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Show THE UTAH HEWS REVIEW MEASURE FACES St. Joseph's Farochlal at Ogden hai a I ulldlr to In course of construction cost $2o0,000, The board of commissioners ol Cache county are to consruct a motr truck repair shop and storage shed. 110 TIMES-NEW- Tlie End of NEPHI. UTAH S. a Perfect Day SCORES KILLED D I Work will soon start on the Emlgra-tloCreek conduit, Salt take, at considerable cost. Bureau of public roads with heai lUArtexs at Ogden. are soon to start projects In Utah alone, at an expendfc tw of $1,033,000. Construction work costing thref times is much as Oct. 1920, authorized last month in Suit Lak to Apptlealon has been filed with th Itate engineer nt Salt Iake City for th use ot 215,000 aero feet of water fre the east side of Wasatch range. A cai'oad of honey wis shlppeJ from Prife to London, England, a fpw days ago. The honey was prodaeoil at Myton, Utah. Ben Dnrrah Is building n barn en ranch which will be the largos' barn In Lincoln county. Two oarloadi of lumber will be used in Its 'Construe tion. hiis - O. W. Clifford of Ogden, who ed guilty to the p1ed theft of a purse froit an automobile, was seneneed 1n flu district court to a term of one to tti years in the state penitentiary. Road construction Is under full head way on the Moab Thompsons pow road. With favorable weather prevailing, the construction work remaining to be done on the Moab Thompson project will be completed by like uiiid die of February. Bill Passed by Senate, Goes Back Be Sent to Conference For Final Shaping; No Ma- to terial Alterations UHuit'h. u .rough estiiunte treasury ex sny the 'bill in Its present lorm would net approximately or f2(KMHK),CK)0 less lliail ho pieM-u- t law, und ahoiil the amount, of revenue which treasury olTleijrs have suld ih gdvi'inuieiil must have. Kventually ttiM hill, tin. experts imsert, wouhl the initioii's lax loll by uhoiii T."(l(KH,()()( year. While lliey nil rloiihimllv will nuilic uiaii.v cliaiiges In the ineiisnre, the ronteiers are mi! ex peclml nuilerialiv In niter the revenue total. As tlit hill now stands there are just he major provisions on which I he house ami senate agree.. They are l of I he excess rofIts lux and he li uiiHfitii inf Ion taxes tin next Jaiiuiiiy t, anil rt.lie iretenlion of the irest-u- t tax on corpai ii ion capital stoc. ':her provisions of the re-Ia- I tilll .are: A reduction to the niiiximiim rate from .(IS per tient on all tiver ?l.0(K),iHHI prottabllity be adopted at the t1 tu HO per until ui nil over ?2KM00. as gainst the itttuse reiluctlon lo ''Z per prison as a means of preventing In the future attempts by the prisoner com ii nmMHee f (MMXKl. f ;be bouse provision to .escape. irtirfkj granting bitnesuwd exeiiiplinus S."iOO to lieiKls f f:iTiirIicK. having nef Every person in Kane county M of 1imtoiiik of $.KKW r rw und 520() on dhool age can read and write th English language. This Is shown by wt'oiititK of moroKtl cxenip Itepeui of (he f, t fhe return of the census enumeratot In the wliose report of the census is the firs, tiou to tho raw or those lutvln e iunoiiies of to reach the state school office. JlTi.IKH) or less. Au increase (n lite estate lax i Ctah factories produced 105,000 ton rate (rmi 2T jmt fitf on nil over refined ugar during 1920. r ntif an all over The Bank f Ephrntin was rolbed & SMMXKMKIO lei Ut SKMMMKI.OOH. Inrreawxl taxes oil looili few days ago, after a pitched battle beer, ino aiel whisky. between the yggnien and the night dual A gifts of irnper4y watchman, wlio interrupted the rob- by provision taxing nt rales ranging front I any person bers belore much loot had been taken per et'iil on ihe iiniouiil CXNI ?.JI.IKI0 to 25 per cent on all Salt Lake's total postal receipts foi over niol $ 0,000,1 HMI. i to which amounted rvtnlwr $SS,04S. less than fir October of lnsl VETERAN SERVES $5()7 BUDDY'S TlfdE year, s decline of 6.4 per cent. Mors the offices of tht half of Iiirge Man, Federal Prisoner, Retlin snfllw receipts last country .lio leased, Denied Compensation month than in October, 1020, the averLeavenworth, Kan. renniles, Harry W. Haley, an oerseas war veteran, age decline belns 2.01 per cent. was at liberty here Monday night un The con! mines of Utah estnhMohei'' dT n war department order releasing htm from the federal disciplinary barIn J020 n new record for both quautltj and value of product, uccording to tin racks, where lie served rive months of geological survey. Tins total output o a six months' senleiice for desertion 1,005,119 net tons not only exceeded Imposed upon Thomas fi. Jones, his that of the year by one and a 'buddy,' and ihe man who saved his third million tons but reatly surpassed life while the two men were with the forces In the previous maximum of 0,310,000 American expeditionary France. Haley came to the barracks tons attained In 1018.- under Ihe name of "Jones." his reaCall hh oeen Issued by Governor son for serving the sentence being that Mnbey for the first meeting of tht h wanted lo repay part of the debt he commission authorized by the last leg- fell lie owed Jones in saving his life. islature to investigate und reiort t Jones, who Is said lo be married and the next legislature in regard to pro living In Canada, Is being sought by federal authorities, visions which should be made by lb UecuusH he was not the ronj offender, Itate for a suitable place lo present and house documents and relics per Haley was released from the barracks without (he usual railroad fare and hi in in? to the hirjory of Utah. small compensation jt:vcn prisoners.. Yields of COO bnhels of r"tatf are reported on a farm In Beaver conn WAR DECLARED ON M CAT PRICES ty and of 400 bushels on n farm of the county farm bureau marketing nuent Government Officials Call Retailers of Beaver county. With n yield ol Profiteers 400 bushels per ncrp. It Is figured thai A 1 Washington campaign against a sale of the product ot pei "meat profiteers'" will be begun v.l;h:n the would grower glva pel pound a few days by tho department of agriacre. culture, which Is lielci niiiu il lo bring Wnter users an dirrigntlon compan-le- down to! nil meat prices, it was learned Thursday from h:gii officuls of the a alon the Sevier river system hav iliuent. conferred preparing for he dlllgatloi The department has Just completed Instituted by the Richland Irrlgut'oi a survey which shows, officials said, company of Millard county ami f!le that letail mc.il prices the country In the Fifth Judicial district court on an average 117 per cent Tliis suit seeks redistribution and re over are than before the war. The surhigher water the of tilonj rights adjudication rey shows most of this Is going info the Sevier river. Iho pockets of retail meat tienlrr as The str.to board of rxnndners refus profit. nrntis isenns are being considered es to assume any control over tho siafi lo force down meat the by board of agriculture, such as would in price--- . lep:ii'liiienl t One plan Is to b'g fluetice the latter boiml In forinulat to lilld est store ,1'lNh retail piiCncrs exam t It. i the reconimetidii thins Ing to the puM'e. sell il Amnher Inor with regard to a proper oilman' pit in K to Induce "ihnin storiV such to be paid to owners of cattle whirl as nre maintained in practically nil '.lie Mate condemns for slaughter o cit'Of to sell meats. arcnun of lu'ierculnsH. Kli:l another is to fnter establish. meiit of rot pfratlvp meat ir.arkeis. Limbs of trees pefrlf'cd Info him tone are being found along the Sunt' Tord Ficid Again Itcdoccj n,'ts Mytnt, cnisl In the reirlnn about M railr-irid- , CoIm il is, O. Henry Ion, the spc'inens be.'n presented u the Iviro't. Toe!o h Ironton, Tursilay he Comm.'r inl ciu'i "f Mytnii, whei sought n reduction In p.issamrr rates. All i.pplieatinn fled Willi the public they are on exhibition. iril'lieK coMiiuission Here nskel that IVrm'vslor to Incrr.iso the cnlisterl passu tiger chilig-'- be cut from fl.l cents r the third battalion of th a mile to :t cents. The new tariff, runnel l Infantry, stationed nt Fort Ititerstnle and Intrastate traffrom 'JtA to OH li: s been r fic will become effective November 20. n I I'd by Mrjor A. S. V."! . command Members of the commission will not iit nt I n- -t Dotigia. froia N n;li corpi i oppne fiie reilMi-flortiey Indicated area l.i-- S 'arters tit Son I iHticisc Tuesday but will grant the Tata sought bjr Ford smh-idi- iI df4x-wettts- . s maxl-iiiiim- iM-- 1 r-- nt ?-- 40 de-p- pe:-ml- s Oo-i.-'i- ; . LINSTOCK MEN CONTROL GIVEN Iffe 10 DEMOCRATS I A system of electric wires, nn?e with 2000 volts of elecrlcity, ffl In 1! Iftv-llrn- JP perls rtirMH-ati4Mj- REVOLT AGAINST OBREGON GOV. ERNMENT BREAKS OUT IN LOWER CALIFORNIA PLANS TO $25,000,000 CONCERN BUILD MODERN PLANTS AND TO OPEN STATES IRON DEPOSITS Deserted When Tijuana Virtually Fighting Starts Within Few Miles of the Town; Ten Known Dead Salt Lake Man Concludes Negotiation! In which Substantial Industrial Organizations Unite in Huge Project Mexico. A revolution government of Mexico, which broke out In Lower California, was reported to have spread to Sonora. The revolt, resulting In a clash with Mexican regulars within six miles ol tho American boundary, in which at least twenty were killed, was said to be headed by Kstaban Cantu, former governor and virtual dictator of Lower California during tho Carranza regime. The frontier was closed to Americans Jlonday and hundreds of Mexican refugees were pouring across the her der. Obregon reinforcements were belnf rushed Into Lower California and So nora, and nioblization of revolution was reported at various strategi pdlnt close to the Americau line. The revolution, alleged to be flnanc ed largely by Americans with In Lower California, Includ ing big gamblers, had been brewinj for weeks. The tirst armed clasl occurred Sunday In San Antonio can yon, only six miles south of Tijuana Scores of deaths were reported. The bodies of ten federal trooper were brought Into Tijuana Mondas night, according to United States eus toms officers. Tijuana was virtually deserted Mon day. At Tecate. six miles east of San Diego, Cal., more than a thousand ref ugees were suld to have crossed th line. One detachment of 500 Mexican fed ernls was reported to have landed ob the west coast of Ixiwer California and to be hurrying toward the trouble zont In forced marches. Another contln gent was said to be moving northwest ward in Sonora. Valuable concessions held by certali Interests In Ixiwer California durini Cantu's regime during which he wai paid heavily, were canceled whet 'resident Obregon forced him out o? ulTice. Cantu fled to California. Re cenily he was said to have establishe. n junta In El Centro, a town In tin Imperial valley, where lie gatheret abbiit him many former Carranza ad heroins. Wholesale arrests of Cantu sple; have been made In Tijunanaand Mex Icali, und Governor Ybarra has admit ted that many were executed in tin Luis, against the Obregon g At SIEEL RESOURCES San Washington The tax revision bill now faces its third rewriting, this time by the Imtise and senate conferees The measure .many was passed early Tuesday liy the mrtuite, .'SS to 24, at ( the f imuimKtus session last-tunearly sixteen 1hu-- s It will be returned k Hi' house wlren that body rmsMi rones WsUietia y unil Republican limit! tlxu to send It to con terencc Thursday. It amy reach the president ifr Ids approval lute In the PLAN Is-t- MARYLAND AND KENTUCKY PASS AMERICAN FARM BUREAU CON FitOtM REPUBLICAN RANKS FERENCE HELD IN CHICAGO IN THURSDAY'S ELECTION IS LARGELY ATTENDED s . Mayor Hyla.it of New York s Reelected By Large Majority; Eleven Die in Kentucky As of tlection Fight He-&u- tt New I'wrk Two nnd Kentucky--lmv- e Will Market Livestock on Cooperative Basis Is Agreement Beached By Stockmen From All Sections of The Nation tats Maryland Farmers Thursday planned Chicago from to market their own livestock on a coUi iuuMmitic control as a operative basis. s result f Tuesday's elections, fcvery livestock producing section shown in returns available her: Wed- was representeil In a conference which met here Thursday ut the cull of the nesday morning. In Maryland, Use entire lower house American Kurin Bureau federation to of the legislature and 13 out of 27 ratify a cooperative marketing plan members of the tsenutt were eleeUsl. drawn up by the federation's commit and It was believed in Italtiioore early toe of fifteen. Wednesday that the Democrats had seAccording to J. Tt. Howard, presicured a dominating position in both dent of the federation, the committee houses. In Kentucky the Democrats report includes: regained control of the slate legislaProvisions to give the farmer someture, lost to the republicans two years thing to say about the distribution of memout of l' ago, and claimed his stock. bers of Ihe lower house ami l!l out of I'lans for a farmer owned and conHO seats in the senate. Ketiiriis for trolled livestock coun.ii.-ssioi- i at the two senatorial districts were Incomstockyards. plete Wednesday morning. Mrs. Mary .Meibods for orderly marketing of Klancry of ( 'at let Isburg hail apparentlivestock so as to prevent gluts on the ly won the honor of being the first market and consequent sharp declines woman to be elected to the Kentucky in prices. legislature. . "The farmers of the nation have deNew Jersey republicans claimed to termined to market their own livestock have elected tl Hssciithi.'-meiout of a on a basis," said Howard total of till seats con test eel and assert- "Our cooperative the ualimil outrepresents plan l he ed party lineup in the senate would growth of the cooperative livestock stand as it did lnsl year lf repub- shipping association movement in licans and six I eino, rats. Tin; wet America." anil dry issue played a promlnenl pai l III thai stale, Ihe Republicans standing UNFIT ARE SHOT BY COMRADES for strict enforcement of the stale prohibition act, while the Democrats Believes That Men Were Shot Down favored Its modification or reieal. By Our Men in Ranks Duly one governorship hinged on Washington. Representative JohnTuesdays balloting, Virginia electing son, republican of Soulh Dakota, a State Semilor K. Lee Trinkle, Demo- former officer in the declared in crat, by a huge majority over Henry the house thi'.t whilearmy, no subhe had W. Anderson, Republican. stantiation of the charge, he "had reaThe voters of Ohio apparently were son to believe that soldier:! who were heavily In favor of the soldiers' bonus traitors, cowards or mentally unfit, proposal, announcement being made by were shot down by tjirtr own comrades of Suite Smith that in his while eneu y." the facing Opinion It would be carried by fl(K),000. The statement was holly denied by The bonus proposal would call for an ltutw.nkle. Democrat intendment lo the state constitution, oUepresen'atlve North Carolina, nlso a former nffi-dvhich would authorize tho Issuance of who decla- - - h would not rermit Male bonds up to $2.r.000,000, out of the Julins-statement to go unchalwhich Ohio velerans of the great war lenged. Ikwould paid flO for each month In There were indications that Ihe the total payments to any t.ie house, like the senate, was on the oi.e man not exceeding $2.10. verge of a row ov r charges by SenaKit !nl elert'on riots occurred In tor Watson, Democrat of Ocorgia, that ihe centers of disturbance being in r.realhilt and Kstill counties and soldiers were ban;:od without trial. "No American was shot in France In the city of Louisville. Ten persons are reported to have been killed without trial."' said Mr. Johnson, "but there may have been ,ases where they and nearly n score wounded. were shot In ihe li:ie of battle by their own forces as traito.a or a3 mentally EEEF REACHES PRE-WAPRICED ife.tiugcd." Whole-ale- rt From the Democratic side members Declare Meat as Cheap As It Was In 1914 attempted, to break in oil the speaker, j Chicago The average wholesale who could not make himself heard at t pritv of carcass In of Is back to the times because of the hubbub. level prevailing lit inn, according to Commenting on tho charge of llleal figures made public Sunday In n re- hangings made by Senator Watson, j view tif the meat and livestock situa- Mr. Johnson said : tion during October. Issued by the In "No matter how we ngree or dii stitute of American Meat I 'ackers. agree with the former secretary of The overage wholesale prices of car war or General I'ershing, I know the cass beef in 1011 approximated 12 charge that men were taken out and cents, the report says, while at the end hanged wl.lioul courtiniirtiat convic-liois not true. And I know that n of October, lirjl. It was between 11V4 and 2 tents. Some grades, however, ofl'icer or prhute railed out any such are tH'ng higher, while others are onhrs I n' llrgal bang n- -s ' selling lower, It is stated. Good Road Cill Signed New York Has Heavy Snow Harding Wnshingion -- - President Mnhme. N. V.- A blanket of snow Wednesday signed l he Townsend good one foot thick covert r! northern New roads bill, appropriating Yor!: Thursday. TrtifTIc on ml 'roads from the federal treasury to aid fhe and highways was ser'ously hampered. stales In road bu'id'ng. This fund, The sn"f.:ll tva the heavli sr thai which will be matched by the slates, had h 'ii s en In early No ember for will be used to combat unemployment many years. through increased roadhuliling nitlviiy. i6sed i Set-rotar- r, Ken-luck- J , I I Auto Accident C(aim3 Another Trcinnriton Lncrn Fierce, 15) years of ago. ilatuhter of lius Fierce, whs killed last Tuesday nnd Vir g'nia O.vler Mildred Yates nnd Clara (iiles stitTcre-- vevere bruises when the automobile In which they were riding turned turtle near the Malad bridge. The driver lost control of the machine while endcinotiiig to pass n horse and buggy In a narrow part of the road mid the machine turned over, pinning the occupants underneath killing them l Prominent Mn Is Charged la. Warrants were Moines, out Thursday by SlirtiiT W E. of W. II. r.'hb for the orre-ttwell known D''S Mo'ncs biis'-nes- s mait nnd proprietor of an auto mobile supply company, on charges of manslaughter and failure to report an accident in connection with fhe death e Inst week tf S'sters M.iry Vlr-- j glnls and Mary Itosllitn of St. Joseph academy. Sheriff Itobb will endeavor to prove that Ha'penny wns the driter of the car that struck the ladles. hitter town. Fifty Cantu plotters, with a lnrgt shipment of firearms, ready to marcl Into Mexico, were recently arrested bj United States customs officers In Sat Diego. About 300 of the Cantu revolution Ists were said to have been living Iv San Diego for the last two weeks drawing i u (i,iy e,u., trom 8oIm mysterious sources. About fifty ol (hem were arrested by the police on vagrancy charges, hut the others made Ihelr was nccros the line Saturday uiht. It was these who clashed with die regulars at San Antonio canyon. . neavy shipment of rifles nnd ammunition was penultled to cross the tinnier several woks ago. Those in liaig of It explained that they were working for a movie concern, und wore 4 lowed to proceed. Federal forces In Tijuana were to have executed four rebels raptured In Ihe Initial buttle. Prepalring for 1022 Elcet'on York--T- he committee nfrorly-Jlgli- f will begin nil nethe campaign ibis week to place tickets in congres-imiiu- l d'strn-lor central and wirsiern Mates fur the full elections of 1!IJ2. Its plans for Ihe oi ganl.ations of a lew parly wero announced by the national chairman. J. A. Hopkins. A "tin tif conferences to bring about lilgmenl of the stales on a common ilalform, nro to be ImI I this month nd tim ing Dot ember in a number of ttsleri. Including Montana, Idaho, Coln-'udand Nebraska. New s o Widow Awarded Damages he w idow of Joe Laurens. S. :ewnrt, negro, who was lnchts here n April, Fl.'O. has Just won a verdict if vjiHin damage as u ieult of the .viicliing from the county of Ijunens. Suit for the amount under the coustl-utloii.roipilreuie its by be widow, Henrietta Stewart, In the , ii opinion j.'pas i. nit nd Judge Melver, residing, illrecied the Jury to bring i venl.ct for the full sum. il Phillphines Report to President Washington The final draft of the eport of the Wood-Fort.mission nllrh Investigated conditions In Ihe wns submitted Moii-bt''hllllphine lo Secictary Weeks and later was laid before I'resldent Harding. Mr. forties dlscu'sed ihe report with Mr. Weeks nnd accompanied the secretary to Ihe White House. The report was understood to contain the mission's recommendations relative to Fillpine ;deaa for independence. -- iv.-or- Iial-pecn- y j li.-r- , UTAH RE uniT MEXICAN REDRAFT TAX RFVISION BILL FACES THIRD REV. TING BY THE HOUSE AND SENATE CONFEREES 10 DEVELOP IN San Francisco, Cal. Utah, the Pittsburg of the west. The gateway of the west opened to a new era of development und Indus-traiactivity. All this, und more looms today as a reality through the announcement In Sun Francisco of the consumation of plans for a $2ri,0O!i,00C merger to develop the rich iron deposits of Utah aud launch a gigantic program of iron and steel production in Utah, California and Oregon. Into this Immunol h lluaiiicial and bu.sitie.ss amalgamation havo been drawn the Utah Coal & Coke company ot Sunuyside, Utah; the Columbia Iron & Steel company, with plants at I'itts-burg- , Cul., and Portland. Ore.; the 'Southern California Steel company ol Los Angles and several rich iron properties tn I lie Iron Springs mining district in Iron county, Utah. Included In the plans formulated by those ufl'ccting fhe merger are these enormous projects : Construction of a 500-toblast furnace. Construction of a large eoke plant. Development of the Utah Coke & Coal company's properties. liuilding of a railroad from the Denver & Uio Grande Western Sunnysid branch to the properties, a distance of Tour and miles. Development of the rich Iron deposits in Iron county, Utah. Construction of twenty-fivmiles of railroad from the station of Lund on the Los Angeles nnd Salt Luke route to connect the Iron deposits with the main line of the railroad. Taking over of several large limestone deposits near Suit Lake. Further development of the throe-plantof the Columbia Steel company and Hie Southern California Steel company. Development of n large steel plant ut or near Salt IjiU'e. The blast furnace and Bleel plant will be located probably on Utah lake. llehind this announced program of construction and development lies a plan calculated to open tin; wesr, from Salt Lake to the I'ucUc, to an era of unprecedented business nnd industrial prosperity. In a word. In the rich and undeveloped iron deposits of Utah there nro calcnlated to be 3Uti.HK,O(i0 tons of Iron no in ihe Iron Springs district alone which, are to be transformed Into Iron nnd steel nnd manufactured into products of every description for sale and use on the I'acllc slope and adjacent states of the west. And from this will follow, In tho opinion of those behind the gigantic-projecand era or new industries In iho west; new manufactories using the iron and steel produce manufactured for the first time from pig iron produced In the west. How great will be the resultant commercial development, growth of trade, expansion of industries, employment if skilled labor and increased popula-bi- n Is more than ti e men of big bnsi-les- s behind Ibis latest project can ircsagp. The father of the project Is n Salt Ijnke man, U F. Rains, president of he Carbon Fuel company and other orporations of Salt Luke. Several years ago Mr. Rains the Idea of a merger that would nnke possible laying open the Hi tl mn deposits of Utah and fhe develop-nen- t tif Iron and slccl product in the west. He set lo work, iione llrt. Two years ago bis work lecnmo Intensive. He others ind laid out Ids plans. I.:tlle by lift ie saw the bh-- a grow nnd develop. A week or so ago he to Sin "rancisco to conclude the deal wltli lis associates. There were confer-ncc- s ea h day at which the myriad of letalD incident to the plan wero eoti- Iderisl and d'scus-e- l by c?ieil:i. i;iuday nil obstacles were swept aside ind Mr. Rains, his dream riilllllod, sat nasi t!y in the lobby of the IVIIc vn )o!eI telling his trends what b wi;s oin to do for Utah. l n e s t, con-oivt'- il maiiu-'iietnrin- g con-ant- Should Sp.mk Prople Fort Collins, Cnl.i -- If the Lord tlii Ills dn'y he w ould prink be people, their anioiaohiles and tell ihcm 'o walk, according ii !'.i"hop lrvlnj loliii..i, do; luring the tttoin-- . of laod-J- i ti times. -- I im.-o-- Blackfoot Indaint Do Battle Flackfoot, Idaho. I.etcr Itotit.l bmt '.nd Jolm Verne., Ind.iin. nre in the tliiLliain comity Jail, feli.wlng a llu'hl tn Ihe reservation two miles souilt if this city, In which a shotgun and :i Mitcher knife were the weapons used, tloubldoux wna shot and Verne nut .ut In several places. Neither Is vrlousyl Injured. Following the Buhl,-'hmen came tr I'.lackfoot together f'r surgical attention. They wer arrested by Chief of Police Moldnn. |