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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, JURY COMMISSONERS i President Coolidge Urges Economy ment and you'll be prepared. Join the large number of depositors who are regular Savers at our bank. Per Cent INTEREST. 4 LUNT It's too bad that Run Down Heels do not show from the front. If they aid, more People would have them repaired. Let me fix up your shoes Prompt Mail Order Service Nephi National coin, worth marked with cross, to enalile it to be broken into four pieces, was known as a "srylling," from the ivonl "slrill." to divide; hence comes the modem term shilling Anjrln-SMxn- n five-penr- e, find "De man who said prirV goes befo' fall," said Uncle Ebon, "had It rieht. When a man's brsersjln' do loudest 'bout gg. dafs iis de time bein' a tough tvhen somebody's gine'er come along snd scramble 1m." The To ggery LUNT PHARMACY CO. II ffp f rC I II U VI h v , !?J ( the UelfaZE" Street HUSTLE : "Community- pr F ; Dec. Tan. Ord and Mangelson record parentage Sate arrival Postage prepaid. anteed $14--Fe- b. Mar. $12 guar- rer LENT PHAnAMOY CO. 100 Phone 43 Nephi, Utah, GRAHAM HATCHERY Hayward, Alameda County California ? THE 1ST trade: with he , iahy Shool F the anything set here hl the towato Right yI'iLHs ro Qu&y r I'm ago GerevA with this towa DO Selected f: Stuff They Get A0 BoDY ComES - THE BuSl MESS MlJ". Af2" To sBWk-fc?ff- - felll li; Sift? PIT A OVT.Afif' HUSTLE FER. THtS TOwa ACRoss rc .'I P I & f Af GET IT PLEASES VS TO PLEASE YOU White Leghorn Chicks irAfTVrT TATTTA Qf P iWffPr- -' CO. selection. SU PTT .... High-Grad- Worms uad parasites i;i the iatestiiics of children undermine health and so weaken their vitality that they are unable to resist the diseases so fatal to child life. The safe course is to give a few doses of White's Cream Vermifuge. It destroys and expels the worms without the slightest injury to the health or activity of the child. Frico 35c. Sold by a FORMOTHER: Beautiful Ivoryware in Shelltone effect $1 and up Luxor and Colgate Toilet Sets .... $1.25 and up $1.95 and up High Grade Leather Hand Bags The new satin finish Fruit Bowls etc, $1.25 and up 20c. Two for 35c Hyacinth Bulbs '85c and up A beautiful Reed Basket 35c and up Incense and Burners Oriental Novelties $1.50 to $3.00 All Prices Beaded Bags and up 75c Record A Brunswick FOR BROTHER: 65c and up A Flash Light and up 35c Stationery and up 25c Perfumery $2.50 and up Fountain Pen A Nice School Watch $1.50 and up A Kodak $2.50 and up 60c and up Kodak Album FOR SISTER: All Prices Music Rolls Beautiful Purse and Bill Fold combined in a new $1.50 stye leather Fountain Pen and Neck Ribbon All Prices Ivory Sets . . and Powder $1.25 and up Rouge Complexion Sets Manicure $2.50 and up The above are just a few of the many gifts we have for sale this year. Christmas approaches the thought comes to us all to remember those near and dear, and it is a genuine pleasure to suprise and delight them. Our e Diamonds, Watches and Jewelfy from tue inexpensive to the exclusive await your CHILDREN'S FATAL LiSEASES An PHARMACY $2.25 $1.50 $1.50 $5.00 and up 25c and up Fine Leather Pocket Book Military Brush Sets Mechanical Pencil As C. O. LOMAX One Door South Nephi Drug Scrambled Egg A Gold Watch Chain Belt Watch Chain Gifts That Last . Bank FOR FATHER: Sets $1.0(3 and $6.00 Shaving A nice Razor $1.00 and up A nice Pocket Knife 85c and up Sold by SERVICE Birth of the Sh Wng CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS ARE APPOINTED Mrs. Karl Claridge loft Tuesday Judge T. H. Burton, appointed evening for Twin Hrldges, Montana, James W. Paxman of this city, and on account of the serious illness of Cronin of Eureka, Jury comm her father Mr. Chris. Stoker, who is Dan issioners of Juab County, for 1925. 87 years of age. This order was made Wednesday by Judge Burton during the session of of Manti. Dllworth Woolley Judge At court being held In St. George. in court of session a Utah, will hold the same time he also appointed in order June Kendall, J. M. Christensen, of this city on December 20th, to hear some special cases that Judge this city, and Carl Miller of Silver Uurton Is disqualified from hearing. City as inheritance tax appraisers for the year 1925 In Juab County. County Clerk Earl Gadd, issued a to marriage license Wednesday Attorney J. H. McKnight returned Wilford Q. Capson, and Erma Lucile Sims, both of Salt Lake City. Bish- - home yesterday from St. George, the where he has been attending a sesod Thomas Bailey performed sion of court there this week. Mr. marriage ceremony. McKnight will leave for Salt Lake The Social Friend club met at today where he has been engaged and defend McCoy the home of Mrs. Alva Howell Thurs as counsel totwo young bandits who Wilcock, the day evening. The time was pleasant, shot and killed Roy Heath, near ly spent in sewing, after which re. freshments were served to the foll Salt Lake City, after looting the Bountiful Bank. owing: Mrs. George II. Ostler, Mrs. Ray Blackett, Mrs. Lavern Bowles, Mrs. Angus Haynes, Mrs. Wm. Wor- AN EXHILARATES' G EFFECT A bottle of Herbine on the shelf at thington, Mrs. R. H. Jenkins, Mrs Bert Peters, Mrs. R. H. Bracken homo is like having a doctor in the house Mrs. Delos Haynes. Special guest, all the time. It gives instant relief when Mrs. Ronald Shaw, and the hostess the digestion gets out of order or the bowels fail to act. One or two doses is Mrs. Alva Howell. all that is necessary to start things moving and restore that fine feeling of exhilaration and buoyancy of spirits which beSHOE REPAIRING longs only to perfect health. Price 60c If you take this advice you will have money to put in into a Saving's Bank where it will earn interest and, one of these fine mornings an opportunity will present itself for invest- WE PAY LOCAL HAPPENINGS J a? t-ow- IfcW v I I i fia jj Christmas & New Year s U FARES Will Be In Effect VIA DENVER - - r- - - I ,lm- la - ' 12 .lit T Venice Theatr e Company IN CONNECTION WITH The Nephi High School PRESENTS THE FIRST NUMBER OF THE REDPATH LYCEUM CIRCUIT Alton Packard Cartoonist Supreme Humorist Extraordinary Venice Theatre Wed. Single Admission 75c. De-:- . 1 7th 8:15 P. M. Season Tickets On Sale at NEPHI DRUG for the Four Attractions $2.00 r- mi imp W ! ft RIO GRADE WESTERN RAD ROAD BETWEEN ALL STATIONS IN UTAH, WEST OF & INCLUDF ING WESTWATER, AT RATE OF ONE AND TIMES THE ONE WAY FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP, SUFFICIENT TO MAKE RATE IN A MULTIPLE OF 25. ONE-HAL- AD-DIN- G TICKETS ACCOUNT CHISTMAS WILL BE ON SALE DAILY DECEMBER 19 TO 25, INCLUSIVE, 1924, WITH FINAL LIMIT OF JANUARY 5, 1925. RE-TUR- N TICKETS ACCOUNT NEW YEAR'S DAY WILL BE ON SALE DECEMBER 30, 31, 1924 AND JANUARY 1, 1925; WITH FINAL RETURN LIMIT OF JANUARY 5, 1925. For Detailed Fares, Train Schedules, etc., Call on Nearest Rio Grande Agent |