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Show f ANNUAL JUAB CO. FAIR TO BE HELD DIAMOND JUBILEE AND HOME COMING SEPT. 15, 16, and 17th The Times, Vol. SEPT. A "Correct" Likeness of Washington EXCELLENT PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR NEXT MONDAY, JUNE 28TH I Mayor Thomas Bailey Will NEPHI WINS CLASSY Monday, June 28th will be the 150th anniversary of the day the Declaration of American Independence, drafted by and in the hand writing of Thomas Jefferson, was first presented to the Continental Congress. At 11:11 a. m, a bell may be rung by the President of the United States in Washington. At the same time each Governor and Mayor may do likewise in their respective States and Cities, the Mayor of Philadelphia ringing the Liberty Bell. The ringing of these bells will be the signal for the ringing of bells in schools, churches and everywhere throughout the Nation as the "Echo of the Liberty Bell." 10, No. 26 FA R GROUNDS $5, 000 IS APPRO Ring Bell At 11:11 a. m. Ceremony To Be Held In Front of Court House. and 17th The News, Vol. Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Friday, June 25th, 1926 16, No. 26. 15, 16 Iff fjmx GAME WEDNESDAY TWENTY ACRES BELONGING TO J. S. OSTLER TO BE PURCHASED f! .r Three - eighth's Mile Race Track, Baseball Diamond, RECORDS TO BE MADE Grandstand and Exhibition ..-i- AUDIT OF COUNTY Buildings To Be Built. The Nephi baseball team won the snappiest and most exciting game played here this season, Wednesday afternoon. The score was 7 to 6. started the scoring in the second inning of the game. Coming from be hind in the third inning on a 3 to 1 score, Nephi pushed to the front with four runs, making the score 5 to 3. In the fifth American Fork brought in three more runs. The county commissioners approfor improve$1,330.79, ments at the county court house. This money will be used for the payment of the improvements that have been made recently, these include) the repainting of the outside of the building, and the repainting, papering and rewiring on the inside. These improvements add considerable to the looks of the courthoust, and also years to the life of the building. Seven hundred and fifty dollars of county money was appropriated for a special audit of county records This audit will be and accounts. made the latter part of the year, so when new officers take over the business of the county on January first, next, all county books will be turned over to them in first class shape. priated Bos-we- ll AMERICAN FORK B. H Barnes, If Bennett, 3b Homer, rf 5 4 2 0 A J . h'y i W:,.' i If mm. Ms -- i The Board of County Commis sioners of Juab County at a special meeting held last Saturday, appropriated five thousand dollars for the purchase and improvement of a county fair grounds. The money will be used in buy. ing a twenty acre tract of land, which belonds to J. S. Ostler, and is located below the Union Pacific Railroad tracks on Third West This land Street. extends from Center Street to South Second Street. J. H. Carter made a survey of the 5 Durrant, cf property last Tuesday and a drawing 5 Holmstead, ss will be sent to Emil Hansen, land4 E. Chipman, c ' : 5 scape artist, at the Utah Agricult3 lb The American Independence Week Ingersoll, ural College, who will outine a plan 2 2b Bench, of beautification. The Fair Board committee have arranged a suitable Dodge, p 3 A i o i : program for that day, to commence Miller, p plans on building a 1 . mile race tract, a base ball diamond, at 10:45 a. m., in front of the county Austin, 2b 1 court house. grand stand, exhibition buildings, " ' PROGRAM ARRANGED and stables for the showing of liveI The program Is as follows: 38 9 24 15 ; Totals I stock. Due to the lack of time, it Is NEPHI Salute .Battery "E" 145th F. A FOR "WHEAT DAY" not definitely decided what buildB Selection, "America" ings will be built for this year's fair, 5 Nephi High School Band B. Petty, If to present plans, but according 3 5 b "Echo of the Liberty Beli"....Mayor Cowan. work will be commenced in the near Thomas Bailey will ring a bell at (Continued on page eight) The was which committee I appoint- future on the race tract, and it is I i , 11:11 a. m., after which all bells ed to arrange a suitable program for also that a grand stand will in the city will be rung. "Wheat Day" met in the city hall be thought for the fair. FLAGS WILL DISPLAY ready Immediately after the ringing of the last Tuesday evening, and arranged bells, a color guard, composed of a tentative program for this annual ON MAIN STREET members of the local guard, under event. The morning program in 1 :i . command of Lieut. S. E. Forrest, 1 cludes a horseshoe pitching contest. KIWANIANS IN FAVOR ; will present the American Flag in together with other sports, while the An front of the gathering Everyone afternoon will be taken up in a trip made beare being Arrangements will salute the flag, and pronounce tween over the famous JpbJLeyan tidge. of a and number Nephi City ' the "Patriot's Pledge of Faith." the business Tt"5ven!ng's-"prOgracalls for a .reea whwreby fifty LIU The pledge is. as follows: behind old Mt. Nebo where a Dr. Burr, of the U. S. Department a twelve foot trip with American Flags, of commander-in-chietn of th first armies f "I do hereby pledge and declare my staff, will be used to decorate Main heroic statue of the will be served, followed by of Agriculture, who has been doing this luncheon sincere belief and devout faith In the Street. These flags are 4 by 6 feet United States was made for the city of Portland, Oregon, though not yet deliv- a excellent program. According to work at the Nephi Exartist. The western municipality has loaned it to the the committee this year's program experimental fundamental ideals of my country so all wool. are to be erected on ered there by the International for the past perimental 1 They Juoe in Philadelphia to world the Exposition, opening by the inside bravely proclaimed will be the best yet. A number of two years, was the speaker at the to holes of the crub, edge 150 of American 1. Independto celebrate years and continuing until December the immortal signers of the Declara- be drilled into the cement, for hold leaders in agriculture of the state regular Kiwanis club luncheon MonRhOWn FomMO UODDIIIL U16 SCUtDlOr. It Ihs font nt ha unit! ntlim tion of American Independence; and will be in attendance. as is The them day. Dr. Burr discussed the work plan adopted jJe Waldo Poe. of Portland, declares the face to be the most correct in their words and noble spirit 'we ing will drill the Df he was doing, and stated that at prefollows: City Nephi modeled. ever of our our likeness to Washington each other lives, pledge bussent he was making a survey of and the for holes flags, holding fortunes and our sacred honor' to iness men and individuals will pay SCHOOL BUDGET plants that were natives of this parFOR the support of those ideals; and as a for the ticular district. flags. They will be ererted token of my sincerity and as an evi on the three The idea of getting a sign board blocks of the business 1926-2- 7 TO BE PASSED dence of my gratitude for the bless section. will be about at the These flags county line, in ings which that immortal document the same as a number of the Utah Salt Creek Canyon, was discussed, Mrs. D. went down has assured to all Americans, I do came E. Mr. Park Miss and Anderson Edna and a committee was appointed to county towns have at present, and from hereby make this contribution for will Salt Lake City Monday, and to Payson, Utah, Sunday, where they A special meeting of the Board of meet with the county commissioners much to the attractiveness add the of in Monticello, the preservation will enjoy a two week's vacation attended the funera of Mrs. Park's Education of Juab School District and recommend that a sign be erecttown. home of Thomas Jefferson, as a Na- of the Nephi. the guest of her mother Mrs. grandmother. will be held tomorrow night (Satur- ed at the head of the canyon similiar tional Memorial to the author of the Betsy Anderson. day) June 26th, for the purpose of to the one of the Utah-Jua- b county Declaration of Independence and as Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Golden is adopting the budget which provides line. The matter of getting a better a Patriotic Shrine for the Children BUSINESS HOUSES TO last Miss Iris Brough entertained with relatives and friends in the necessary revenue to operate the sign at the North entrance of Nephi of America." at an informal 10 o'clock visiting Tuesday was also discussed. schools for the school year 1926-2The club also Lake Salt City this week. BE OPEN WEDNESDAY breakfast in honor of Miss Clara After the Pledge, "The Star SpangAccording to Chapter 29, Laws of suggested that the sign at the forks led Banner" will be rendered by the Hobbs. American beauty roses dec1925, the Supt. of Schools of the canyon be removed, it being John Rollo, former resident of Utah, band. orated the dining room and breakmust prepare a budget, which must misleading, as there was no city park s visited the office in this city fast table. Ten guests were present. Nephi, All business houses submitted to and passed by the behind Mt. Nebo. Wednesday. Mr. Rollo was on his be Board of Education, and in accordJ. E. Lunt presided at the lunch next will remain Wednesday open JUDD-POWEL- L Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jones, aud way to Los Angeles. VISIT ance with this law the school board eon, and musical numbers were renafternoon, (June 30th,) on account Mrs. Hosmer Grace, motored Salt to will hold a special session tomorrow dered as follows: two cornet solos. of Monday, July 5th. being observed Bishop and Mrs. Thomas Bailey night for this purpose. UTAH COUNTY TOWNS as a National Holiday. The game at Lake City, Thursday. L.Mr. and Mrs. Rex Chritsensen, two piano solos. Jones, re- went to Salt Lake City, Thursday, parents of E. Miss Melba Anderson. The attend Springville today, completes the first Jones, mediMrs. receive will after where Lake to Salt turned Bailey Thursday, ance prize, which was awarded by half of the baseball schedule, and it treatment. cal la not known as yet, whether or not Attorney Will L. Hoyt, was MISS BROUGH HOSTESS County City Councilman O. R. Judd and a baseball game wm ne neia nere won by Gerald Pyper. Electrician Ray Powell visited 'Slty AT CANYON PARTY a number of towns in Utah county next Wednesday. Wednesday, where they studied the FREE HEALTH CLINIC power and light rates, that are being Bracken's Entertain charged in these towns, with the Thursday, Iris Brough entertain At Canyon Party WAS BIG SUCCESS view of determining whether or not ed at a canyon party at the Brough lower or were rates higher Nephi of Miss Clara Hobbs, cabin in honor than rates charged by Utah Power The Babcock Varsity Players will portunlty to see some of the recent Frank Hobbs, and Clarence Hobbs. and Light and other power Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Braken enterOne hundred and twenty-twchil the New York comedy suc- plays which are outstanding success- Dancing was the feature of the eve present tained Saturday evening at a din- cess "Kempy" here on Monday nlfht, es and which are really good drama. ning. At 11 o clock luncheon was dren were examined at the free ner at their Summer home In the June 28th, at the Venice theatre. .Many which are presented by stock served to the following: Mr. and health clinic held in the high school Canyon, complimentary to a number This group of players are graduate companies, which stop at Salt Lake Mrs. A .F. Bracken, Mr. and Mrs. A. building Wednesday and Thursday of out of town friends. Covers were students of the department of dram- City, are successful from the NEPHITE WEDS GIRL J. Crapo, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pax of this week. All the children exam Mrs.1 Ava atic arts at the laid for the following: ined were but are not wholesome and man, Mr. and Mrs. John L. age. The clinio of Utah, University Califorrne piays Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Schofield, was conducted by Drs. Beckstead and FROM AMERICAN FORK Richardson, of Long Beach, and have had several year's exper- upiuung entertainment, nia; Mrs. Stella Slack, of Superior, ience In professional stage work. which have been selected by the Mr. O. B. Hall of Trovo, Mr. J. S. Allred. who were assisted by a num Arizona; Mr. and Mrs. W. II. War- They have very Babcock Varsity Players are of the Sharp, Jr., Miss Bernlce Madsen of ber of Nephi women. completed jut at the Salta Lake ner, of Logan, Utah; L. W. Gardner, successful 8easn highest type and can be recommend Salt Lake Cily, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson A wedding of local Interest took of this city; and the host and hostHall Theatre, ed to those Interested In community Glazier, Miss Margaret Gadd and Stewart the Theatre, Lake City, ess, Mr. and Mrs. Bracken. place Wednesday in Salt The guests of SERVICE STAR LEGION and in cities around Salt Lake Cltv, welfare, recreational leadership and Warrlllow Brough. when Miss Laura Wilde of American now touring the states of civic betterment. Each of the play- honor, and the hostess. Miss Iris and are Fork, became the wife of Mr. Felt ers have had training in stage man- Brough. l IS ENTERTAINED ,""uu the entertained "u Mrs. Jack . Is Tolley The of this groom Golden city. . agement, play production and kindoi oeuer nramai . . tewm her at club Elite of the members Mrs. Joseph the son of Mr. and was enjoy Is personally selected by Professor red arts; and are ready and willing Golden, and for the past few years home Thursday. Sewing Maud May Babcock, who Is nation- to assist In any way In the presenta- Mrs. Bryan Entertains n Last Saturday, Mrs. J. W. has been employed by the Los Ange- ed during the afternoon, after which of fine tion of better entertainment In the known as a producer Woodbine Club, Thursday entertained the Gold Star les and Salt Lake railroad company, a delicious luncheon was served to ally state. Suggescities of various the with been associated having plays, twelve members and Invited guests. Mothers and Fathers at a well predoing construction work. the Washington Square and Province, tions and assistance will be rendered pared dinner. Covers were laid for town players of New York and Bost- to all who are working In ward Mrs. F. W. Bryan entertained the eleven guests. In the evening Mrs. communand 100 over dramatics, has on leadership, plays and produced Cream an 'Ice "Our Gang" held CENTRAL UTAH LKAilK Woodbine club at her home Thurs Pax man entertained the members of without Utah. charge; of entertainments, for ity the University Freeze' at the home of Miss Edith CLUB 8TANIHXO nd any questions or problems will day evening. The time was spent In the Nephi Chapter of the Service The play which they are presentlnlf Ord, where the following members comedbe answered wherever the needs aro sewing and social chat after which Star Legion. Music and games were In Nephi Is one of the finest immensely: themselves enjoyed Those enjoyed during the evening, refrehsments were served. after known. and made modern Pet. for the Won. Lost. stai?e, ies written Asenath Misses Flometta Kendsll. were:: Mrs. Stanley Jarrett which a delicious luncheon was serare present Babcock The Tlayers the 3 from 10 of Varsity whirlwind .769 a is Eureka Nelda laughter Mildred Sperry, Orover, D. Park ved. The rooms were decorated In 4 9 .692 moment the curtain rises until the appearing at Nephi under the auspic- Mrs. Will Allen. Mrs. E. Parkes, Ellen Cole, Martha Cowan, Provo R flags and flowers. Mrs. Mrs. James of Carter, Ralph committee es recreational of the 6 7 .538 end. Mary Morgan Wanda Petty, Alice Springville Mrs. Perry C. Hall, Mrs 6 7 .538 Improvement associa Stanley, The principal object of the summer the Mutual Cowan, Dorothy Haymond, Florence American Fork most Kate Worthlngton, Mrs. Jos. Worth ,Tr. and Mrs. Ernest Tolley of their will and 6 7 Babcock present .538 tions, of the Tlayers tour Heber Varsity Chase and the hostess Edith Ord with Ven- - Ington Mill the hostess Mrs. F. W Idaho Falls, Idaho, are vlrltlng In at the snd 8 communities 6 "Ketnpy" .335 rural play Is to give the popular Jean Cox and .Marian Skeen as Nephi Nephi this week. Uryun. 3 10 .231 the smaller cities of the state an op- - Ice theatre, Monday, next. Spanish Fork honored guests. -- 5 lis fc:p pjyA W4i XX UK y ffV in 1 three-eight- -- pH H :h I M ill VJ ill "t ? i kt1 w7 nn in nim, ur nrrrrn aiiina BLiitKttUriu m Dry-far- Sesqui-Centenni- - 111 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Juab-Sanpe- te 7. Times-New- : Babcock Varsity Players Coming To Venice Theatre Monday o box-offic- e, Scho-flel- d. pre-scho- Pax-ma- I |