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Show - THE PAGE FOUR TIMES-NEW- The Times-New- NEPIU, UTAH S, s Published Every Friday by the Times News Publishing Company A. B. Six Months One Year Payable in advance WHY WAIT FOR YOUR SHIP TO COME IN IF YOU DON'T SEND ONE OUT? In memory of Columbus, to whom we are all in- debted for our existence upon this continent, and in the spirit of the great event which he accomplished, why not discover for yourself "what a great thing a Savings Account can be? In time of need it will prove a world of comfort a haven of refuge where you may rest secure from any financial storm which may overtake you. FIRST NATIONAL i High School, Happenings GIBSON. Fditor and Manager Subscription Rates: Friday, October 8th. 1926 Devotional Accept this Remarkable Gift Offer were held in exercises the N. H. S. auditorium, Thursday morning. The program furnished by the musical department was: two 1.0U selections. Orchestra; vocal solo. $2.00 Vernoa Worthington; selection, A Silver-Plate- d Genuine Gillette Safety Razor vocal solo, Evelyn Brough; two selections, orchestra. Select Good Candidates And Elect Good Officers Our orchestra has beea improved very much by the addition of a banjo played by David Austin, to its line of instruments. At the coming election the main point for the voters to keep in mind is the selection of men to fill the different offices who are the most capable to discharge the duties. The transaction of the affairs af Juab County is comparable with a big business corporation and the same careful attention should be given to the selection of employees as the head of a corporation would exercise in making his organization. The taxpayers have a right to re ceive good economical service and It is the taxpayers who in the final re suits bv their votes make their selections. Bearing this thought in mind it behoove3 our citizens to carefully analyze the tickets of botb Republican and Democratic parties. judge the men by their business rec ords and if they are honest and capable to discharge the duties to which they aspire, vote for them. The high school judging teams finished their work Monday, October 4th, in stock judging. The N. H. S. team, composed of George Irons, Ne(i Ostler and Lester Belliston, placed first. We are exceedingly proud of our team and of the work they have Given away, absolutely free with the purchase of a 35c tube of Palmolive Shaving Cream All you need to do is step into our store, put down 35c, the regular retail price of PALM-OLIV- E accomplished. SHAVING CREAM, and take away N. H. S. paper The staff for the has been selected by Editor Wanda Petty. It consits of, assistant editor, Nelda Parkes; buisness manager, Harold Bellison, circulation manger; Vincent Ord, subscription Carrol Bailey, typist; Francis Christensen, assistant typist; Helen Mangelson, humor editor; Floreno.i Chase, society editor; Asenath Grov-esports editor; Karl Belliston and Ellen Cole, exchange editors; Mary a Morgan, advisor, Cleon Lemon, Cornwall; junior high editor not chosen yet. The paper will be pubas an independ lished weekly and from the looks of The ent newspaper, expects to take an in the staff we expect an excellent pap terest in the coming campaign, but er, one that will help to advertise our that interest will hot be prompted by school and show the people what the way of favoring a friend but in ad- N. H. S. is doing. vocating the selection of men whom it believes will discharge their duties Henry Overhansly of the A. C. U. with not only credit to themselves was a visitor at tne iepni Hign but with satisfaction to the people School this week. who elect them. This is the main issue in the comPractice begins Monday for the ing campaign. It accomplishes noth- Basket Ball series. Our hopes are ing to find fault after men are elect- high for excellent work this year, ed to their office, but the real work and our belief that we will not be is to be done in the conventions and disappointed still higher. at the polls, and every citizen owes it fo himself to take an interest in The Booster club members of the the administration of the affairs of high school, are organizing their the county in which he lives. It club work for this year. The charter means lower taxes, careful adminis- members of the club, wlio began tration of the laws and .services to this worthy work are: Ruth Grover, the taxpayers without fear or favor. Emma Cole, Edith Morgan, Itha s From this stand The Parkes, Blanche Burton and Katheni recommends to the delegates who at- Starr; with Lillian Blackett and tend the County conventions, to Kattie Diamond, sponsors. Other Aiden Lunt, Viola place upon the county tickets, candi- members are: dates who have the ability to handle Strata Norma Engar, Marie Cowan, the county business on a good econ- Mary Morgan, Milrred Sperry, Wanda omical basis; as the taxpayers of this Petty, Asenath Grover, and Florence county have a right to demand such Chase. The new members for this an administration. year or "goats" are: Helen Manuel- man-ageg- a tube of Palmolive Shaving Cream and the razor. r; No Red-Tap- e Len-or- Times-New- s, B 3 3: . Times-New- LETROLEUHl onrii irrs Look for the PARCO Sign 'We Are Here To Serve" Nephi Drug Company Geo. D. Haymond, Owner. R. in charge Creditors will present claims with vouchers to Booth & Brockbank, Attorneys, at their office, Knight Block, Provo, Utah, on or before February 1st. 1927. Dated September 24, 1926. EMMA STARR, ANNIE CHILDS. Executrixes, of the last Will and NOTICE TO CKEDITORS Testament of Richard James Bur- IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE raston. OV RICHARD JAMES BURRAP-TON- , Boo th & Brockbank, Attorneys. DECEASED: JerJZconomical Tronsporloliotl l Practically everybody in East Juab but county reads the only a few of them try to help make it a better newspaper. Some persons appear to feel that it is below their dignity to report items that would be interesting reading; others think the editor of the local paper is a min(i reader and should know everything that is going on without being told. This paper wants all the real news of the valley, and would appreciate your help in sending in the items of Times-New- JudcTs Garage Judd G.- - son. Felma Bailey, Ruth Beagley, Evelyn Brough, Ellen Cole. Nelda Parkes,. LaVella Watts, 'Alice Cowan, Edith Ord, Bessie Lomax and with enora Cornwall and Lillian Blackett to act as sponsors. Help Make The Times-New- s A Better Newspaper Be particular about your oil .and gas demand the best for your money. PARCO (ias and Oil and VKliDOL-Oioffers you the most in power, smooth running and mileage. Drive 'round and let us fill your tank and crankcase. One fair trial will prove our claim of "more for votir monev.'' Nothing to Sign But don't delay We have exactly six dozen razors to give awav, and first here first served. r, " W i Nephi, Utah We Sell Hud son and Essex Cars 32 news. We are publishing the Times-New- s for the benefit of all of the people of this valley, and items sent in or phoned in from one person, is Just as thankfully received as from another. All you have to do is phone 196. and we will do the rest. This applies to all kinds of news, such as locals, society, births, deaths, accidents, or any other item that would be of Interest to the subscribers. like these items to be phoned In not later than Wednesday, as that fives us more tim to handle the items for Friday's paper. But, anything that happens on Thursday will be received on that day. MlmmMW sot. s, I Dollars VtlM'J Si B Bff n ti ifWrTt'jr ll4KrTL t:tt3 L- -LT : ggzags J. fie .S "Savswj ZJltZJJE, YUQ3-rf- o We-woul- WHY BUY UNKNOWN BRANDS? The Schoolhouse Flag The sight of the United States flag in the breeze makes a patriotic appeal to every American. Such in appeal Is more Impressive when he fiag is sufficiently large, Is in uood repair, and is properly mounted on a staff. It Is particularly appropriate this year, which marks the scNfiuiccntennlnl anniversary of the birth of the nation, for "Old Glory" hi float above every public school in the land. The statutes of more than three-fourtof the states require the display of the United States flag on or near every public school building. Thousands of schools throughout the land take great pride in carefully performing this duty; some schools are somewhat careless in this respect. A deputy superintendent of Nevada says in his annual report that he often finds, as he visits tho schools, the flag rope broken, or the flag polo Inaccessible, because of its location on top of the building, or the school without a flag. It is not uncommon to find In other states, especially In the rural districts, conditions similar to those described. School officers, teachers, and pUpls, shoui(, know the laws of their respective states regarding the display of the flag and should cooneratn in thtr 510 ifoating FULLY GUARANTEED 33 x 6.00 Balloon i $24.75 30 x 5.77 Balloon $23-5- 5 31 x 5.25 Balloon $19.55 29 x 4.40 Balloon $11.95 OTHER SIZES PROPORTIONATELY LOW GRACE MOTOR CO. NEPHI, UTAH Invite Us to Your Next Blowout enforcement. ess1 7J5 Landau "SUSS IZX T& 375 495 Today's Chevrolet is a revelation In quality motor car value! Only the economies in research, purchasing and manufacture resulting from Chevrolet's own gigantic facilities and those of General Motors, make it possible for Chevrolet to offer, at $645, a COACH that provides beauty and riding comfort that are unsurpassed by any other car of comparable price economy and dependability that establish new standards of motoring delight thrilling qualities of performance that stamp it as the Smoothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet history and the leader in its field. Let us prove Chevrolet's performance and comfort on the road. Only then will you realize that no other car with less than the backing of Chevrolet's and General Motors' tremens dous resources can possibly offer quality so high, at a price so low 1 Small payment and convenient term. Atkabouto- -r 6 Pvrchatt Cenijicat Plan. Grace Motor Co. Nephi - . Utah QUALITY AT LOW COST |