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Show t 4 t A HOME t PAPER FOR ; - I HOME PEOPLE The Times, Vol. 15, f Nephi, Juab County. Utah Friday," October 9th. 1925 No. 39. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS OF CLUB DOES NOT CONTROL LANDS Duck Hunting Grounds At Mills Still Under Lease By Salt Lake Athletic Club-L- ocal Sports Can Join. TWO BIG FESTAL DAYS THE PAST WEEK The Seniors are working towards a high standard and planning for a year of hard work and plenty of fun. They discussed the class dues and decided on a fee of fifty cents. the The Seniors are to provide south side of the high school grounds with flowers and will try to have a satisfactory display. their The Juniors are showing stuff already. The girls are organizing their basket ball team. The boys will organize their team soon and they intend to do some work this year. They hope that the other classes will get busy and accept our item that appeared in the Fayson paper a week ago that the duck hunting grounds at Mills, Utah, were controlled by the Montague brothers of that city, and that a gun club composed of strictly Payson challenges. The Juniors are to provide the sports was being organized, appears to be somewhat untrue, and the facts flowers for one spot on the campus distorted according to a letter rece- and they don't intend to be beaten ived at this office from the president as to abeautiful display. of the Salt Lake Athletic club for The Sophomore class held a meetUnion Pacific employees. The letter which is self explanatory follows: ing Wednesday noon to discuss a "It is repored to us upon advice few important matters. They are from Vivian Montague of Payson, a getting quite a few class yells so they story- - was published that the Salt can be heard along with the rest. Lake Athletic club for Union Pacific They also decided about their class employees had turned our leases, fees. This year the Sophs intend to keep property, etc., over to the Montagues for the Payson Gun club. This is the class moving and have a great very untrue as we have never relin- amount of spirit in it. Everyone is quished any of our ground8 to the doing his best to put the class on the Payson club or Montagues, and do map. not expect to do so. The Freshmen class this year is The Montagues, by profession are of the most lively and up to trappers, and within the past month one( Vivian became quite ambitious to the minute class that has ever shown at the high school. They feel acquire some grounds in and around itself Mills for trapping purposes, and then sure that the class is laying the foun for a successful high school teh idea dawned upon him to organ- dation ize a gun club charging the mem- career. The class colors are purple bers $5, this for the purpose of fin- and gold. ancing his deal. There are no obrne start ror tne N. H. S. year jections to that, but what we dislike book was chosen Wednesday as fol is his boasts of so much more lands, lows: .Blanche Burton, editor; Kath- Mills at than he really has, and etc., the further fact that we have turned ryn Starr, associate editor: Eugene Ostler, business manager; Jack Winn grounds over to him. It is also our assistant business manager: Wayne the have the that Montagues opinion Sidwell, subscription manager; How idea that our club is ruled, owned ard Tanner, assistant subscription and controlled by the Union Pacific Wanda Petty, staff photo manager; some on in and that if he got System ; Ruth grapher ., drover, and.! Virginia that-hcould ...of ot; Mills, art editors; Erma Lunt, staff probably force us into paying lancy Clyde, In typist. price for some of hi8 options. this they are mistaken, as the Union The assembly program Wednesday Pacific does not own our club in any was furnished by the Senmorning, our club is for manner whatever iors. Nephi Chase; reading, Prayer, the employees and we are financing Florence Chase; vocal solo, Ellen it. We have leases on five or six solo dance. Norma Engar; thousand acres in the vicinity of .Mills Cole; Mr. W. C. Andrews. talk, and Juab and that covers some of (Florence Chase, Reporter) the best hunting grounds. Our club is not a closed organization we are permitting a few of the real sports BRYAN PETTY WINS along our line of railroad to acquire memberships and gladly welcome them. MEDALS FOR RUNNING Many of the boys at Provo, and Nephi are our members, and we are proud to have them with us. We are Bryan Petty received four medals not in the club business as a money making business as are the Montag Wednesday as a result of his running ues, but Just for good sportsmanship, ability at the recent tournament of and the upbuilding of the communit railroad employee3 held at Pocatello ies of Mills, Levan, Nephi, Burrast- - Idaho. Contestants from Omaha on, Mona, Payson and other places Kansas City, Seattle, Portland, and Our work in connectio with our club other places competed for the prizes. will bring the eyes of the world to Mr. Petty was successful in winning these various places, by the adver first place in the 100 yard dash, 2nd place in the 220 yard race; 2nd place Using we will put out from time to in the 50 yard dash, and was captain time through our Union Pacific Mag azine which has a circulation of close of the winning relay team in the 440 to 40.000 copies. If the Montagues yard race. and the boy8 at Payson are able to accomplish these things, all well and E. R. SHAW ATTENDS God speed them in their efforts. "In conculaion, we want the sports of Nephi and other towns to feel that RADIO CONVENTION they can become members of our club. We dont want any friction or ill feelings, and what we do is for the upbuilding and betterment of the Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Shaw towns through which the Union Pac- few days in Salt Lake City thisspent week ific operates." While there Air. Shaw, attended A. President. Cobb, Stephen convention of Atwater Kent Radio Jos Neville, assistant to President dealers from the states of Utah Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada, which was held in the Newhouse hotel M. I. A. PROGRAM Many Instructive talks were given according to Mr. Shaw, relating to In Atwater Ken SUNDAY EVENING the Improvements radio sets. A banquet was also on of the features of the convention. news - the-land- s e . The M. I. A. of the South ward will open for its season's work Sunday evening, October 11th at 7:30 p. m. The following program will be rendered. Reading, Miss Margaret Neville; Piano Solo, Miss Viola Starts; Violin Solo, Miss Helen Cowan; Remarks, Mr. Remarks, Miss Neva Booth; Clarence Warner. After the program the regular doss work will he taken up. Miss Klma Jones entertained the Juana Gleaner Girls nt her home The time was Tuesday evening. spent in sewing and social chat. Luncheon was served to the following: Kheta and Eva Sperry, Margaret and Bryan, .Marlon Hyper. Ruby Painter, Zelma Pay, Florence Sperry Mrs. Ida Beck, and Hie hostess Miss Jones. Hr-lir- COUNTY t t PAYSON GUN The DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF JUAB The Boni-Fid- e club met at th home of Mrs. V. Boswcll Thursday A. very enjoyable evening was spent In sewing after which a delicious luncheon was served to the follow ng: Mrs. Bertha Bowles, Mrs. Louise Ingram, Mrs. M. Howarth, Airs. J. Mecham, Mrs. Edna Harris, Mrs. Lydia Pass, Mrs. Sadie Harris, Mrs. Clara Morris, Mrs. Ella Tolley, Mrs. Ella Tolley, Mrs. Lorene Bowles, Mrs. Lucy Parkins, and the hostess Mm. Boswell. The News, Vol. 9, No. 39 SERVICE STAR IS TO GATHER FINANCES Entertainment To Be Given By South Ward; October 20th and 21st Dinner, Dancing Auction Sales, Theatre and and Programs To Be Features At Big Entertainment. Two days of joy making fostered every auxiliary organization in the ward and every member an active booster for the events in preparation by the South ward and scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, October 20th and 21st. Starting off dinner with a wonderful chicken garnished with all the trimmings on the first day; followed by a supper, and topping off with a big dance at the Arlington with programs and other features will keep things in a dizzy whirl until midnight. The second day will Include a dance for the children in the afternoon at the Arlington, including a In fishing pond and refreshments. the evening a three act play will be staged, with a program and vaudeville, also an auction sale. The motive which has prompted this effort is two fold in its nature. Primarily the object is to raise sufficient funds to finance the ward and all its auxiliary organizations for one year, and second to create a whole ward effort all working for a common cause and iricidently afford an excellent means of sociability and good fellowship. The budget committee has estimat ed that it will require about $600.00 to finance the ward and its auxiliaries for one year, which will be exclusive of the monthly visits made by the Relief Society. This will mean approximately, about eighty cents for .:" each person in the ward. The general committee having the entire function in charge is composed of the following: James W. Paxman, chairman: W. G. Orme, vice-cha- ir man ;E-.- . E,. Forrest, W.wBV Broujrh nt. J.V Lloyd Hobbs, J. W Paxman, and Calvin S. Smith. They will be assisted by several other com mittee numbering over eighty members. The greater part of the material for the dinner and supper will be donated by the members of the ward. Committees will canvass each home and products of all kinds will be acThe dinner will cost 50c cepted. and tickets will be on sale by the committee having this in charge several days prior to the date set for the affair. Tickets for children will be 25c for the supper. Members of the other two wards will be invited to come and buy their dinner, but no canvass for the sale of tickets will be made outside of the ward. The dinner will extend from 12 o'clock noon until about 3 p. m. and the supper from 5 p. m. until 8 p .m. This part of the program will be directly under the management of the Relief Society, assisted by the Gleaner and Junior Girls. Everybody is invited to participate in any or all of the events. Further particulars will be announced In this paper next week. by ( TO HOLD MEETING There will be a meeting of the Service Star legion next Wednesday afternoon, October 14th, at the Commercial club rooms at 4 p. m. The following program will be rendered: Talk, Mrs. Gerald Cazier; vocal solo, Mrs. Mabel Lunt; reading, Virginia Golden; piano duet, Rheta Sperry. and Elma Jones; reading, Florence Chase. JUDGESxOMMENT LEVAN M. I. A. The 1925 Juab County Fair was the first fair in the state to have its livestock judged by Professor Kenneth C. Ikeler, new head of the animal husbandry department of the Utah Agricultural College and Experiment Station. .Consequently unusual in terest attaches to hi8 report on the livestock' department of this fair which, has been filed with the Extension JService at Logan. " "The, fair as a whole," he reports "was very commendable for the first attempt,1 and it was well balanced as regards the exhibition of livestock. However, there are some suggestions I would offer as to how the fair might be improved another year: "In the first place, the exhibitors of livestock should have been encour aged to select their stock earlier and give It better attention. And then, too, I believe it would be strongly in favor of the exhibitors if they would actually put more time of how they wish to exhibit the stock in the ring. A great many of the classes were unbroken and had to be herded loose in the ring, and in the case of sheep and hogs, it was not possible to make the decisions as close as would like. Also, I would suggest tfcat the boys and girls club work be featured in a larger way if possible there seemed, to be considerable rtfferest in this work. Then last characterisict of a new fair, the classification was not concise "and H.-Ln- complete; therefore, considerable misunderstanding among the exhibit ors and even the superintendents." In his report on the agricultural department, which he Judged, Profes sor George Stewart, agronomist of the Utah Experiment Station, especially commends the educational exhibit prepared by A. F. Bracken, superintendent of the Nephi substation. This particular exhibit, on the time of cutting wheat, was very much the average, according to Professor Stewart. "There were two products of outstanding quality in the agricultural exhibits," the report shows. "These were wheat and mangles. Except Tor about three samples of sugar beets, all lots of beets shown were much too coarse and to large. The most outstanding need of the Juab County Fair is larger space to exhibit. "Although my Interest was In agriculture, I must mention the excellent exhibit In sewing and In cut flowers. I do not recollect having seen a greater Interest manifested by exhibitors." NEPHI CITY BUYS JUAB VALLEY TO BE DISCUSSED State Fish and Game Com missioner D. H. Madsen Will Be Here Tomorrow Night. Meeting At 8. p m. An important meeting will be held the Commercial Club rooms to morrow night at 8 p. m. to which all who are interested in the fish and game of this section are invited to attend. State Fish and Game The young men and young ladies mutual improvement associations have recently been with the following officers: Young men : President, Lorenzo first counseolr Edgar Mangelson; Christensen; second counselor, Leon ard Francom. Young ladies: president, Thelma Jackman; first counselor, Nettle Mangelson; second counselor, Lizzie Taylor; secretary and treasurer; Fern Bosh; assistant secretary, Iona Mortensen ; organist, Leona Peter son; assistant cganist, Elizabeth Mc Clure. The following program was rend ered Sunday evening, which was the ing season: Retold story, Deeha2Fe opening of the mutuals for the com ing season: Retold story Rex Taylor; vocal solo, Mrs. Grace Christensen: accompanied by Mis8 Norma Jensen on the violin; talk on mutual slogan Clark Wood; vocal duet, Edna And erson and Earl A. Beck, accompan led by Elizabeth McCIure; violin solo Norma Jensen; Leola Christensen, accompanist; piano duet, Leora Pet- erso and Elizabeth McCIure. Commissioner D. II. Madsen will be here to talk to those assembled, and many matters of imporance will come up for discussion, chief of which will be the elk situation on Mt. Nebo. Members of the Commercial and Kiwanis clubs and other civic organizations are urged to attend in order that a fairly accurate gauge of public opinion can be ascertained relative to several questions that will come before the meeting. JUAB COUNTY EXHIBIT TAKES SECOND PRIZE The exhibit sent to the state fair this county was successful In winning 2nd place in the third division. This "is the first time for many years that this county has had an exhibit at the state fair and considering the limited time for preparation a most creditable showing was made. Coun ty agent Smith had the exhibit In charge. by Miss Florence Chase entertained at a "Lotto" party Saturday evening. The time was pleasantly spent and Misses refreshments served to the follow- Miss Leola Christensen, who is at tending the B. Y. U. spent the week- end with her parents here. Edna and Norma Jensen" of Falls," IdaTio, were her jguests., Idaho ing:. Aaenatb Grover, Dorothy i Sonny Aagard and Mrs. Nora Algier were united in the holy bonds Of matrimony the past week. We wish them success. Hay-mon- d, Mildred Sperry,1 Vanda Pef- ty, Flometta Kendall, Alice Cowan. Martha Cowan, Ellen Cole, Majorie Berger, Nelda Parkes, and the hostess Florence Chase. - Later a slum ber party was held at the home of Miss Alice Cowan. served. The last of a series of Kensingtons was given by the Ladles Literary club Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. G. M. Whltmore. The com mittee having the entertainment In charge was composed of Mrs. G. M. Whltmore. Mrs. W. C. Andrews. Mrs. ueo. A. Sperry, Mrs. E. M. Greenschool will be abandoned as the wood, and the Misses Lula and Ber Pinner wa served school district have purchased an in- tha McPhcrson. terest In this property In order to at e p. m. the table decorations con of autumn leaves and flow enlarge the school campus, and also sistlng ers. In addition to the committee to Improve the same in the other members present were: with the city for a park. Mrs. S. B. McCune. Mrs. E. R. Forrest. Mrs. T. W. Allred, Mrs. M. L Sowby, Mrs. Dennis Wood. Mrs. P. B COURT ADJOURNED Cowan, Mrs. W. F. Brough, Mrs. I. M. Petty. Mrs. T. H. Burton. Mrs. UNTIL OCTOBER 19TH Wm. Bailey. Mrs. Alberta Belllsfon. Mrs. Rose, Miss Neva Booth. Miss Pearl Allen. Miss Ida Parkes. and Mrs. 3. W. Ellison. . orJudge T. II. Burton Issued an der this week adjourning the opening of court here until Monday, Oct- JUNIOR GIRLS ober the H9h. The date originally ARE ENTERTAINED fixed for this term of court was October 10th. At the meeting of the City Council last Thursday evening arrangements were made for the purchase of about two acres of land owned by Mr. E. Tanner, situated near his home in the west part of the city. As soon as the new camp ground is made ready, the present one near the high came s. R. The Junior Girls of the North ward were entertained at a picture show party by their teachers Mrs. Elsie Sidwell. and Mrs. Sylvia Peters. The evening was enjoyed by all who attended. " The program Friday in the Levan high school was given by the student body officers: piano solo. Edith WEEKLY BUDGET OF Peterson; Retold story, Louis Moore, song. Eva Stephenson, Piano solo. MONA HAPPENINGS Francis Benedict; song, Jessie Morgan; Talk on "School Spirit", Mr. song, Venice Malmgren; Budge; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Piatt are accompanied by Heneretta Christensen; cornet solo, Ernest Sorensen; spending the week in Salt Lake City. jokes, Cecil Schow; piano solo. Alice Beard. Bishop and Mrs. Raphael Garfield Mr. and Mrs. Elgy EUertson, Mrs. J. A student body meeting was held W. Vest and Lorenzo Webb, were a- in the assembly room of the Levan mong the visitors at the General Conschol and the following officers were ference at Salt Lake City. elected: president. Ernest Sorensen: vice president, Cecil Schow; secreFred Nance has gone to Salt Lake tary, and treasurer, Edith Peterson; City where he has accepted employ- -' athletic manager, Louis Moore: yell ment. master, Eva Stephenson; social com mittee wa, chosen as follows: Mr. Mrs. Affie Slnims of Garfield and Budge from the faculty; Jessie Mor Mrs. Elolse Chritiansen of Salt Lake gan, tenth grade; Alden Bosh, ninth spent a few days here this week vis grade; Venice Malmgren, eigth iting with their sister Mrs. Mavel grade; Donald Bosh, seventh grade. Carter. The Levan high school and grade Mr. and Mrs. Hebert Molyneux of LADIES LITERARY CLUB teachers enjoyed a horse back ride Eureka, were visiting Mona relativ Chicken Creek canyon Monday es this week. HOLD KENSINGTON up afternoon. A camp fire supper was CAMPING GROUND Wyom-Mr- IN n ON COUNTY FAIR SELECT OFFICERS . Miss Asenath Grover entertained a few girl friends at a candy pull at her home Saturday evening. The Miss Viola Worth In gton following were present: Majorie Ber ger, Alice Cowan, Dorothy Haymond, down from Trovo yesterday. Florence Chase. Flometta Kendall, Wm. Patten of Evanston, Martha Cowan. Ellen Cole. Nelda Parkes, and the hostess Asenath Ing, visited with his mother, II. Patten this week. Grover. GAME CONDITIONS Mrs. Isaac Kay and Mrs. H. B. Kay are In Mt. Pleasant, having been Mrs. Manse E. Jennings entertain- called there due to Illness of their ed a number of her friends at her aged mother. home Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Yates, and Mrs. Hoyd Mcpherson formerly Mrs. Lnvern Carter are visiting reMiss Chlora Pierce of Levan. was the latives at Oakley, Utah. honored guest at a shower given by some of her friends at Mills, where Amaza L. Green and daughter A crowd of Pearl are attending conference and they are now living. young people from here attended the visiting In Salt Lake city, this week. social. on Mem Newton was surprised Mrs. Seymour Rosequlst entertainA her birthday, Tuesday evening. ed a large crowd of her friends Wed jolly time was had playing games, nesday afternoon In honor of her after which refreshments were serbirthday. Dainty refreshment,, were ved to the following boys and girls: served and a good time enjoyed by Ida and Erma Shepard, Ida Kay, all. Beatrice Williams, Kathryn Kay, Agnes Newton, Norma Molyneux, Thursday night after band practice Velma and LaVere Evans. Natalie the band boys enjoyed a melon bust. EUertson, Alvle Young. Reed Houghton, Murlln Kay, Kenneth Shepard. The playground equipment, recent and Ervin and Mern Newton. ly installed at the Ievan school has A birthday party was given been the center of atractlon for both for Sarah Kay Tuesday evening at the young and old. home of her parents. Games were The first regular Relief Society played and punch and cake was sermeeting of the season was held ved to a number of her little friends Tuesday. Itors in Salt Lake: Bishop Peterson, Bert Hansen Is traveling In Neb Ray Francom, Edgar Christensen, raska representing the Globe .Milling Ruby Tunbrldge. Mr. and Mrs. LorCo. enzo Mangelson. Hyrum Christensen, Louise Shepherd, and Mr. and Mrs. The following were conference vis Owen Francom. |