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Show A HOME PAPER FOR I ; HOME PEOPLE I Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Friday, May 23rd, 1924. The Times, Vol. 15, No. 21. FOOD SPECIALIST COMING MONDAY CONFERENCE SESSIONS HELD Twenty Young People Grad" "fate From Seminary And Awarded Certificates Y. Food Mrs. Christine B. Clayton, Specialist of the Agricultural College will be in Juab County, Monday and Tuesday, May 26th and 27th for the purpose of giving lectures., and de- monstrations. J. R. Goldsbrough Dies At Home In SpringvilIe--Bod- y Brought (To This City For Burial. The following places will be given the benefit of this visit: Monday 3 L. M. I. A. Reorganized. o'clock p .m. and 8 p. m. Nephi High School Domestic Science room. Tues day, 10 o'clock a. m. Levan. Tuesday J. R. Goldsbrough, resident of this The Stake Quarterly Conference 3 o'clock p. m. Mona. All ladles interested in foods and cty for the greater part of his life, was hfiA(J Saturday and Sunday in this city. President T. D. Rees, being in child welfare are invited to attend passed away at his home in Spring-villSaturday evening. Mr. Goldscharge of each session. The visiting these demonstrations. No charges. brough was nearly 64 years of age speakers were: Apostle Joseph Fieldhaving been born in Salt Lake City, ing Smith, Bishop David A. Smith, June 26th, 1360, the son of Henry and President Geprge Brimhall of OF INTEREST TO and Susannah Spencer Goldsbrough. the B. Y. U. 1883 was in marriage The Saturday afternoon session NEPHI STOCKHOLDERS to InSusannahhe Biglerjoined to which union was addressed by Elder Smith, who seven children were born. His wife delvered an able discourse on Docand the following children survive trinal subjects. On account of anothRex Goldsbrough, Jerome, A report on the properties of the him: er engagement at Ogden he had' to leave after the meeting and was un- Oraplata Mining Company in West Idaho, Mrs. F. M. Young, Salt Lake able to attend the Sunday sessions. Tintic, made by A. B. Gatrell, Min City, Floyd ind Vilnah Goldsbrough, Also the following The program for the Saturday ing Engineer of Salt Lake City, just of Springville. office, brothers and sisters: H. D. Goldafternoon sessions was furnished by received at the Company's the Religion Classes, there being 31 has revived hope on the part of the sbrough, Mrs. George A. Sperry Sr., graduates from this city, and 21 stockholders that pay ore may be and Mrs. David Ockey of Nephi, Mrs. from Levan from the Religion Class- developed in the Company's work Joseph Udall, Eager, Arizona, Mrs. es of Juab Stake. ings. Mr. Gatrell made an exten- Lellie Pyper, and R. H. Goldsbrough the Salt Lake City. Saturday evening a' general priest- sive investigation and survey aof nine Mr. Goldsbrough was always an inhood meeting was held in the Tab- property and has submitted ernacle. page typewritten report of same, dustrious citizen and was well respecand ted by all who knew him. The symSunday morning, the program was with maps showing workings pathy of the people of Nephi is exfurnished by students from the Sem- geology attached. The report was procured by the tended to his wife and family in the inary who gave some good talks on come to their gospel subjects. The following stu- officers of the company with the idea bereavement, that has dents were declarded graduates from of determing whether or not the home. The body was brough to this city the Seminary having completed the' showing would justify a continuat work outlined by the Stake Board ion of the development work that has for burial, funeral services being held of Education under the direction of been undertaken at the propeties, In the Tabernacle in the afternoon. E. .M. Greenwood, Principal of the and is on file at the company's office. Bishop Thomas Bailey presided. The Arvilla Stockholders are invited to call in opening prayer was offered by T. C. Eva Gowers, Seminary: Winn. Boswell, Eloise Ord, Melba Ander and examine same. The speakers were: Bishop J. F. In summing up Mr. Gatrell says: son, Veneta Latimer, Minnie Bellls-toPax-maCrossing each other near the center Bringhurst of Springville, J. W. Mae Greenhalgh, Ellen Green-halgof this D. T. Rees 1 are two large No. and President of the Oraplata Ida Brough, Fern Bowles, Daken Broadhead, Raymond Bailey, breaks or a series of smaller breaks. city, Bihop Joseph A. Gagon of Laurel Chase, This creates a condition that is most Knigbtsvllle, and Wm. Cornaby of Naomi Broadhead, Thelma Kay, LaReta Young, Mildred decidedly favorable for the deposit Spanish Fork. The char Music was furnished by the followNewton, Wanda Francom, Priscilla ion of an ore body would on ore this acter of group the Quartet, L. P. Anderson, Mrs. ing: stuWilson, Winnie Neilson. These dents were awarded certificates of indicate the existance of large ore Ed. Carter, Miss Vivian Peterson, and Galena is of a large Rulon Parkes, rendered "Oh. My graduation, the presentation being bodies. The and the lead carbonite Father" and "Sometime We'll Underblocky type D. Rees. made by Presiden limonite would stand" Duet by L. P. Anderson and with associated being ses The speakers at the morning same the indicate thing. While at Mrs. Ed. Carter, "I Know That My sion were: Bishop David A. Smith present this property is only a pros Redeemer Lives" Vocal Solo by Miss and President George Brimhall. a Peterson, "My Father Know.s" AcAt the afternoon session a large pect, yet it has the ear marks of companist Melba Anderson. mine." congregation was present. The authBenediction was pronounced by Practicallyy all the stock of the orities were sustained by a unaniL. A. Bailey. The flowers mous vote of the people present. The Oraplata Mining Company is held by Patriarch were beautiful and profuse. Stake Board of the Y. L. M. I. A. local people. -- Pearl Allen, President; Lula McPher j" son and Mrs. Grace Judd, Counselors, FOOTE HERE and Mrs. Ruby Carter Secretary; FURNITURE were released from their labors with BAILEY NEXT THURSDAY a vote of thanks for their services CHANGES HANDS In the past. The Board was then re organized with the folllowing officers: Mrs. Grace Judd, President; L. J. Foote, the popular actor will Mrs. E. M. Greenwood and .Mrs. A. A business deal by which the present "The Other CVlan's Wife" at Miss Evelyn E. Smith, Counselors; Bailey Furniture Supply Company, the Venice Theatre, next Thursday, Bailey, Secretary. was purchased by the Mr Foote will bring to May 29th. The speakers at the afternoon ses Company of Provo, Utah, this city a strong company direct and were: Presiednt Brimhall, sion The new took place Wednesday. Wilkes Theatre, Salt Lake Music was owners will take charge of the busi- from the Bishop David A. Smith. well known players as: Such City. furnished by the Stake Choir under ness about the last of the present Norma Dean, Kernan King, Miss the direction of John Hood. In the meantime the store Summers, Harold Hutchinson, Geo. month. In the evening the Oratorio "The will be renovated throughout and A. Howard Russell, and Plan of Salvation" was rendered by several improvements made. The new Mr. Cleveland, All new and himself. Foote the choir, the Taberancle being filled company expect to carry a complete is announced for this scenery special to capacity to hear this splendid pro and up to the minute line of furn With such noted play Mr. production. duction. iture and house furnishings. ers as the above a rare treat is In John C. Hall of this city will be their store for the theatre patrons of the manager here. Later announcements Venice. Seats are now on sale. NEPHI HIGH will be made by the company relative SCHOOL NOTES to the opening date. e, n, n, h, L J. "- (By Lois Lunt Reporter) Monday night the Faculty enter- tained the Seniors at a picture show party. After the show refreshments were served In the dining room of Mr. John the high school building. Hood was toastmaster. The follow Ing responded to toasts: Air. Sperry, Mr. Glazier, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Beag- ley, Miss Farrer, Leland Belllston. A vocal solo was given by Wenonah Miller. Reading by Miss Langlois, and a piano solo by Melba Anderson PARTY GIVEN FOR RETIRING TEACHERS A very enjoyable canyon party wag given Monday evening by the grade teachers of this city, complimentary to J. C. Hall, John Hood, Mrs. W. H. Warner and Vera Pay who are severing their connection with the school system here. The teachers Including their friends to the number of fifty enjoyed the outing and had a very Refreshments were time. Tuesday afternoon a reception for delighful the mothers of the Home Economics served at the ranger station, a featweenie Girls and Seniors was held. The Art ure of the eats being a Needlework and the dresses of the roast. raduates were on display. A contln uous program was rendered and Ice cream and cakes were served In the Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs entertained the Social Companions Club Tuesday eve dining room. ning. A program of readings aid follows: Vocal music was given PRESENTED WITH selections by Mrs. R. B. Belllston, FOUNTAIN PEN Piano selections by Miss Viola by Miss Worthlngton, Readings Geneva Langlois and Miss Beth As a testimonial of their esteem Hobbs. Luncheon was served to the and appreciation for Supt. Stewart following members and guests: Mrs. the grade teachers presented him Mattle Vickers, Mrs. Joel Taylor, Wednesday morning prior to the Mrs. Art Kendall, Mrs. A. E. Smith, life Mrs. II. 1. Irons, Mrs. J. O. Irons, opening of class work, with time Fountain Pen, with name en Mrs. George Latimer, Mrs. Jack graved on same. Supt. Stewart In Greenland, Mrs. Robert Chappell, R. B. Belaccepting the gift spoke feelingly of Mrs. Harry Beagiey, Mrs.Miss Geneva his association with the teachers of llston. Special guests: this city & the grateful memories of Langlois, Miss Mnughan, Miss Viola hit work here that he would carry to Worthlngton, Miss Clara Hobbs, Mrs. Hewlett, Mrs. Ray Stewart. his new field of labor. YEAR BOOK OF NEPHI HIGH SCHOOL ISSUED The N Book nublished by the N. H. Student Body was distributed to the students this week. The book is a great success and gave much satis faction to the students. It Is the first year book that has been published here for a number of years. The total cost of the book was approximately $625, all of which has been raised by subscriptions and donations from the various classes and activities. The 8tudent Body and Staff, members take this opportunity of thanking the public for the good support riven the book and the enthusiasm shown by the students. 8. IN ARE SENT OUT County Treasurer Ida Parkes has sent out the first notices this "week for the 1924 tax assessments. Any person having any complaint to mak regarding their valuations are citel to the following dates on which the Hoard nf formalization will meet to adjust any errors: June 4th, 6th, 6lh, and 7th, at Nephi, and June 3rd. et If von have anv business Kureka. with the Hoard regarding your as sessment you must be sure and mass It known on these dates otherwise your complaint will not be heard. MILES MILLER DIED YESTERDAY AUDIT REPORT OF CITY FILED POST-OFFI- CE Miles Miller, 52 years of age, a native of this city passed away at his home here yesterday afternoon folCivil Service Commission Fix lowing an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Delinquent Water Rates Are Miller was working on his farm in Date of June 14th for Hold- the Tintic Valley Commented Upon By Audwhen he was stricken with dread a the disease week ago. Provo He is survived by his wife and two itors rElectric Light Acing Examination Place Designated. counts In Good Shape. He children, Florence and Ralph. also leaves the following brothers: D. M. Miller and Wm. Miller of this A detailed report of the recent At the request of the Postmaster city, Myron Miller of Salt Lake, also General, the United States Civil Ser- one sister Mrs. Annie Hodge of Cal- audit of the accounts of Nephi City vice Commission announces an open ifornia. for 1922 and 1923, was filed by the Goddard-Abbe- y competitive examination to be held Company certified on June 14th, to fill the position of public accountants, with the city recorder the latter part of the week. postmaster at Nephi, Utah, In which NEPHI HIGH SCHOOL a vacancy will occur on June 4th, The report covers several pages of 1924, when the term of Postmaster EXERCISES LAST NIGHT closely typewritten matter and deals Allen will expire. This information very minutely with the city affairs is contained in a letter to the Times-New- s during the past two yearB. received Tuesday. The report shows that on DecemThe commencement exercises of ber 31st, 1923, there was a bank According to this communication the examnaton will be held at Provo, the Nephi High School was held last balance of $12,519.91. Against this Utah, on the date given above. It is night at the auditorium. Thirty three balance there were warrants outstanexpected that appointments will ba young men and women were awarded ding of $16,788.83 leaving an overmade as a result of this examination. diplomas. The address to graduates year. This overdraft had accrued in This In not an examination under the was delivered by Dr. Richard R. draft of $4,268.92 at the close of the Civil Serv!ce Act and rules, but is Lyman of the University of Utah. the following departments: General held under an executive order of Miss Naomi Broadhead was awarded purpose fund, Water$1,533.90; May 10th, 1321, providing for such the N pin, by the Alumni Association, works fund, $4,500.61; Streets and Earl Gadd, makng the presentation. Highways, $2,848.59 and the in erest procedure. Applicants must submit to the ex- Special mention was also made of the fund $456.92. In the electr c light aminer on the day of the examination work of Miss Melba Anderson and fund, there was a balance in favor of their photographs, taken within two Miss Lazelle Chase. $3,461.60, and the fund, a The class valedictorians were: Miss balance of $1,609.48. Library years, securely pasted in the space At the close of the year accounts provided on the admission cards sent Margaret Foote, whose paper on are "Salesmanship" was the most brill- receivable due the city was $5,252.67. them after their applications filed. Tintypes or proofs will not be iant and finished address that it has These amounts were made up as folbeen our pleasure to hear in a long lows: Delinquent water taves $1,500. accepted. Appllction form 2241 and form time and reflected honor and credit Electric Light fees $180.90 and from 2223, containing full information as to the school and graduating class. Juab County $3,571.77. Mr. Glen Cole, the other valedict-toria- n to the requirements to be met and Too much laxity" says the report, also gave an excellent paper "has existed in the collection the character of the examination to of be given, may be obtained from the on "Educational Aims of High water rates, there being numerous local or from the United School" which showed much study users who have not paid their water States Civil Service Commission, and thought on the part of Mr. Cole. bills for some years past. This is a Jas. Garrett Jr., President 'of the great injustice to those who are Washington, D. C. Applcations must be properly executed, showing the Board, president at the exercises prompt in their payment, also to the examination point at which the ap- and Principal George A. Sperry, taxpayers in general who must make plicant disires to be examined, and presented the diplomas to the. class. up any deficit in city revenues. must be filed with the Commission The program as given in our last "On the other hand" continues the at Washington, in time to arrange week's Issue was carried out at the report "the Electric Light Departfor such examination. exercises. ment Is to be commended upon the condition of their accounts, only a total of $180.90 being out on Dec. SCHOOL OPERA GOY. MABEY TALK 31st, 19 23, and all this we are informed has -- since, beau pai&lL. Some of the assessments on paving PLEASES CROWD TO KIWANIANS Work are much overdue with the exception of district 14, final installments of which should have been The annual school opera "Princess The local Kiwanis Club was hon- made in 1918. Bonnie" given by the N. H. S. stu ored Monday noon at their regular The fixed assets of the city are dents in the auditorium Wednesday luncheon in having as their guests listed at $89,268.90. evening under the direction of John Governor Charles Mabey and Party. The bonded indebtedness of the Hood, pleased a large crowd who at- - Gov. Mabey was returning from a city on Dec. 31st, was $25,000.00. teded the annual offering. The music trip to Ely, Nevada, where he had cent per drawing Interest at 5 of the opera Is catchy and tuneful been meeting with the business men annum. These bonds are as follows: and pleasing to hear. The chorus there on road matters. On the in- Water Bonds, $4,000.00 due in 1929. work was very good considering the vitation of President Boud, he adBonds, $3,000.00 due in new material that was used. Thi dressed the club for a short time on Refunding 1930. Electric Light Bonds, $11,00-0.0- 0 work of the principals in the cast road plans of the State relative to Water bonds due in 1930. was good, although at times there central and southern Utah. Preston due In 1937. Paving In$3,000.00 G. Roif.l in Peterson, chairman of the appeared to be some hesitancy tersection Bonds, $4,000.00 due in changing from one scene to another. Commission, also spoke for a few 193.7. The stage setting and costumes were mlnuteB and stated that he would The auditors suggest that an lnven all that could be desired and re like to come down to a future meetbe taken each year of the purflected much credit on those who ing and explain why the Wendover torg chases made & the material on hand cerhad this work In charge. The play- Route was selected. This would of which a proper record should be ing of the orchestra was very good tainly be a most interesting subject kept. and added much to the opera. Mr. to many people here, in view of the More deposits of city Hood Is to be congratulated on the divergent views that are now afloat funds arefrequent recommended In the report route. success of the annual event also the respecting this particular instead of only two or three times were: a month. This students who took part. It was a Other members of the party will reduce the chance " credit to the. school. Joseph Decker Salt Lake Business of mistakes and increase the amount Trithe Wilson of and man, Monty of interest paid by the bank.. bune Staff. Attention is called to the fact that WILL GO TO PRICE the meat inspector has not turned Into the city any fees for inspection TOMORROW MORNING ENTERTAIN PRESIDENCY No charge has been made it is said, although the ordinance calls for a AND GRADUATES fee of 50c for a beef, 30c, for hogs. 15c for sheep, calves or goats, these A Jolly bunch of Kiwanians will fees to be turned Into the city treas leave this city morning ury. headed for Price, Utah. They will Saturday evening the Seminary The amount in the sinking funds take along with them the Silver Alumni entertlned the Stake Pres- on Dec. 31st was $959.07 of which Inter-Cit- y Loving Cup, which has idency and their wives, also the Sem- $500 of this amount was in L'berty been In the possession of the local inary Graduates at an elaborate Bonds figured as cash. The sidewalk organization for the past two weeks. banquet at the high school. A verv fund has a balance of $531.69. It Is expected that about forty people enjoyable program was rendered as Suggestions are made tn the report will make the rip and a royal time follows: Talk, Mr. Greenwood; Pray- that a more complete minute record is anticipated. Some of Nephl's best er, J. E. Lunt; ToaBt. Raymond be no record being mado that talent will be taken along to furnish Bailey; Song, Wenonah Miller; Piano the kept, minutes of subsequent meetings the progam for the evening's enter- Solo, Priscilla Wilson; Toast, Daken were read and approved. Signa'urs tainment. The trip will be made by Broadhead; Vocal Duet Ida Brough, of the councilman or recorder should auto by way of Spanish Fork Canyon and Melba Anderson; Talk, President also appear on en h minute record A number of Rees; 8ong, Mrs. E. M. Greenwood; and Soldier Summit. to the auditors. More com the members are plannng ' to return Talk, "Graduates Future" Naomi according plete filing records are also recomby way of Salina Canyon. That the Broadhead. mended In the report- Kiwanians of "The Biggest The followng alumni officers wera Little City on Earth" as our late lamented elected for the coming year: Presi friend Cooper of the Price dent, Evelyn Bailey; Tie members of the Socall Neigh used to say, will give the Daken I'.roadhend; Secretary-Treasure- r yester local Kiwanians a splendid reception Melba Anderson; Reporter, bors Club wreats entertained the home of Mrs. Is a fore-gon- e Eloise Ord. Board of Directors, Ray- day afternoon conclusion. mond Bailey, Edith Garrett, Laurel T. D. Rees. The time was pleasantly spent In sewing, after which dainty Chase. AUSTRALIAN VISITS NEPHI refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. G. II. Judd, .Mrs. J. W. ALUMNI BANQULT TONIGHT Boud, Mrs. Harry Foote Mrs. Oeorge O Ostler. Mrs. J. K. Ostler. Mrs. A. Mr. George Downes, of Sydney, The annual Alumni Banquet and F. Bracken, Mrs Gilbert Bailey, Mrs. Australia, spent the week end In thl rlty the guest of Mrs. F.. XI, Booth. dance wilt take place tonight In the Oeorge D Haymond, Mrs. P. B. Special Mr. Downos, Is a cousin of Mrs. Booth High School. Two hundred invltat Cowan Mr. N. J. Rees, and has been making sn extended trip Ions have been aent out for the oc guests: Mrs. T. C. Winn, Mrs B. R. through the United States. He left casion and a large number of former Forrest. Mrs. Dennis Wood. Mrs. Sunday afternoon for San Francisco, graduates of the school are experts! Ru9 Hawkins, Mrs J. W. Ellison, where he will pmbark for Australia. to be present. The banquet will be Mrs. 3. H. Lunt. Mrs. Cleo Read Mrs. served by the Domestic Science De June Kendall, Mrs. R. L. BaUhelor, Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Goblo partment under the supervision of and the hostess Mrs T. D. Rees. Miss Emma Cole assisted In serving. Miss Maughan. Wednesday, a fine baby girl. post-offi- . pr News-Advoca- TAX NOTICES 1 The News, Vol. 8, No. 21 FORMER NEPHITE TO FILL VACANCY PASSES AWAY DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF JUAB COUNTY Vice-Preslde- n'. |