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Show ,.oatWBr THE TIM CIRCTJLAT- - ' KS THROUGHOUT EAST JUAB COUNTY AND IS A VALUABLE ADVERTISING MEDIUM. ': i THE ES-NE- NEPHI, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15TH, 1923 " SERVICE sue. NEPHI POULTRY ASSOCIATION ACTIVE attended meeting of tin Association was held Poultry Nephl The question of Saturday evening. marketing eggs was one of the chief subjects up for discussion at tno close of which, the association went A well on record In favor of every member of the association shipping their egg under the three county agreement decided upon. An order was elven by the association for 7,500 These hioVa for snrln delivery. r.hiVa win h purchased from the Hollvwood Hatchery of California who operated by Mr. Richardson, makes a specialty of raising pure The purpose of the as bred chicks. sociation is to build up their flocks with the best grades of poultry that number of the members gave Instructive talks along various phases of the business. ran be found. A OF Kef. 29 STAR-ILEGIO-N WATCHMAN FOILS YEGGS ELECT NEW OFFICERS Committee Appointed To Arrange For Program and EntertainmentWill Be Red Letter Day In History of Juab School District. the district. Thursday January 4th, will bo An elaborate program tstudents day. is beine prepared by the faculty and the alumni association particulars of which will announced later. The complete program for the two ths days will be announced through columns of this paper In a future is 18 A BOOHT. THE NEWS, VOIi. 6 DEDICATION OF HIGH SCHOOL JAN. 3RD The date of the opening of the new building has now been definitely fixed for Wednesday, January 3rd. Committees have been appointed and a program outlined for the dedication services. Prominent educators from over the state will be here, inwho will deliver cluding Gov. Mabey, an address on the-- opening day. It is planned to have a two days' celebration. '. The first day will be the parents and older citizens, and the second day for the High School students, and the members of th Alumni. The program as outlined by the executive committee will consist of a reception at the building on the morning of January 3rd from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. During this reception the citizens will be shown over the building in groups and the various rooms and their use will be explained by members of the committee. At 2 p. m. a program will be given In the auditorium at which time the dedication address and prayer will be given which will formally opea This the building for school use. program will close about 4 p. m. From 4 to 5 p. m. a parade of school students will be held along Main Street at which time a farewell will be given to the old building and appropriate talks made. At 5.30 p. m. a banquet will b2 given in the new building in honor of the out of town visitors and pub This will lic officials of the district; be prepared by the Domestic Science eparment of the school under the direction of Miss Carrie Leigh. At 8 p. m. another program of sone and speeches will be given in the auditorium until 9.3? p. m. after which the festivities will end with a free dance in the school gymnasium ' to the narents and older citizens of B AND MINING INTEREST JUAB COUNTY : :' ' THE TIMES, VOL. 13, NO. 41 1TMES-NKW- ER FOR THE AGRICULTURAL A very interesting meeting of thu Service Star Legion was held in the Commercial Club rooms Monday after noon. After an enjoyable program the following additional officers of Daring Attempt To Break the organization were elected: 3rd Nat-iou- al Into Vault of Vice President Miss Frances Kirgen; 4th Vice President, Mrs. J. E. Lunt; Bank. 5th Vice President Mrs. Henry Pain ter. Mrs. P. N. Anderson was elected secretary, to fill the vacany caused A attempt to break into the by the moving away of Mrs. L. Wt- vaultdaring of the First National Bank oc Evans. curred early Sunday morning when three yegg men were disturbed in their work, by the alertness of night " BOARD OF EDUCATION watchman Ernest Brough, who iu passing the bank building heard a HOLD MEETING slight noise which aroused his sus picions that all was not well. In making an investigation at the rear did Canvass Bchool Election Returns No not of the building Mr. Broughcomdiscover anything but in Change In Result Certificates ing around the Nephi Mer. corner Ordered Issued. he saw three men dash out of the door south of the bank. He called to them to stop but they kept running A special meeting of the Board oi until they came to the Grace Garage Juao icliuoi Uistnct was held Mon gas tank, where one took refuge. the day evening, there being present Jan. and commenced to fire back at un Uurrett Jr, Loreuzo IVlangelson, aau watchman, who had by this time loaded his six shooter as they were Jos. F. Mew ton. The votes cast iu the recent school running north. The shooting by this election were canvassed by the itotud time had attracted the attention of but no errors were found iu the tao il several citizens who live nearby and lations, the result being the aauie as who soon were on the scene of action. An investigation which followed. published in this paper last week. On motion, the clerk was ordered revealed the fact that the bandits had to itsaue certificates of election to J gained an entrance to the second H. Lunt, Lorenzo Mangelsou, and Jos floor of the bank .by forcing the lock Newton, for the term of four years of the door to the south of the bank. Locating the vault, the yeggs commencing January 1st, 1923. a layer of brick from tha removed was also instructed to ine clerk had com notify each newly elected member to side wall, after which they file the necesary bond before the menced the work of digging through the concrete wall which covers the close of the present year. six After attending to some other top of the vault. A hole about when the bored been inches had deep minor business the meeting adjourn lookout had evidently given the alarm ed. was on their that the track, hence the hurried get away of First - NEPHI HIGH SCHOOL NEWS OFJHE WEEK Batchelor. .. Desert Dance LaMar Hawkin3 History Past and Future Paul Grace Saxaphone Duet Leroy Lbmax and Marcus Burton. Address "Loyalty" .... W. C. Andrews 1V1 1 r the country u safer tilace for II AKB Assembly was given by the Sopho mores Wednesday and was enjoyed by everyone. ..... Prayer v Ruth Booth Violin Duet Helen Cowan and Verdd, your child. The seals y buy return to bless you with lucres s el heaRa la tbi tat luy all you mn. " , Devotional exercises of last- week BAYMOND RE-EECTwere given by the Seminary and was very pleasing to the student body. KIWANIS PRESIDENT The Lords Prayer Jack,' Winn New Testament Class Song Sermon on the Mount Lavern Black- ett, Blanche Pitt, Gladys Ingram Annual Election Held At Luncheon Ida Brough, Emma Cole Song Monday Club Will Launch Cam''' Talk "Creation" Sheldon Winn, Stan paign For Greater Activity.1 ford Rees. Piano Solo Dorothy Boud '. . Ruth Booth Reading The annual election of officers and , John Live Sparks Cooper directors for the Kiwanis Club of thw Song "The Lord is My Shepherd" city took place at the weekly lunch Veneta and Cora Latimer. eon Monday noon, there being a good . attendance of members present.Preparations are being made by The result of the balloting showed the Faculty and Board for the open ing of the High School building. A the following members elected:- Presi very excellent program will be fur dent Geo. D. Haymond: Vice Preai nished and a regular jubilee given dent June Kendall, District Trustee This high school buliding has been W. C. Andrews; Board of Directors; long expected and the students of yie A. V. Gadd, G. M. Whitmore.. J.. W, high school are proud Jlhat they are Olpia, A, E. Smith, ,T. H. Burtou, .JV. to be honored in being. the first to G. Ortue, and L Petty. ., . ' ' "'. . attend.-.-- ' fresldontiiayuioTid, thdkedr tL .j The student body of the High Schbo mcuiuois iui me uuuur which nail thank the tax payers of Juab School been conferred upon him and District for the beautiful building asked the support of each one present they have provided for them, and in the work of upbuilding in the they promise to do their best to honor community. He also outlined plans and make you feel repaid for your for greater activity on the part of efforts. the club in which each member would be asked to lend his help. The opera "Billie Taylor" is not A resolution was passed by the Mr. him club hoine- worked on now. asking the Lincoln Highway Asis so busy right now that it is impos sociation to change the present route and Club sible to work both the Glee from Salt Lake City south through Work wil proceed after Nephi to Beaver City, and then the onera. west the holidays and it Is hoped that It to Ely, Nevada. The resolution poinand the peo move will along rapidly ted out the advantage to be gained ple of Nephl will be able to see an by this change, as it eliminated a in opera that is exceptionally high great deal of desert country west of quality. Salt Lake, and brought the tourist through the fertile valleys of Utah, on thi by The vaudeville put where excellent accomadations could Ladies Glee Club was a successful! be obtained by the traveler. The house was large an venture. The musical numbers consisted of n.a hree-a- ct vaudeville was we'l two pianologues by Miss .Margaret worth mention. Foote, and several chorus numbers In The Agriculture Club of the Nephl by the club members, delivered HIeh gave their annual apron and their usual snappy style. The secretary and treasurer of the overall dance In the Arllntgon, Dec 8th. The music was furnished by club will be chosen at the first meet the High School orchestra under the ing of the new board of directors. direction of Prof. Bird. Cider and doughnuts were served by two able bodied farmers, and the RED CROSS HOLD dance was enjoyed by all. Lois Lunt N. H. S. Reporter ANNUAL MEETING ED - t in v """v DISTRICT COURT CONVENES JAN. 2ND Jury List For January Term of DLst- rift Court Drawn From Box Thirty Five Citizens in Venire. - ' t. The next term of the Fifth Dist rict Court will convene In this city on January 2nd at 10 a. m. This week thirty names were drawn from the jury box for service at this term. The drawing was made by the County Clerk, in the presence ot . County Attorney T. H. Burton, anC"County Treasurer Ida Parkes, in cjrpHancl with Section 3610, of the compiled laws of Utah, 1917.' The following the listi Jas. E. Cole, Geo. C. Bean Brcugh, J. W. Blackett, Ed iiean, RTh: EVau,r9 Barter -- Brtngh Nephi Israel Bale, Earl V; Ellison, Hyrum Lroadhead, Oscar Bowers, Robert E. Chappell, Wm. Foster, Jos. H. Green halgh. Eureka Hyrum M. Bradley, W. P. Carter, James Grant, Thomas Hold-waThomas Bale, Geo. Brewster, David J. Russell, J. N. Forgie, John Enlund, Frank Bacon, Frank Brohn, Robert Laird. Mona John W. Kay, Amasa L. y, night-watchm- ' the robbers. ' .No definite clew has yet been ob- tained, although a kit of burglar tools were found by the R. R. section mea LEVAN'S WEEKLY BUDGET OF NEWS Monday. 1 The CVaracter Ball elvnn SaWIrrinv evening ,wa ea huge success ffrom every standpoint. Those who neg lected the opportunity to attend sure made a mistake. The various costumes worn by the students produ ced a great amount of fun, many of them being of quaint design. an This i ' kit is composed of ele- - ctrte drills and other apparatus- tor u. operating just sucn ventures as SK abbvel' 'When last, seeijtlie banflts were running In the ditTsctlott of th. new High School buildtag. Night watchman Brough, is to be complimented for his attention to duty as it is hard to say what dam age they may have done had they not been disturbed in their work. Mr. Brough was alone at the time, night- wachman Pitt, having gone to the , depot to meet the train. - J , -- f 3T f Miss Merie Bosh, was hostess at a bundle shower Friday eening, in Green. honor of Beatrice Bosh, a bride of the E. week. Levan H. A. Crane, James .Many beautiful and useful Taylor. presents were given and a delightful Mills A. L. Curtis. time was enjoyed by all. At 10.30 p. lONJOINT SESSION Mammoth Ray Jones, Earl Dunn, m. a delicious luncheon was served Samuel Cox, to the following: Sylvia Christenseo, SUNDAY EVENING Silver City Joseph Elsmore. Delila Bosh, Emily Bosh, Ella Taylor, Delia Tundbridge, Sophia Bosh, Hazel Brown, Airs. D. Bosh, the guest Sunday evening there will be a con of honor Beatrice Bosh and the host COMMISSIONERS HOLD joint session of the three wards of ess Merle Bosh. this city in the Tabernacle to com REGULAR SESSION mence at 7 p. m. A member of the Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bosh enter Church Board of Education will be tained a number of thi-i- relatives and down to address the people. The proAn ela will be provided by the mem The regular monthly meting of tho friends Saturday evening. was served, after gram bers of the Seminary, under the dir Board of County Commissioners was borate dinner was spent in music ection of the Stake Seminary teacher held Saturday, there being present W which the evening Mr. Ernest Greenwood. G. Orme, Geo. Francom, and John and games. The following program has been Bunnell. The business transacted Stephen Chrlstensen, an early set arranged for the occasion. was principally of a routine nature. Jack Winn The Lords Prayer Jas. Anderson of Levan, and Jos. tler of Levan died InSunday. Funeral the ward meet- - Pilgrims Chorus by the New Testa S. Robins of Eureka, were appointed services were held Mr. Chrlstment Section! as deputy asBesors, to look after the In ghouse Wednesday. by bis widow, eight Talk Subject Spiritual and Physical k assessments on the desert ensen is survived nlneteen-gran- d children, Sheldon Winn Creation O. II. Kay, withdrew as justice of children and mourn besides who of friends a host On Old and New Interpretation favor in of of Loran the peace Talk, Mona, his demise. Stanford Rees of Creation Peterson, each receiving two votes Solo Dorothy Boud Piano ii. the recent general election for this The work on the state highway Is Plea Before Paul's no on Apostle named candidate Read'ng. office, being still In progress, although somewhat Ruth Booth Agrlppa cither ticket. King retarded by the inclement weather. Duet "Down By The River's Verdant James B. Riches, was appointed Side Emtna Cole and Ha Brough to receive the allotment of 60 ounces There is a great deal of sickness Talk By Member of Church Board of of poison from the state crop Inspec the older people of the town Education. tor for the extermination of rodents. among at the present time. Benediction The clerk ordered to draw a war rant for $6,760 In payment of Inter Glancing In the shop windows, we ent on bonds, and send same to New see the first signs of Santa's annual MANTI OUTCIAKSED IJY York. liOCAL QX1NT visit which we all enjoy so much. E. O. Bylund, was alowed $10 for The B. P. L. M. club met at Mrs juvenile expense for December. The Manll High School Basket Emily Bosh's Tuesday evening. The Pall team were completely outclasto luslness matters attended during local basket DR. BOOTH INSTALLS was the election of a sed when tby met the even MACHINE the evening Emro at the ball Friday quint vice president and an advertising from the Temple city committee. The remainder of the ing. The boys were never dangerous, the final result evening was spent in singing and Dr. J. A. Booth, the local dentlm. games. being 43 to 19 In favor of the N. H. S. team. has Installed this week an Machine. It ha a capacity of a five one of the bet PLANS BE A t'TI F1CA TTON lech surface and INGRAM OF N. II. H. fJROVNIH SYBIL machines on the market for Its size. PASSES AWAY well known Rlter the manufact being ure. Dr. Booth will now be abl to Sybil Ingram, the three year oM take care of his large practice here Em II Hansen, landscape gardener of the Agricultural College of Utah, was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence with much greater efficiency. In Nephl Saturday getting a plan of Ingram, passed away Tuesday night the grounds of the new High School folowlng an attack of croup and Mr. and Mrs. Page L. Perry, and building. Mr. Hansen, will havs pneumonia of several days duration. Mrs. Donald Hlatt, returned to their charge of the work of planting the Funetil services wil be held today borne In Payson, Sunday evening lawns and shrubbery around tha from the South Ward Meeting House. after spending the past week with building. Mr. ilanwn is well known The sympathy of their many relatives tbelr parents Mr. and Mrs. T. L. throughout the state In this class of and friends are extended to the parSmith. work. ents and family In their bereavement. I've-stoc- RELIEF SOCIETY OFFICERS SURPRISED .The Relief Society Officers an MASTER VIOLINIST TO BE HEARD members of the South Ward were IN GRAND CONCERT pleasantly surprised Tuesday after noon by the teachers at their regular The following program was meeting. Arrangements have been made for rendered: Address of Welcome Mrs a concert in this city at the Tatwr J. A. Booth; Reading, Mrs. Amy War nacle on January 19th, by Jonef Kon nr: Teachers Topics, Mrs. Lizzie ecny, the famous Bohemian Violinist Pace; Reading, Miss Leone Ingram under the auspices of the Nephl Post Singing by Teachers; Reading by of the American Legion. Mrs. Mary Sutton; Live Sparks by Konecny has played in the big Mrs. Hyrum Broadhead, Mrs. Nellie and musical centers of this country Sohofiel'd, Mrs. Pearl Pace, Mrs. Ell In practically every state In the union Cowan and Mrs. Unity Chappell. A ax well as in other parts of the world the close of the program refreshments and fs considered by his critics to were nerved to those present. Tn rank amony the foremost violinists following stake OfTlcers were In t of son Is the of the present day. He Mrs. Unity Chappell, Mrs He studied tendance: n Bohemian blacksmith. Mrs. E. Tanner, Mrs Itha Parked, with Sevelk (teacher of Judelak) and Mar Burton. Mrs. P. P. Chrlstlson Is a shining example of what can be and Mrs. Melvlna Broadhead. accomplished by Indefatigable Indus try. energy and perseverance. Mr. Konecny's playing Is character DELINQUENT TAX LIST IN THIS ISSl' ized by great depth of Interpretation tonal beauty and brilliance of tech nlqiie. His technical efficiency enah The delinquent tax list for the yea les him to negotiate the most dlfflcul 1922 is being published this wee passages with apparent ease. He will be assisted by two dlstlng In the Times News and Eureka Re ulBhod American artists: Esther Lue porter. The list Is considerable la 11a Lash, Soprano, and .Margan epr than last year being over six page. Gary, Planlste. The annual meeting of the Nephl of the American Red Cross was held In the Commercial Club rooms Thursday evening and the re port of the Secretary showed that the membership drive conducted during November had resulted in the en rollment In the chapter of 145 mem bers. Chairman T. C. Winn, expressed his gratification at the result of the roll call, and his appreciation for the work of the district chairman and canvassers. The election of an exe cutive committee of seven members to serve as the governing body of the Chapter was then called and the election resulted in the following members being chosen: Geo. A. Sperry, Jr, W. C. Andrews, Mrs. Jas. E. Cole, T. C. Winn, J. W. Olpln, .Mrs. J. K. At Lunt and Mrs. R. II. Bracken. the close of the general meeting t h; executive committee lmmdiately con vened and elected the officers of tho chapter as provided In the by law.i, the following being chosen: Chairman W. C. T. C. Winn; Andrews; Secretary, Will L. Hoyt: Treasurer Frank Brough. Chapter Vlce-Chlrma- n, Mrs. J. H. Lunt, and Mr. Durnell Lunt motored to Salt Lake City, yes- terday. They will be accompanied home today by Miss Ludean Lunt an 1 Miss Leila Batchelor, who are coming home to spend (be holidays. Y X-R- 1 ' f |