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Show TUJC PAGE SIX TlilES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH S. LOCAL NOTES More People Rid Tires On Miss Margaret Gadd left Wednesday for Los Angeles, California, where she will enjoy a vacation. Goodyear You know you have the best in quality and appearance PATHFINDER BALLOONS OO X r rr D.W t ,.... three-week- 's CO George WoodrufT, Joe Woodruff, Miss Thelma Schneider and Miss Thelma Preston of Salt Lake City, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gibson, Sunday. 2 $10.25 $20.45 $33.60 GRACE MOTOR CO. NEPHI, UTAH Goodyear Heavy Tourist and Regular Tubes BUILDING ON MAIN STREET, AND ARE BETTER EQUIPPED TO GIVE YOUR CARS THE NECESSARY REPAIRING. Mr. and Mrs. Erva Andrews of this city and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ferguson of Eureka, left Monday for a trip through Yellowstone National Park. Mrs. Ferguson was formerly Miss Deon Blackett. 3 AlLllMIYB Hf ZERK TYPE WE INVITE THE PUBLIC TO VISIT OUR NEW SHOP AND GIVE US A CHANCE TO DEMONSTRATE CUR FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP. Supt and Mrs. H. Karl Hopkins of Ogden, James Bickett and Jessie OUR MOTTO IS Kruger, editor and assistant editor respectively of Chicago American; Mrs. James P. Buckett and Mr. Kimball, Instructor of Manual training in Ogden City schools, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sperry, Jr. Wednesday of this week. The party is on way to Bryce and Zions Canyons and Grand Canyon. for FORDS "VTO W you can have the same positive high pressure lubrication that most higher priced cars enjoy. It will save you five times its cost in one year. WE ARE NOW LOCATED IN OUR NEW GARAGE Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Carter, Aliases Ireta and Lillian Carter, Harry and Jack Carter, returned home Wednesday from Vernal, Utah, where they enjoyed a short visit wwlth Mr. and Mrs. Will Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burton.' Other Sizes In Stock Compressor and com. plete tet of fcx"CA 17 fitting! "QUICK SERVICE" AT THE THEATRE $0 "Wild, Wild Susan." a Paramount comedy of laughs and thrills starr ing Bebe Daniels and coming to the Venice Theatre on Saturday, is laid against a background of New York City, scenes including Riverside Drive near Grant's Tomb, the Leviathan's Pier, Washington Square, interior of the Park Lane. New York's newest hotel, and scenes outside the Hotel Astor in Times Square, The story is an adaption bv Tom Geraghty of "The Wild, Wild Child." Dy htewart Emery, which ran In Lib erty and brings Bebe to the screen as a vivacious society girl. Like all girls with pep and leisure. Bebe. as Susan Van Dusen, craves a "career" and seeks out a Job as detective and then Is assigned to locate the mlssinar son of a wealthy man. Rod La Roc-qu- e, featured opposite the star, is really the young fellow in question. it s an a put up job so he might he SILVER MAPLE SERVICE UTAH NEPHI, HUMS IPnoMaQg vacation.- - PATHFINDER CORDS 30 x$y2 Clin 32x4 S. S 33x5 S. S. IT The Misses Mabel and Sadie How- 0 PJl." 1 55. ard returned home from Rexburg, Idaho, Friady, where they have en Joyed a very pleasant $15.00 $23.40 . . 31x5.25 EE Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pexton of Salt Lake City enjoyed a short vacation In Nephi this week, where they visited with relatives and friends. Than Any Other Kind 29 x 4.40 Friday, July 2nd, 1926 , A ROYAL ENTERTAINER PERFORMS 111' ' near Bebe, An old song Is the theme of an other feature of the program. The name of the song is "Stay In Your Own Back Yard" and the name of the picture is "Your Own Back Yard". Those responsible for this celluloid edition of the famous pickaninny ballard are none other than "Our Gang," who need no introduction to the movie fans. This latest effort of the kids In the business of creating amusement Is said to be one of their best and will no doubt be welcomed by those who see it. fun-lovin- I Br 3 ' H t'y A WJl .1 uni nnnmri in --- , rvia. ; ;; v---X W' " """ ' 1 George B3 ' " , Amir Bui. a genuine East Indian conjurer, produces a Liberty Bell from reporter's hat. He ts one of the artists In the India Building at the International Exposition, which opened In Philadelphia June to Di e. briber I to celebrate the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of ths a Scsqul-Centennia- l 1 lgnii.g of the Declaration Hello11 Folks of Independence SILVEIVTOWN ON Great News! We just received a large shipment of Goodrich Tires. By ordering in large quantities we bring you these high grade tires for less money. Tune in on the savings mvtitiowwi ow vourv Western fans will have a gala time when Art Acord's latest feature, "The Terror," Is presented. Thin rapid moving drama of tho West with its cowpuncher hero Is one which gives Acord an opportunity to display his horsemanship, roping ability, fighting prowess and acting skill to the best adwantage. at the Theatre starring vehicle. & Service Ncphl, Utah j I To-da- ca The story has a plot of great sus pense, with Acord posing as a bandit and living with bandits In an ef fort to break up the gang. E. Richard Schayer wrote the story directly for the screen, and Clifford Smith, the noted Western director, had charge of the picture. A noted supporting cast includes Velma Connor, former Zlegfleld Follies girl, Dudley C. Hendricks, C. K. Anderson, Edmund Cobb, Jess Peffabach, and Hank Bell. xald the father to the daughter, "that when you marry, you and your husband will live with us and let me take care of you." Cincinnati Enquirer "I and Eng hope." Wonnam in Massachusetts Calls it w3 Washing pool " "Wm. it does my whole hamper of clothes quicker than my daughter can do the dishes." You've never seen anything like it before. "Never been anything like it." Years ahead Tub after tub of clean clothea 3 minutes, 4 minutes, never more than 7 minutest In an hour twice as many clothes as other washers. For dainty things ods cannot equal it. even hand meth- And for pieces that are really downoverright dirty a pair of grease-cakealls, for instance, right off the garage floor lift them out in ten minutes clean enough to mingle with fine linentl d y by an exception Amerli-- -- The Ananias Club eve, 1814. ts notable In lilsi.iry as the duy on which the Peace Thlx brought or Client was signed. (lirlstmas the war between Innd to an end. S ! Treaty of Ghent Earth' Many Pole The earth has six Imaginary poles, the geographic north :id south poles the mngnetlc north nml Mouth poles and north and south poles of cold or points of lowest temperature. who ally fine cast and plays In a picture of utmost Interest Jammed with thrills common In the fearless West, according to those who have been privileged to see previews of this JUDD'S GARAGE Sales AUTO WASHING ACETYLENE WELDING GAS, OILS AND ACCESSORIES plays Caesar in the Fox Films production. "The Palace of Pleasure," coming to the Venice Theatre Wednesday and Thursday, has been in the motion picture business fifteen years, seven of which were with D. W. Griffith as actor and Seigmann began his career with Biograph. but went almost Immediately with "D. W." appearing in and aiding the direction of "The Birth of a Nation." "Hearts of the World," "Intolerance," "Broken Blossom" and other He Is supported we offer. Eitrx Seigmann, AUTO REPAIRING productions. Betty Compson and Edmund Lowe head the cast of "The Palace of Pleas ure." Others In the picture, which 1b directed by Emmett Flynn, are Henry Seigmann, Nina Ramano, Harvey Francis McDonald, Sammy Blum and Jacques Rollens, THE We've Got Some Hudson " g F. W. BRYAN, PROP. 9 Outstanding Maytag Featuree 1 2 I 4 Washes fatter. Washes cleaner. Largest hourly capacity in the world. Most compact washer made 4 - Easily adjusted to your height. 7Clothes can be put in or taken out with the washer running. 8Tub cleans it- only 25 inches square. Cast aluminum 9- takei floor space 5 t u b c a n 't warp, rot, swell, aplit or corrode. - Try it wash with the Maytag Gyrafoam Washer in your own home NOW while the Maytag man is here demonstrating. No obligation at all. - self. - All metal wringer. Se If adjusting. In- stant tension release. m Gyrafoam Washer OWITH CAST ALUMINUM TUB Reasons for World UaOerehlp FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION'cALL" James E. Carter SslfSr2" |