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Show mm THE TIMES-NEW- S CIRCULATES THROUGHOUT EAST JUAB COUNTY AND IS A VALUABLE : ADVERTISING MEDIUM. : THE S IS A UOOHT. FOR THE AGRICULTURAL AND MIXING INTERESTS OF Ell JUAB THE TIMES, VOL. IS, NO. 85. REPUBLICANS 11111 AND DEMOCRATS COUIICIL-nPPOIIIT- and John Richardson Will Lead Their ective Tickets. Ladies Will Be Opponents- - For The Office of City TreasurerElection Nov. 8th. ted-Applicatio- . REPUBLICAN TICKET Mayor, T C. Winn. Long term councilman, E. R. For- rest. Short term councllmen. Dr. J. A. Booth, Geo. A. Sperry Jr, and Jesse Par. City Recorder, Wm. H. Warner. City Treasurer, Mrs. Leah Chase. DEMOCRATIC TICKET Mayor, John Richardson. Long term councilman James E. ' Memmott. Short term councllmen, - John C. l. Hall, N. A. Nellaon, and Stephen Bos-wel- City Recorder, A. B. Gibson. City Treasurer Mrs Stella Hickman f. TERM OF . I The next term of court of the 6th Judicial District will open In this city Monday, November 21st at 2 p. m. The sheriff of Juab County has been notified to summon the following citizens of the county to appear at the Courthouse on the above date for serrioe as jurymen. Nephi Geo Goble, John E Ingram Wm. Burton, Chas. R. Jenkins, L. A. Bailey Jr, Walter P. Gadd, Earnest Foote, A. V. Hague, Louis Garrett, Albert W. Bean, Al MUler. Joseph W. Golden. W. H. Brown Mona Reuben Carter, Heber J. Fowkes. Leran, Niels Aagard, A. L. Jack-aia- n, Joseph Bradfield. Eureka Peter Jones, J. W Adams Arthur Hanks. Jack Hansen, Lee Hopper, John A. Allen, James Crooks Thomas Drew, Ned Hickman, Edward S. Ferguson, George Bean, G. T Bridges, Geo. W. Haynes, Leo. Donnelly. Mammoth Frank Clayson, John Mlkesell. SilTer City Wm. E. Mott. NEPHI WARD The following preliminary program will be given Snnday evening to commence at 7 p. m. All Invited. Piano Solo Margaret Foote Short Talk Dr. C. H. Dunn Vocal Solo Loren Kendall ' - , la lit MBlltV -- ..II. k MJintlV ""J the peo-that felt hsve of farms the people those oi did more than problems any pie of town In the I the big cities. But there has been a common meeting ground for all farms borne town paper. It has chronicled the activities of the village and of theand his and of the cross roads. It has told of the visits of the village banker the village and in new of the and his pavement farmer the family, of and family to the Improved highway In the country. No publication ever was moreeaUUed be called "a slice of life" of the people than the home town paper. Week after Inweek, year after year, it has miniitered to the natural craving far the homely, can paper no news which kind the of city big of new the countryside, timate s furnish. Now the country newspaper la to have a "week" all Its own. JP?"f"-sand"SuDecnc to observe have over nation the together of country papers got wtw krve for your home town paper week" November 712. It U a week 'or folks." If your subecripaoolapee. Ufa countryIk and village m and "Just m tttM you have letBuhacribe. If rnmmnnitv. is Mtk MM that atU. vw Kama lire ravw mmbast once a week yoscan live again the Joys of other - a non-ai- y -- Sometimes Si(J-ne- us vain oi un nm w - v- UNITED STATES VETERANS' BUREAU QUESTIONAIRE Name , Permanent Address Enlisted Discharged Company Regiment 1 Are you suffering from the effects of disease or injury acquired while in the service 2 Is your claim filed? 2 Has an award been made? ...... .... Are you in need of medical treat- ment? Are you receiving medical treat- ment? Are you receiving compensation checks regularly? 7 Has your Insuranc lapsed? . . . 8 If you still retain it has It been converted? 10 Are you of the opinion that you have something due you from the Government, if so, for what rea- son?..... Do you know of any service man entitled to Government aid, if so give name and address 11 Do you belong to the American V-- . hill ' 4- oars tnrougn , the for holding of the election aaaa the erection of voting boqths..,; After transacting some oher minor business the meeting a,dourned until Nov: 4 th. . . . . MIGRATORY STOCK FUIID CREATES TANGLE m i w -- w l ai r u - w n 60ES TQ UINTAH COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES ON SPECIAL WORK TO SHOW TRAIL FROM WINTER QUARTERS TO UTAH Legion? It not, would you attend a meetThe Primary Associations of the ing Just to get acquainted? IS Is there anything not mentioned city are preparing aa exhibit to be above you want to know about? . . shown at the regular quarterly conference of Juab Stake Nor. 12th and 14 Signature of 13th, of the route traveled by the 18 Name of Interviewer and organpioneers coming from Winter Quarisation The exhibit will be Note This is not a claim for com- ters to Utah. shown in the Commercial Club rooms pensation. and will be slmlllar to the one exhibited at the Bishop's building In Salt Lake a year ago. NORTH WARD SOCIAL 12 WAS BIG SUCCESS Mrs. J. E. Cole wm hostess Wednesday evening to the members of the Ladles Literary Club. Roll call was The entertainment given Wednes- answered by each member giving a day evening under the auspices of the seasonable recipe. The program con North Ward M. I. A. was a big suc-c- slsted of a paper on ''Yellowstone from every standpoint, and much Park" by Mrs. Dennis Wood, and a credit Is die the officers and aids who reading by Mrs. i. E. Cole, from Dr. helped to bring about the results ob- Wiley's book "The League of Longer tained. The decorations were fully In Life." Musical selections were also keeping with the Hallowe'en season, enjoyed during the evening. e and together with the dancing, telling, candy and refreshment ENIKRTAIN FOR MR. AXD MRS booths kept things going lively throBRYAN PETTY ughout the evening. tor-tun- Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Petty and Mlos Russ Hawkins, went to Los Angeles Joule Petty entertained at a delightWllford Belllston, left Wednesday Calif, Tuesday morning where he will ful shower In honor' of Mr .and Mrs. tor few with visit his days family Bryan J. Petty. The for Price, Utah where he will load a evening waa plecar of honey from his apiary near who are spending the winter there. asantly spent with music and cards, Myton, Utah. Mr. Belllston. says that after which dainty refreshments werQ this car load Is consigned to London, There are four families in town served to fifteen guests. Many beauEngland. The honey crop will only who have esses of diphtheria in their tiful and useful presents were receibe about fifty per cent of last year's homes, but according to the Quaran ved by the guests of honor, who rececrop due to the frost which came la tine physician they are all of a light I ntly returned from their honeymoon form. July. trip . BAY TO OBSERVED OF THE WEEK Jas. W. Paxman, left Tuesday for Vernal and Uintah County on special land appraisement work for the Berkley Government Farm Loan Bank. Mr. Paxman wll be away 'three weeks during which time he will make an exhaustive examination on about 50 farms and make an appraisement of their value for the farm loan bank. The work Includes soil tests, platting and all the data pertaining to the ownership of the farms in question, as the land bank authorities are very particular as to every detail before making a loan. The reasons for this are apparent, when it is considered that loans are made for as long as thirty years, and the soil must be of such quality that there would not be any danger of it becoming worthless during this long period of time, if given ordinary care. ARMISTICE IN r flW 7-- 12 The distribution 6E THIS CITY Committees from the American Legion, and the Service Star Legion, met Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Forrest, and outlined plans for a fitting observance of Armistice Day November 11th. It is the intention of these organizations to hold a big patriotic meeting in the Tabernacle at 2.30 p. m. on the above day, particulars of which will Miss Woolley, Miss Jensen, Mr. be A grand published next week. Bird, Mr. Durham, Mr. Sperry and ball is also planned for the same eve-nlnstudent body officers met Wednesday to distribute student body funds The mayor of the city will be ask- -' the different school actlvies. ed to declare a half holiday for the occasion, and the great event whlchJ A meeting was called Monday night ended the war will be oelebrated in to choose the officers for the school a manner worthy of the occasion. paper of this year. The following offEditor Stanford icers being chosen. Rees, Assistant Editor Marcus Burton BODY BROUGHT TO Second Assistant Editor Malda Foote. Business Manager Kenneth Kendall. NEPHI FOR BURIAL Circulation Manager Donald Chase. At this meeting It was decided that the paper will be published semiFuneral sevrioes were held Wed monthly. nesday afternoon at the North ward The Mephl High School has been meeting house over the remains of placed In the Nebo division of the Mrs. Leah Holland, formerly Miss Basket Ball League. This means that Leah Fryer, who resided In this city our boys will play with Payson, the early part of her life. Bishop C. Sprlngville, Spanish Fork and Provo H. Grace, was In charge, and the open lng number was a duet by Mrs. Ed. high schools. Carter and L. P. Anderson, "Rock of by J. N. Teachers who went to the Conven- Ages". Prayer was offered were Jas. The speakers tion last week are pleased to report C. Pexton. Milton Garrett Vickers, Joseph Jr, Neof of the the that many graduates and the closing remarks by phi High School stand at the head of Noble, Grace each of whom spoke their classes at the University of Ut- Bishop words of consolation and comfort to ah this year the bereaved family. Other musical numbers were a viol Miss Arvllla Lunt, has been selected a member of the double mixed In and piano solo, "Lead Kindly Light" by Miss Merc I Goldsbrough quartette at the University of Utah and Mrs. Diane O. Booth, and the this year. closing number a duet "Guide Me Miss Jacobsen has been unable to To Thee" Mrs. Ed. Carter and I P, attend school this week on account of Anderson. A. J. Oowers, pronounced Beautiful flowers the benediction. th serious Illness of her mother. covered the casket. A meeting of the Senior class was called Thursday for the purpose of MAIL TO BK HAXLDKD FROM PAYSOJT IF 8TRIKB COMES electing the following class officers, President Clyde Ockey, The post office department have Mae 8ldwell, Secretary and Treas tentative plans according to urer Marlon Pyper, Reporter Malda made Allen. In case the threat Postmaster Mana Gadd. Yell Master Ray Foote, strike should material ened railroad ger of Sports Clarence Oowers. 8ocial Ise, to have the matt carried over the Manager Tbelma Sldwell. Orem electric line from Salt Lake to Payson, and from the latter town to Ball Basket for call First practice Nephl by auto truck. was Issued last night. Nepbl being the receiving point for of the towns south of here The sweaters for the Basket Ball a number Fountain Green and Moroni Including on are arm dis red. have They Boys be will hauled mall the by autoe at play In the hall this week. the expense of the government ' to these places. (By Rita 8chofleld, Reporter) Assembly was held Wednesday Mr. Johnson taking charge The following program was enjoyed by the student body. Vocal solo, Virginia Ord, Prayer Mr. Beagley, Vocal solo, Clara Cooper, Reading Wanda Francom, Talk on Credit Mr. W. C. Andrews. - gv Vice-Preside- nt . - 5f" w ' Snoicribe for Ljour Home Town Paper IDeek Rovember ss SOUTH WARD The program at the South ward M. I. A. Sunday evening will be as follows. Reading May Paee Vocal Duet Col Sisters Piano Solo Athella Booth Current Events . . . .Wm. H. Werner The meeting will commence promptly at 7 p. m. All Invited. ' HAT great par oi ftI town the and country. did not understand their ' . the government, and any former service man .who has any kick coming must make it known at this time or forever hold his peace; All applications for service medals must be made to Mrs. Sperry on or before February 1st, 1922, as after that date no applications will be received. The following la the 'questlonalre that will be sent out. M. I. JL PROGRAM NORTH WARD The following program will be glv-a- n Sunday evening at the North ward meeting house, to commence at 7. p. m. All invited. C. W. Johnson Items of Interest Violin Solo Verda Batchelor Vocal Solo Mildred Ellison Mrs. Jas. E. Cole Reading Class Work. ' Board of Health' ' It may be well now to state here that this will be the final action of 5 Slaug- rtJtar - gov-ernnm- 4 S The City Council mot Thursday eve ning in- an adjourned session there being present Mayor Wood, Council- men Cowan', Rees, Beagley and .Ost.' . ler. , The matter of appointing the judges for the municipal election November 8th wag taken up by the Council and the following were selected. ,'District No. 1. Charles E. Ste!6n- son, Bert Greenhalgh and Verne Vick- ers. Polling place, Emro Building. District No. 2i David Ockey, W. A. Starr; and Perry C. Hall. PoUltjp place, Pexton Building. (Main Street i office of T. H. Burton.) ' District No. 3.' Owen Boswell,' y "PolWright and Henry Harris. ' ling place. North Ward Amusement Hall. "v.--- ". The application of JT W. Adams, of the. Home Meat AJarket for permission to erect a slaughter house in this city limits was referred to the Board of Health for' investigation. $ The recorder was Instructed'" to make all the neceaary arrangenienta The meeting Qround of hToum and Countrij The. Home Town Paper ' i u" MEN . 9 SUNDAY EVENING ..I Mr. Cove, and Miss Holslnger, of the Government Veterans Bureau, were in Nephi Wednesday and held a long; conference with Mrs. George A. Sperry of the local home service league, relative to any complaints that have been made by former service men as to their treatment by the Government, it having come to the knowledge of the authorities that con siderable kick has been forthcoming from former service men in the past. To clear up any misunderstandings that may now exist the Government is determined to get into personal contact with every former servioe man and it he has any complaint to make or any grievances to air, the To government will treat direct. this end a questionare has been prepared, which Mr. Sperry will mail to each former service man in this district with a request that it be filled out and returned to her. After these papers have been returned the will send down to this city what is known as the "Clean Up Squad" composed of four officials and a medical doctor, who will go over each questlonalre and before leaving will attend to any complaint that may ' exist. FOR SERVICE : hter House Referred to 3 INFORMATION FOR FORMER t : Polling Places Are Designa- 1 IMPORTANT ': JUDGES OF ELECTION T. C. Winn The Republicans and Democrats of this city have tiled their liBt of nominations with the City Recorder and on November 8th the citizens of this community will select the men whom they wish to handle their business for the next two years, commencing the first Monday in January 1922.-- , Much speculation was rife among a large number of the people as to who the candidates were going to be, and not until the respective - tickets were tiled was it definitely known who were going to make the race. The following is thelist of nominations for each party : THE NEWS VOL. 6, NO 12 . DROi COUNTY NEPHI, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER S8TH 1921 CANDIDATES FOR CITY OFFICES JURORS TIMES-NEW- of the migratory-Btoc- k fund to the school districts of Juab and Tintlc, appears to have ere- -' a ted considerable of a tangle tins' year, as the Tintlc School DlstMet'' ' contending that the migratory-Stoctaxes should go the the district " in which the stock are assessed. From 1915 to 1918 these taxes avore distri buted to the school Ulstrict in which the stock were assessed. In 1918 Tintlc School District received $5,49- 1.52 and Juab School District receiv ed $176.54. and 1920 the distribution. of. those funds was made on the bJl!A.Qi the school population of each district in the county regardless of e district in which the stock were, .assessed. In 1919 Tintlc School District received $2,747.10 and Juab . Sctrool District $1,894.66. 1920 Tin,'. tic received $4,157.94 and Juab Sett- - i . ool district $2,553.12. Sheep owned in Juab , and '. other' counties are principally ltaied: In . the Tintlc district duringtbextaie of assessing which is usual&Jtt January but during the summer. most of them go out of the county foa summer gra- - -ting. The county Into which they g7T" for summer grazing can claim their share of the taxes .in proportion to the time they graze. in that county, an it bears to the .v.b,ole years taxes. For example: If sheep owned in Sanpete-;- 4 county are in Juab County at the time the assessment Is made and grate one half the time In Carbon county during the summer. Carbon county can claim one half of the taxes and Juab gets the other half. Migratory stock-ar- e ' allowed twenty days for traveling through a county, without claim be-ln-g made tor taxes. Again for exam" " Suppose Juab County nftrkea' pie: claim on Millard County for ghijcp In Millard County that craze during; the summer In Juab School District. Money thus received would be distributed according to population " , , in Juab and Tintlc Districts. 9 -- ed It seems to us that- thchUm of Tintlc district to all of th migratory taxee Is not based 'bfFsmind IokIc. If these sheep were gr'azl In the Tintlc district the whole "bP'The year we think there would "Be Just claim to the whole of the 'tax,' but when It is considered that they only graze there s few months or perhaps only a few ween out oi me year, uui juai ii to be In the district during the time of assessment, we cannot for the life of us see why they should be entitled to all of the taxes collected. Many of these sheep will graze during the fall and spring months In Juab School district, but owing to climatic conditions they push out farther west months, yet during the according to Tintic's contention Juab School district Is not entitled to any ay-p- mid-wint- of en er this tax. L. Frank, left yesterday for San Francisco, California on a bUHlns trip In the Interest of his stores. ' |