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Show LOCAL NOTES OF INTEREST IF YOU SUCCEED Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Lunt of Provo, formerly ot this city, received a visit from the stork Saturday evening leaving a tine baby girl at their home. Paul E. Booth, and Mrs. E. Forrest, motored to Provo, Wednesday, returning home the same Mrs. R. Your success is cumulative. You cannot progress alone business and every forward step of yours carries along other people on thesame road. In this way, your city becomes prosperous and great. In exact ratio to your success or failure your city succeeds or fails. That's why we, as bankers, desire to see you succeed. That's why we make a point of rendering service to deposit- them ors and endeavor to safeguard from financial reverses. Come in any day. We'll welcome you. Nephi National Bank I evening. Judge John S. Cooper, and John Cooper, went to Salt Lake Monday, as delegates from the local I. O. O. F. Lodge to the 32nd annual encampment of the Grand Lodge of Oddfellows. Fifty two lodges will be represented at this gathering. Miss Wanda Francom entertained the members of the Veyo Bee Hive swarm of the Nephl Ward M. I. A. at her home Wednesday evening. The time was spent in giving out seals to the girls. Delicious refreshments were served to the folloowing bee hive keepers and members: Maida Foote, Wanda Francom, Alice Whitmore, Florence Chase, Flomet-t- a Kendall, Mildred Sperry, Dorothy Haymond, Mary Morgan, Wanda and Miss Petty, Asinath Grover, Alice Cowan as a special guest. Members of the Social Companions Club were entertained Friday evening May 16tb, at the home of Mrs. Jack Greenland. The evening was spent In sewing and social chat. Luncheon was served to the following memMrs, bers: Mrg. R. B, Belliston, Harry Beagley, Mrs. Robert Chap-pel- l, Mrs. A. V, Gadd, Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs, Mrs, J. O. Irons, Mrs. H, J. Irons, Mrs. George Latimer, Mrs. Joel Taylor, Mrs. A. E. Smith, Mrs. Jack Greenland hostess. Mrs. Alvin Bowles GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIRING SYSTEM BEST MATERIAL USED Prompt Mail Order Service i. A. Christensen Prop Nephi, Utah Prying Curiosity. Mere prying personal curiosity, If iipplled to the sciences, might unrld tile most of the secrets of nature. CHILDREN'S FATAL DISEASES Worms and parasites in the intestines of children undermine health and so weaken their vitality that they are unable to resist the diseases so fatal to child life. The safe course is to give a few doses of White's. Cream Vermifuge. It destroys and expels the worms without the slightest injury to the health or activity of the child. Price 35c. Sold by LUNT PHARMACY CO. Sayw tne Philosopher. turns round we'll When the get on the .brighter side, but let' help the world i turn) in Fa entertained the Progressive Mothers' Kensington at her home Wednesday afternoon. The time was spent in reviewing the life and writings of Harold Bell Wright. A retold story was given by Mrs. of Jennie Beck on "The Bryant Kent." Brief sketches of his life were also given by Mrs. Kather-In- e followed. Discussion Bowles. Refreshments were served to the folMrs. lowing: Mrs. Roscoe Tolley, Leonard Jones, Mrs. Dell Sperry, Airs. Wm. Jenkins, Mrs. Fred Beck, Mrs. D. F. Winn, Mrs. James Andrews, Mrs. George A. Allen, Mrs. Wm, BaUey, Mrs. L, A. Bailey Sr., and the hostess Mrs. Alvin Bowles. WHAT MY NEIGHBOR SAYS Is of Inter. Nt To No phi Folks When one has had the misfortune to suffer from backache, headaches, dizziness, urinary disorders and other has found relief from kidney ills-a- nd all this sickness and suffering, that person's advice is of untold value to friends and neighbors. The following case is only one of many thousands, but It Is that of a, Nephl resident. Who could ask for a better example? Mrs. Louis V. Cooper, Fourth North Third West St., says: "My kidneys were disordered and caused Doan's pains In my back. Pills, which I got at Lunt's Pharmacy, have never failed to give the desired relief." (Statement given April 4, 1917) On September 22, 1922, Mrs. Cooper said: "I am pleased with the results I obtained from Doan's and gladly confirm my former statement" Don't Price 60c at all dealers. simply ask for a kidney remedy same that Mrs. get Doan's Pills-th- e Foster-Milbur- n Co., Cooper had. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. NOTICE There are a number of people riding bicycles who have not taken out their license for this year. This is final notice that all persona found riding wheels In Nephl City limits after June 1st, without a 1924 licen se plate will be dealt with according to law, GIDEON SIDWELL. City Marshal Sunday Specials Every Sunday we have a different kind of Ice Cream. Come in and let us please you these hot days. Ord and Mangelson Lunt Pharmacy Co. Notice of Salo of Estrays ORA PLATA MIXING COMPANY I have in my possession one brown Location of Principal Place of Business: Nephl, Utah mule coming three years old with no will if I claimed not which brand, Notice is hereby given that at a sell Saturday May 31st, 1924, at A. meeting of the Directors of the P. Young's corral. Oraylata Mining Company held on LORENZO WEBB A. D. 1924, an Poundkeeper, .Mona, Utah. the 19th day of May, assessment of one fifth cent per share was levied on the outstanding stock of the corporation, payable imA Child's Description. that one In mediately to the secretary of the cor"What kind of flower the parlor, mnmmw?" fnkod Bessie poration at Nephl, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may rewho had neon the ehryRtinthemnm "vou know t' one I mcBO the flower main unpaid on the 24th day ot June, A. D. 1924 at 12 o'clock noon, will wlth.the hob?" Boston Transcript. 1 be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment Is made before, will be sold on the 10th day of July, 1924, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the costs of advertising and expense of sale. T. C. WINN, Secretary Location of Office, Nephl, Utah. They Would Not. What a fine world this would be If those who have money would use ,lt as those who haven't money think they would use It If they had it. which they wouldn't. 1 ANOTHER CAR LOAD Of OVERLANDS In This Car We Have Sedans, Touring Cars And Light Trucks. Come In, Phone or Write for an appointment and let us take you for ride in these wonderful Little Cars. Our Stock of Tires, Tubes and Accessories was never more complete. THE HOME OF TEXACO PRODUCTS. Central Motor any |