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Show THE notice venue sale of ok REAL ESTATE Whereas, Juab County has received Auditor's Tax Deeds for the real estate hereinafter described, which said real estate has been heretofore sold to it for delinquent taxes for the year 1920 and the time provided by law for redeeming said real estate in said deeds described has expired Now, Therefore, notice hereby given that in pursuar ie di Section 6056 of thff Compiled Laws of Utah 1917 a attended by Chapter 140 of the Session Laws of Utah, 1921, the undersigned,' the Board of County Commissioners of Juab County, State ff TTtah will nffor fni. dqIq at TMiHIif outuua to me mgnesi oiaaer ior .cash, at the front door of the Coun.. Court House, at Nephi City, Juab county, &iaie ot uian, tne real es. tate hereinafter referred to, being those certain lots, tracts, or parcels of real estate situated in Juab Coun. ty, Utah, particularly described as follows to wit: t v , NEPHI CITY Tax Sale No. 1, Sarah E. Cole, SV2 of Lot 3, Blk 4, Plat "A" Tax Sale No. 2, John Belliston, Tax Sale No. 1 y 6. Niels Aagard. Beg 40 rds N of S W cor of S W hi; Th N 20 rds. E 80 rds. S J20 rds. W 80 rds to beg Sec 26, TWp 14 S Range 1 W containing 10 acres Tax Sale No. 199 H. A. Crane, (with personal property attached) SW14ofNE1i;Sec26 Twp 14 S Range 1 W containing 40 acres. Tax Sale No. 200, Jena Aagard, Beg 20 rds N of S W cor of S W 14 ; Th N 20 rds. E 80 rds. S 20 rds. W 80 rds to beg. Sec 26, Twp 14 S, Range 1 W containing 10 acres. Tax Sale No. 245, F. L. Peterson, S E 14 Sec 2, Twp 15 S Range 2 W containing 160 acres. Tax Sale No. 250, Milton H. Brin.. ton, Lots 13..14..15..34..35..36..37 and 56 Sec 6, Twp 16 S Range 1 W containing 321 acres. Tax Sale No. 25 9, Harrison M. EdE 14; Sec 29, Twp 16 wards Jr S. Range 1 W containing 160 acres Personal Property added. Tax Sale No. 155, Carrie C. J. Crane, Beg at N W cor of S W 14 Th E 26 rds 6 ft.; Th S 9 rds 3 ft. th W 26 6 ft. th N 9 rds 3 ft to beg. With 6 shares water $150.00 Sec. 30 Twp 14 S. Range 1 E containing 1 acre. Tax Sale No. 261 Great. Western Live Stock and Development Co. N W 14 of S W 14 Sec 3, Twp 13 S Range 8 W. containing 40 acres. Tax Sale No. 267, Mary L. Pierce, Lots 2..3 Sec 15 Twp 16 S Range 1 W containing 5 4 acres. Tax Sale No 268, J. W. Ellison Jr. S E 14 of S W 14 Sec. 4, Twp 14 S Range 1 W containing 40 acres Tax Sale No. 285, Wm. G. Wag-sta- ff, Lots..38..39-55..5Sec 6 Lots 4 Sec 7, Sests 6 and 7 Twp 13 16 S Range 1 W containing 320 Beg. 4 rda. 21 Iks. S. of N. E. cor. of sd. lot 4; th. S. 4 rds. 21 Iks. W. 13 rds. N. 4 rds. 21 Iks. E. 13 rds. to beg. Except a parcel on W. end deeded to Henry Forrest and Des. as: Beg. 80 ft. S. of N. W. cor. sd. lot 4; Th. E. 38 Th. S. 18 ft. Th. S. W'ly to pt. 31 ft. S. from place of beg; Th. N. 31 ft, to place of beg. Lot. 4, Blk. 20 Plat "A" Tax Sale No. 6. Richard Jenkins, Beg. at N. E. cor. of sd. Lot 2 th. S. 6 rds. to center of creek; N. W'ly down creek to N. line of sd. lot E. acres. 4 rds. 1 Iks. to beg. Lot 2, Blk. Tax Sale No. 286, t. 8..9-12..- 32 Plat "A" Tax Sale No. 7. Wm. C. Andrews, All of Lot 3, Blk. 32, Plat "A" Tax Sale No. 27, Elias Warwood, with personal property added. All of lot 1 with 1 sh. water lots 1..3..4 Blk. 18, Plat "C". Tax Sale No. 32, C. E. Longhney, W. Lot 2, Blk. 27, Plat "C". Tax Sale No. 34, Annie M. Hodge, Of Lot 1 with k sh. water S. lot 1 Blk. 6, Plat "D". Tax Sale No. 37, Alfred Orme, All of Blk. 32 with 3 sh. water Blk. 32, . Plat "D". Tax Sale 38. Charles J. Sperry, All of lots 1 and 2 with 3..4 shares water lots 1 and 2 Blk. 43 Plat "D". MOXA TOWN Tax Sale No. 293. Elias Molyneux, Lot 3, Block 16, Plat "A". LEVAX TOWN . Tax Sale No. 64. Niels Aagard, 1 share of water Lot 4, Blk. 38, Plat "A". Tax Sale No. 70. Jas. P Stephen., sen, Lot 3, with 1 share water. Lot 3, Blk. 44, Plat "A". Tax Sale No. 72. Sophia Thyger.. son, Lot 3, Blk 46, Plat "A". Tax Sale No. 74. Mrs. Carrie C. McFarlane, Lots 1..4, Blk. 53, Plat "A". Tax Sale No. 75. H. A. Crane, Lot 3, Blk. 53, Plat "A". Tax Sale No. 79. Augustus W. Tunbridge, Lot8 1 and 2 with 1 sh. water Blk. 7, Plat "B". JUAB SCHOOL DISTRICT Tax Sale No. 142. Niels Aagard, Beg. 80 rds. E. and 16 rds. N. of N. W. cor. of S. E. hi; Th. N. 32 rds. E. 80 rds. S. 32 rds. W 80 rds. to beg. Also Beg. 30 rds. E. and 26.67 rds. S. of N. W. cor. of S. E. M ; Th. E. 50 rds S. 26.67 rds. W. 50 rds. N. 26.67 rds. to beg with 6 shares of wate 1180.00 Sec. 19 Twp. 14 S. Range 1 East, containing 24 acres. Tax Sale No. 143. Chas. H. Christ.. Wen, Beg 80 rds W and 56 rds N o. S E cor of Sec 19; Th W 53 rds. Th, N 24 rds. Th E 53 rds. Th S 24 rds. to be. Sec 19, Twp 14 S. Range 1 E, containing 7 acres. Tax Sale No. 146. Niels Aagard, Beg 80 rds E and 24 rds S of N cor. of SE',4 Sec. 19; E 80 rds. S 8 rds. W 80 rds. N 30 rds to beg. Sec. 19, Twp 14 S Range 1 E con., taining 4 acres. 5.Tax Sale No. 160. Carrie C. J. Crane, Beg 136 rds W of S E cor of N W 4 Th N 14 rds W 24 rds. S 14 rds. E 24 rds to beg. 3 shares water $90.00; Sec 30 Twp 14 S. R 1 E containing 2 acres. Tax Sale No. 181, Legal Heirs to the Estate, Peter Thygerson (deceased) S 14 of S E 14 Sec 6, Twp 15 S Range 1 E containing 80 acres. Tax Sale No. 183. T. W. Miller, Lot 2, Sec 3 Twp 14 S Range 1 W containing 41 acres. Tax Sale No. 184, EITie Miller, Lot 1 ; S E 14 of N E 14 ; S E 14 Sec. 2, Twp 14 S. Range 1 W. containing 240 acres. Tax Sale No. 189 Alma C. Dalby, ft. W of N E cor Beg 98 rds. 7 of S 14 of N E 14 ; Th S 24 rds W 39 rds 5 14 ft N 23 rds 6 ft E 39 rds 6 14 ft to beg. Sec 25, Twp 14 S Range 1 W. Tax Sale No. 192. Carrie C. J. Crane, Beg 135 rds 7 ft W of S E cor of N E 14. Th N 13 rda 3 ft. W 99 14 ft. S 13 rds 3 ft. W 10 8.-ft. S 28 rds E 99 14 rds. N 28 rds. Also beg at E. 10 3..4 ft to beg. N B cor of S E 14 ; Th. S 8 rds 10 ft. W 14 rds. 10 ft. N 21 rda 6 in. 4 E 14 rds 10 Sec 25, Twp S 12 rds 7 ft to beg. 14 S Range 1 W con- ft. taining 27 acres. Tax Sale No. 193, Alma C. Dalby, S Beg 137 rds 7 ft W and 28 rds Th W 40 rds of N E cor of S E 8 ft. S 40 rds 11 ft. E 40 rds 4 ft. N 40 rds 10 ft to beg Sec 25, Twp 14 S Range 1 W. &. TIMES-NEW- NEPHi, UTAH S, try- - 3E j LOCAL HAPPENINGS j C Mr. and Mrs. George D. Haymoud and family visited with relatives and friends in Salt Lake City Sunday. Attorney J. H. McKnight of Salt Lake was here Friday on legal busi- Mr. and Mrs. Leone Christison of Eureka, Utah, spent Sunday here the guests of relatives. 5pnng Rug Display Now You Can Own Rugs of Rare Beauty Miss Iris Brough was awarded a first class teaching certificate this week by the State Board of Education good until June 30th, 1930. George Ellis of Provo, Utah, a former resident of Nephi, spent Sunday in this city visiting with relat . ives. Mrs, Wilford Belliston entertained Saturday afternoon in honor of the 10th birthday of her daughter Don-n- a. Games were played and refreshments were served to 24 young guests. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Pace entertained at a bundle shower last Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fillmore. Many useful and beautiful presents were given the honored guests, i Dainty refreshments were served to about fifty people. "What a Beautiful Rug And How Well it Blends With Your Furniture" What a glow of pride it gives you when a guest praises your Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ostler en And everybody admires the room which has a colorful, taste! Lots Brinton, tertained a number of their friends rich looking rug on the floor. 2..3334..35' Sec. at their home last Monday evening. 7 Twp 16 S Range 1 W. It will Beautify your home with a new rug this Spring. containing Games and music were enjoyed and make everybody happy. Your home will be a more pleasant 316 acres. were served to place for the family and think how proud you will feel when Tax Safe No. 288, Wilford Christ., dainty refreshments following: Mr. and Mrs.. George guests come. ensen, N 14 of N W 14 ; W 14 of the Mr. A. Mrs. H. and John' Ostler, N E 14 Sec. 25, Twp 16 S Range 2 Springtime and Spring Housecleaning calls for beauty of deOstM. C. Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. W, signs in the New Rug which is to replace the old worn out one! W containing 160 acres. Wool Fibres! Axministers! Wiltons! All in wonderful new des Sale N.o 291, N. P. Aagard ler, Mr. and Mrs E. R. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Howell, Mrs. Andrew signs and coior schemes. (Deceased) W 14 ; W 14 of N E 14 ; Blackett, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott, Sec 4 S E 14 of S E 14 Sec 5 ; E 14 Miss Ellen Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sec 9 ; Sect's of N E 14 Sec. 8 ; W Bowles, Mrs. Lavern Bowles, 4..58..9- - Twp 14 S Range 4 W con- ward Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blackett, Mr. 840 acres. taining Tax Sale No. 324, John L. Ellert.. and Mrs. Owen Boswell, and the host and hostess Mr. and Mrs, Edward son, Beg. 25 rds. 21 Iks. N. of S E corner of N. E. 14 Th. N 78 degrees Ostler. 00 minutes. W 1017.5 feet to new It is a real joy to search through the piles of rugs in this contour of reservoir th N 6 deg. big spring shipment to find the rug you have dreamed about 43 min. E 86.4 ft. th S 73 deg. 00 the one you have planned for. min. E 996.6 ft. th S 87.7 ft to beg. Don't be disappointed. Let your dream come true. The Also beg. 30 rds 10 Iks. N of S E cor very rug that you want is here and at such a moderate cost you N E 14 th N 78 deg. 00 min. W can't afford to go longer without. 1015.5 ft. to new contour of reservoir th. N 6 deg 43 min E 86.4 ft th S 78 deg 00 min. E 801.9 ft. to beg 7 y2 shares Mona Irrigation Water Your window curtains and drapes get shabby and dull and 15 shares North Canyon Water. through the dingy winter months. New curtains or some new Or, if J. Koxnfe Sec. 30 Twp 11 S Range 1 E. House-cleanidrapes will liven up your home and make it cheerful. ng Tax Sale No. 3 27 J. L. Ellertson, .Hyrtti means new time new and curtains. draperies 10 85 S N chs E cor of Iks of Beg. See the special Drapery Display in the Nephi , Store. The N E 14 th S 9 "chs. 15 Iks. W. 8 chs mew Display Cabinets is wonderful convenience in HARVARD N 9 ch3 15 Iks. E 8 chs to beg Sec selecting your We have everything to beautify your home. curtains. 31, Twp 11 S Range 1 East contain7 acres. ing Where There Is More Than One Price Someone Pays Too Much Tax Sale No. 330, Franklin and FOR U Dudley Swasey, Beg 49 rds 16 Iks S of N E cor of N W 14 Th S 34 rds W 160 rds. N 34 rds E. 160 rds Among tht distinguishtd American to beg. Section 6 Twp 12 S Range 1 ducators engaged for the Second National Summer School conducted East containing 34 acres. 'THE ONE PRICE HOUSE" Agricultural College at Tax Sale No. 337, Hyrum Tolley, ty the UtahProf. are Frederick Turner J. PROVO SPRINGVILLE PAYSON 14 S NEPHI N of Personal Property added, and Dr. M. J. Rosenau of Harvard. W 14 ; Also beg. at N W cor of S W Both will conduct course throughout 14 of Sec. Th N 15 rds. E 160 rds. first term of six weeki, S 15 rds W 160 rds to beg Section ihe 13 and ending July 25. beginning The first 21 Township 12 S. Range 1 E con., is a specialist in western history and will give courses in this field. The taing 95 acres. Proof, to establish claim to the land Tax Sale No. 340 Francis Miller, Other is notable for his work in pub-li- e above described, before the Clerk of a to receive health, subject W emphaa cor E S 339.9 of at ft pt Beg. the District Court, at Nephi, Utah, of S W 14 ; th N 333.3 ft Th W 323.5 sis at the coming session. on the 14th day of May, 1925. Miss K. New a Mary Moriarty, ft Th S 673.2 ft. Th E. 323.5 ft. Th York is one of the Claimant names as witnesses: N 339.9 ft to beg. Section 29, Twp twenty-eig- City specialist illustrious educators who Edward F. Kendall, Bent R. 12 S Range 1 E containing 5 acres. will be at Logan for the summer. She Rryan, William W. Jenkins, all of 1 7..8 shares water. also will give work in health educaNephi, Utah, and Levarn Stephenson Tax Sale No. 344 Myron H. .Miller, tion for the elementary schools. The of Levan .Utah. eovers all the major Com 55 rds E of S W cor of S W 14 curriculum ELI K. TAYLOR. Register of Sec. Th E. 40 rds. N 8 rds. W branches of learning. Students may First publication April 3rd, 1925. 40 rds. S 3 rda 11 Iks to beg. 2 14 register for a term of six weeks or Last publication May 1st, 1925. J V r- ... . , Bhares water. Section 32, Township full summer quarter and earn either or credit. graduate undergraduate 12 8 Range 1 E containing 2 acres. XOTICK Tax Sale No. 347. Thomas W. Section 7 Township 13 S Vickers, Com. 22 rds E from S. W. rds to beg. United States Land Office, cor of N W 14 of S W 14 ; Th N 9 Range 1 East, containing 45 acres. Tax Sale No. 3 46 Neola G. Olson, Salt Lake City, Utah, deg. E 45 rds. N 72 deg. E 14 rds 16 Iks. S. 11 deg. W 52 rds. W 11 S W 14 of S W 14 Sec 12, Twp 11 April 8th, 19 25 To Whom It May Concern: rds. to beg Sec. 3 Twp 13 S. Range S .Range 1 W, containing 40 acres. 1 E. Also beg at a pt 4 4 rds E and Notice is hereby given that th Stato Tax Sale No. 386. John W. Kenof Utah has filcid in this office lists Th N 14 deg E 580.4 ft. from S dall, S W 14 of S E 14 S W 14 of of lands, selected by the said State, W cor of N W 14 or S W14 of Sec N W 14 Sect s 12 and 13 Twp. 13 S under section 6 of the Act of ConTh N 14 deg E 368.6 ft. N 72 deg. Range 2 W containing 30 acres. Tax Sale No. 398 M. A. SanderE 15 rds 16 Iks. S 16 deg. W 335 gress, approved July 16, 1894, as ft. Th S 61 deg. 40 min. W 267.2 son, N 14 of S E 14 ; S E 14 of S Indemnity School lands, viz: Serial No. 035449, Lot 7, Section 28, Town ft. to beg Section 3 Township 13 S. E 14 ; N E 14 of S W 14 Sec 12, Twp 11 S Range 1 W containing 160 DIME OF ship 12 South, Range 1 West, Salt FIELD FOR Range 1 East," containing 5 acres. Lake Meridian. Tax Sale No. 3 48, John B. Vickers, acres. Tax Sale No. 365. Neola O. Olson, Com 33 rd8 E from S W cor of N Copies of sfld lists, so far as they relate to said tracts by descriptive W 14 of S W 14 ; Th N 11 dog. E N W 14 or N W 14 Sec 13 Twp 11 FDR 52 rds. N 72 deg. E 14 rds. 16 Iks. S. Range 1 W, containing 40 acres. subdivisions, have be?n conspicuousS Tax Sale No. 382, Jamea F. Hoyt. S 14 deg. W 55 rds 3 1..3 Iks. ly posted in this office for inspect1ak ion by any person interested and by teresting mountain, canyon and 51 deg. W 176 ft. W 7 rds. to beg. S 14 of N E 14 ; S E 14 Sec 34, Twp This gnarled, juniper of The recreational phase the Section 3 Township 13 S Range 1 E 13 S Range 2 W containing 240 tree, entrenched in the crag of Logan outings. public generally. b in of the session will cl charge acres. During the period of publication of containing 4 acres. Canyon, and said to be the oldest brated play experts. Prof. W. Peter MilTax Sale No. 395. Milan C. Tax Sale No. 349, Myron and .Milan representative of its specie in the Dykema of Columbia will b in chargs this notice, or any time thereafter, of S W '4 ; Sec 1 ; E 14 world, will be tht objective of ono of of Miller, Com. 56 rds E from N W ler, w singing and other mus- and before final approval and cercor or N W 14 of Sec. Th E 41 rds W 14 of N W 14 ; S W 14 Sec 11- - the interesting field trip to be taken icalcommunity his week's sojourn tification, under departmental regwork during by students and faculty members if in l.onan. Mms Mary Wood Hinman S 31 rds. 14 Iks. S 89 deg. 30 min. 12 Sect s 1..11..12 Twp 13 S. Range ulations of April 25, 1907, protests Colle the Utah nation' ge Agncult 3 Iks. to 19 In N of be 30 rds W containing 640 acres. W 41 rds. beg. charge- of danc- or contests ngulnst the claim of the Chicago will at summer school and pageantry and Mis Edna Stale to any of the tracts or sub3 shares water. Sec 5, Twp 13 S Each parcel above described will The tree ws visited lat summer by ing be separately offered. Offerings will divisions hereinbefore described, on Prof. Henry C. Cowles of the botany Getter of play and games. Range 1 E, containing, 8 acres. The summer school will offer th the ground that the samo is more Tax Sale No. 354. T. W. Miller, continue dally between the hours of department of the University of Chicelebrated valauable for mineral than for agricCom 8 rds S and 70 rds 10 lik9 W of 10 o'clork a. m. and 5 o'clock p .m. cago and his clas in Utah flora. services of twenty-eigI'rof. Cowle it returning to fill an educators, representing a dozen of th ultural purposes, will be received and N E cor of S E 14 ; S 92 rds. W 35 commencing on the 16 day of May, leading colleges and universities of noted for rpport to the General rds. N. 46 rds. W 3 rds. 12 Iks. N 1 925, until all said parcels have been engagement in th Second Nation ii America. The courses will offer Lfind Office at Summer School, Jun IS to July 25. 4 6 rds. E 38 rd8 12 Iks. to beg. offered . No bids will be accepted I). C. Washington, Thi dclk'litful mountain excursion graduate or undergraduate credit and Failure so to Alo com. 12 rds 15 Iks N of S E cor for a sum less than the total amount will protest or contest, be a continue term of over six week or repeated. within the time specified, will be of S W 14 of Sec.;" Th W 34 rds 18 of delinquent taxes, costs and InterOther trips to be taken include in full summer quarter. considered sufficient evidence of the Iks. N 46 rds E 34 rds 18 Iks; Th est accrued on the property covered non.. mineral character of the tracts Also Beg 20 rds by such bid. 5 46 rds to beg. MH'IC Kill Pl'ISMCATION liam LeGrande Jenkins, of Nephi, and the sele tions thereof, being BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS15 Iks E and 28 rds S of N W cor (Publisher) I'tah, who, on January 5, 1920, made otherwise free from objections, will of S E 14 Th E 34 rds 20 Iks. 8 IONERS OF JUAB COUNTY, UTAH. llnineateari entry No. 025249, for be approved to the State. By W. O. ORME, Chairman 402 14 ft. W 34 rds. 20 Iks. N 402 DEPARTMENT OP THR INTKHIOU SW'i, SWliNW'4, Section 33, ELI F. TAYLOR, ft ft to beg. Also beg. 20 rds 15 Dated April 14th, 1925. V. S. LAND OFFICE at Salt Township 14 South, Range 1 West, Iks E and 74 rds 12 Iks S of N W Attest: Earl Gadd, Clerk. Register Luke City. March 30th, 1925 Salt Lake Meridian, has filed not.. First publication, April 17th. 1925. cor of S E 14 ; Th 15 3 4 rds 20 Iks. First publication, April 17th. 1925. NOTICE Is hereby given that Wil ice of intention to make three. .year Last publication May 15th, 1925. S 23 rds. W 34 rds. 20 Iks. N 23 Last publication May 15th, 1925. D. The Joy of Picking Out That New Spring Rug Spring Curtains and Draperies . 10 MEN .A.C. Dixon - Taylor - Russell Co. ht ft gY THE TRIPS SUMMER SGHDDLSTUDENTS 3,000-yer-o- ld ht |