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Show THE TIMES-NEW- S, NEPHI, UTAH irlin'- tilfi LOCAL NEWS Permanent Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pace, received a visit from the stork Sunday leaving a baby boy at 'their home. roads area good investmf nt not an expense Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Forrest, motored to Salt Lake City Wednesday for a few days visit in that city. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cole, and Mrs. J. W. Ellison, motored to Salt Lake Saturday, where Mrs. Cole, will receive medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. J .W. Boud were down to NepM Friday evening to attend the Kiwanis nifiht entertainment and luncheon, held at the For. rest Hotel. We fir.d ourselves, almost without realizing it, a nation on wheels President and Mrs. A. II. Celliston, and Mrs. Ralph Belliston motored to Salt Lake the latter part of the week. They were accompanied by Mrs. May Green, who has been vitdt. ing friends here for some time. We drive or ride in 16,000,000 mcior vehicles. We pack the paved highways coming even in and out of town. We over-ru- n remote regions. And we" are pounding to pieces all but permanent roads. Next year 4,000,000 new cars will be on the road. Compared to this increase, the mileage of new permanent roads will be insignificant. We don't want to be a nation on wheels, with no place to go. The answer is, build more, and where necessary, wider concrete roads and start building them now. '7 Mrs. James Bean was taken to the tjospital in Salt Lake Saturday. She was operated upon Tuesday for gall stones. Mrs. Bean was accompanied to Salt Lake by her husband and her father Mr. Ii. 11. Evans. so-call- ed i N 4 dam. Ho reports having enjoyed his mission but happy to be home again In Utah. rett. KE 4 , E ' EVi SW',4, WVa SEV4 Sec. 26, EVi W'A Sec- 23, T. 10 S., R. 17 W S. L. M. It is now desired to divert the water at a point which bears 1641 ft. W. and 88 ft. N of the EJ4 cor. Sec. 11, T. 11 S., R. 17 Y., S. L. M. and convey it in a canal a distance of 8400 ft. and there use during the same period as here fore to irrigate 1040 acres of land embraced in SW'14 SYJ4 Sec. 1, NV Sec. 12, E'S NE14 Sec. 11 NWJ-T. 11 , R. 17 W., the SW'14 Sec. 25 SWJ4, EV2 Sec. 26, EJ-- Sec. 35 T. 10 S., R. 17 W., S, L, M, This application is designated in the Stat Engineer's office as File No. a801. All protests against the granting of said application stating the reasons therefore, must be by affidavit li duplicate, accompanied with the fee of $1.00, and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. McComick Ruildin.-- ' SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH A National Organization to Improve end Extend the Uses of Concrete OFFICES IN 29 CITIES NOTICE TO WATER USERS State Engineer's office. Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 8, 1924. Notice is hereby given that Inez e address is Tripp, whose Cal'ao, Utah, has made application in accordance with the requirements of Section 8, Chapter 67 Session Laws of Utah. 1919, to change the Point post-offic- rf-r.i,- . A Dinner Set Will Please Her Miss Geneva Garrett was delight fully entertained at her home Thurs. (lay evening. Games and music were enjoyed after which a dalntly lun cheon was served to the following: Marie Parkins, Celia Sperry, Inez Merle McPherson, Clyne ' Leavitt, Vaugn Jenkins. Kenneth Wright, and the hostess Geneva Gar. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION t Old Santa Claus To Bring Dishes I ell John A. Onne. returned home Saturday after a two years mission for the L. D. S. Church. Mr. Orme spent the two years In Holland, Eur, ope, with headquarters at Rotter Not in a long time have general conditions been so favorable for carrying on such public works as permanent highway building. Your highway authorities are ready to carry on their share of this great public work But they must have your support. Tell them you are ready to invest Id more Concrete Highways, now 3 J s 1 S-- i DISHES FOR THE CHRISTMAS FEAST of diversion and Place of use of 15 Farm c. f s. of water from Indian Toms and Basin Creeks in Juab County, Utah. Said water has heretofore been diverted at a point 1680 ft. Lloyd Garrison, W. of the EJ4 cor. of Sec. 11. T. 11 State Engineer 17 from L. M. S. R. used V., and S., Date of first publication Nov. 14, 1924. January 1 to Dec. 31 of each year to Date of completion of publication, irrigate 1040 acres of land embraced in the W'Vz W'S Sec. 35 December 12. 1924. they also Every family looks forward to the reunion at Christmas her have in mind that wonderful dinner mother will prepare. Mother tries She takes pride in seeing her best to" make this occasion most successful. table well supplied with dishes and dinnerware. Has your mother enough Make mother happy with one of our beautiful dishes? Help her out! Ei, dinner sets. r. it DINNER SETS 42-PIE- $6.90 Plain White $8.50 Geld Band $11.75 Little Pink Gold & Pink Conventional $14.95 $15.75 Gold & Black pattern These sets comprise the following: 6 PIates-7-- 6 Fruits 6 REDUCED) Fordor Sedan Chassis - Truck Chassis - - - - . n. 1 Nappy 10-i7-i- n n. Creamer 6 6 6 1 1 1 Plates 5-i- r v. n . ii ' 4 i n. in. Soups Saucers Baker 6 7-i- n. Sugar Sugar Cover Dinner Sets in the patterns mentioned above. They sell as low as $19.95. Don't wait! Come in now and get mother a dinner set for Christmas. A small payment down and a small payment each month will buy one. We also have a complete line of 83-Pie- ce ONLY ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY Dixon-Taylor-Russ- THE LOWEST PRICE. Co. ell "THE PROVO ONE-PRIC- E SPRINGV1LLE HOUSE'' NEPHI PAYSON S660 - $225 -- $365 OlMrUtTA MIXIXO COMPANY All Prices f.o.b. Detroit are the lowest prices ever offered in the history the Ford Motor Company. They create a new standard These PUtter $260 $290 $520 $580 - - 4-i- Tea Cups 1 1 Effective December 2nd, the Ford Motor Company announces new low prices on all Ford cars. A reduction of dollars on the Fordor Sedan and lower prices twenty-fiv- e on all other types make Ford cars even greater value than before. NEW PRICES Runabout - - - Touting Car - - Coupe - Tudor Sedan m. - , of of I.H'ntlnn nn I'rlm Ipul I'lncp of Itimlnnt!, .Vcphl, I'lah value for motor car transportation. SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Notice In hereby glvtn that at a of the Hoard of Directors meeting t the Oraplata Mining Company, a corporation, held on the 28th day of November, 192 4, an assessment of one-hacent per share on the out- lf Ktandlng stock of the corporation wan levied by order of said Hoard of Directors made and entered upon the minutes of said meeting payable Immediately to the Secretary, of the corporation at Nephl, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment remains unpaid on the 30th day of December, 1924, at 12 o'clock noon, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at. public auction, and unless payment Is made before, will be sold on the 19lh day of January, 1925, at 12 o'clock noon, to pay the delinquent assessment together will) costs of advertising and expense of sale. P. N. ANDERSON, Secretary of Oraplata Mining Co. Location of Office, Nephl, Utah,' Lunt Building First publication, December 6, 1924 Last publication December 26, 1924 Paint Radiator Whit Twenty per cent more radintlon Is given by radiators painted white ttian by unpalnted ones. |