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Show THE The TIMlSS-lNEWi- S, -- Times-New- s NEPI11, UTAH. LOCAL HAPPENINGS ! .... I'ubliNhed evei j Friday by The Time I'uMthliinpr (iriipiiny : . m THE MAN WITH The Good In :ome J. H. Lunt, is in Salina this weed on a cattle buying trip. Manager Miss Vera Faxuian, returned homo lrom Lynadyl Monday. SubNCrlpIion llatea - $2.00 One Vear Bessie Tollley, spent Sunday ia $1.00 Sii Montns Juab, the guests of friends. FOKC'E EUROPE TO l'AV Wm. Urough went to Payson yes terday to attend to some business Why the public doea not rise ou matters, its haunches and burst into a roar o Lovell Ostler of Salt Lake City, is laughter that would echo around tho are made spending a few days in Nephi this world when suggestions that Uncle Sam should cancel Eur- week. ope's war debts, like the wisdom of Robert Lomax, Nephi's music deal the Lord passeth understanding. Last year the easy Americans er, transacted business in Leamington paid Germany $960,000,000 for worth Monday. less marks. As fast as German printE. H. Sparks, returned from Salt ing presses could turn out the fin- Lake Monday where he has visited ancial junk good American dollars were poured into Germany to bring with relatives for some time. them to the land of the free. Thomas Vickers, returned from In addition to this stupendous folly American tourists spent in Germany Salt Lake Wednesday where he has been on acount of the illness of his $750,000,000 which foots up Just 13 per cent of the entire war wife inthe above city. debt. And the end is not yet, Marley Golden, came down from American money is even now turnSalt Lake Wednesday. After spendGerman of wheels the industry. ing American brains are even working to ing the day with relatives hero, Mr. Golden left again yesterday for San help solve the German national proDiego, Calif. blem. This year American children will and Mrs. D. M. Miller and Mrs play with German toys to the exclus- H. Mr, M. Carter motored to Magna, Friion of Toys of American manufacture. Summed up, America stands today day, where they spent the week-enthe world's great easy mark. Char- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ged with being a nation of dollar the worshippers, w find ourselves Only one more week to do your easy victims of every shrewd EuropChristmas shopping. The merchants ean tricksters and governmental of Nephi were never better prepared to serve you than they are this a we to is It time put definite end Read their advertisements terlous consideration of debt repud- season. In this issue, it will pay you big. iation. Now Is the time to talk real strict The Union Pacific installed a aanl accountability. announce that tary drinking fountain in the waitLet Washington room of the local depot Monday. Europe to the last nation must pay ing her debts, and to the last farthing. This is a much needed improvement and will be a convenience for the traveling public. Hl'GAR BEETS is ioaq The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. T. H. Burton, TuesIn commenting on the outlook for day evening. The program consisted the beet sugar industry, Facts About of a brief history of the United States from 1492 to the present time Sugar says: "While the prospects of the beet by Mrs. T. H. Burton and Mrs. J. Musical numbers sugar companies are vastly bettsr W. Whitmore. than a year ago, the present con- were furnished by Helen Cowan, dition is far from being all that Marcus and Blanch Burton and Roy Lomas. The following were present: could be desired. "They are seeking to sell as jnuch Mrs. Jas. L. Belliston, Mrs. Wilson as possible of their output in favor- Glazier, Mrs. J. W. Whitmore, Mrs. able local markets, both in order to J E. Cole, Mrs. E. R. Forrest, Mrs. improve their own showing and to in- Dennis Wood. Mrs. J. W. Boud, Mrs. crease the farmer's return from his G. M. Whitmore, Mrs. S. B. McCune beet crop, which is based on the net and the hostess Mrs. Burton. trice the companies obtain for their product. "While the practical failure of some of the farm crops to return evnn DENTIST the coBt of seed and cultivation has trade the sugar beet a genuine boon 521-52- 4 Cllft Building tc the farmer and while the outlook Salt Lake City for sugar companies is far brighter than a year ago, conditions of th? Practice Inclusive of Scientific Platework! past season have been such as to pre vent the crop from yielding full norGum Dtaeasea mal returns either to grower or manu Edlt- DENNIS WOOD A. B. GIBSON - Is apt to neglect the building up of a reserve fund, as the man working for smaller wages No one can afford not to set aside something for the unforseen emergency and the days ahead. In our savings department you will find courteous treatment and 4 per cent interest on savings. 0m IIP The First National Bank J Uth Nephi. ' I I SHE EXPECTS IT--and of course she will get it. No Christmas is complete without a box of nice, rich, appetizing and tasty candy. d, prompt attention. y "'" - A HOST OF GffTS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Despite large advance sales--ostock of Christmas Merchandise ur is complete and invites your WE ARE HERE TO SERVE Nephi Drug Co. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS For Charles H. Dunn X-r- ay Hand Painted China 60c to $5.00 Bud Vases 65c to $1.25 $3.50 Casseroles Serving Trays Candle Sticks to $3.00 $1-7- $100 to $2.50 $11.00 to $16.00 Library Lamps Brass and Crock Hanging Baskets Brass Jardirreers Fruit Baskets $2.00 to $4.00 $2.75 to $4.50 75c to $2.2E SPECIAL PRICKS ON DOLLS SATTKRW 25 inch Mamma Dolls They walk and talk $3.95 facturer. "If the two Interests wll cooperate next year by putting down a larger acreage and giving it the benefit of careful cultivation, the chances are favoring a better return for both and more satisfactory condition a'l around." HOWS THIS? HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it cure Ci:rrh or Deafness caused by CatarrK. We do not claim to cure any other diase. HALL'S CATARRTI MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and acts through the blood upon the County Clerk Hoyt. Issued a mar riage license Wednesday to Horace mucous surfaces of the system, thus Gibson and Remelda Nielson, both reducing the inflammation and reof Moroni, Utah. Bishop A. H. Bel- - storing normal conditions. llnton performed the marriage cere- -' All Druggists. Circulars free. monv. P. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Morris Chairs, Overstuffed Leather Chairs, Children Chairs, Doll Carriages, Dinner Sets, Jardinieres Tea Pots, Coaster Wagons, Metal Frame Pictures, Velocipedes, Cedar Chests and many other useful presents, at prices within the reach of all. 41 $1.10 Ice and Roller Skates $2 50 to $3.00 Sleighs Look our stock over, you will be surprised at the values. KENDALL BROS. Should Hot Tcnipt You Use SSMS.IU Cooking Utensils V AtrJur?jr BRZtfNG PQWEER That's What Millions of Housewives Do T." CLEAN f, FOAKINp Wnv POWTl V For quick results on They know that Good Baking Powder can't be sold for less that "more for the all metalware use mon-cy"mca- bake-da- y SAPOLIO Clean Scours Polishes Large cake BEST BT TEST irni ini n innnnnn SM C., lUw Yrh. U.S. A. iri"'iMi" ' u me iii .linn ' mi -- ii .mm fmi '4' ii The Economy Utah Nephi, bch BAILEY FURNITURE SUPPLY CO. 10c up. Hundreds of toys from pm Gifts We Have: TE 'rAlt ns Poors for the little henlcJ huu cL;p tnj night no fires to builj on cold morn-i- n a wnrm room to cTcm in rim'irk 1U in fiwl manrp UnU Col.'f Ong.nJ t)wt Hot GUrt Hitcr. Iti air iglit cnriitmction, poW.rful rjj.a'ing hodj WARM fail- ures, waste of time and money that Calumet means economy. The salt s of Calumet arc over 150 greater than that of any other baking powder. WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER " 'ML, J CO LE'C sj V HOT BLAST FUEL SAVING L U SYSTEXI Oirt fry.ni. Cul. i Hot Blurt makai jour ful piU Int. tit afnul nur tailing gamanlct fr Cooper, Pyper & Co. Nephi, Utah k |