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Show TtiK TIMBii-NKW- lNKI'M. s. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY, STATE Summer Excursion Fares (Jiaii LOCAL NEWS OF UTAH Mr. and Airs. Harry Wilkey of Lynndyl, .Utah, spent a few days this week with relatives in this city. alifoMa JAMES METCALF, Plaintiff, vs. HARRY BEWS ROSE BEWS. EPH-RAISORENSON, JUNIUS SOREN-SOMr. Sechser of Provo, Utah, JOSEPH F. WRIGHT, JOHN F. was theClyde guest Tuesday of Miss Ida NEPHI AND NATIONAL WRIGHT, Brough. SHERIFF'S BANK, a corporation. SALE. A fine baby boy came to bless the To be sold at Sheriff's saio at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stanfront door of the County Court House ley, Saturday, May 10th. On uim May 15th and every day thtt in tne uity or Nepm, uounty oi lummer to September 30th. Tina) Juab, State of Utah, on the 2nd day Mr. and Mrs. R. Q. Dorius, returnHmit October 3 lit, 1924. O'clock ed home of June, 1924, at twelve Ephraim. Tuesday from noon, of said day all the right, title Utah, where they have visited with Los claim and interest of said defendants relatives for the past two weeks. of, in and to the following described t: real estate Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Price and fam$44.00 The Southwest Vi of the North ily, and iMrs. Stevens of Driggs, FROM NKPHI west Vi, and the Northwest Vi of the Idaho, were guests Wedneday, of reReduction also to Long Beach, San Northwest Vi of Section 26; Town latives in this city. Diego, Santa Barbara and San Franship 15 South Range 1 West, Salt cisco via Los Angeles. Lake Meridian. The South Vg of the W. H. Lee, traveling freight agent Southwest Vi of Section 26, Town for the Union Pacific System, was THREE TRAINS DAILY ship 15 South Range 1 west of the in Nephi Monday on business for his VIA THE DIRECT ROUTE Salt Lake Meridian. company. Also: Commencing at the North For California literature, information, farm mud reservationa, call on or address Mrs. Laurence Chappell, returned west corner of the Southwest Vi of 15 South Range to her home in Arden, Nevada, Mon- Section 26, Township I. M. PETTY, Agent 1 west of the Salt Lake Meridian; day, after a two weeks visit with her thence East 70 rods; thence South parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ingram NephI 80 rods; thence West 70 rods; thence Miss Mabel Sperry North 80 rods to beginning. entertained AIbo: Commencing 5 4 rods East of featuraay evening at ner Home, com- the Northwest corner of the South pumentary to Mr. and Mrs. Albert east Vi of Section 26, Township and K. Sells who will leave- - soon for a Refresh- range aforesaid thence east 40 rods, mission to New Zealand. thence South SO' rods; thence east 66 ments were served to fifteen guests rods; thence South 127 rods; thence Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Foote of Salt 207 west 196 rods; thence North The Lake were here Tuesday. Mr., Foote rods to the place of beginning. ot the Northwest M of having come down to look over his North of tho dry farm here. He reports that his 35 The East Ms section NOTICE TO CREDITORS Northwest U ; the Southwest li.ot grain is looking well yet but the Estate of Julia Ann Warnock de the Northwest Mi The Northwest V4 ridge farms In general are very much 'He Builds Wisely YVho Builds ceased. Creditors will present claims of the Southwest M i The Southeast in need of a goad rain. Well" with vouchers to the undersigned Vi of the Southeast V and the East at the office of Will L. Hoyt, Attor James B. Riches, met with a of the Northeast Vi of Section ney at Law, Nephi Utah, on or before 22. Township 15 South, Range 1 painful accident Monday morning TO BtTLD WELL the 3rd day of July, A. D. 1924. while engaged in driving some cows WeBt of the Salt Lake .Meridian. "he was riding The North V& of the Northwest Vi ; to his farm, the horse ALMA O. WARNOCK The North Vi of the Northeast Vi and stumbled, throwing Mr. Riches to the Executrix of Last Will and Test the Southwest Vi of the Southwest ground and breaking his jaw. Medanient of Julia Ann WornocK Vi of Section 23, Township 15, South ical aid was secured and the injury Deceased Range 1 West of the Salt Lake attended to. He is now improving HAS NO EQUAL as well as could be expected. Will L. Hoyt, Attorney for Executrix Meridian. The North Vi of the Norwest Vi ; Utah. First pub. May 2, 1924. The South east Vi of the Northwest The Largest and Purest Last pub. May 23. 1924. Purchase price payable in lawful Vi ; The Northeast Vi of the South- Natural Deposit of Gypsum money of the United States. 15 est Vi of Section 15, Township Dated at Nephi, Utah, this 7th day In The World South, Range 1 west of the Salt Lake of May, 1924. Meridian. DAN MARTIN The East V4 of the Northeast Vi ; NEPHI PLASTER AND MFG. Sheriff of Juab County, Utah Vi of the Northeast By P. P Christison Deputy Sheriff. The Southwest COMPANY the Northwest Vi of the South J. Patton Neeley and T. L. Foote, meal after every east V4 ; and the Northeast Vi ot tne Attorneys for Plaintiff. Southwest Vi of Section 27 Township First publication May 9th, 1924 Cleanses month and 5 South, Range 1 West of the Salt Last publication May 30th, 1924. teetn and aids digestion. IT DRIVES OUT WORMS Meridian. Lake overThe surest sijpi of worms in children is Believes that Situated In Juab County, State of eaten feeling and acid paleness, luck of interest in play, fretful-nesmouth. variabta apjioule, picking at the nose and B'.idJci starting :n tlr. r. When llavor Its these symptoms nptw.r it. is t:V..-- t j r;iva satisfies tne craving lor A i - tijscs White's Cream VorrniiTi-"sweets. drives out the wirms n:;ii jit.5 the little Is double Wrlgley's one on the road to health apun. YlTiite's In tbe benellt and value Cream Vermifuge has a record of fifty pleasure It provides. years of successful use. Priee35e. Hold by Sealed in it Parity LUNT PHARMACY CO Package. Seaside Aesorts Angeles and Return What Your Daughter's Chum Must See Marble Floor Finish Varnish. Pale, clear, translucent, it drisa quickly with s brilliant, durable gloss that sdds materially to the beauty of the floor time. . . home coming eyed little stranger ... how many a daughter finds her social standing strengthened or impaired by her guest's impression of the home she lives In. Tour daughter who loves ner home so well can see nothing but beauty in it, but you can't expect her guests to overlook the unlovely truth of dingy, dull or shabby floors. If you have a single floor that lacks character or beauty, do not let it go another day without Devoe VACATION to-wi- ... r Thi. Coupon U Worth 40 Cents PM out thu coupon and praamt it to ua within cm 30 4s ya. will iv you Fr.. a ot any Davoa Pain, and Varniab Product you waot.or a roductlon of 40 omla oa a uvga can. W. f Addnm Ymm Noaur ft - , 4giS Maw - a ky WatN NEPHI IMPLEMENT AND 1 iliiil Union Pacific Nephi Plaster run in mw I ruu A T TV J a wata-- a Nephi Utah AtTHORIZfiD AGENT FOR. DEVOE PAINT AND VARNISH PR.ODUCTS SHKliiFF'S SALK FIFTH JUDICIAL" IN THE 16S0 acres. DIST- - RICT COUNTY, COURT, JUAB UTAH. The George C. Whitmore Company, a corporation. Plaintiff vs Hyrum Carter, Christina S. Carter, the Nephi National Bank, a corporation, and Hezekiah Carter, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's sale on he 24th day of May, 1924, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the front door of the county court house in Nephi City, Juab County, State of Utah, t: to-wi- The Suuth half of the Southwest quarter of section 13; tho South half of the South half of Section 14; the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 15; the East half of the East half of Section 22; All of Section 2 3, the West half of Section 2 4, the North half of the Northwest quarter ot Section 25; the North half ot the North half ot Section 26; and the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 27; all in Township 13 South of the Range 1 East of the Salt Lake Base in all and Meridian. Containing Together with all water rights, privileges and uses appurentant to said land. Together with all ditch and water however rights of every nature, evidenced, used on said land or belonging to same or said mortgagors, or which may be hereafter acquired or u.ied upon said land, and together with all privileges, easements and riguis oi way ueiungins to ur usuiuy enjoyed with said land or any part thereof. DAN MARTIN. Sheriff ot Juab County, Utati By P. P. CHRISTISON, Deputy First pub. May 2nd, 1924. Last publication Mav 2 3rd. 1924. ITCil WORKING PEOPLE The best of workers get out of sorts when the liver fails to act. They feel "blue" and discouraged lantuiJ, half-sican J think they are getting kusy. Neglect of these pymptoms might result in a sick spell, therefore the sensible course is to take a tloso or two of llerbine. It is just tho medicine needed to purify the system and restore the vim and ambition of health. Price 60c. Sold by ' k, I'Ulltl I i. r ft i v,- FOR OVER 40 YEARS E AlPH HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE has been used successfully in the treatment of Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICIXE consists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus reducing the inflammation. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. .'J aav m. rTtauuuu.u.i T itm n n tmi 1 mm lf Find out what comfort, power, beauty $1045 will buy in a Studebaker STUDEBAKER Low in justice to yourself, look at this car. Vinpare it with competitive cars at its price - -- tnen with cars selling for several hundred c.olir.rs more. ' Goodrich M LIGHT. SIX uvc aiowu C 1 ..up-Ho!- OUP rumn OI'U.) a eVU Compare it for beauty, comfort, roominess, upholstery, for obvious refinements. Compare it, too, for ease of handling, flexibility, power, quietness, lack of vibration. See for yourself what you can buy with little money in a fine car today. -- 1111 H94n.W.B. SParn. Touring RoavdatT(2-PM.)- iH Coupe 14S Sdaa I priuas f. i b, a (V Pass.) ' Ride in this car, ride in competitive cars. Comparison is the surest way to judge An automobile. Studebaker will place a Light-Si- x at your disposal for tis purpose any time you name. 'thou t mak Buy no car at $500 c ing this test. Don't bi blindi Wed. BIO.SIX SPECIAL. SIX U2 m.rV.B. 40 II. P. . a a a $104S . a . a 1024 k..J.trrf 5 fan. Tourtnff CORD TIRES ISC a L-h-ead ridingeasicr Sv world-famou- cr make ! a offers the best men know, at a price that makes it folly to deny yourself a fine car. Here is the thrill of a powerful motor; the comfort and luxury cf a big, roomy body deep cushioned and rratitil; beauty that characterizes the most t atly cars. savemotm World's Lowest Priced Car With DalloonHres Standard Scientifically balanced, holds the road a I all speeds. All steel body. One-piec- e windshield. Genuine leather cushions, ten inches deep. Cowl lights. Standard noinktd cord tires. TODAY- - Qilvertowns BLUE BIRD Come in! s pi pip m It's here now. liV "41 ifes2 a 4339uPl She flavor lasts 1 m t VuUBMUJPjaeWSJilpWr., SOU. P. .... a 142 a I4O0 1895 1983 7-- Touring a ....... . .... ........ SpeedMer Coupe Sedaa 126-- W. 60 H. P. $1750 . . 181S 2491 26f turj. Tmmu w auii your t WHIILI IU tXTRA f.O.I TOltO CENTRAL MOTOR CO NEPHI, UTAH GeReJudcTs I Garage STUDEBAKER I ii i iiSS III l rt LIGHT-SI- X - $1045 |