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Show THE come andS ee Our Big line of Curtain Scrims, Nets, N eipni, UTAH. S, LOCAL NEWS POSTAL IMPROVEMENT WEEK IS OBSERVED About 15 thousand young chicks have arrived In Nephi this week from California, being distrbuted to the members of the poultry association. Attorney Claude Baker, of Eureka was in attendance at court Monday and Tuesday. The Nephi High School Alumni will nreet Monday night in the High school building. Without the Postal Service, business thrive. ss narrow-mindedne- In Is the biggest distinctive business the world and It comes nearer to the Interests of a greater numSheriff Dan Martin was over from Innermost men and women than any other of ber Eureka Wednesday attending the Institution on earth. No private busisession of the district court. SPECIAL Regular $1 .75 Humming Bird Silk Hose $1 .48 all colors Large 35c Turkish Towels 25c Big lot Ladies Gingham and Percales Dresses :2 price 5c yard. lot 25 and 30c Plaid Ginghams 1 1 GROCERIES Can Corn 12 1:2c Can Peas 10c Deviled Meat 5c Salmon 10c 2 1:2 lb Syrup 25c 5 lb 40c 10 lb 75c Oil Sardines 5c Mustard 0c Large Tomato Sa'rdines 20c Matches 4 for 25c Starch 10c 9 lb Bag Oats 50c 1 Saturday Specials f Sugar 12 lbs for $1.00 Jam 15c Orange Jelly 10c Mrs. J. E. Memmot went to Provo vo Wednesday, where she will attend the wedding of Miss Arvilla Mangum next Thursday. ness, however widespread, tenches so many lives so often or sharply; ne church reaches into se many souls, flutters so many poises, has so many human beings dependent on Its min- istrations. NOTICE After May 5th, Watkln "Postal Improvement Week" has Goods will be sold at the regular been set for May 1, by the Postmaster price. Order now before they raise General. This is the first general camElliott Miller. paign of Its kind in the Postal Service for several decades. Business men Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McMurphy, Mr. and their organizations, large users of and Mrs. Clifford Elliot, and Mr. P. the mall, newspapers, motion pictures, W. Larsen, motored from Eureka, advertisers, and the entire organizaare to be and spent the week end with Mr. and tion of 826,000 postal workers enlisted in this country-wid- e campaign Mrs. Edward Kendall. f Interest In postal impro7ements. Your help la vital. Address your let. Mrs. Wilford entertained ters with pen or typewriter. Tuesday afternoon at a children's Glvs plainly street address. 8 pel I out nam party in honor of the seventh birth- of State, dont abbreviate. Put your day anniversary of her daughter return address In the upper left hand Donna. Twenty little guests were corner of envelope (not on the back) present. and always look at your lettsr before dropping In the mall to see If It Is .STOP! LOOK! LISTEN-A-11 chicks properly addressed. This care In the after the 16th will be $11 per 100. use of the mails Is for your benefit and Order your chicks now. Guaranteed speeds up the dispatch and delivery 100 per cent delivery. No crinnlna of mall matter. If you have any complaints of poor E. L. Guyld, 8th East 1st South. Phone 168. Must have order at once service make them to your postmaster. He has Instructions to Investigate them for May delivery. and report to the department. Dr Peterson, Eye Specialist, will be at the Forrest Hotel, May 1st and 2nd equpped with modern instruments to examine eyes. If you are interested don't fail to call. Plenty It sticks in human relations like of references in your own town and The postage stamps on letters. elsewhere. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT expects it to be used by its postmasters The South ward Primary will hold and employees in dealing: with the a bazaar in the ward meeting house pnblic. next Thursday afternoon. May 4th, to Help them in its nse beginning open at 2 pm. Sewing, pjpcorn, candy with POSTAL IMPROVEMENT and cakes will be on sale. 1922. WEEK, May COURTESY CMS. FOOTE & SONS ONE PRICE TO ALL- - NEVER UNDERSOLD 1-- . a contract for team work on the Mon- - road being built between this city Don't forget we keep Bennett's Pure Faint. Cooper, Pyper & Co. expecting to gtand the Utah County line. Build up your system and feel fine all the time by taking Tanlac Ne- Herbert Hopes well known tractor of Eureka was in Nephi day. Mr. Hopes fs con-- Aft er Easter Shipment of New Spring Suits Our New York buyers quickly snapped up the surplus of one of the big city's manufacturers of fine women's suits. He'got them atj a 'ridiculously low price and we'are going to pass them on to.our customer, at less than the usual WHOLESALE PRICE. They come in tricotines and other favored materials and aretruly regular $30' and $35 fellers. You should come early to get one of these. All sizes. going at, only. $17.50 and up of New Dresses Hundreds at $11.75 and up Newji Shipments at $14.75 $16.50, $22.50, ;$24.75 New capes, Sport Coats and Wraps $9.75, $14.75, $19.75, $24.75 L. FRANK'S L. Frank, Proprieter. Jl ii CI II LiVU Some what delayed, but here at last snd with it a reminder that it's time to Clean up Spruce up and do some painting. If there is ANY ONE THING that adds attractiveness to a home and Surrounding more than another it is a coat or two of Good Paint Let's get busy and make our Home Town throw off the weather beaten appearance of TO-DAY and show by our determined action and energy that we are alive to our needs along this line. So lets get a can or two of , Acme Quality Paint a good brush and see what a wonderful transfor-w- e As an extra inducement we can accomplish. will for one week begining Monday, give an extra 10 per cent off on all Paint and painting materials at the NEPHI MERCANTILE CO P.S. Ask us about our Rug Cleaner 1 phi Drug Co. Other fin Sees Inaugurated First General Campaign of Kind in Service. would languish In a day, and be at a standstill In a week. Public opinion would die of dry rot. Sectional hatred or prejudice only would flourish, and It i 1 May FOR SALE The Schofield property on South Alain street Inquire of Malin Brough for particulars. Cretons, Draperies and Linoleums. House Cleaning time and you doubtless will need some and we can save you money and give you a better selections. See our New Line Jap Crepes, Plaids and Plum colors. 1 TIMKS-NEW- R. Q. Dorius, Manager T. W. Vickers, brought his seventh grade students, to the Times-New- s office Wednesday morning where for about thirty minutes they were given an Idea of how a newspaper is published, and also some practical Information on the printing business. R. H. Evans received a telegram Monday, conveying the Information that a fine baby boy had arrived at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Heber Grant, who are laboring in the Hawaiian mission field. Mrs. Grant was formerly Miss Dora Evans. THANK YOU WITHOUT STREET ADDRESS YOUR MAIL IS DELAYED AT OFFICE OF DELIVERY The Dead Letter Office has been In existence ever since Ben Franklin started our postal service. Even then people addressed mall to Mr. Ezeklel Smlthers, "Atlantic Coast," and expected Ben to know Just where Zeke " lived. Perhaps they had Zeke'a address In letters up In the garret, maybe a chest full of 'em, but then It was easier to let Ben hunt Zeke. Today people are addressing letters to John Smith. New Tork, N. T, or Chicago, II L, thinking The eight grade students visited Uncle Sam can locate him, which Is the yards of the Bonneville Lumber Just as Incomplete as was Zeke's adand received dress of yore. The Poetofflce DepartCompany yesterday, ment asks you to put the number and some instructive lessons from Manager Richardson on the various street In the address. It helps you. phases of the lumber business. The Toggery Style, Quality and Value That Spell SATISFACTION Earl Cole, came down from Salt Lake Monday to visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Cole, prior to leaving for the East. Mr. Cole ha accepted a position in New York Cltv Hew de yon expect the Postal Clerk and will leave tomorrrow April 29th, te know whether yon mean Trinidad, going by auto. He will be accompanied by Elder Wm. Harvey of Salt California, or Trinidad, Colorado? ALWAYS SPEIX OUT THE) NAME Lake City. IN IN THE Put-- HERE COMES A Let's make our post office look neat, Mr. Postmaster. Rtralghten np the Parkes, Blanch Andrews, Muzella rarsl letter box, Mr. Farmer. Tidy Llttley. Erma Brough, Pearl Kendall, up som; Mr. Rural Oarrler. First Kenneth Judd, Earl Chase. Vincent Impressions are lasting. Maybe Mr. Ord, Robert Miller, Clarence Burton fctranner. Inking notice of these James McCune, Grant Price and the provements, will come back, bringing you benefits. Start these with TO guest of honor Hortense Price. TAL IMPROVEMENT WEEK" Ms HOW'S THIS? IT ALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE rill do what we claim for it cure Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. We do not claim to cure other dines. II ALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE finv a liquid, taken internally, and acta throuph the blood upon tho miirtms surfaces of the system, thus reducing the inflammntion and is normal conditions. All Drujnripts. Circulars free. F. J. Chcnev & Co., Toledo. Ohio. u I. IS. HUMANIZING THE POSTAL SERVICE "There la no nnlinportsnt person or purt of onr service. It Is a total of Is human units snd their the key to Its success. In Its last analysis, postal duties are accommo-dntlon- s performed for our neighbor and friends snd should be so regit nH'il, rather than as a hired service performed for an absentee employer"--Postmast- er General Hubert Work. - Ss?J STRANGER! Ihrlma Ockey. Ellen Cole, Nalda rr .. ft FULL OF THE) STATE Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Orme. enter ADDRESS. tained at the home of Mrs. D. c. Sparks, .Monday evening. Music, read "MORI BUSINESS IN GOVERNMENT" ings and games were enjoyed by all. Luncheon was served to the follow. sThls apt phrase was used In PresiIng: Florence Riches, Enda Haynes, dent Harding's first mesas re to ConMelba Hague. Mr. and Mrs. Jaric snd applies particularly In postal Tolley. Eva Olpln, Hazel Orme, Dick gress where postmasters are management Ostler, Robert Park. Raymond Ockv. being Impressed with the fact that Archie Brooks, Arthur Ppyer, and Mr. they are managers of local branches and Mrs. Hollo Orme. of the biggest business in the world. A surprise was riven Itnrtanao Price last Friday In honor of her thirteenth birthday. Games were played and dainty refresh served to the following: Nelda Bean, . ; There a conscious satisfaction in wearing clothing that you know stamps you as a well dressed man. is Faultless in material, workmanship and design, our spring showing of men's clothing assures you this satisfaction. Make it a point today to come in and try on your favorite model ? |