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Show THE TIMES-NEW- .NEPHI, UTAH. S, THE WEEK'S LOCAL HAPPENINGS A NEW LINE OF THE VERY LATEST taminnier Presses . HAVE JUST ARRIVED Prices are extremely low considering quality We have an exceptionally swell line of Slippers and Pumps THE GOLDEN RULE STORE L. FRANK, Manag er Attention to Automobile Own ers ts . Lowes paint goes farther and costs Retired, Lawn less to make' it go. Ask Kendall Bros sharpened. Kendall Bros. Go-car- Good Pasture for a few head of WE BUY EGGS and sell all kinds feed. MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. cattle. See James D. Pexton. Ernest V. Garrett, was over from Miss Ida,le Pitt, visited In Salt Mantl for Decoration Day Lake City Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Hyrum Jensen, was down Mrs. Eugene Blackett of Eureka, from Salt Lake to spend Memorial was a Nepal visitor Monday. Day in this city. Mrs. Jas. L. Belliston, spent MemMr. and Mrs. T. H. Carter, and Mr, orial Day in Salt Lake City the guest and Mrs. Frank Watkina of Provo of her mother Mrs. W. I. Brown. were in Nephi Sunday and Monday. Sam Perry, of Manti was over to Three work horses for sale, or will Nephi, Sunday to attend the funeral trade for chickens, hogs or cattle.-E- . of .Mrs. Win. Bailey. L. Guild, Phone 168. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cazier. were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stewart and made happy Sunday, with the arrival family motored to Fairvlew Friday of a fine baby boy at their home. for a few days visit in that city. Mrs. Susie Worthineton. went to Mr and Mrs. Geo A. SDerrv Jr and Salt Lake Wednesday where she will family, and Miss Estella.-Jacobsen- , visit with relatives for some time. leit oaiuraay tor a trip to Bryce Can Big new up to date line of MID yon. SUMMER HATS JUST ARRIVED AT Mrs. Edith SparksT of Salt Lake, MRS. S. B. McCUNE'S was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Pass was down from Salt M. Whitmore the early part of the ' Lake for Memorial Day, returning week. iiome Wednesday. Miss Jessie Hassell, returned to her Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett of home In Mammoth Sunday, after a Sandy, are visiting In Naphl this pleasant visit with her sister Mrs. James Stanley. week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hobbs, went to Walter Adams of Idaho. sDent a few days In Nephi this week the bpansh Fork Wednesday to attend the funeral of Henry Malmgren, guest of relatives. brother of Mrs. Hobbs, whe recently David Ockey, went to Salt Lake died in Idaho. City Sunday to visit his wife, who is Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Booth, are ovnow much improved in health. er from Ephraim this week spending Mr. Booth, has been Mrs. Reeve Richardson, is ud from a few days. Lynndyl this week visiting her par- the music supervisor at the Snow Academy the past winter, he has alents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Broueh. so been engaged for this position next Mrs. Mattie Pazman of Salt Lake. year at this institution. is spending a few days in NeDhl this Reuben Brash, a former resident of week" visiting with friends and relat this city spent a few davs here this ives. week, returning to Salt Lake TuesMr. Brash left Nephi at the Mr and Mrs. R W. McMullin and day. family, left for Parowan Saturday age of 12 and has lived in New York wnere mey will visit lor a short time for several years snice leaving here. with relatives." The Social Neighbors Club, met Mr. and Mrs. Page L. Perrv. snent Thursday afternoon at the home of Decoration Day with Mr. and Mrs. T. Mrs. Harry Foote. Cards were playbmitn, returning to their honta in ed until 5.30 when a delicious luncheon was served. The decorations were Payson Tuesday. peonies. Those present were Mrs. R. Mrs. E. L. Miller and two sons, left J. Huntington, Mrs. V. M. Foote, yesterday for Colorado where thev Mrs. J. W. Boud, Mrs. Jos. E. Ostler, will enjoy a two months vacation. Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs. I. M. Petty, Mrs. Geo. D. Haymond, Mrs. Gilbert lney will also visit In Missouri before Bailey, Mrs. K. J. Bird, Mrs. R. W. to . Nephi. returning V McMullin, special guest Miss Lula and the hostess Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Latimer, McPherson left Wednesday for Panguitch and Foote. Bryce Canyon, for a ten days vacation. They are making the trip by auto. I Postmaster Allen, went to I.oe-aFriday where he attended the commencement exercises of the A. C. IT. his Bon Albert being one of the gradu ates of that institution , Tighten I YOUR AUTOMOBILE REPAIRINO IS A MOST EFFICIENT AND UP TO DATE MANNER WE HAVE JUST EQUIPPED OUR GARAGE WITH THE MOST COMPLETE LINE. OP MACHINERY SOUTH OF PROVO. THIS TOGETHER WITH OUR SKILLED MECH ANICS MAKES IT POSSIBLE FOR US TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR NEEDS IN THE MANNER BEST UP! J . I will give a six weeks jummer course in music, vocal and violin, to start Monday, June 6th. Those wishing to take this course should see me. K. J. BIRD Why do we sell most of the dIowb this valley? Because we handle the best makes, "The Oliver and Emerson" Ask your neighbor where he got his new plow, he will tell you J. W. Summerhays & Sons Co. In WE ARE NOW PREPARED, AS NEVER BEFORE, TO HANDLE Mowers S. Mrs. Gerald Cazeir entertained the Club Wednesday afternoon. Kerreshments were served to the fol lowing members. Mrs. John Richard son, Mrs. Earl Reid, Mrs. Al Burton, Mrs. Charles Jenkins, Mrs. James Ellison, Mrs. Ralph Brough, and the hostess Mrs. Gerald Cazier. S. IMPORTANT NOTICE The Taxpayers meeting to discuss the road bond issue was adjourned until Saturday evening at 8 p. m. June 4th, at the Court house. All nvicea. tome out and discuss the AND STRAP SUPPERS in leather, kid and canvas The New Spring Styles at th Nephi Mer. Co. Where Good Merchandise Is Cheaper m X NOTICE TO CREDITORS SHOE REPAIRING Estate of Cyrus R. Foote, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Nephi Juab County, Utah, on or before the 3rd day of August. 1981. CHARLES FOOTE PRE WAR PRICES BEST OP LEATHER USED IV ALL OUR WORK. OUR PRICES DEFY ALL COMPETITION :: ,:: !S :: n " Administrator of the Estate of Cyrus R. Foote Deceased Date of first pub June 3rd, 1921 Date of last pub. June 24th, 1921 J. A. CHRISTEN8EN Farmers can get wholesale prices. a saving of 20 to 30 per cent by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sudweeks, were joining the Farm Bureau.; Thomas over from Ephraim Saturday. Bailey, Committeeman. V You'll Find It' Easy To Choose 4 It's the loosened parts that wear So it behooves you to take care. YOU ought to bring you car here at regular intervals for in spectfon. We will see that every bolt and nut is properly' tightened. Don't monkey with your car let our monkey wre- nch attend to the trouble. We are master motor mechanics. a Summer suit entirely to your liking when you see our stunning array of look after your cars health Let Grace's Auto Doctor Hart SchafTner & GRACE GARAGE CO. Utah Nephi HHue. Marx Clothes POSSIBLE - WHEN IN NEED GIVE US A CALL WE WILL DO THE REST. DAY PHONE 77 Smart ANNOUNCEMENT n central Motor Company Our Motto Service and Satisfaction 3E: Ice Cream by pint 35c Ice Cream by Quart 50c Ice Cream by gallon $1.50 Why Pay More? BJ. ted associate with HartShaffner & Marx appears in the new Summer models. I Time for Straw Hats too! t I SPARKS, jR sin-gle-bres- ets, and flap pockets. All the good style you have learned to NIGHT PHONE 101 rv and coats; patch double-breaste- d Th e i oggery 1 |