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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH S, 4 EXTRA SPECIAL! SATURDAY AND NEXT WEEK RUGS AND LINOLEUMS LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Forerst, motor ed to Salt Lake Wednesday. $56.75 $82.50 Axminister Rug 9x12 9x12 $49.75 $75.00 Axminister Rug 9x12 $26.75 $40.00 Tapestry Rug $16.75 23.50 Wool Fibre Rug 9x12 2 wide $1.75 Linoleum' yd $2.00 yard $18.50 Genuine Linoleum Rugs 9x12 . . $16.25 $15.00 SEE OUR LINE WOOL DRESSES them New arrivals, Coats Jackets and Sweaters-S- ee 19c All regular 25c yd Ginghams and Percales last 200 yds reg 30c dark red Percales while they 17 Yard l-- 2c GROCERIES ADS Due to conference I will be at the Nephl Drug TUESDAY, OCTOBER Dr. J. E. Hairrlson. 7th (only) Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fallas of Los Angeles, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Boucher this week. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. My Home for sale Walter A. Sells For good native lumber of al write Joseph C. Chistensen kinds, went Mrs. Ernest and Brough $25 pe to Salt Lake Wednesday to attend Mount Pleasant, Utah. thousand feet, or will deliver at Ne the State Fair. phi for $30. Mrs. J. W. Whitmore was hostess Scissors sharpened, saws filed, and Tuesday afternoon at a well arranged knives ground. All work guaranluncheon given at her home compli teed Jas. R. Black, 39 East, 4th mentary to Mrs. T.. C. Winn. South. Mrs. Enoch Burton came up from FOR SALE 160 acre farm, well Beaver City Tuesday. After spending a day here she left Wednesday after fenced and under cultivation, located noon for Salt Lake City to visit th 10 miles west of Nephi. For parti culars communicate with I. C, Gadd, State Fair. 489 South 2nd East, Provo, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Miller and Mr. I have a good crop of ice for sale and Mrs. Ross Burton, motored to E. Tanner. Logan Sunday where they spent a few days visiting with relatives and friends. Mr. 9 lb Bag Rolled Oats Large Package Rolled All 15c Crackers 3 for .25c Shredded Wheat 2 for 3 25c for Olive Palm Oil and Soap Jap Rose, Creme 15c . . 15c Corn . . 15c . . Tomatoes Peas Can SPECIAL SATURDAY AND MONDAY Regular $2.00 White Enamel Water Pail Regular $2.00 White Enamel Dish Pan Regular $2.25 White Enamel Dish Pan Regular 15c Raisins 3 for . . . . $1.19 $1.19 , . $1.29 35c .... . . as to change a line of clothing. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Pyper, Mr. and Its waste of money to throw Mrs. I. M. Pety, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Powers, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert your old Shoes away when they can Bailey spent Sunday in Salt- - Lake be rebuilt as good as new. C. O. LOMAX City. James Schofield, who met with a Will trade a good wagon for a accident some time ago is town again this week, al- milk cow. Apply to Mans E. Jenunable to walk yet without nings, Levan, Utah. serious around though the aid of crutches. Preston, Idaho. They were accom panied on the trip by their daughter Mrs. Nellie Pitt of Salt Lake City They report haying had a most enjoyable time. WILL L. HOYT another. We sell all four limes and you might Just as well try to borrow money at 2 per cent as to ask us to give up this famous team of International Stars! Nephi Merc. Co. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Thoso who are in a condithat Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are In good health. This fact proves while Catarrh is a local disease, itthat is greatly 'nfluencerl by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINES Is a omhtned Treatment, both local and Internal, and has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years Sold bv all druKcigts. F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. "run-dow- tion will notice Lulu Worthlngton, the daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Worthlngton, of NOMINATE TICKET S ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR m Cuff Links Watches was taken to the hospital in Salt E H Lake City, Saturday suffering with Notary Public When you want anything in p an attack of appendicitis which re H the line of Jewelry see J. Earl LICENSED ABSTRACTER And (Continued from page one) quired an operation. She was ac EXAMINER OP TITLES Reid at companied to the hospital by her this convention for the office of county attorney to this end. parents. Office at County Court House We refute the assertion that has Utah been made in the 5th Judicial District Nephl IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JUAB that the Ladies uuuuuiuuuttnnimruiiuiuiuiuniiiiiuiiumtiiuiuuiiiiuiiniiiiimitiinitSu Republican club of COUNTY. STATE OF UTAH. Nephl in any manner favor the Indeat one fourth value. Terms. Write THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF pendent candidate Wm B Hlgglns for FOR SALE Judge, and boldly assert that this to J. Waldo Parry, Richfield, Utah, Three steam threshers now BERKELEY, a corporation. Plain- club Is solidly back of the regular la Sevier County. Will sell Adm. estate of J. M. Parry. tiff, vs. Samuel G. Ord, Emily J, nominee o the Republican party. ord, and Nepm National bank, a We deny the charge that the 5th corporation. Defendants NOTICE Judicial convention held in Salt Lake OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON FORE City, of which Juab County is a part CLOSURE. was not conducted in a fair, honest, A NATION-wiD- E and Impartial manner. We further on claim that the 10 De soia at snerin .sale, nominee Judge the 18th day of Octbore, 1924, at T, H, Burton regular was the choice of the the hour of ten o'clock A, M. at the convention, that the convention was front door of the County Court held, and call upon the House at Nephl, Juab County, Utah, regularly voters of Juab county to stand by the following described real estate the action of the said Judicial conand other property, to wit:- vention. Parcel 1. The Southeast quarter In conclusion, we believe that the of the Southwest quarter of Section well known Republican principles Five, Also beginning at the South and impartially administered west corner of the Northwest quar- fairly will best develop this Nation, State, ter of the Southwest quarter of Sec and County, and we commend the tion five, thence North 140 rods then nominees of this convention to the Beautiful Fringed Curce east 80 rods thence south 140 rods in. thoughtful and earnest consideration Sheepskin Lined 36 thence West 80 rods to place of be of the voters of this county. in several tains designs, Also the Northwest quar ginning. long. Heavy drab Mole each: ter of the Southeast quarter and the skin Shell, Beaverized KENDALL CLOTHES SHOP North Half of the Southwest quarter 12 Men's and Young Men's Suits $23.75 In Township all Section in of 8, wristlets Collar, Sheep SL79-S2.49-S- 2. 29.75 South, Range 1 East, of the Salt Two Pants Suits sleeves: 11.75 Lake Meridian containing 230 acres, Boys Two Pants Suits 4.75 more or less. All situated in Juab Boys Suits Knee Pants Men's Overcoats any style .... 23.75 County, Utah. 11.75 Tared 2. The Southwest quarter Boys Overcoats Many designs with lace Made to measure, fit guaranteed. of the Southwest quarter of Section Five, the South half of the Southeast Come In and get your choice of patedge pair : Quarter of Section 6, and the West terns before they are all sold out. of Good only until October 10th. at half of the Northwest quarter KENDALL CLOTHES SHOP Section 8, all in Township 12 South Same as above with sheep $2.25-$2.4at Chapman Studio, Main Street Range 1 East, of the Salt Lake Merl dlan, containing 200 acres, more or lined sleeves: of the mTmnnmrnmrmmurairamnuiiiiiuiRmimnimiiiiinirinmiminirainiHai loss. Exept that portion 3 Southeast quarter of said Section 6, containing 10 acres, more or less wid conveved by R. J. Burraston, GOOD SERVICE dat of to deed, Utah, State by ower, in several New Fall deed Feb. 25. 1901. recorded In Book 1 GOOD 4 of Deeds. ta 343. Records of signs 42 inches wide. In All situated Utah. Juah Countv. 1 MERCHANDISE Yard. Juab County, Utah. the of 35 shares with Together AND capital stock of the Mona Irrigation Company, said shares being represen CORRECT PRICES ted by Certificate No. 270. Also, together with all other rights SHOULD MERIT of .vsrv kind and nature, however ditch of use water, the 1 evidenced, to YOUR es and and canals for the Irrigation of said premise. BUSINESS 1 27 inches long, Wool Ptirrhna orlre nayable In lawful Amer of Slates United the money of and WHERE GOOD MERCHANDISE DUE TO CONFERENCE I WILL BE AT THE NEPHI DRUG The Toggery mm WORK COATS TUESDAY, OCT. 7TH ONLY DR. YOU CAN TRUST A man doesn't inspect every bolt and wire in an automobile, or every cog in a watch, or every ounce in a sack of flour. $10.90 He finds a" name he can trust and then buys on faith 9 $13.75 Horsehide Leather Vests lined, Leather collar cuffs: $10.50 49c to $1.23 E. HARRISON TWO NAMES 98 i J. EE BET CURTAINS Curtain Net IS CHEAPER 23 s v suit wearer over to any other You might) Just as well try to stop the popularity of Jazz music as to take a man out of a Beau Brummell Shirt into residents of Nephl, but for several his Dr. Nell Brough will open years past living at Medical Springs, Oregon, are spending a few day here new office Monday, in the Venice Patients may call or this week visiting with relatives. Building. for appolntementa. W 57 phone The evening classes which are to be given this fall will commence FOR SALE three brood sows, one Tuesday, October 7th at 7.30 p. m young pig and a freshened milk cow in the high school. Miss Blackett Jack Greenland. will give courses in domestic art and Miss Maughan in domestic science. returned home Saturday evening after a two their sons' at weeks visit with n You might Just as well try to Influence Calvin Coolldge: to rote for La Follette as to ask a Wrights Union Suit buyer to put his initials on any other underwear. 150 leghorn hens for sale, one and former two years old ftt SSe each. S. R. Winn Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Winn Michaels-Ster- You might Just as well try to explain Radio as to get a Gordon hat customer to listen in on any other head phones. One door South of Nephl Drug Mr. and Mrs. John. W, Qrd, GHIIS. FODTE & 5BH5 ES You Might Just As Well Try To Coax Bunker Hill Out Of Boston SHOE REPAIR SERVICE 60c 35c 35c Class Jewelry j I1 High a Diamonds Wedding Rings i CLASSIFIED I! ' I CLOTHCRAFT CLOTHES are famous for style, quality, tailoring. I Its you can trust; so is the name of this store that sells these clothes. Sun Fast Come in and look them over. Draperies Colors that nature. Yard blend with $1.69 t0 $2.19 Ira, Dated this 25th day of September, 1924. DAN MARTIN. Sheriff of Juab County. Utah. Bv P. P. Chrlstlson, Deputy Sheriff P. N. Anderson, Attorney for plaintiff. First pub. Sept. 2th, 1924. Last pub. Oct. 17th, 1924 The Toggery SILVER MAPLE SERVfG E SERVICE AND SATISFACTION 1 a E3 Hi |