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Show THE WAR RISK BOARD TIMES-NEW- NEPHT. UTAH S. CHRISTY MATHEWSON MAY TRY TO PITCH AGAIN THIS YEAR FOR NEW YORK GIANTS Conflicting Thoughts IS REORGANIZED r, 1 Lr FLETCHER WON'T Arthur Fletcher Is one Olant who will be missed when John J. 'MiSinnv starts his tour of South Amerlcu with the Chicago ii W hite Sox next fall. The Giant l Ail voo fe shortstop and captain has nl- - &: ready declared himself. Fletcher has no aversion to South America. Cut, he has a dread of. u sea voynge that Is the result of sad experience. Hack In 11113 he went to Ilono- - ijij lulu with I'riinl; Caneroft's nil- - fi star aggiegation of hall players, spent six miserable days and nights lu hl-- stateroom going, i'f over and six more "coming buck. : RAPID DEMOBILIZATION OF OUR MILITARY FORCES NECESSITATES NUMEROUS CHANGES. li f KjVilki More Claims for Compensation Have Been Made Thua Far Thia Year Than Were Made During the Entire Year of 1918. Pocket knife - (o!iiM-nsntioi- .". of West Are Loyal. jrmeri Chicago. Farmers of the Iakota. Minnesota and Montana acknowledge no superiors lit American loyalty and patriotism despite the activities of the National Notipartlsnn Jcague. which Is on the downhill side of Its Influence In the: northwest. This was the sum of statements made by Adolph O. rts-r- f nrt. fonner governor of Minne-luitIn nn address here Saturday. n COMMANDER J. H. TOWERS HIPPO VAUGHN TELLS OF YANKEE FAILURE i ,k 1 "Si. J mm- - HAVE FIFTEEN RUflS GERMAN ENVOYS v..:v I 11 T I A L STEPS TAKEN IN PEACE GERMAN DELEGATES TOLD THAT ALLIES ARE IN NO MOOD LABORS WHEN HUNS PRESENT FOR ARGUMENT. THEIR CREDENTIALS. Jim Vitujjin has given a Chlcngo lier nn i xpluiiat Ion of why he fulled with the New York Yankees so completely several years ago that lie win iltiuiiiril to the Illinois, to then coma buck mid prove such u winner with the Chicago Cubs. It was not Indifference, but a lame arm, says Hippo I a Jan. r ws Is Going to I'arls. W'liee. the treaty of pi e Versailles. In a session beginning M. Wh'le liu Ji ih tlrnw would make legates, they at .'t : 10 o'clock 'ihursduy uflcriiooii. goes o the Cerm.'n I l.e.v must , III be told that put when- no pn ilietions It Is likely that Christy May' 1. and la ting barely five minutes, the Ceriniiu plenipotentiaries of ever eoiiiplaliits tlo-- have lu writing. Mutliew 5., n, once peerless of pitchers, No long winded oral argument with will not be mi tiinetive coneli the peuco ci o, ivnre pivscuied their sentences remlillig from lierllll to with the New York tllniits ibis seacredentials. s super-wordIt was Hie f'rst step n the peace l'.agdud and tongue-breakinson, but rmlier a regular pitcher will he heard. and possibly one with a winning recnegotiations, 'i heCerman credentials The Teittirfis will have fifteen days ord. Many tried out his were presented l representatives of in which to decide whether they will soiiphotie In batting the allies and the I'nlled States. practice the other submission of the morning, and while lie did led exert I'ate and almost fuililing from sign. This Includes lre:ilv to the mitlomi! asseuiblv. though himself nt any time he posesss such emotion. Count von I'.rocUdorff Kant-zaIs the plciiipotcutlremarkable control mid got by the lathe Ccriumi foreign secretary and jlhe latest rcMirt have full authority to affix their bor so easily be believes maybe there head of the Ion, passed through nies to the tlocument "in the I a b'l'of strength In It's right una what evidently was one of the biltei-es- t signatures name the of republU' of (icruiMiiy ." yet. moments of his life. will are sun that Has Had Long Rest. lie was barely able to sustain bin-se- lf be optimists "fait I'ccompli" by May 'Si. I'resl-den- t It has been three years since Matty through the brief ceremony and of members told visiting Wljsoti bas uiiulc niiy serious cf,'ort to pilch, reach the waiting automobile which the bouse military affairs coinmltto lie did not take the box once l:i had brought him to the gathering. The he eK-etto rcllll'U ty Aim ;i :i nhout year, and the cuou before be tried meeting took place in the rismi of the June 1. Trianon hotel previously used for the sessions of the supreme military counRECORD CROP PREDICTED. PIFP IS BEST FIRST SACKER cil. Count von Crockdorff-I'nntznu- . was by accompanied ii;mn entering, d to Exceed Even Real Star of A'l Initial Basemen, Ssys Professor Sehuoek-Iii- Wheat Yield Exp-ctellerr Ijiiid-licr1914. Mark of . Miller Hutra-nsManager of New and two secretaries, and, walling York Yankees. I'f dc(lo of the Washington. for him. the n!ld represent a I'm- - were KroUei! nrouml Jules fumhon, the il. p.irt Mient of ngiii ulture for a wheat M:ii:igi r M Hit lliig,'iii ent!iu:ng former French ambassador to Corlin, Top this year even larger than the record breaking crop of l!ll n re-I- s cot. ib'i ably over what he e,per" fr"in who Is chninnan of the commission. th; seas. ii. "'I've heard ate I May " by the l nlte.1 States Y alter Other members of the allied prrty S lot iiImiiiI III n tirst basi nu n sine- - I've biis. I'll.illlber of orl C.illilllerre fej of Fulled White, the Included Henry isitue to town, flid I heard a lot of s obtalu-statl-s- l nil on cd from States;. Iml Harding Croat r.ritain. M- for Chiise, Sisl.-rlnnis and of the iij:iutry. The rejwirt Mat- ; and AiiilumsKliir Mt-,i- l, Japan. M". d iis I h to that wiiut say. never tli:ii an before (u:d- otloj iicronge 'iimbon iuinied'ntcly addressed Count n ph'iiteil Mel a leld of cd h:id bi Crockdorff-Uiititznilvon stating that !j.((n.l bust, el v. he wa chairman of the commission entrusted by the allied powers to re. Norse Socialists Join "Wets." reive and examine the credential of Coiisidi-mblS'orktmlm. s'ns the Oermitn delegates as the firt step party lu the In n rotiferenre wh'rh. It wns hoped, made by the socialist held In county councils Herin would lend to pence. b nMrllolted . are Sweden Cam-lonM. recently "Here are ours." rotit limed to lo fuel extending a he si.t:e the f.rmi siiie Swetlisb iewtnfH-rlis former credentials of the alllel rotiiinlla a that the party drop plntfonu and now stands forr pteidpoieiitlaries to th" congress. i i of supplies of Count von Crckdorff Cant .a i sur- moderate ; the lhjr rendered the tlerviisn credential, with and spirit. That Is of conservative the party. emo. his n formal even lc of addrc. tlon Itelng too preHt lo enable Mm to SIR SAREfJDA SINHA deliver an extmdisl discourse,. i s Try and Come Back. only one game curly In the year and then gave It up as a bad Job. He thinks il, nt the long rest bus strengthened h's arm and that with proper nursing It can be brought back Into something like old time condition. Playera Enthusiast c. The rest of the players nre enthusiastic. Mntty pitched to the men In butting practice, and when he wanted to he plneed the ball with such skill and accural-)- as to completely buttle the batters. I'u'iaiy KiiuiT, I 'op Young and Heinle Zimmerman found it hard to get safe drives off the former premier of pitchers. will be the most pleased man in the country! If a miracle should happen and Matty comes back. Matty Is going to make the experiment tit any Yankees In 1MH, "11 and "12 and was roughly punned by some New York clitics. They accused hllil of being lazy been use he did not exert himself Mid inuLe his size count for a lot rale. the of DIAAIOND SOTrS , 1 Yaiighti was charged with being hit kaihu'sleal while he w.'is with the Me-Cro- g. f fV"VsT Walter r.arbare nlways hi,s bo n a iisatioiial spring ball player. i I j - !! fon-c.-is- e , a j . Anarchists Seek to K.ll Utahns Who Have Baen Active Ac'"t Them. Salt Ijike Tty. tnfemnl machine ina(bl to Senator King nod Frank K. Nef'i kcr. have been rccr.vcd at the Mitoffice here and nre now-- In the bauds of (he authorities It l known limllel to Senthat a bomb has ator Smoot. The ImitiiIi d'eoverr by the pot office employes here Thurswith the day tally In every rei-e- t boitdi decftptlons sent brondei't by M.!nl offb lal frota Wnbingofi Tuesday night. 'iief Oteyina Inst ructions from the be-nl Inspector m ft ntcr, Colo., begiin a s'iifb of all (m.sIhI eniloye malls arriving from the rnt. Tl.e to Senator King Wps txniili addr-s- e found In the mail, but the one whi- h 'iit to Mr. Ncbck'r bud been hh delvers to bis office. As Mr. was out of town the piirkiife bad not been onel. 4IAW Ranchers k -- 1 g lo Men Overcome in Mine. Forty Ten Killed in Madrid Riots. Wilkes Forty men nerp !'. Madrid. Ten person were killed, Notblack overcome by d.imp In the sixteen (wHoii!jr lnjurel nnd birge tingham tolne of the lliigh ft Wilkes. nnmbcr slightly woHiided In disorder Ilsrre Coat company sf llyinoufh r14ng frmn demoii!rslion of protest AH were brought to the surthe btfh cst of lis Ins In the face. There are no fatalitl. province of Tsmieon. April 2H. Believe All Bonds Located. Recognizes British Rule In Egypt. Cnim.' American rerorntfion of the Is expieel hy Washington. hil flrltlh protectorate over .rr:,inl II. al n,. If lurf "-" sn..fn, shock to the FgTptisris, has bcn a all, of the fioinb lealicd From New Mg factor in ending the crisis. No sn-t- l j Torfc a part of an Anarchist May day American demonslrsttotrs wturred plot szniiit the lives of public men ticn the news lecame public , li.v been found. ssint 1"-- relinsetl with the I'itf sluirgh sport writers have tack-evarious nicknames 'onto Cat on, such as r.uster. Kid. etc. d The veteran. I'.ill Crtfnll hns been mimed manager of the I'.ay City team of the Ontario-Michigalengue. The Cblengo While So have re-b- f sod Jack Foiirtitcr to the I.o Angeles club of the I'aelfie Coast b sgue. The St. Iouis F.rowns are said to have ptefcod up n star rollege plaver In K. W. Fntleiiilne, wfio Is a enteher. will be back with I ni to. the San Franrfsoi s- The Ciibnn Acffn, by Coi. tiie Mark to Atlanta, to wh'ih rtuli . be refused to ha tas-pro re-H- : "' J tie l.it'. Itle club. Charlie Fbk rofiHnue to pl;y gow ball for the Chtengii Culi and ctn sure of n Job. lie wa formerly with the Criff and Markim-n. Walter Pipp. srmniido Mar:m. on; of the band bste the Ik- - firt lnwnnii of Cuban b)!(bnll lrtker. ha nked baseball, and that he will le swi before srioihi r nrfm. Manager M'ller lliiggins of the Y'nn-kfor mi uncotid liotial release, "I'tpp ran do ever) thing around f;rt e tne sn of the oth'-- r d . ami hi fr'-n- t res b Ri'.es him a dertd-IVrt f mnii I, f irmeily a star over liwl of them. And I for the New York Aiiterlcail. r ho "Ill pipy flrt luiw know of ri other firt bntnso tb rsrrie more of a kirk si bat. He hit te;m eif the hcthlehcin Stiecl Work. for toe lst yesr. but bs.tine average di-- s not l g o to felt I'ipp s I.aettl fen may be reminded f to a tesin. Hi n Mty to 'Where the Klvcr Shannon Flows" ti'fii!i,'.-- s miik" tmete long hit at critics! t:min vt ummei. Mack f,a a Shannon vatindile mske bim one of the bo should le sble to stiik in the big rilnti I I In e ix f :if y J ? 1 yji.u-::tiS:- ' ont-liebl- i f.-- " : V4 i nicn In Sir Sarentfa 1 i.'.ia, appointment In Lloyd George's cabinet as under secretary of Ind a has caused much accomment In the Cng'ish press count of his not being CngUsh born. He la Bengali and tfcis Is hie first government appointment. w'-os- Secretary to Blanquet Arrested. New Yoik. Koberto lis ton. t" tSetieral Anrello I'lsnqoef. Whit as kiilcd recently lu Mexico, ha feen l iih onpir-iog here, hrg-to ftart a revolt In Mxi' fioro miibin the t'nited States. Hsingsrians lprironed. Six hundred xrrts hava by the soviet tirtually every finene'er, ptibtisbcr. etlitor, writer, tnannfadiircr snd min ister of Hungary being thrown Into prison. Many lei M mt lii lenrue In how. to t'.ilfl and 1!'1T. irnl has fed t.j l.fiLi.e n dritlg ill fun. "I'Tpp stitl t a yioii.g fellow, aod I iblik jtit si. l:f s a nn I I t'in a lot tct 'an." gsMi" p f the t lie . i Tin- - St. h1 ibe . I'lifrov-rig- of fnl'h on STEEL LEAGUE fr Id n TO FLUY BALL j Delaware River Concern Mas Reorganised With Veterans, Marry Davis as President. All Th tl bn?nSrefe'rn Ieliflre plitr pmes . are not Hirer lis Its i:ti be idea of a regnlsr Sfhe.l'il of three the a k. tm tsklrt part and Ibirry dc-si- from si tsti, ttse vet- eran ball player, has been elected pres-Idet-it ef the lesme, tleith be ! not an etniiTrrjee of the Islssare Hirer rotnpiiny. IO"! loi'flcbtt-;le Soiitt-eri- M ,l'h Ftrt Cerd'wil Honnrd f h"ve il Siiiiiiuii to ilali. along Ihiwtiian llro.in. the army i player. Heinle tllle's log i.rr-ste- r,udet. tieen made hseto,lt. run be-n- e Jim Vaughn. In the way of winning hall games. They did not know he Injured hl arm In the season of l'.MO. "I hurl my arm June 1," salt Yi.ughu, In his explanation Just given. " Stalliiigs was mnmigi r of the club at the time und 1 told 1.1 tn so, but he declined to b't me go, thlnk'ng I would return to my normal condition. My iirm did not regain Its strength until I Joined the Knnn City team In C'lTI. I. think the hot weather there hcls'tl It. That fall I Join, d the Cubs and my arm hns been gnat ever since. 'Funs sa'd I was Insy while .with New York. That Is not true. I have I. ev.-mentioned a about thia I was game enough to lake my medicine and let Ihe critics have their say. but since 1 bis-aa mentis r 'of the Cub I did all wi'hln thy M.wer to beat the Ciants on the Polo ground Just I" bear the fans and scribes say: "Why didn't he p'tch that I .lid not way with the Yankees?" because my arm was bud. Correft, who was trainer of the club, ran verify what I say. "I like to pitch, and have never refused a manager yet. 1 have often worked out of my turn ! p;to th faet that II I Just ns hard for a bis; mail to pitch ns It Is for a lllttt man. Size ha not everything to tlo with twirling. It Is the arm. an.f a lean of eiy stature I Jul a likely to lire and wear out his arm as mailer and lighter pitcher." Vaughn rertalnly has not shown any cured lazy b mlencles sine be was by the rub In 101.1. Tbst yenr he Hn.l tie cltit. Intc In the fall ard pitfhed In seven game, live of Urh he won. Ill 1PM be took his place as fl regular twirler on the stuff of the rbiti and hn retained It. Not Inelnd-Inthe ern games be pitcbed In the fall of i:1.1 be ha averaged "bet-- t. r than 41 games a senw.n. hst timiuer. owing to the short season nn the ftrt year tn which he did not prrf Vlpfltp tn nvire thsn to rames. r 'Jadnto Ie Calvo Is one Cuban ball player who docn't play hol.U.ut, He by r Quarrel Mile" City, Mont. Al Halt. Infleldcr by nevihmd. has signed MiimeaMills cluli. . . - ,!,, 4 JVtu-- L "Qig Srn" Ends Fatally. I'.rme Cochrane, New photograph of Commander J. H. s rnncber. i ilesd at ITmat and WilIn Jh'I at Fkatnkn. Towers, U. 8. N, to whotn the navy liam ftae given the responsibility of arrang- Carter county, a the resn't of n sbofit-Ining the details and personnel of following n qimrtcl over ramh men were neigblstrs. transatlantic flight projrrtjr. The SK & : Ncb-cke- 'i.iHJi I i wi Cerman Foreign Secretary at Head of Victors Plan to Do Whatever Talking is Necessary In 'Fixing Terms and Delegation Sent to France to Conclude. Negotiations for Peace Expect That Fesce Will De With Victorious Allies. Accomplished by May 25. ltal ! 3iv -- Stalling. Chicago Twirler Says It Was Not In. difference That Caused Him to Be Dumped to M.nors, But a Lame Arm His Record. 10 DECIDE DAYS REACH VERSAILLES ti 13 Laziness That Caused Him to Not Fail With 30MBS FOR KING AND NEOEKER - i .i; - ;;'c D ANYWHERE Washington. Itapltl demobilization of the inllltiiry forces has materially affected the work of the bureau of wnr risk insurance and bus necessitated a general reorganization of the work along functional lines. There lias been rapid expansion lu some of the division of tin) hureuu und a ahrlnkitgti in others. There Iihh been a shnrp falling off In the receipt of new applications reand allowances specting allotment since the signing of the armistice und the decrease lu Hie number of men being inducted Into the service. At the Mime time there bus been a treat increase In the number eif discharge notice received .by the bureau, on the receipt of which payment of awards previously made Is discontinued. Approximately l.oOO.Oco discharge notices have been received, hut this does not menu that an eipuil numlicr of allotments and allowances has been stopped. It has been found that the greater proportion of discharge notices are those of men who entered the service after draft regulations regarding dependency had been worked out to such a degree that fewer men with dependents were accepted foi service. The making of compeusat lot awards for death or disability in the service has beccum? one of the chief functions of the litireati of war risk Insurance. A men are discharged from the military hospital the Investigation, adjudication and payments of claims for romponsntlon for disability becomes one of the most Important functions of the bureau of war risk insurance. More claims' for compensation, have been made thus far this year than were made during the entire year 101. Compensation awards for d'sahility made up to November 11. l'JlS, the date of the nrinlstli-e- . called for monthly payments of $124,2 1 7.73. Coineii-satlodeath nwnrds on the date of the armistice called for monthly payments i of $:rt),2!tN.24, while death awards now rail for mom lily payments of more than $1.V).(XK, The number of matured insurance policies due to death in the service or total disability has greatly Iticrensotl ns cnsunlty lists have been cleared up by the war department. The number of death awards made since J ii mm iv 1, WW. Is three times as great as the total number of insurance death awards made prior to that time. The total of Insurance death awards on the dale of the signing of the armistice, had u commuted value of ?i:Vi.i;i,.VlO. wl,l; the total death awards now have a commuted value of approximately ."fvsu GO h. m h f!eiresr. riling Mar-i- kept even after "lUt.l.it" to the diamond. In 42 In 1vM. 41 In I'M In ir17 and r,. tn tmt 41 n nitli the Crave. go.l bill that Me tnlrl.-41 In ItMd I p!ny he will - FLAYERS ARE PAID MONTHLY t- back Hill MtKeihnie. ncrnrd'ng to ri jorf froni I'iM'loirih. has d bled to ret're frota Ihe game to enter employment tbnt will permit him to j lay Ind. jiepd-e-n- t bsll Saturd.i) and SiiihIii). M" Corey I a!a-- s willing sic! eager to help li e, young player. He gives out valuable Information on hit ting Sid bne. ruiiri'ng every day. and the youngsters drink In every Word. 0 fferenee son Is Contracts This Seap'a eel by Owners of League Teams. In New tnnr c!nh owner of rajii teflin etplalnlnat the new a the dlfTercnce I siinpfy this: The players will le mid a moTithly ii'firy for the pt.iji'ig on. 1hi monthly salary the of epf.s is Jnsf large ss It HI alwny hn te n. but the eason Ire one month shorter. The consists of 1 Hi game Instend of l.'.L Tli ftel.n!l contract mo) |