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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, EES FATS About Some , FABRIC INJURY TO SMALL ELECTRIC CAR APPEARS INNER-TUB- After Blowout Occurs Tires Should Not Be Run Farther Than Is Necessary. EMERGENCY REPAIRS ' t V V ( V 4- VITAL 1 THE UNIVERSAL CAP Breaks Often Caused Weeks Previous When Automobile Ran Over Some Object In Road While Run. Ing JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH Total Production 127,074 Total Retail Sales Or have you had the experience of going out to your garage and finding a perfectly flat tire? It was all right when you drove In the evening before. 208,032 showing tat actual sales for the first three months of 1921 exceeded production by 80,958 Ford cars and trucks. April requisitions already specify 107,719 additional cars and trucks and the estimated April put of the factory and assembly plants combined calls for only 90,000! out- These facts clearly show that the demand for Ford products is growing much faster than manfact-urin- g y facilities to produce and were it not for the dealers' limited stocks, which are now being more customers would have been compelled to wait for their cars. It will be depleated, many only a matter of weeks, therefore, until a big surplus or orders will prevent anything like prompt deliveries. rap-Idl- If you would be sure of having your Ford car or truck when you want it, you should place ur order now. Don't delay. Phone us or drop us a card. yo JUDD'S GARAGE G R. JTTDD, MANAGE! Nepbi, Utah. 3i MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF JUAB COUTAH. REFLATING TO UNTY, BOND ELECTION The Board of County Commissioners of Juab County, State of Utah, met in special session on Saturday, the 30th day of April, 1921, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. due, legal and timely notice of the time, place and purpose of said special session having been given to all members as required by law. The meeting was called to order by Chairman W. G. Orme presiding. On roll call the following members were present: Chairman: W. O. Orme, Commissioner: John O. Bunnell Commissioner: George Francom AUo present: Earl S. Hoyt, County Clerk. Commissioner George Francom Introduced and moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION A resolution calling, providing tor and ordering a special election in Juab County, State of Utah, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said County who have paid a property tax therein In the proceeding year, the question of Incurring a bonded Indebtedness In the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-fiv- e Thousand (225,000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of raising funds to defray the expense of laying out, erecting, 1 ' constructing, improving and maintaining public roads and highways, including culverts and bridges, within aid County, outside of incorporate cities. WHEREAS, there is an immediate and pressing need of raising funds to the amount of (225,000.00) to be used in the laying out, erecting, constructing, improving and maintain ing public roads and highwaysincor-ate-In d Juab County, Utah, outside of cities, Including the building of culverts and bridges therein and thereon; and WHEREAS, in order to raise said funds it will be necessary for said Juab County to issue and sell Its bonds to the amount of $225,000.00 as, if and when the Issuance of said bonds is approved and a legally callod and held election by the qualified voters of Juab County, who Bball have paid a property tax In said Juab County In the year 1020, and WHEREAS, the interests of Juab County require It and the Board of County Commissioners of said County deems it to be expedient and at this time and for the public good, to Issue the bonds of said County in the sum of $225,000.00 for the purpose aforesaid, nec-cessa- ry NOWTHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Hoard of County Commissioners of the County of Juab, State of UUb, as follows: 1. That a special election be, and the same Is hereby called and ordored to be held In Juab County, State of Utah, on Tuesday, the 7th day of June A. D..1I21 for the purpose of submitting to such qualified voters of aid County as shall have paid a property tax therein in the year next 3 preceeding such election, the following proposition, "Shall bonds of Juab County, State of Utah, in the sum of $225,000.00 be issued and sold by tho Board of County Commissioners for the particular purpose of defraying the expense of laying out, erecting, construction, improving and maintaining the following roads and highways within the County of Juab, State of Utah, outside of incorporated cities, including the expense of erecting all culverts and bridges therein, and thereon, The public road known as the "Silver Road" running South from Silver City, Juab County, Utah to the Millard County line. Also the public road running west from the town of Levan to the Levan Switch. Also the public road known as the "N'ephi-Uta- h Road" running north from Nephi to the Utah County line. 2. That notice of such special bond election shall be prepared and given by the County Clerk of said Juab County, by publishing the same in the Nephl Times-Newthe Eureka Reporter and the Mammoth Record, newspapers of general circulation, printed and published in said Juab County, State of Utah, for four full weeks prior to said election, the same to be published in each of said newspapers during said period in each ergular and seccessive issue thereof; The first publication of said notice in the Times-New- a to be made on the 6th day or May 1921 and the last to be made on the 3rd day of June, 1921 the first publication of said notice in the Eureka Reporter to be made on the 6th day of May, 1921, and the last publication to be made on the 3rd day of June, 1921; the first publication of said notice In the Mammoth Record to bo made on the 7 th day of May, 1921 and the last to be made on the 4th day of June, 1921, each of said publications being for a period of four full weeks prior to the said 7th day of June, 1921, the date hereinbefore designated for the holding of said special election, which said notice shall be substantially as follows, to-w- it: nec-cessa- ry to-w- it: City-Champ- ies and including the expense of erecting all necessary culverts and bridges therein and thereon, which said public roads and highways are described as follows The public road known as the "Silver Road" running south from Silver City, in Juab County, Utah, to the Millard County line. Also, the public road running west from the Town Of Levan, to Levan Switch; Also, the public road known as the "Nephi-Uta- h Road" running north from Nephi to the Utah County line. At said election the form of ballot shall be as follows: BOND ELECTION BALLOT To vote for the issuance of bonds, place an X in the space after the word "Yes" To vote against the issuance of bonds, place an X in the space after the word "No". to-w- it: City-Chapl- in Yes For the issue of Bonds NO s, pub-llcat- in to-w- it: NOTICE OF Sl'ECLVL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election has been oidcrcd and called by the Board of County Commlssioners of Juab County, Utah, and will be held In said Juab County, Utah, on the 7th day of June, 1921, to determine the question whether or not bonds of said Juab County, Utah, in the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-fiv- e Thousand Dollars ($225,000.00) bearing Interest at the rate of not to exceed six (6) per cent per annum, said bonds payable made payable In not to exceed twenty years from the date of this Issuance, shall be issued and sold by the Board, of County Commissioners of said Juab County, Utah, for the purpose of defraying the expense of laying out, erecting, constructing, improving and maintaining the following specifically described public roads and highways within said Juab County, State of Utah, outside of Incorporated cit semi-annuall- I I That on the reverse side thereof shall be printed the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR D1ST1CT NO. Juab County. Utah, Special Bond Election, June 7th, 1921. Signature) (Fac-8imi- Speed. X&f jfr ' i fit : l! : tj; Ii s roadl Delivered to Retail Customers 57,208 63,603 87,221 29,883 35,305 61,886 High Have your ever had a blowout when your car was standing still, after coming from a drive on a smooth, level Here are authentic figures from the Ford factory at Detroit. They show you just how many Ford cars and trucks have been built each month since January 1, 1921 and how many have been sold to retail customers, In the United States. Produced at le County Clerk Said election shall be held as nearly as possible in conformity with the general election laws of the State of Utah, except us otherwise provided by Section 1414; Compiley Laws of Utah 1917, and at such election every qualified voter of said County who shall have paid a property tax in the County in the year 19 20 shall be entitled to vote. The polls will remain open during the time from seven o'clock a. m. until seven o'clock p. m. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF JUAB COUNTY, UTAH. Commissioner, W. G. Orme Chairman Commissioner Ueorge Francom, Commissioner John G. Bunnell. Attest: Earl S. ileyt, County Clerk. (Seal) AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the voting or polling places for each special bond election be and the same are hereby established at, and the Judges of such election In the various precincts in said County shall be as follows: Voting precinct, Eureka No. I, Polling Place, The building known as the "Court House" Judge of Election, Allen lvey, Frank Bacon, John O. Something had happened to it over night. You removed the tire and tube, found the tube worn and a clean break on the Inside fabric of the tlra. What caused the fabric to break? It is very probable that It was started a week or even a month previous, when you ran over a brick, a rut or a hole In the street while running at high speed. Small Break at First, Then again it may have been caused when. In turning around In the street, you allowed the front or rear wheels ,of the car to bang Into the curbstone. Of course, this is more Ukely to happen If the brakes are not in good working order. At first the break may be small, but the broken threads of. the fabric at the fhjury chafe each other while the tire Is in use, setting up an Internal friction that quickly causes the break to enlarge. The other plies soon break down, the tube Is pinched and a blowout results. Generally this occurs some time after the original break and whpn circumstances point to no apparent cause. It Is unfortunate that the bruise or fabric break Is seldom manifested by any indication on the outside of the tire, for the tough tread rubber streches when the tire strikes the stone or curb, but fabric can only stretch a certain limit, and when taxed beyond that point will break. Often only the Innermost ply is Injured. The best way to avoid stone bruises Is to avoid hitting the stones, the bumps and the ruts in the roads as much as possible. For Emergency Repairs. After a blowout comes, do not run the tire a foot farther than Is necessary, but immediately put into a temporary repair or change tires, and as soon as possible take the injured tire to the vulcanizer for a permanent repair. For am emergency repair on the road use a rlm-cu- t patch. It should be applied without cement so that It can be removed later on under less stressful conditions, and a permanent vulcanized repair made. If the tire Is too old to be worth vulcanizing, a permanent repair can be made thnt will allow the tire to be used many more miles by using the rim-cpatch, and cementing it ha with patching cement. "How to Do the Job." To do this follow these directions: First be sure that the fabric at the break is dry, then clean the inside of the tire thoroughly at the break with gasoline for a space slightly larger than the patch. After it is dry apply two coats of patching cement, allowing time for each coat to dry and become tacky. Give the outside of the patch the same number of coats, and after this cement Is dried Insert the lmtch by seating the toe of the tire bead in the crease in the patch wing. Now work the patch down all the way across the tire, pressing It down firmly and smoothly, and then adjust the other bead. Earl Dunn, Martin Gunderson, Lynn Andrus. Voting Precinct, Calioa, Polling Place, The building known as the residence of E. W. Tripp. Judges of Election, G. W. Morehouse, Roy Ran kin, W. A. Tripp. Voting Precinct, Silver City, No. 1 f &r?VWA ' 111 1. Polling Place, Building known as the "Court House Judges of Election LeRoy Ellertson, Reuben Kay, Earl Newton. Voting Prerlnct, Nephl No. 1. Pol ling Place, Odd Fellows Building, Judges of Election, Wm. Burton, Geo rge O. Ostler, Robert Lomax. Voting Precinct. Nephl No. 2. Polling Place, County Court House. Judges of Election, W. A. Starr, James And rews. Lisle Bigler. Voting Precinct, Nephl No. 3. Pol ling Place, North Ward Amusement Hall. Judges of Election. Mat. T.l. Howard, N. A. Nellson, Stephen Bos-wel- 1 No. Voting Precinct, Levan Freckleton. known as the Place, Polling Building Voting Precinct, Eureka No. 2. Pol- "Court House'" Judges of Election, ling place, Eureka City Hall, Judges L. II. Mortensen, R. H. Gardner, J. L. of Election, T. L. Sullivan, Edward Francom. Fox, Edward McCormick, Voting Precinct, Mills No. 1, PolVoting Precinct, Eureka No. 3. Pol ling Place, Building known as the ling Place, Eureka High School Build "School House". Judges of Election, ing. Judges of Election, Edward W. John Williams O. Dnnyon. S.N. Filods Redmond, Joaprh Ferguson, .Mrs. AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLVAgnes Knight. ED, that the County Clerk be and he Voting Precinct, Mammoth, No. 1. is hereby authorized and Instructed to Polling Place, The Building known as notify said persons of their appointthe "Court House" Judges of Election ment to serve as Judges of said ele- - Xfc;: v3 1 ... , :.. . a.t - indies high. with the speed of 1mi miles per hour. iii:Kk its uppeurunce on Michigan boulevard In t'hii imo ti c o'.'.ier day. mid HtinuMed more attention than any of tht vjrer cars on the i'o''V'.-iirdi . ction and to furnish instructions and directions, deliver ballots and stationery and procure and take suca other steps as may be neccessary in carrying out these resolutions to the end, that said election mfr.y ba held in accordance with law. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLED, that the Board of County meet as a Board of canvassers at the hour of 12 o'clock noon on Monday, the 13th day of June, A. D. 1921, for the pupose of canvassing th'e returns of said election and of declaring the result thereof." Commissioner John Bunnell seconded the adoption of the foregoing resolution and the same on being put to a vote was unanimously carried by the affirmative vote of all commissioners present, the vole being as follows: Commissioner W. G. Orme, Chairman (fS?j) NEVER olli-cial- ly "Aye" Commissioner George Francom "Aye" Commissioner John Bunnell, "Aye" W. G. ORME, Chairman Board of County Commissioners of Juab County, Utah, Attest, Earl S. Hoyt, County Clerk. State of Utah, SS. County of Juab I, Earl S. Hoyt, the duly chosen, qualified and acting County Clerk,of Clerk of the Board and County Commissioners of Juab, State of Utah, do hereby certify that the and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the minutes of a special meeting of the Board of Counj ty Commissioners of said County, held pursuant to due, legal and timely notice served upon all members at the regular meeting place of said Board at Nephi, Juab County, Utah, said Board being convened in session at said meeting the 30lh day of April, 1921, at which said date said resolution was adopted, insofar as said minutes refer to or concern the issHundred Twenty-liv- e uance of T Thousand ( $725,000.00 ) road. bonds of said County, as the same appears of record in my office in Volume 3 at pages 460 to 464 both inclusive; that I personally attended at said meeting and that the foregoing proceedings were in fact held as in said minutes specified. IN WITNESS WliERKOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County this 2nd day of May, A. D. 1921. Karl S. Hoyt, (Seal) Clerk County Clerk and of the Board of County Commissioners of Juab County Utaii. NOTICE TO IKKITOKS Estate of Johanne N. Lundsteen, deceased. Credtiors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at their residence at Levan, Juab County, Utah, on or before the 1st day of July, A. D. 1921. C. Chrlstensen, Ray Francom, Executors of Estate of Johanne N. Lundsteen deceased. Dale of First pub. April 29, 1921. Last publication May 20th, 1921 Thos. H. Burton, atty for Estate. mtmrnai. uei. "aMaAMfMaM We want to do no frightening A loosened nut needs tightening Too much stress cannot be laid upon the importance of exact Each bolt should be in place and each nut properly tightened. Your ste-- i ering gear should be working perfectly and every part of the car's mechanism should at all It times be doing its bit. would be well for us to examine your cure frequently. auto-adjustme- GRACE GAKAGE CO. Utah Nephi no TfcFltES WO IF. All 0 OR. BUT EVEftYPJECe sis Or MEAT CUT IN THIS MARKET AS FRESH AND AS sweet , 3 AS A NOT ALL INTELLIGENT, ENERGETIC MKN io Polling Place, Building known as the "Court House Judges of Election, Lyman Baker, W. E. Potts, Abner T. Bigler. Voting Precinct, Alona District No fit and women know of the strength building nourishment of Their safetwholesome meats. sense directs them to y-first the santary shop whose quality ineas and courteous service encourage their appetites and whose punctual service does not delay their dinner. CITY MEAT MARKET Geo. W. Garrett, Prop 3 Good Vacuum Cleaner For Rent or Sale. carry Paints, Oils and Varnishes, also the famous We Eden Washer Everything In Hardware. Cooper, Pyper Co. i i |