th, 7:30 p. m., Elementary Schools furnish the program; "School Finance," by a Board member. At each meeting opportunity for a free discussion will be offered. The topics above were chosen by the Parents and Teachers at the last meeting. The program Is tentative and is subject to change if another topic is more timely and Important. A special committe was appointed to visit the Nephi Higgh school and tlie elementary school, and report at the next meeting. The committee is: High School Geo. D. Haymond. chairman; G. R. Judd, Mrs. W. J. Cole, Mrs. T. II. Burton; Elementary Schools J. A. Kendall, chairman; Mrs. Mark Sowby, Mrs. Emma Brough. Lenlcr Belliston, Mrs. Willie Jenkins, Mrs. I. M. Petty, Mrs. Mabel Guild. Mrs. Lillie Broadhead. Mrt. Mamie Ostler. Mrs. Geo. Ostler, Mrs. Luella Ostler. What to observe In visiting schools The sanitary conditions of the hool Building. The general discipline and management of the school. The attitude of the teacher toward the children. The attitude of the children toward the teacher. (Continued on page eight) -- . Kiwanis "Ladies Night" To Be Big Event A big; time is anticipated by the members of the Nephi Kiwanis club and their partners, at the "Ladles' Night" banquet, which will be held at the Forrest Hotel next Wednesday evening. The committee composed of E. R. Forrest, L. W. Gardner, J. E. Reid, I. M. Petty, and Russ Haw kins, are arranging a program that will be full of real entertainment. Woodbine Club Entertained At Home of Mrs. E. D. Park The Woodbine club entertained their husbands at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Park on Halloween. At twelve o'clock a delicious chicken supper was served, to Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Leonar.1 Linton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chase, Mr. and Mr'. James R. Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Stana ley Jarrett, and Mr. and Mrs. E. t. Park. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Andrews were called to Salt Lake Tuesday evening on account of the Illness of their son J. Will Anderws. They returned home Wednesday evening, accompanied by their son who Is getting a little better. |