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Show THE TlkfiS.NEWS. NEPHI. UTAH. " i I i mm i ITEMS OFJNTEREST Pointed Paragraphs Pleasingly Produced. Town Topics Tersely Told. Pithy, Special Bargains Ice for Sula. See E. Tanner. Mrs. K. J. Henriod returned home Monday from Salt Lake, Young pigs for Bale. Apply to George C. PhUllpa. Mr. and Mrs. It. I). Uroadhead returned from Ogden yesterday. New Player Piano on easy tenua. 2t Inquire of Mrs. J, W, Carver. llishop J, K. Taylor of Levau was a business visitor in Nephl Weduesduy. Mrs. James Madsen of Provo is visiting her sister, Miss Jane Stephenson, this week, See Owen MjlH cow fur sale. Hoswell, Miss Leone Hague returned home Monday after a few days visit in Salt Lake Ctty, FOR RENT Hawkins restaurant. Apply to C. H. Garrett, Adm. Mr, Win, Jenson of Moroni visited with hi sister, Mr.. Fred Sorentteu. the past week. Hugh Sperry returned home Sunday from France, where he was for a year or more. Send your good Clean Hug to the Heaver Woolen Mills, Co., . Heaver City, I'tali, and we will make you a 40-Clean, Healthy Mattress. Mrs. S. G. Ord went to Salt Lake .Monday to meet her son Grant in LADIES' SKIRTS and SILK WAISTS a line of Sjimplt waists mii skk;k We have ji:ttk (iKOIt- - and SII.K SKI IMS houuht nt greatly reduced price. Only one of it kind at Se tlielll. H big saving ill price. S' our M rx six i: x line of 1 1 s i' x i t f ill Summer weinlils for nil iiiciiiIhts of Hit family. All nIjIi'm. Til KM. HAS JS WILL UK K.N ItKSTOCKKI) LOTS OF Kit; OI'KX KATI'ltltAY MONKV SAYIXti KCONOMV HASKMKNT - Al l!K(ilS. 5 F0 X)MMlXltATIt)X' Kililor Times-News- On account : ot mere being sdtne 1 d ehihi.r.ile lamiiKl took pluee at Hotel at S.m HVgo. at which i, coets were la d fur 2MI. Mrs, the tetiring iresidetit. presented Mr. the president elect, the gisvel whiih tl'e had used during the pant two ye.ir;i, and which was made front walnut ra,l C'l )ear ago by hT hih;ind's srandfat U'ir. The pavel J:l to 'nHome the property of the Ninth (iiflrict. formerly Mi;- .Vr, Hyde and in well Eureka of .Mills Cr.ne on the went wide of the krown county, in addition to her many trends in Neihi. Wi-ilim- regarding the Inauger-atecontest which lout week let me make the following sungit'tionr.: In the firm place thin rontewt thought of In onler to encourage the people of Nephl to clean up their yard ami make the ctty more beau tiful. I feel that thin clean-uiiplrlt will heroine contagious and If one person starts cleaning up, lit Thin neighbor will do likewise. will greatly lessen the labor of th clean-yar- 5 Never Underbid. One Price To All. d p Ild'. i;ixi; end-tvor-i- ug r r tr t' r- 1 ein-plo- y ."! ri n bu'-ine.- jho nt Darning Basket a Relic of the Past Stop working and worrying over the holes that wont stay darned. Buy Armor Wyo. Verful Jacobson, who has been In the naval service for the past year and a half, returned home Monday evening, having been released from service, FOR SALE Water tank and Seb trough cheap. Joseph W. Vickers. Mr, and Mrs. Hastings Judd, and Mr, and Mrs". Moyler of Rlgby, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ella-so- u of Grantsvllle were guests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Judd from Saturday to Tuesday when they returned to their homes. FOR SALE CHEAP One 3 4 Mitchell wafion, one Mower, practically new, one hay rake, one spring tooth harrow. See Joseph W. Vickers. The Juab County Farmers Association are installing a gasoline pump from France. Get your carnations Saturday and tank (his weK Ht their place ot to be able to supmorning for Mother's Day at the En- bug'uas and expect ot the auto owners in wants the ply Co. terprise Grocery Mrs. L. A. Hartley of Salt Lake a tew days. City Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. W, Carver, this week. NEWS Geo. Phillips relumed to Garfield FOUNTAIN GREEN Tuesday after visiting his family in Nephl for a few days. Horn. April 27, 1819, to the wife Mrs. Glen Sargent returned home Tuifday from Salt Iake after a ot Mr. Geo. Jackson, a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Oldroyd, and pleasant vlnit in that city. Miss Doris Jenkins motored down Mrs. Lamar Oldroyd ot Glenwood, to Nephl Thursday front Salj Lake are Fountain Grsen v's'lons, Cleo llansiln delightfully enter City for a few days visit here. Irls Mon Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Howell were tained the Wide-Awak- e Nephl visitors Friday, being on their day evening. Mrs Cora H. Smyth aniThuth Han way home to Overton. Nevada. Mr. Svend Jensen of Moroni sen were Mantl visitors Monday. Our soldiers are rapidly returning spetit a few days the past week with All look better than ever. Those his daughter, Mrs. Fred Sorensen. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. .trough. Miss lately returned are Edward M. Han. Therese Ilrough and Miss Lutle sen,, Willie Johnson and Robert L. Drough motored to Provo yesterday. Hansen. Tbe grade school of the city have W. A. Warner and Drlgham Gar rett were Provo visitors Sunday, re- closed. Fitting exercises Vere given turning home on the afternoon train. Friday evening In the new amuse Remember your mother with a car ment hall, at which a large crowd The nation on Sunday next. Mother's Day. was interestingly entertained. Knterpris Grocry Co. will have sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth them. grades will continue two weeks As is yet known, only one Mins Ester Ockey came down from longer. Salt Lake Friday to visit her bro- teacher of this year's faculty will be ther who has Just returned from here next year, that la the second France. grade teacher. Mis LaFdrne Despaln. The public school faculty called Mr. and Mrs. Leone Chrlstensen Eureka Sunday on the principal last Thursday even from were ovi spending the day with relative In ing and really surprised him and his family. He was presented with this city. L. It. Kimball, manager of the a travelling bag as a token of over-sea- s service and will soon Sevier Land ft Water Co. at Lynndyl. spent Saturday and Sunday In Nephl leave on an L. t). 8. mission. with frliwds. FOR SALE Combined Harvester. Wm. Prough. Matt Howard. James Andrews and EarUMacfarlane motor- Heel Puller and Heel Cultivator, all As good as ed to Vett Tlntlc Sunday to visit the In first clas condition. E. Taylor. Levan. J. of new. mine. Inquire Oraplata 41-l- t. Dean Kendall. 8. J. Shaw and Jaa. Utah. members of the famous R. NOTICK 91st division, returned home Fri. United States Land Office, Salt Lake day from France. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Sudbury City, Utah, April 17th. 1919 were up from Lynndyl Sunday and To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that the Monday visiting friends and relaof Utah has filed In this office In city." this State tive Adrtan Jenkins returned home lists of lands, selected by the said Monday from France, having ben State, under section t of the Act of attached to the 32nd regiment of Congress, approved July li. 1894, as the fist division. Indemnity School Lands, vis: Serial Mrs. Frances Clyde came down 024083, N. W. 4, N. E. 4. Sec. 16. from Springvllle Tuesday on account N. E. 'i , 8. E. , 8. E. 4, 8. E. M, 8, W. 4. 8. W Illness of her mother, Sec. 10; N. W. of the . 8. W. , Sec Vt . 8. W. U . N- - E. Mrs. Robert Iteagley. E. 8. E N. I R. T. 4. 8.. 13. E.; 11, to .Mr. Charles Abbott return! her home in Salt Lake yesterday 4, 8. E. '4, 8. E. H, See. 10. T. 13 R. 1 W. morning after a pleasant visit wjth 8., Copies of said lists as far aa they relatives In this city. Mrs. L. C. Fallas of Salt Lake re relate to said tracts by descriptive turned to her home Saturday after a subdivisions, have been conspicuous In this office for inspection few day visit with her parents. Mr ly posted by any person Interested and by the and Mrs. K. L. Iloucher. The I'niverslty of Vtah Dramatic public generally. During the period ot publication Co. which was to have appeared at of this notice, or any time thereafter, In the. tbe Arlington tomorrow night and Wore final approval and certiplay "Mary Janes Pa." have can- fication, under department regulacom celled the date, the tour of the tions of April 2S, 1907, protests or off. called been pany. having Ike claim of the contexts James Eager and Miss Josephine State to against of the tracts or subany Eager came to Nephl yesterday and divisions herlnbefore deecrtbed on the will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J that the same la more valuft. Riches for a trm days. Mr. Eager ground able for mineral than for agricultural has been In the service of t'nele Sam purpose, will be received and noted for over a year and was woundd on for report to the General Land Office two occasions during the war. at Washington, D. C. Failure so to Uoyd Adams of Reiburg. Idaho, protest within the time specified will was Nephl visitor Saturday, hav- be considered sufficient evidence of came down to visit. his sisters. ing character of th tracts Mrs, Alfred Orme and Mm. Geo. E. and the selections thereof, being Howard. Mr. Adams Is the pub- otherwise free from objection, will lisher of the Rejburg Standard, one be approved to the state. of the progressive journals of Idaho OOI LD B. BLAKELT. In addition he Is a State senator and Register. among the foremost men In the First pub. April ii, 1919. Last fate. pub. May 33, 1919. or lnrvl rs 41-3- 1. non-miner- PLATE Make the Plate Hose for the whole family. It takes a long time to wear a hole in In all nUos and a wide and rnii;o of volors Armor Plate htylct. Hosiery even with children's romping play. Made of the strongest and best yarn obtainable-k- nit to shape and size exactly anddyed with Harms-No- t Dye (it ab solutely will not rot, burn or weaken the yarn). M . ( WHITK KHOKS AS It KLIPPKRS far thtt lit lit) folks Armor Plate vtell an stockings fit in with the policy of our store because they're the very best for the money. All sizes all the prices. We recommend them makers guarantee them. See them today. the grown up. JUST KIH'KIVKH A COMPLETE STOCK AT TIIK IN , Nephi Mer. Co. wii kkk t;oo shoi:s aiie c h k.vpkk Plenty of Keeds. Buy While We Have What You Want l3 EE Mr. and Mrs. Howell received a still in telegram . Tuesday afternoon con- his way Heed veying the news that their son Ivan had arrived safely in New York, well Lorenio France, but hopes to be on .home soon. Ilailcy. Loran Iloswell and Harris returned home Monand happy, and would be demobil day from France whie they saw ized at Camp Dix. Mr. Howell baa service with the famous 91st divisbeen in France for the past ten ion, being attached to the 3l2ud months. Their other son. Alva. Is regiment. Six Months ap-frot- n i p was town commit teen who are HAKlt WIKK I NTIM.I.I.MENTS to do work along this line the Any person in Nophl can en Mr, H. II. Kvans received a letter t th content by entering his na: this week from the clerk of the combank. Entries will clone about May 15, pany to which his son Lawrence 1 tie letter tells In detail the Prize will be awanled about Juno tnann'-of bis son s death, w hich was 15. l'.olh front and bark yards will be noted jn this paper on a previous oc casion, wi'h the except ion of the folJudged. Three disinterested poisons from low ira quotation which te;s what he otitsldf the. c!t will a t i. judo's. wni doing at the time he received his The paragraph folThe prUen will be on ehi iin li- mortsi! wound. the Nephl Nat (oral Hank w im!ow a io : "At the Tine Ijiwronci, l. Kvans soon an received. t thank you vry much for th bit. h" wan going forward with and publicity you and his platoon near Klirey. France. He your valuable paper have given this had charpe ,,f the blowing up of the har?,l wire entanz'emrnts in frorl waiter. of the firt line of (ierman trenches. Sincerely your. "Lieut. Kvans went over the top j. w. isori. with a platoon of our company on the KOISMl.lt ltEMiKNT morning of Sept. 12th, and about HIES l ST. f.t.oiM.K S a tit m? injured." UY It FKHKIS, Samuel Jackson, a former resident fofnpanjr Clerk. Co, A , 314th Kng of thin city and a brother t( Mr. tiephi Jarkn, passed away in M. stnd Mrs A 8. Kendall, for r of N( pl i. w ere gu- - Ms fleorpe. Cth. this week. .Mr. and Mrs Jackson bad t n on a v)H of Mt Samuel Kendall Sunday. The Talifornia and toppH o!T at Si. dofnr ie now practicing at Payson CJeorge on their way bai k t lhir ft t... present tirne and reports that home In Color ad a, but Mr. JiV'iti i.n .i in that city is g"d, was taken nick ther and pas.d K ,i has reignd K'!'t''ta a pi way stated above Th body his position s warehouseman at the Nephl We Inesriar in the ftfter bai'.g b'-p.ed throueh for several morning on the train, h"tr accomof the panied by bis widow, Mt. Jackson, jrfsrt .tr Kel)rtrass has given snd his non, Samuel Jrkon. Jr. liil in this posl-tior.t service f'.iirlal will take pi"e at th1r home na gen reneral satiofac-tn!e, in Ma'. MH. Colo to I'p g!ieril pu!;e in the banMir-- of fre!rhi and express, lie fORMI.K Ml lll I.AHV for hirn- mf.ccts to go Into IH IIOXM'.I H His place 'sejf tn the rear future. of t,ogan. A recent isu of the Iieo 'mi taken by Mr. Union contains a photo of Mrs. J. will move h family here, from A. Hyde, a former of thfs that pla' e Homes, 1h, not nealett baing city, who was recently el. rlerl of the .Mothers' rorgress and ftarns. nl rop galnt Parents-TeacheTbe Is I be time, of ;h bra by f,re. Asfofion Ninth District of (1 f --nia TV rnii.i,ip f represent are as reliable district has 21 aoc ia'i'.ris with las ant in tbe I nifed Httr. l1)one membership of ovr 2"'p mother.. t tall Palph P.roiiitli at the Xephl Following the election of officers an . aii..,rf I tank. rdnl ARMOR 3t WK TAX SAVK VOl' I ItOM ljtlt.(M TO 91.tM ON MKX'S SI ITS. NK.K Ollt Mr. Joseph F. Nelson of Salt Lake City Is the guest of Miss Lois Carver. Mr. Nelson has Just returned from one years service in France Mrs. Mason returned to her home in Provo Tuesday after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lindon Carter, who has been quite ill the past week. O. J. Grimes, nocretary of the Juvenile commission of Salt Lake, was In Nephl Tuesday going of the juvenile work in this section of the state. Miss Sadio Ockey returned home Tuesday from Zlon's Canyon, Jn southern Utah, where she has been engaged in teaching the past winter. Lanell Burton returned home from France yesterday. Mr. Durton was a member of the 91st division and was mustered out at Fort Russell, from Now YOU'RE satisfied with what you buy at the time you get them, or else you wouldn't buy. If that's all the satisfaction you want, any clothes will do; they all look good when they're new. TitiiMi to t.ivi: vor MOHK TIM TIMT. Vol' WAT MONTH H HTlHK..nW- - sl rnovf VW OH A VK.IL T!MT"l Wr-ri- WHV Mi: OCKKK !MKT fV-F- MARX CLOTHKS, WALK- Kit N M - ItlllH. t.r.titniim,H. t .iTI ,l TO .T1KV Vor UlStt. OVI:U VA "H HOI , i I.I TI.M UI,HOV HKViiK i MOKV HWK IF THF.V The Toggery Ot"I.L t.r.T VOCrt MOETf WOltTIf 23 |