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Show Friday, Mav 21st. THE 1926. A VIEBSIKSE TODAY ART ACORD in "THE SET UP" SATURDAY NORMA TALMADGE in GRAUSTARK" MONDAY and TUESDAY GENE STRATTON PORTER'S "KEEPER OF THE BEES" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY LON CHANEY in "Hunchback of Notre Dame FRIDAY JIMMY MORRISON in "THE ESCAPE" MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY AT 2:15 EVENING SHOWS STARTS AT 7 and 9 P. M. VIOLA STARTS AT PHOTOPLAYER 'i&AUBila)&$m The Codling NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- PAGE THREE Moth-Milli- on Dollar Pest THIS The State Department of Agriculture is conducting an intensive campaign for the more effective control of the codling moth in the apple and pear orchards of the state. This is part of a nation-wid- e campaign now being carried on in cooperation by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the various state agencies, fruit trade After thirty-fiv- e years suffering- with sciatic, rheumatism and lumbago, I was recommended to yo to Dr. E. Mansfield. Chiropractor; which I did. - in codling Adopt as a principle moth Bpraying the waging of an intensive fight against the first brood of larvae by any and all means, as better and more timely spraying, scraping, and banding of the trees, screening sheds, etc., which will assist in the elimination of the second and later broods and the necessity for late spray applications. For every first brood larva killed, there will probably be 10 less larvae of the second and 100 less larvae of the third brood. "Clean up the first brood and there will not be any second brood." Spraying operations: While spraying is the most important method of controlling the codling moth, there are other very important control measures which should not be negof lected. When about 90 per-cethe petals have fallen, start promptly the calyx spray. This is much the most important of ' all applications and failure to apply it or Imperfect work at this time cannot be corrected by later treatments. The tops of the trees are as a rule insufficiently sprayed. Use a tower on the spray After taking twelve adjustments ently cured. NEPHI, UTAH Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to SrV. The owner of a painted home is always proud to have his friends call. He knows that they will carry a good impression that they will think him a thrifty, prosperous man. Paint preaches prosperity and "broadcasts" pride in ownership. Bennett's Pure Paint will help your house look its best. Bennett's Pu e Paint is not only an investment prosperity it will actually increase the value of your property. Let us teii you how iitcie it wiil cot. in Cooper Pyper& Co. HEP HI, UTAH MILLINERY FOR SUMMER THAT'S DIFFERENT Whatever else may he said of summer Millinery styles, this one fact stands out above all others it must be different. Let WE CAN MEET YOUR NEEDS McCUNE MILLINERY 5, to 9. 7 33 fall varieties cannot safely be given the number of applications given winter varieties. In general spray applications given later than two to two and one-ha- lf months before harvesting are likely to result in dangerous spray residues which may result in the seizure of the fruit under the Pure Food and Drugs Law. REMEMBER (1) That much the best work in control of the codling moth can be done against the first brood. (2) To employ towers on the spray tanks and angle nozzles in order to reach the tops of the trees. (3) Spray the inside as well as the outside of the trees. (4) To have sufficient spraying machinery in good repair to thoroughly do the work, allowing for unfavorable weather, 'etc. (5) The arsenate of lead should be used at the rate of 1 to 1 pounds to 50 gallons of water or fungicide stickers or spreaders may be used for the first brood only. (6) That when late fungicidal applications are necessary the arsencial should be omitted. (7) For spray schedules and other details, to consult your county agent or district agricultural Inspector. t ; Pilgrims' Tune "The History of American Music" Mys that the Pilgrims used but five tunes for their psalmody. What those tunes were lias not been proved. "Old Hundred" and "York" were two of them; ' Hackney," sometimes called "St. Mary's," "Windsor" and "Martyrs" were probably the other three. Sincerity Among Friend speaking, among sensible seem that a rich that friend a sincere one not want to borrow his money, while among the less favored ith fortune's gifts, the sincere friend is generally esteemed to be the Individual who is ready to lend Generally persons, it man deems who does would First Spinach in Europe Spinach appears to have been Introduced into Europe through Spain The first by the notice of Its use as an edible vegetable occurs In 1351 in a list of vegetables used by monks on fast days. Manro-Spaniard- Jbr Economical Transportations v himself turning over to Howard It was only a shoit time before he too the decision from V &r l Terrls Tork that Sid of New resultert in him being recng- And one has hut to look at Howard who Is the most religious user of blown system, to realize that It Is a nu cess. 'Coal in Canada ston thnt would burn," at Nannlmo, on island, was known to the In dlatis living In Hint district. On Indian led n ll'idson's May company's official to Mip spot where "the Mark stone" was nnd this. In April, 1N.V). wns the di.roery of coal In Hrltlsh t'oluin bin. The lep"t i.f coal visited on that occHsliin was ui firirt of ti e site l!ie - i i't to u ;..i;i.iI.uj, I Powerful motor, and valve-in-hea- d famous tor Btnoothness economy. - gorelng." rhr presence of "the black II N , , nlzed as the bos of the lightweights. Howard's system Sammy Mandell. is unique in that 11 works no hardship on the athlete Unlike the sys who is in training. terns that have been used for years, this prominent and successfitl trainer of men makes conditioning more of a pleasure than a distasteful necessity. Instead of demanding that his men eat only certain things he advises them to eut what they want an1 when they want it as long us It it cooked In a pr. per Mr. Howard, In a recent in manner. terview on the subject of diet and con ditlon, snld, in part: "Years ago It wan a tusk, and an unpleasant one, for a boxer or a wrestler to train for a boui because he was forced to literally starve himself unless he wanted to eat steaks and chops at alj times. I re member that when I wa training for match, I was bo truly tired of steaks that I choked every time that I ate one but It was steak or nothing. 1 ad vise my men to diet at all times but II is perfectly possible for them to diet and. at the same time, to enjoy their food. My only 'don't' Is the one re carding the eating of such comblnH tions as fresh milk and cheese, anil fruit with cream. In fact, I advocatt the use of evaporated milk entirely. Vegetables fire fine and the more thai the nthlet eats the better he will be for It. Pastry, of certain kinds, such an homemade pies, enkes and cookies. If made correctly, and with pure butter, evaporated milk and pure lard, are very beneficial. Stews and bolls are a whole, any food, Ideal. Taken with a few exceptions. Is all right U properly cooked and eaten wlthoai Vn-come- us show you how well BANK, iv: Trainer W 4. , I DR. . MANSFIELD chiropractor OVER NEPHI NATIONAL nt Proud! feel perman- I Respectfully, VM. E. ROW BURY. (Signed) . deal of the credit for his meteoric rise to stardom Id the world of pugll-Ism- . When Mundell first started flglil-Inhe was small, weak and undeveloped, but after 5 A desire to see other sufferers helped, prompts me to make public my case. tank with spray rods and angle nozzles to cover the higher parts of the trees. Direct the spray downwards into the apple clusters, whether working from the tower or the ground. If the work for any reason has not been thoroughly satisfactory make a supplemental calyx spray crosswise to the first application, completing the work within the ten day period before the calyx lobes close. Omit fungicide, however, in the second calyr treatment. Apply two or three cover sprays for the first brood according to region. Make the first application as first eggs are about to hatch, which is in Utah about ten days after the calyr spray, the second just before the hatching of maximum eggs, and give the third treatment if the egg of Boxers laying period Is extended by irregular Gives Diet Hints emergence of moths, cool weather, etc. In general these cover sprays To Kid Howard of Chicago and his should go on at about two weeks innew system of training and condition- tervals. The first cover spray for secing, Sammy Man ond brood larvae can usually be givthe present en to winter varieties of apples exdell, lightweight boxing cept In regions where experience has champion of the shown this is likely to result in spray world, gives a great residue on harvested fruit. Early and W . ' Nephi, Utah, May 20. 1926. organizations, the insecticide industry, and others. The state and Federal Departments of Agriculture are anxious to assist in every way possible to insure more effective and safer spraying for the codling moth. It is firmly believed that the situa tion can be met if orchardists will seriously devote themselves to the problem and carry out their spraying operations in harmony with the latest advice of the Federal and state departments of agriculture. Observance of the following principles is emphasized as highly important. i ' transmisModern sion to assure easy, flexible handling. Fisher Bodv. of' ' ed and'ruggedness. Duco finish, and attractive. raflet Semi-reversib- steering le gear, safe. afters you tiiis lostrooa, lasting positive, easy to handle and rear axle, Ruggedbevel spiral driving-gea- rs with heavy ce and one-pie- banjo housing. Completely enclosed plate pedal action. disc-clutc- dry- -, with, light h Remy electric starting, lighting and ignition. Full balloon tires, demoont- able rims with spare rim. Alemite lubrication system lor chassis Flint, Midu C. moving SfflS wwiw"ir parts. instrument Complete panelfindodisg speedometer. Ask for a Demonstration . , 7 .A ll V ' Take one ride In the Improved Chevrolet and you will know more about how much aatomo- bile you can buy for little money than you could possibly learn in any other way. So smooth and so powerful is its performance that this car is a revelation m transportation. Come in! Arrange lor a ride today! V , i low-pric- ed Prices . . b. Hint, Mich. Tourintf - lWster - 510 Sedan 510 Coup 645 l"d Coach - 6-4- . . 73S Truck (ckt.ij ontv) 1 Ton Truck (iwiOu,j 2 so Smooth so Powerful 395 550 Grace Motor Co. NEPHI, UTAH QUALITY AT LOW COST |