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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, lorn hopes of defense. One lay In the little weapon down In the hut, with its rJ SB DY CLIVE ARDEN fusion, jumbled repetitions of accum ulated horrors. She caught first at ; then lost it and caught at another. But ever at one point her SYNOPSIS. Living in the ama.ll cheeks burned. How much was true? English vlllagre of Darbury, and aedate place, BarSurely not . The. more she thought, bara Stockley. daughter of a the more convinced did she become widowed mother. Is aoon to celeof Its incredible reality. . . . How brate her marriage to Hugh Rochdale, rich and well concould she face her companion! He nected. Barbara la adventuroua, alone could place the unraveled and haa planned, with an aunt, threads In her hands. But how to an airplane trip to Australia. make him do so? How Major Alan Croft, famous aa an aviator, la to be the pilot. At So engrossed were her thoughts her first meeting with Croft Barthat she started violently at the sound bara la attracted by hla manner of his voice again at the window. and conversation, different from "Tour nerves are awfully weak," he the conventlona of her small town. They aet out, remarked. Barbara, her aunt. Croft, and a "They are not !" she snapped Indigmechanician. Word In a few nantly. Was she always to feel fooldays comes to Darbury that the ish and, above all, appear so, with plane Is missing and Its occupants believed lost. Croft and this man? Barbara, after the wreck of the Opening the door, she took In one airplane In a furious storm, of the basins, without looking up. reach an apparently uninhabited Island In the Pacific ocean. The A scented, steaming bath could not other two members of the party have been more welcome than that lithad perished. The two casttle basin of cold water. The freshness aways build a shelter. In Croft's absence, Barbara Is attacked by invigorated her, reviving a girlish Ina black man, evidently a savage. terest In appearances. Unpacking a Croft rescues her. tiny traveling mirror, she proceeded to do up her hair, dressing in one of the cool washing frocks Intended for AusPART TWO Continued. tralia. Croft was thumping on the hut, deHe could see now, in the stronger manding breakfast, before the complelight, that all were armed with long tion of this toilet. His quick glance spears, two also currying bows and took In her dainty and very civilized urrows. The third, an old man, wore appearance down to the gray suede round his neck a large clam-shel- l disk no comment. emblem of the rank of chief and shoes; but he made the contents of the old tin box Again nose-cnrti through his luges a dark proved Invaluable, with the addition of stone. Kings, probably of tortoise-shel- l, bananas and coconut. They spread hung from his enrs. their store upon the ground outside. In Croft wondered If this were a visit the early morning sunshine. of negotiation, with a view to a comConversation Croft languished. pact of friendship with visitors to seemed abstracted, deep In thought. their Island. He recognized them for Her riddle of the night lay unmembers of the huge scattered family solved. . . . of Melanesiuns, or I'upuuns, which After several furtive glances at his have some undoubted connection with face, she made a plunge. the African blacks, and are to be "I want to know " found In numberless South Sea Islands "Yes? What?" Quickly his eyes as well as in Melanesia proper. Al- searched her own, causing her to lowtheir dialect is more though or less er them confusedly. local, there Is Huincient similarity to "I can't remember what happened It make fuirly Intelligible to any one I'm afraid I did I behave rather accustomed to the variations. stupidly, last night?" A few minutes, and Croft's Illusion He stretched out his hand for a baof a friendly compact was destroyed. nana, peeling it with Irritating deliberHostility was evident. He soon rea- ation before replying. lized that an attack was being organ"You were, naturally, slightly unized for the following night, though hinged after all your experiences." he could not distinguish the plans beThis guarded reply was unsatisfactA TRANSFORMATION one thread ing laid. Kniboldened by the absence of any sign of their enemy, the men remained standing for several minutes, gazing down the slope at the solitary nut wherein Ilarhura lay unprotected. At last, after an indistinct colloquy, they moved slowly forward In Its direction. For a moment Ofioffs heart deemed to stop beating. To expose himself, unarmed, would mean certain death, and the consequent abandonment of the girl, whose life now rested uion his. to a fate probably far worse. the hut. If he could but reach It, lay the suitcase containing his revolver. Should he risk all and dash from his hiding place or ? A sigh of relief escaped his lips when the men suddenly halted. For what seemed an eternity lie watched them confer evidently divided In opinion on the wisdom of their venture. When at last they turned and made off toward the south of the Island, he found his clenched hands were shaking and his brow was wet. He hurried down to the hut. where he found a white-facegirl Ineffectually barricading the door with suitcases. She uttered a welcoming cry on his appearance at the window. "How illo you esrnpe? Where were you? What can we do?" To his own amazement perhaps as much as hers, he laughed almost happily. "They have g.ine away," he replied, "We cim't do anything at present." She gazed nt him In some bewilderment, knowing nothing of the reaction which had Caused M)ut strange light In his face; and he lunched , boyishly; then leaned furiher In for s closer Inspection of the blue-clnd figure with Its cloud of hair. "Tu are better?" he aked. The paleness of her chicks changed SM'lihnly to red tinder his scrutiny. "I I'm all right," she muttered, turning away. "I will go hack fur the water." he remarked; and hla face disappeared from thp aperture. I'.arhsra's mind was uncomfortably confused. Safe In some refuge, she had seemed to be sleeping for hours. When she awoke she Instinctively sought for a hand which proved not !o be there. Throughout the terrified moment that ensued, vague Impressions of some midnight event chased eluslvely through her brain. They were Intensified by Croft's appear-snre- . Vainly she tried to capture the threads; to separata the real from the Jjaog of delirium. All was coo- In-M- ac-iln- ory, She felt exasperated. Looking across at him, she fancied the suspicion of a smile hovered around his lips. "You realize, of course, that any thing I did or said was because I mean. It was not my normal state!" "Oh, I quite realize that !" His tone caused her to look up quickly again. "Why are you laughing?" she asked uneasily. "Why are you so nfraid?" he retorted. Nonplused, she took refuge In a dignified silence. Finishing her breakfast, she looked round the bay at the rugged hill beside them, the palms and dense forest trees In the background, the coral shingle and white sand stretching down to the magnificent blue of the lagoon, in the distance the reef and vast stretch of limitless sea: the Intensely vivid colors and contrast shone In the sunlight with extraordinary brilliance. "It's all very beautiful," she said at last, conversationally. "It Is!" he agreed warmly, rising to his feet, Bringing his mug filled with water, he sat down close beside her. "Now, please mend my head." Barbara was concerned over his pallor and the lines surrounding his eyes. "You look worn out !" sh exclaimed involnntarlly. "Didn't you sleep well last night?" "Not a wink !" He glanced quickly up at her. Whereupon her unraveled confusion returned fourfold; and she finished her job In silence. "I'm going up the hill to the wireless." he observ d then. "You need not fear the natives. They won't return until they have mustered their numbers." At lipr look of alarm he continued hurriedly : "I've got a scheme for scaring them off altogether. I shan't be long away. If you shout, I shall hear." There was no suggestion of her company being required. She watched him dlsaplear, with a sickening sense of the oppressive loneliness that she dreaded; hut pride forbade her uttering a word to detain him. Then, with unconscious Imitation of Croft, she threw her head a little hack; clenched her hands; and entered the hut. . . . While the natives hurried to the south, to prepare for battle, the man sat on the ground beside the transmitter, staring out to sea, his brain working on the scheme to which he had just alluded; his mind torn between conflicting decisions. In this predlcs-menst the mercy of a tribe of hostile ssvsges, there were but two for t, er belonging to the wireless outfit, he broke the sticks Into short stakes, limited supply of ammunition; the oth- showing Barbara how to cover them. er la the Inherent superstition of the This done, he proceeded to fix them islanders. If once the latter could be firmly In the ground round the hut, roused ; if his ruse, for all Its wildness, then attached the aerial to the top of succeeded, their lives might yet be each : thus forming a wire circle a few safe. On the other hand, wireless mes- Inches above the ground, as far from sages might reach a ship In time. the hut as the amount of aerial perThere was not enough electrical en- mitted. The two ends were carried for both ergy purposes. . . . through the entrance and connected Which should It be? to the transmitter within. "My God!" he muttered to himself. "Now !" he exclaimed, "when I "Was ever a man In such a d d po- wave, press the key on the transmitsition ?" ter here, and watch the result." He went out to the wire ; and, kneeling down, placed one hand about half No better tonic could have been givan Inch above It. Raising the- - other, en to Croft's mind than this necessity he gave the signal. for Immediate action. Until he bad She pressed the key as directed. Immade his decision and the details were mediately, a series of bright blue matured, he forbore to alarm Barbara sparks flashed, like fireflies, from the with the prospect before them. wire to his hand, which he repeatedly For about two hours he was absent. jerked away; then, delighted with Ita Then a spiral of gray smoke ascended success, he returned to her. from the hilltop, and he appeared with "You see," he explained, "the volhis arms full of wire. ume of current Is always large with "I have left a beacon burning. In wireless, therefore takes effect by case a passing vessel " Abruptly he sparking at the moment of contact. ceased, standing still, his eyes upon The human body la, of course, a conthe figure emerging from the hut. ductor. Our visitors will get the shock "A transformation !" he exclaimed ; of their lives especially as they usuand there was a strange new tone In ally approach any object of attack by his voice. waddling along on their stomachs!" The dainty shoes and stockings had He chuckled with the anticipatory been discarded, the hairpins thrown enjoyment of a achoolboy over a away. With a long thick plait swing- practical joke; then suggested having ing down her back, sleeves rolled up, some food. bare feet sinking In the sand, she Mechanically she fetched Aunt Dol-ly- 's flashed him a shy look of inquiry. box and drew out tins of beef and "It seems more natural here," she coffee, heroically trying to share In his said. PUZZLE "STEPPING STONES" If yon like tnem easy this one will suit you, for the Interlock helps yon over the stickers. If you're In the expert class you can find on unusual word or two. This puzzle contains every letter In the alphabet except "k". p pri 7 if I p p I Thus did Barbara take the first step tions, and tread the free spaciousness beyond. "You fit In so well as if It is your natural sphere!" she added. He smiled half to himself, patted the spare seat beside him. Rather wonderingly she approached, looking, he thought with compunction, extremely young and delicately made. To Inform a sensitive girl of the forth coming attack of possible cannibals was, to Croft, ten times more formidable then meeting them single-han- d ed. He was not versed In the han dling of these situations. Taking her hand, he drew her down close beside hlra ; then, In a few curt sentences, he told her. The fingers he held closed convul sively upon his own ; her free hand lift He talked on, compelling her to attend, diverting her thoughts until the meal ended, covertly watching her evThen he drew her ery expression. within the hut, to rest. Mechanically again, she entered, going to the little window and looking out, drearily, toward the palms. Ha fixed up the door, then cam over to her. "You don'i feel at all nervous V ha asked nonchalantly. She turned, with a forced smile. "Oh, no! . . . Dear me, no I . . . Of course not," she answered, with terrific emphasis. "That's all right! You're a plucky soul for a girl !" She flashed an Indignant look at him, which. In spite of herself, faded as she met the unexpected laughter In his eyes. "You wanted adventure!" he re minded her. "You wanted to 'feel life." to learn the 'meaning' of things, to sound the 'deep chords.' Well! You have your heart's desire at the very bedrock of nature! Seize It, Barbara! Drink to the very dregs! Then tell me if you have discovered what is missing." Surprised, she listened silently. He turned away, laid one of their coats the door, and threw hlm-s,d- f jist Inside down upon It. Within a few minutes he was sleeping the sleep of sheer exhaustion. But the girl sat for long under the little window, lost in thought, wondering over his words. And ever her mind reverted to one sentence. .A few words of praise from one whose have opinion you unconsciously learned to respect, nnd what a world of courage do they bring In their train! There are no pleasant hours of twilight In the tropics. The sun sets, and soon the world Is wrapped In darkness. It lind disappeared behind the west hill, and already a few stars were showing in the swiftly darkening sky, when Croft came'out of the hut to where Barbara was collecting the remains of their supper. He carried something in his hands. "Do you understand a revolver?" he "They Wouldn't Kill You," Ha said. "Do You Understand?" Inquired. She turned mingled fear and clenched Itself upon her knee; the relief In her round, face. "Have one? faint color drained away, leaving her No; I have never fired one Inyou life. my face quite white. I wouldn't dare!" "Can't we go hide somewhere on I want to show you how to the reef?" she urged, turning dark use"Well, this little beast. In case anything eyes of fear upon hipi. goes wrong and you are left " He shook his head. Very thoughtShe laughed, miserably. fully, from every point of view, had "If they manage to kill you, they he considered the position. Should will soon finish me off!" they, by hiding, elude the natives He her In silence, for It would be but a respite. The moment.regarded same danger would surround them ev"They wouldn't kill you," he said ery moment they spent here; they quietly. "Do you understand my could never know peace or safety. For meaning?" some reason these natives were hosHer face went very white. For a tile: something must he done to overfew minutes she paced up and down, come their hostility. Until and unless hands clenched, facing this new tera friendly compact could be made, ror, striving to control herself before they must be forced to leave the two this man whose look discouraged white jieople alone, through fear. All weakness. The very coolness of his hearthis he explained to the girl, who recing, as he stood playing with the ognized the wisdom of It, as well as weapon In Ills Ifunds, calmed her, what she deemed the linpoxsihill! v. bracing her to a simulation of the "Two! Against, possibly, hundreds! same fearlessness. How can we make them fear us?" she "Show me," she said, going to him. asked hopelessly. "Through their superstition." he replied promptly. "Once make them beThis Is interesting. How will lieve we deal with the supernatural, a girl of Barbara's upbringing or possess magical powers, unci they react to these primitive condiwill make us tabu. The dread of death tions? or disease from violating a tabu will cause them to shun us like lejers." r.arbnra. Inexperienced In natives' (TO BE CONTINCF.U) ways, was only half convinced. She listened Incredulously to the scheme Symbolic Indian Ma$h be propounded, her knowledge of elecAccording to the Bureau of Amertricity being limited. ican Kthnology, tribes of Indians "I will get some sticks." he conclud- throughout North America wore masks es rising; "and place everything In at religious festivals and at some soreadiness; then I shall turn In for a cial gatherings. Sometimes the priests bit. This afternoon we'll strengthen alone were masked, though In other the walls of the hut; and I'll put up a cases the entire company would appartition. Then we shall each have pear In masks. The false faces gena room until we can build another hut. erally represented supernatural beI'lenty of work before us If rescue ings. The simplest form of mask doesn't come soon !" was one prepared from the head of a Silently, she helped to collect sticks, buffalo, deer, or some other animal. an extraordinary numbness pervading The mask stood, not for the actual her mind. Croft's spirits rose. He animal, but for the type of animal hsd faced and eluded death too often and Its supernatural characteristics, to fear It. His confidence In this simand the person wearing It was for th ple ruse puzzled her. time being endowed with the distinc Collecting the rubber shock absorb tive quality of th animal 7 is s f 75 yp " 2? 20 2? 23. 2S 26 127 28 2P I 3? 33" 52 3? JO 3S JS 37 36 confidence. from out the net of lifelong conven- Sr CROSS - WORD J? I I --"" T o 1 $) by Western Horizontal. 1 5 fr Mohummedan call to prayer 31 Crafty 13 14 16 17 15 20 21 23 24 25 32 34 36 88 39 41 42 43 44 1 Vertical 1 Fatten 28 12 1 Newspaper Union.) I Large vehicle By way of South American reptile Beast of burden Boy'a name Initials of a famous President Possesses Elongated fish To allot At a distance Body of water To fix Envelop Luck 10 H I 1 IT" 2 3 4 (J 7 8 10 11 14 15 17 19 20 22 26 27 28 29 30 33 35 37 38 40 42 Acknowledge Tool for trimming slates, Indefinite article Species of pine Hebrew month Decay Attempt Receptacle Region Head covering Coniferous tree Listens Cowboy's rope Cat's cry Affirmative High In the scale Funeral pile Card game Dancing shoe Goddess of Dawn Impersonal pronoun Sets of three Islands of the South Sea Note of scale Simpleton Notch A sailor Unit of work Anger Human beings Meadow Metal Proceed A lnding place Greek letter Tha aolatloa will appear In next Issue. HOW TO SOLVE A CROSS-WORPUZZLE When the correct letters are placed in the white spaces tbts pussta wilt spell words both vertically and borlxontnlly. The flrst letter in each word Is Indicated by a number, which refer to the definition, listed below the puxale. Thus No. 1 under the column headed l" defines a word which will fill the white spaces np to the flrst blnck. square to the right, and a number under "vertical" defines a word which will all the white squares to the next black; one below. No letters so In the black spaces. All words used are dictionary words, except proper names. Abbreviation, alana. Initials, technical terms and obsolete forma are Indicated in the definitions. "horl-sonta- NURSERY RHYME PUZZLE " &)-tu- X 4. "7v " ay.. hESl a V a- -' I 9 ta"r-- " HE loves me, she loves me not, That's what the daisies sav: w w But seems to me each one I try Comes out a different way. I've heard that daisies never tell. That statement s true, I know Find thraa other daisy pfeksra.' Left side down, comer down, along arm; upper side 4 ava, aJonf leg. quite well la trees, uppsr e |