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Show Nephi Nephi "The Wheat City" j The Wheat City' . I Nephi, Juab County, Utah, "Friday, October (st, 1926 The Times, Vol. 16; No. 40. The News, Vol. 10, No. 40 , HENRY H.H0YT COUNTY CLERK ........ .,,.........,...,....-....- ..... .. ...... . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .... . . NEPHI RECEIVES Paxmans To Fulfill Mission j GADD RESIGNS DIES IN PROVO ................. WAR TROPHY t Funeral Services To Be Held Mrs. Beulah H. Bowers Is Saturday In Tabernacle-Decea- sed Appointed County Clerk To Fill Unexpired TermGadd Was Resident of To Work For M. S. T. Co. Years Nephi for Over 70 Henry H. Hoyt. lor more than seventy years a resident of Nephi, pass-ot ed away on Thursday at the home his son, Dean H. V. Hoyt o Provo. The deceased had been in. failing health for some time, and for several days past it was realized that the end might be near. Mr. Hoyt was born at Willard, Utah, November 27, 1851, and had resided at Nephi since the early (jays of iw settlement, having, come here in the year 185 2, with his parents Timothy S. und Elizabeth Sperry Hoyt. His wife, who was before her marriage, Alice Jenkins, died at Nephi many years ago. Mr. Hoyt was well known, particularly by the older residents of the city, and it was said of him that all who knew him were his friends. Four children. Dean H. V. Hoyt of the B. Y. U., Provo, Ralph Hoyt, Salt Lake; Mrs. J. L Fowkes, Starr, and Mrs. Helen Robertson, Salt Lake City, survive the deceased. Funeral services will be held in the tabernacle at Nephi, Saturday at 2 p. m., under the direction of Bishop Charles H. Grace of the North ward, and interment will be in the Vine Bluff cemetery. The remains will he brought to Nephi on Saturday, and may be viewed "at the Tabernacle from noon to one p. m. - REPUBLICANS TO MEET OCT. 11TH Nephi Post of Ameican Leg- This Year's Convention Will ion Makes Application for Be Held In Eureka, Where Small Souvenirs, Which Complete County Ticket State Has for Distribution Will Be Nominated. r V of the board of counCounty Commissioners of Juab Commissioners was held yesterday. ty belli? Orme, Bunnell and Bailey A special meeting " present. Nephi Cily received a 105 M. M. as its allotGerman Howitzer, ment of the states apportionment of the World War trophies. There were seven cannons to be distributed to the cities of Utah, and Nephi is one of the fortunate communities of the' mate to receive one of these. In addition to the large field pieces, the state has a number of small trophies, which will be distriiuted throughout, the state, and the Nephi Post of the American Legion have made application for some ot the small souvenirs. The cannon was brought down from Salt Lake yesterday, and will he cleaned up and painted before it is given a permanent location, which no doubt will be in front of the city hall. " i The resignation of Earl Gadd. county clerk, was submitted and accepted, to take effect October 1st. Mrs. Beulah H. Bowers was appointed county clerk to fill the unexpired term, which will end December 31st, 1926. Mrs. Bowers has beeD deputy clerk for some time past, and is well qualified to handle the dutie of the office. been has county Mr. Gadd clerk since January 1st, 1923, and has been one of the most efficient county officers that Juab County has ever had. He has accepted a position with the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph company atSalt Lake City, in the auditing and accountin department. Mr. Gadd will commence working for the telephone company October 3rd. . r : A Republican County Convention of Juab County, Utah, is hereby call ed to meet at Eureka, Utah, on Monday, October 11th, 1926, at 11 A. M. for the purpose of placing in nom- nation to be voted for at the general election November 2nd, 1926: One County Commissioner, for term of four years; one County Commissioner for term of two years; County Clerk; County Treasurer, County Recorder, County Assessor, County Attorney, County Sheriff, and to transact such other business as shall properly come before said convention. Said convention shall consist of 28 delegates, based on an apportionment of one delegate foe each 50 votes or major fraction thereof, cast for Congressman Don B. Colton, Nov. 4, 1924 Upon this apportionment each pre cinct will have representation as fol Clyde Shaw was n. SaH Lake City lows: Nephi, 12; Eureka, 8;' Mona, Wednesday, on business. 1; Levan, 4; Silver City. 1; Mam moth, 1; Callao and Trout ureen i. Precinct chairmen are hereby dir ected to proivde for electoin of dele- gats from their respective precincts and certify the same to J. . mm, county committee, Nephi, Utah, on or before October 10th. James Garrett Jr., County Chairman J. E. Lunt. County Secretary. REES IS SPEAKER MERCHANTS TO Mil. AX1) MRS. JAM HAVE INSTITUTE KM V. AT LUNCHEON PAXMAX -- WILL LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY OCTOBER 22ND Dop Rees, principal of the Nephi Seminary, was the main speaker at the regular weekly Kiwanls lunch eon, which was held Monday noon at the Forrest hotel. Mr. Rees gave s very interesting historial talk, dis AND SAIL FROM MONTREAL OCTOBER 29TH of Ne- Through the phi's leading business and profession al men. Pryor Irwin, Retail Counsel or and Investigator, will spend five Mr. and Mrs. James W. Paxman,' davs in Nephi durlne the week of church workers of Juab known in the community as an ener- cussing the trip of Father Escalante prominent conduct and will November 8th, and party, who arrived in Utah In received' a call for a getic worker and a substantial hav Stake, be Merchant's Institute, which will the year 776. The speaker told of wi'.l mission to They short England. called "Better Business Week. leave Salt Lake the reasons for the trip of the Span Mr. on 22, October the City past eight yearj JDuring Pryor Irwin was former instructor in Canand Mrs. Paxman have had a mem- iards to this state, and stated that The Democratic County Conven- Retail Merchandising at the Univer and will sail from Moutreal, on on October 29th. ber of their family in the mission the party entered Utah valley, tion of Juab county will be held at sity of Winconsin, and has been ada, 23rd, 1776, coming down a earnest been September has Mr. Paxman which shows that patriarch they field, .Nephi, Utah, Thursday, October 14th, special lecturer for the universities.of &P9n ? Juab .StkeJojr.J.he, past Ttw.e.lve ly behWvs- - in f wor Wst V.irgin.-- lot jjurppse of nominating later made the trip through Juab serv he has been Paxman and Mr. time that employed prtorto years,' cCiapTete county ticket, as follows: Utah, and Arkasas. to In addition and no doubt used the trail one county commissioner, four year this, he has ten years practical store ed in the presidency of the stake for by the Federal Land Bank of Berk valley was later used that as by the pioneers and as President for years, California, eley, appraiser term; one county commissioner, two experience. He serv the past five years, and has a leave who entered this valley in 1851. Later for seventeen" hereof years. The Merchant's Institute is a series ed as a year term; county sheriff, county missionary in England during of absence from his work for six Father Escalante and party proceedclerk, county treasurer, county asses- - of meetings of local ed South into Southern Utah. months. sor, county attorney,, county record- merchants and business people The speaker also touched on the was Mrs. to In until Paxman, addition missionary recently, doing er, county surveyor, and representa--tive- a everybody interested in the progress made in mis state in tne progress a the of of with will the visit Nephi work, president Chapter enjoy they to the state legislature. Also ?.o of Retail Merchandising. years, and stated Serivce Star legion, and also treasur their son, William Paxman, who i past seventy-fiv- e elect a county chairman and county The general object is to make that the' present day generation is on a mission in England. of tho er state She organization. to transact any other secretary, and to local merchants the best should build for the future, so that business that may come before said plans and methods in use today by the peple of the next generation convention. the most successful merchants would be as. proud of us as we are The number of delegates from the throughout the country. of the pioneers of the state. various' precincts are as follows: The specific objects of the insti Miss Asenath Grover, gave two Silver City 2, Mammoth 4, Eureka ?, tute are to help the local merchants: and Ben Pierce rendered a readings, Mills 1, Levan 2, Mona 2 and Nephi 7. First To develop community in violin solo. J. E L.unt Presided. JOHN C. HALL, County Chairman terest with a view of getting more success this year; also a fine group (By Florence Chase, Reporter) Assembly was held Wednesday of members of the class to work in trade Out of their present trade morning in the N. II. S. auditorium. other offices. Those elected were: A. E. SMITH ARRANGING territory. Second To appreciate the impor A splendid program was furnished president, Harold Belliston; LARGE LIST OF NEPH1TES tance of community cooperation. by the student body officers: prayer. Florence Gadd; sec'y. and FAIR h EXHIBIT AT STATE Cleon Memmott; violin solo, Wanda treas., Wary Morgan; reporter, to The answers the quesfollowing ATTENDING THE B. Y. U. tions VinFlorence of Chase; pi Petty; Mr. reading, Irwin sports, manager Grover; determine what help address, cent Ord: cheer leader, Florence local merchants need most to accom- ano solo, Kenneth Judd; Calvin S. Smith. The president from Chase. Every Senior is feeling "high plish these objects: County Agricultural Agent, A. E. Who are your real competitors? eacli class gave his- inaugural speech and. mighty" and intend to do their Smith, has been in Salt Lake City Provo, Sept. 27th. The close, of the first two weeks of school find3 Are they in your town or larger and all officers were called to the best to help their school to progress the past week making preparations stand for inspection. Brigha'm Young university with the cities? and set an ideal example for their for the Juab County exhibit at the The is over school the follow. (Aseneth Utah State fair. Mr. Smith reports other classmates to rejoicing largest enrollment in the college Why do competitors win trad division it has ever had for that from your trade territory? fact that the Board has decided upon Grover) . that this country will be well repre JUNIOR REPORT Do you push your business or does activjty cards for the N. 11. S. studlength of time. Nearly 1200 students sented. In addition to the exhibits ents. This is the first time in tho have already registered from a terri- your business push you? The Juniors are always the leading from East Juab county, the great Are you a leader or a follower? Do history of the school they have been class of any higu school. During the Tintic Mining district will be rep- tory which practically embraces the entire west: Never has the distribu- you create desire for merchandise or able to obtain cards. We, as a whole, first two years students are busy esented by a good display of min tion been bo great, according to John do you attempt to satisfy desires that express our appreciation to the board regulating their work and getting erals. for their consideration of our desire. acquainted. During the fourth year E. Hayes, registrar. Predictions are someone else has created? Permanent county booths are be The class of nineteen hundred and they are occupied with finishing their that late registrations and the winter Is your store arranged according built at the State fair grounds ing twenty-sevemet last Friday to sel- requirements and arranging for their quarter will run the total college en- to handed-dow- n custom or is your arwnicli will house the ex- tnis rollment up to approximately 1500. angement based on a tested plan for ect their class rings for this year. graduation; so Aie leadership is left liRiitsyear, from the various counties of Their choice was unanimous for one to the Juniors. The Junior class is Utah. Other Among those who have registered selling more goods? years, temporary booths for work in the college divbdon from Does your window give publicity ring, so every student will be entire- the one that determines to a great have been built, which was an ex Nephi are the following: Edyth E to your whole store or does it create ly satisfied. extent, tho success or failure of the pense each year; but, with the new The Morgan, Ellis Sanders, Shirley Sowby, desire for the merchandise displayed? party will be school year. Our school so far has pnui or permanent booths, the ex Anna Grace, Hoyd Burton, LaMont Does your advetlsing brag about held Friday night, for the purpose of been a success. It is not only the pense will be cut down. Sowby, C. C. Sanders, Emma your store and your goods or docs it initiating our new schoolmates, the Juniors aim to keep up this stand J. Earl Garrett, L. E. Beck, inform people of what you have air! Freshmen; and also to get acquainted ard, but to make this year the great all over again this year. est success In the history of the Four More Registration Raymond Bailey, Ruth Grover, Thel-m- a why they should buy? no your salespeople Superintendent Calvin S. Smith school. We are not boasting, but we Warner, May Andrews, Camllle on "wall Days For This Year Cazier, Hannah Schofield, Zelma Pay, patrons or do they practice creative hus recovered successfully from his pride ourselves on being the best Lucille Neff. very serious Illness, and every stud- class in school. We are back of the salesmanship? Attention of the Voting public is Do your realize that they are an ent in glad to see him with us HKain. student body in everything they do. Those from Levan attending the called to the again B. Y. V.. are: LeGrande are: Our officers president, Nod Ost- matter of registration. Proper reg Mangelson, important factor in helping you build James M. Anderson. Loola Christen-scThelma Ockey; istration is a your business? ler; to voting IIIKSIIMAN KKPOUT Grant Gardner, and Ralph Morsec'y. and treas. t Nelda Parkes; re and should be looked after during The Freshmen, this being their porter, Erma Golden; manager of the gan. of October, which are set Worthington Makes Good first year. Intend to be first In every- sports, Carl Belliston; yell master asidedays for this purpose. The days cf In Football Practice Game thing. There has hcn no opportun- Maurice Starr. Nuff Sed. (Erma registration are October 5, 6, 1 C. L. Gibson Builds ity as yet to show our "stuff."' Rath- Golden). and 26th. New Lunch Stand In the practice game of football er than seem to boast we will say Registration places in East Juab wait us. be watch will SOPHOMORE REPORT There the and Played at the Utah Agricultural col are as follows: District. No. county The Sophomores held their class one, Nephi, residence of Mrs. Unity C. L. Gibson has built an lege Wednesday afternoon. Coach proof of our ability. The group of oflunch stand on his . property "Dlck",Romney used Glen Worthing ficers elected to lead us are: presi- election Friday morning. Tho follow Chappell; No. two, Nephi, residence North of the Silver Maple Service ton in part of the game. The regular dent, Wallace lilacketf; ing officers were chosen: president, of Mrs. 11. J. Orme; District No. Louise I'.owers; pc'v. ,md treas. Lynn Greenwood; Vera three, Nephi, residence of Miss Etta station, and Jias leased the same to varsity team played the Freshmen trea-s.Maxlne Carter; reporter, Alma BurtK. V. Batchelor of Provo, who will team. The following Item concerning Mabel Wil Sid well; Levan, James K. Taylor; Hurst; sec'y. and operate It for the next year. Mr. Glen, appeared in the Salt Lake Tri on; manager of sports, .Inine Shaw. son; reporter, Lorna Kendall; man Mona. Reuben Carter; Mills, W. E. ager of sports. Grant Sperry; yell Snader. Batchelor is the son of Eli Batchelor, bune. yesterday: "Glen Worthlneton (Alma Burton). master. Jack Ockey. With these capformer resident of this city. replaced Captain Thomas for a time able officers leading a peppy class the SKMOll RM'OKT and made a creditable Prof. ( has. J. Engar, wishes tha Mr, Gibson has moved his hot dog at The Seniors ore well organized student body can expect the Sopho all mem burs of t he stand to Logan. I'tah, where he will allowing, despite his lack of exper stake and comnperste it d"M'ifs the coming winter. lenre. With his speed and weight he now to carry on their class work. mores of the pj. H. s. to put over big munity choir and chorus be at th have tlieir rlnss pres- tliliiBs during the scho ynr. (Lortia Taliertfai le, Thursday, October th, He will also attend the I'tah Agricul will, no doubt, develop Into a valu They able ident of IhhI year to lead them to Kendall ). at tural college during the winter. i 5 p. m. player." DEMOCRATS TO MEET OCT. 14TH B Kansas,-,-Colorado- , TT wenty-seve- j n 1886-1SS- News From Nephi High School Ase-net- - n, Pax-ma- DESTROYED home-builde- -- 1926,-foT- IS MOONSHINE n. -- n, te t, , half-bac- k' I back-fiel- d i : Sixty-fiv- e gallons moonshine of Monliquor was publicly destroyed P. P. Sheriff Deputy by morning day Christison. The liquor was dumped-. iato tbdRh, lAMtnorth. of the conn.ty court house. Judge Thos. H. Burton, ordered the moonshine destroy ed, and as the law requires that confiscated liquor shall be publicly des troyed. Sheriff Christison seieciea the ditch in front of the court House to get Tid of It. This liquor has been confiscated during the by the county officers past few months. SEMINARY STUDENT- BODY ELECT OFFICERS of the Seminary officers took place Mon results day,: with the following president, Carl Belliston; Mary Morgan; secretary and treasurer, Ellen Cole; reporter James McCune. A feature of the election was the cloee voting for Mary Morgan received 27 votes. Lynn Greenwood and Vera Hurnt each 26 and Wanda Petty 25. The registration of the seminary is at present 154, a very good showing. The classes are progressing In a very creditable way, witn mucn interest being shown. In every re spect the seminary has prospects for a very successful year. election The student-bod- y vice-preside- TEAM U. P. TRACK TAKES HONORS Omaha. Sept. 28 Fourteen railchamways entered Sesqul-world- 's pionship here Monday. The Union Pacific trap team won world's railway 'championship, and also two additional medals for high gun and high run. With fifteen athletes winning 5 2 points the Union Pacific team took third place In the meet. Among the U. P. boys to have won honors were: Hoover won horseshoe; Wedberg, shotput; Hartley, third place In half mile, fourth place In quarter mile run; Danlelson, best on Mrack team. The Union Pacific lost In a hard fought baseball game. Semi-Annu- al Conference Salt Lake City, Oct 3 to 5 semi-annucon-- ' The ninety-sixt- h ference of the Church of Jesus Saints will conChrist of Latter-da- y vene In the tabernacle at Salt Lake City, Utah, on Sunday, October 3rd. 1926, at 10 o'clock a. m., continuing with sessions on Monday and October 4th and 5th. The general priesthood meeting will be heM at the tabernacle on Monday night, October 4th, at 7 o'clock. al Tu-da- y. |