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Show THIS The T1MEj-ME- Times-New- s NEPHi, UTAIL V, LOCAL HAPPENINGS What r'ublinhod every Friday by The Times News Publishing Company DENNIS WOOD TWO :: D. Rockfeller wa.3 9 by putting into THE suc- TWO incomes stock-holde- pr Then he had instead of one. Your wage, salary or crop profit may be fine but when money comes to you in the form of interest as well as the other then you are on the road to a comfortable old age. YOU IT FOUR PER CENT CHRISTMAS GREETING CARD Elisha Russell left Tuesday for St. George, where he will spend the Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Bird, went to Manti, Saturday. Mrs. Bird will remain there for a week and visit with her parents. Mrs. Amy Grover, has received word this week that her son Roscoe A. Grover, has been released from the mission field and will be home about Christmas. Mr. Grover has been laboring in the Eastern States the past two years. with your name printed thereon? We have a beautiful line of Christmas Mr. Saturday greeting cards ready for your inspection and our printer will gladly imprint your name thereon at a minimum cost. Call early and look them over. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE Nephi Drug Co. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW Everyone ? First! National Bank Utah Nephi, Jas. Christeseu, went to Delta Sunday where he will be employed for seme time at the sugar factory at that place. w HERE. The rs REV. B. M. BRIDGES GIVES FACTS IN. e puuiiiiiiiiK rwoening 1a - Y'J mas This Week I Albert Allen, were over from Moroni to spend the week end with relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. mueh-bette- in our Xmas Goods I 1 I . - Ml .f T. 1. xti.,l.l ul mia, a. luicneibuu .iuuuu, uiau, is the guest this week of her daugh- a T About fifty boy scouts of the Nephi ward had an enjoyable time at the Emro Hall Saturday evening. were served. Mrs. Elizabeth Broadhead, went to Price, Utah, Tuesday where she will visit with her daughter Mrs. Alex Pace, for some time. You cannot remember all of your friends and relatives with expensive gifts, but you can send all of them a GREETING CARD to express in your own way The Spirit of Christmas - J Toys and Dolls Everything that a child could ask for we will have. No old stock. No old prices. Watch our opening. V. H. Bailey, principal of the Sterling schools, and Elias Johnson, of the Manti High School, spent Saturday in Nephi visiting with relatives and friends. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Booth, Mr. Booth, and Miss Luclle Forrest, 1 ored to Ephralm Sunday where spent the day with Mr. and Kalph Booth. Oar stock at Christ mM card M raady for your inspection mod we invite you to come in and make your teleotioa new. Order Early Paul mot- they HIS It is doubtful r that my sleep is sound-anI enjoy my meals refreshing. and have also gained weight. I can say from experience that Tanlac is a splendid medicine and tonic, for it CASE if there has ever been a medicine endorsed by so many ministers of the Gospel as has Tan-laIndeed, there is scarcely a faith, creed or denomination in all the land in whicH one, or more of the clergymen has not publicly expres fd their indebtedness to the Premier Preparation for the benefits they have derived from its use. One of the latest to speak out in has built me up wonderfully." Tanlac is sold by all good druggists J c. .Miss E Stella Jacobseu, went to Delta Wednesday, to spend the Thanksgiving Holidays. T j Watch our windows for Gifts, new and different to any ever shown in Nephi. We have i eat that agreed with me. Finally I became very nervous and could get but very little sleep or rest. "It seems that I took nearly every thing tryingto get myself right, but nothing helped me until I ran across Tanlac. My nerves are so now rs lb:J-!.H.l!lE- Nicer Is Than A Christmas Gifts TODAY IS NEVER TOO LATE TO START A 8AVIXG ACCOUNT Mr. and Airs. L. V. Evans motored to Salt Lake Sunday for a couple of days visit. Loren Park, returned home from Salt Lake City, v. here he has been for several weeks inThe present supply is entirely insuffi- in the hospital on account of an cient for the needs of the people dur- jury to his leg, received while workon the cenieut highway. ing the summer months and in view ing ot the fact that the city has heeu usProf. Byron Alder, of the Poultry ing this water for over thirty years, of the Agricultral Colil teems to us there should now be cepartment, no question as to the right of tae lege, was in Nephi Saturday visiting the poultry men. He expressed himpeople to continue to use it, in fact, self as being well pleased with the the entire flow from Marsh Canyon should be granted, as when the city outlook for the poultry business in was first given the right to use this this city. water, there could certainly have i!!!!;!!!!!!I!!!!!!!iini!illS!lll!i!iIii;i:!ni! been no other thought in the mind of the stockholders at that time than what the city would require all the flow from Marsh Springs. The amount of over-float the for present time if taken into the city pipe would not make but very little difference to the irrigation supply when spread over a large area, but would on the other hand if it could be used by the city, solve the question of our water supply for many ' years to come. In the settling of this queslion, calm and deliberate judgment should The rights of both parties prevail. be carefully- - weighed. The interests of .tile stock-holdeof the ii rigatioa company, and those of each citizen ,4of the community are practi-cqi'i- y the same. Let there be unitv oy action in this matter and a broad- n.indod view taken of the question. .. Two incomes are hotter thnn one. WILL WATER QUESTION. neard at this meeting f.td present their side of the question This paper is of the opinion that this question should be settled at this meeting and any costly litigation The majority of the stockholders are residents of the city and are just as much Interested in having au adequate water supply for their homes as tiey are for their farms. AND PjUT HIS JVIONEY TO WORK his savings. till' June Kendall transacted business in Delta Saturday. I rs week salary. He naturally wanted more but he had only one pair of hands and one head. So he saved for him 12.00 11.00 One of the questions to be discussed next Monday at the meeting- of the stock-holdeof the Nephi Irrigation Company, is tnat of the title to Marsh Canyon waters, the present soiice of the city water supply. The Irrigation Company, have filed tuit against Nephi city to quiet title to these waters, and the city authorities have asked permission to be opr?rai.-io- n He wasn't satisfied with a $9 Ku One year till Moauis a strug- a very old but positive law of cess. Manager ttubscrlption gling young bookkeeper in Clevclaul he laid the foundation for h's now great fortune B. GIBSON, A.. INCOMES When John Editor THE TIMES-NEW- this connection is Rev. B. M. Bridges, a widely known and beloved Baptist preacher, residing at Mooresboro, N. C, whose statement follows: "Tanlac has given me a good appetite, toned up my system and renewed, my strength in such a gratifying way that I am glad to recommend It to anyone, who is in a rundown condition. For ten years paRt I have had such a severe case of Indigestion that I could not find anything to S iiHtiiiiiiftiiuumniiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKHi Well" TO BUILD WELL trsE Nephi Plaster HAS NO EQUAL The Largest Amd Purest Natural Deposit of Gpysua fat ths World. NEPHI PLASTER AND MFG. COMPANY 3 I Mrs. 'He Tiullds Hisoly Who ttnild BRANCH AGRICULTURAL I COLLEGE 1 OF UTAH i sac m Ccdai City, Utah 1 1 I Winter Course Begins KENDALL BROS.! Hardware j Wed Jan 3rd-E- nds Mar. 1 I th h P-- r Short Courses offered in all Departments We Print Butter Wrappers S Cooking Utensil S r' mutt b CLEAN j, S m ' ML if 'i v. " all metal ware use SAPOLCO Scours n ji in n nnn J Mechanic Arts j Business 1 wtrf R In No RUrraa't Agriculture Home Economics Polishes cake twet M Arts and Science Large waste Urn, C., Kw Tk. U. I. A & m m m 'Ik. For quick results on Cleans "V th mrvi Roll Mali tlx limit. r hi Urn UnHw! from th r- - j A Schooling work ai prrrmtinn tvra bf Milln ilh Chrimm h; m(i tat Udra. But t ini 7: j"t for f An opportunity of the New Year S of Practical Education is offered at "Southern Utah's State School' g p I |