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Show TttiS tltoSS-N- WS, N PHI, UTAH C E LOCAL-NE- WS rvi JVU CLASSIFIED ADS: ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kendall, are spending the week in Provo. i A Want Ad Will Sell The Things You Do Not Need Miss Marion Pyper, who is attend ing the B. Y. U. at Provo, came home to spend Thanksgiving Day. Almost Here Again the Money & ; ; J ; Holiday Opening Miss Jane McP.heraon. came down LOST A five dollar bill. Finder from American Fork yesterday to office notify the Times-New- s epend the holidays here. ! ! You Need j; s See The for printed Attorney W. A. "C. Bryan, returned Christmas Cards. Reasonable prices yesterday from Brigham City, where he has been for the past month atI am prepared to do your electtending to legal business. rical work. I have a full line of all C. J. Pyper, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Kerrick. of electrical .supplies 152-JBoulder, Colo, were the guests yes- phone terday of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. FOR SALE the home and farm of the late Edward Shaw. See E. R. Miss Esther Ockey. who is teach Shaw or Will L. Hoyt. ing school at Provo, came to Nephi Pure bred Duroc Jersey Boar kept yesterday to spend Thanksgiving Dav for service J. F. Neely. in this city. Times-New- Conie and see our Big Collection of Do your Shopping early. ' HOLIDAY GOODS, Toys, Dolls, Doll Carriages, Games, Books, StatWe have a good selection for all the ionary, Silverware, Dishes. Make early selections and get first choice. family, young or old. Our Big Sale Prices will be continued on all SHOES, COATS, SUITS, " DRESSES, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS. Extra Special on Ladies Shoes Regular $8.25 and Regular $5.25 and ' $5.50 ' Regular $4.50 and $4.75 All other Women's High Lacea Shoes " " . Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Forrest, and Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Booth, motored to Salt Lake Tuesday for a few days visit. , Shoes .... $5.98 Ladies' Brown Kid Lac " " " " $8.50 .." $3.98 " tA9 " 20 2 Salted Peaunts : for PER CENT OFF '. Pound V pound Bag Oats Packages Oats 9 35c - 10c. Pound 1 18c - - ' - 60c 30c Walnuts 13c lb. - Christmas Goods Rooms for rent partly'' furnished See L. A. Bailey Sr. LOST Red baid faced calf about notify Hoyt months old; finder Bros. Phone 170J. 3 Karl Kellerstrass, came down from Provo Wednesday, the occasion of his FOR SALE The Hawkina nrnn. visit being the burial of the young erty on Maiu Street next door to the baby of Mr. and Mrs. Kellerstrass, Lunt Pharmacy Co. for particulars Mrs. Gibspn Cowan, returned to see C. H. Garrett. Lynndyl, Wednesday, after a pleasant I will buy your old and crippled visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. horses Phone 168. J. E. Ingram. Groceiies New Raisins of Whit-mor- e. , A registered Boar kept for service Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McSwain of Elmo, Utah, spent Thanksgiving Day Phone 168. E. L. Guyld 1st So. 8th. with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Lunt. East. parents of Mrs. McSwain. My home for sale. For particulars Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Boswell. of tee R. H, Evans,' Coalville, Utah, are the guests this To make room for ourXmas Goods week of Mr. and Mrs, Stephen we will sell 1 $85.00 U. S.- Cream Boswell. Separator for $75. 1 $95 Electric Washer $82.50. Kendall Bros. Ludean Lunt, Leila Batchelor, Burton, J. Will Andrews, and FOR SALE the following houseOneita Rees, who are attendine the University of Utah, spent Thanksgiv hold goods almost new, . Prices right. Washing machine. Davenette. Rocking Day in this city. ing ehair, 2 dining room chairs. Coles Coles Hot Remember your friends with a Hot Blast cook stove. Christmas Card. A word of cheer at Blast Heater. Lots of pipe for both. this season of the year, brings kindly also stove board.. For particulars office. See The inquire at The Times-Nethoughts and happiness. Times-New- s for printed cards. See "The Cheerful Liar" played by Mr. and Mrs. Delos Haynes, Mr. the South Ward Sunday School Dram and Mrs. :Hyrum Haynes, and Mrs. atic Club at the Venice theatre, WedW. J. Henriod, motored to Eureka nesday, Dec. 6th. Matinee at 3.30 p. tueaday to attend the funeral of Mr. m. prices 15c, and 25c. Evening priDewey Haynes, who was recently kil- ces 25c and 35c. Prices in the reach led In an auto accident near Spanish ot everbody. When you have seen the play you will never regret it. Fork. ,' Tickets on sale at the Nephi Drug Co. See "The Cheerful Liar" played by the South Ward Sunday School Dram CARD OF THANKS atic Club at the Venice theatre,. Wednesday, Dec. 6th. Matinee at 3.30 p. We wish to most sincerely thank m. prices 15c, and 25c. Evening priour many kind relatives and friends ces 25c and 35c. Prices in the reach for the assistance rendered during of everbody. When you have seen the illness, death and funeral, of the play you will never regret it. husband and fat'aer. on Tickets sale at the Nephi Drug Co. Mrs Alfred Lunt and Family The graduating exercises of the Sea Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Scott went to Gull Class of the North Ward PriFayette, to spend Wednesday was held at the home of Mrs. Thanksgiving mary, day with relatives. A. J. Gowers Saturday evening. A splendid program had been arranged HOW'S and was given by the class. Refreshments were served to the ITALL'8 CATARIUI MEDICINE following. Mrs. J. E. Memmott, Mrs will do what we claim for it Robert Winn, Mrs. A. J. Gowers, MYg cure Cc irrh or Deaf ness caused by Jas Christensen, Mrs. H. E. McPher-so- Catarrk. We do not claim to cure Mrs Robert Garrett, Mrs Walter any other disease. Gadd, Mrs. Bert Coulson, Mrs. Wm HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Brough, Mrs. John Boswell, Miss Leda Garrett, Edith Garrett, Ruby is a liquid, taken internally, and Painter, Lauriel Chase, and the fol- acts through the blood upon the lowing members of the Sea Gull Class raucous surfaces of the system, thus KaUe Sidwell,' Ida Chase, Ina Chase, reducing the inflammation and reFlorence Gadd, Gladys Brough, Arilda storing normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. Coulson, Nola Lunt, Eva Gowers, and Winnie Noilson. F. J. Cheney 4 Co.. Toledo. Ohio. MONDAY DEC 4th Visit our store and make your selection of Christmas presents EARLY. - Almonds 2 Best Pea Nuts 25c lb Brazils pound 55c. 20c lb - - Saturday Specials Bulk Macaroni 4 Pkg Macaroni 39c. lb CMS. FOOTE & 2 15c for SONS n 'en xz) iyj iiiii iyj y) THIS? y uu uu u n, to get the benefit of the CLOSING OUT SALE ' as we are liable TO CLOSE OUR STORE any day Mozn't 'Be Penny WIo and Pcranel FoolEsIi . Don't think because you can get a big can of Baking Powder for little money that you are saving anything. There's Only One Way to Save on BIGGER REDUCTIONS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT from Use y, QSMlLMffllET. The Economy Thousands of Dollars of High Grade Merchandise to pick Bake-Da- BAKING PO WEBER It costs only a fraction of a cent for each baking. (JALUMH You use less be- cause it contains more than the ordi-nar- y L. FRANK'S L. Fraak, Proprietor. R. Q. Dorius, Manager leavening is Nephi Mer. Co 'WHERE GOOD MERCHANDISE ' NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION (Publisher) IS" CHEAPER" best bt test The sales of Calumet are over 150 greater than that of any other baking powder. V if ion to make five-yeProof, to establish claim to the land above describ ed, before the Clerk of the .District Court at Nephi, Utah, on the 6th day of January, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: Walter F. Brough, JametS J. Bellis-to- n Hyrum Brough all of Nephi, Utah, and John Williams of Mills, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKELY. Register First publication November 24, '22 ar DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. LAND OFFICE AT SALT LAKE City, November 20, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that Samuel N. Fields ot .Mills, Utah, who, on October 25, 1917, made Homestead entry No. 021971, for NE4, Section 11; NW4 Section 12, Township 15 South, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of Intent HOLIDAY DATES I I will soon have a trick of filling up your calendar. for the big Come and see our Are your ready ings? do- SUITS AND OVERCOATS TO LOOK RIGHT-th- at. a basic You look right to element of success. world when you wear and the yourself STYLEPLUS; the different Winter modeli in these Young Men's suits are so ideally adapted to various types of figures. strength. THE WORLD'S GREATEST RAKING POWDER "J Our line of Holiday merchandise The To ggery |