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Show THE TIMKS-lVEV- Iff AH. NEPHI, y, LOCAL HAPPENINGS Just Received Geo. R. Howard, has purchased the latest styles at $5.00 to SPECIAL $1.49 All colors. P;, GROCERIES Macaroni Salmon .Peas 10c 3 packages for 25c Corn 10c, -- 12c ' Oil Sardines 6c Mustard Sardines 10c 2 Deviled Meat 5c . . 25c lb Chocolate Come and compare all our prices we save you 10 to 25 per .cent .... Saturday Specials Regular $4.50 Electric Bulk Macaroni 5 boxes Matches Orange-Jell- , Irons . $3.35 ioc pound .. 25c .... , jOc AGENTS MILLEIi FLORAL COMPANV S, FOOTER sons c ONF J?Civ go ALL dress-goo- Design NEVER UNDERSOLD The fashionable Z quite easy to do with the Dehor. Mrs- - w- - Twofaoric rnaks) a channiBc; frock that cvca aa iar xaericaced wit taa DeJtor. You can make any one f new Summer dresses like an expert, for the Dehor now comes in every new Butterick Pattern. The Deltor rives you the swift, economical cuttissr of an expert, the deft ways of a great dressmaker uses, and the clever method ai finishing that spell Pans. With the Deltor you eaa make clothes you never dared attempt before. Stop in and let us tell you more about it. insrting-togeth- H- - x win v lr cr inBUTTERICK to-d- ' PATTERNS THE WITH ' DELTOR the pattern that pays for itself in material savecL Nephi Mer. Co ANNOUNCEMENT I am opening up an abstract business and am prepared to do abstracting and conveyancing. I shall endeavor to do all work promptly and with absolute acA bond of ten thousand dollars guarantees the correct, curacy. ness ot all abstracts. HaD Dens Every May! 3 U - 4- 1 , WILL L. HOYT IJCKXSKD ABSTKACTOK AXD KXAMIXEK OP TITLES n i?&f? '-- ; f 11 ' X The To ggery H--"':i3- h a: BARGAIN CARNIVAL Friday, May 26th Hundreds of bargains in every department. Nothing Reserved Every article in the store marked down to bed rock. Buy Now and Save For particulars see large bills. FRANK'S L l"rank' rropnctcr. Deafen to-d- ay thse Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Booth, Mr. Sperry, and Mrs. A. P. Booth, and Miss Luclle Forerst, r f X tckman were passengers to Salt ored to Enhraim Sunday afterul I Wke City on yesterday afternoon's where they attended a concert gi M yraln. by Prof. Ralph E. Booth, at the SnowVv ' Academy. ,M?Ud Mrs. Geo. Duckworth, and Mr. and Wlra. Earl Carter returned Harrison Boswell came down from home Thu sday evening after a mot- Provo Wednesday and will visit with or trip to Angeles. his mother Mrs..Gerusha Boswell for short time. Tanlac cpvercomes rheumatism by toning up kind invigorating the vital Lost Between Nephi Plaster Mill organs, th reby enabling them to and Santaquin. One salesman's sam eliminate he poisons from the sys-- i ple case containing jewelry and other tem Nepl Drug Co. items, also two overcoats. Finder NOTICE office; Reward notify the Times-New- s Water us rs will please take not- A good time for young and old ice! That pn account of the scarcity of water ii the City Mains it has Arlington, Wednesday May, 31st. Ogden Syncopated Orchestra. 75c per become imi erative that the ordinan- ce of the c ty regulating the use of couple, 25c extra lady. This Ordinance water be e lforced. If you feel tired, worn out, ner provides th: t no water may be used vous and all unstrung, take Tanlac. for sprinkli ig without being drawn It will straighten you out. Nenhl through a neter and a nozzle, and no nozzle 1: rger than a quarter inch Drug Co. may be us 1. Positively no water One of the social events of the must be v- d for gardens week was the stag party given by r of the City Council By orh Mrs. Edward 'Kendall Wednesday ATTENTION evening in honor of her son Paul, whose marriage took place this week. Any per? qji selling or disposing of in viola. ion of Ordinance with out After an evening of social enjoyment mint ir.nn wwrred to a lit'Prt'TT i im Nephi City will be ajneshickcn twenty young men, friends of the prosecuted the full extent of such honored guest. Many beautiful pre- ordinance. sents were also received ii City Board of Health Nf It ds you. x L. work is ti-- Cash for your eggs at your home. Why haul them. Call phone 24 W We do the rest. Mutual Creamery wKTViii tun, Li Co. j visiting relatives in Nephi this week Our Annual 375S hand-dra- of color in the department lovelier New itylet than evei are in the pattern department, hundreds of them. and select Come in the colors and models that will be most charming for We are now handling exclusively j for: a few days Inedpendent Gasoline. Come and let Mrs. Eliabeth Cowan, went to Salt us fill your gas tank, then you can see for yourself what It will d- o- Lake yesterday on account of tie ill" ness of her sister. Central Motor Co 25c .. will spend a few days at Only Half Price for NEW fabrics make a blaze wtfek They were on their way to Mantl where they 15c Regular 35c large size Turkish Towels Regular $1.75 Ladies Humming Bird Silk Hose The Colorand Style that suit you best Walter Olpln, has purchased this the old Linton home now oc cupied by John Haycock Mrs. A. J. Bowers Jr, returned from American home Wednesday Fork, where she visited her sister Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Foote,, of Mur ray, visited with friends and relatives in Nephi Saturday. Lot Regular 25c and 30c Ginghams Big line of Silk and Voils a purchased Don't foregt the big dance at the Good Typewriter For Sale Cheap ee Jay M. Booth. Arlington, Wednesday, .May 31st Music by Ogden Syncopated Orchestra 75c per couple Extra Lady 25c See Ma.k Twain's greatest comedy, A Connecticut Yankee" iMonday and Proof of the pudding is In the ruesday at the Venice. Eating thereof. Thousands praise Tanlac So will you Nephi Drug Co .At last you can now buy Indepcnd-in- t Gasoline in Nephi. The gas with Mrs. Bertha Russell of Suit Lake ho pep. Central Motor Co. Ciyt, and Mrs. Rose Boyer of Sprlng- ville, came to Nephi Wednesday, on WANTED Someone with Laudun account of the death of their sister f)isc, to disc ,157 acres of land. Ap- Mrs. Geo. A. Allen. ly to Mrs. Enoch Burton at once. Our new Summer line of Ladies, Misses and Children's Oxfords and Slippers. Patent Leather and White Canvas. All up to the minute styles. We save you 10 See them. to 25 per cent. Also .Men's and Boys' Suits U0. 00 Saving. See them. A. V. Hague, has odge car this week. a Ford car this week. R, Q. Dorius, Manager j j - - - m t IWKJiyCMVCR! VANIEE COWNECTICUT VU.IAM FOX, DA IN JJ vK - 3 nt in III IMC o-- r An KJNG ARTH e RODUCTIO0 . - ran B-- ifl ' x Decoration Day x COURT 3 Venice Thfeatre Monday and Tuesday May 29th and 30th Wm. Fox presents Mark Twain's grerf,rest Comedy A Connecti&ut Yankee Join the parade of good dressers by having a new suit. Better come in and make your selection now while the stock is complete Straw! Straw! Straw! he Inpt lil Ml in of ... King Arthurs Cq urt inru DO NOT COME UNLESS YOU CA nM I t't Only one show each night beginning l,ei t 8 o'clock Children 25c mi Adults 50c ... Matinee Tuesday 3 ht"'o'clock e Show only Adults 35c Children 15c cm yIm ra D im Time to put on your straw hat, we have a fine selection of all the new styles, prices ranging from $1.00 to $3.50. GOOD GOODS |