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Show THl TIMES-NEW- NEPH1. UTAH S. FFKDINU HA11Y CHICKS above entitled action; and in case ot your failure to do so. Judgment wilt be rendered against you according to Uy Professor - Byron Alder, Poultry the demand ot the complaint, which Husbandman, Utah Agriculturtl within ten days after service ot this College. In the Mutter of the Dissolution of summons upon you, will be filed with Chicks should receive no feed ot the Golden Kule Clothing Company, the clerk ot said court. a Corporation. This action is brought to recover a any kiud until they are 48 to 60 Judgment against defendant quieting hours old. For the first two or NOTICE title to the lands described three weeks feed little and often. Notice Id hereby given that the plaintiff's said complaint, which are situated Five or six times a day is about a in Golden Kule Clothing Company, In Juab county, State ot Utah. coporution of the State of Utah, has right. For the first four or five days P. N. ANDERSON. made application to the Fifth Judicial feed a mixture ot rolled oats, two Plaintiff. for Attorney District Court in and for Juab Counparts (rubbed fine), and wheat bran Utah. O. P. Adress, Nephl. ty, State of Utah, to dissolve said First publication. April 11, 1919. one part tiwh a light sprinkling of corporation, and notice is hereby fine grit or clean, fine sand. If milk given that any person having any ob- LaHt publication. May 9, 1919. Is uvulluhle keep it before them, hut said to of the dissolution jections corporation, shall, on or before tho IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE keep It perfectly fresh ot clean, -- f 2nd day of May, 1919, tile such obFIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF milk Is not available, feed hard boiljections with the Clerk of said Court THE STATE OF UTAH. IN AND ed eggs, rubbed fine, at the rate of for said Juab County, State ot Utah. about two eggs to each 100 chicks a FOR THE COUNTL OF JUAB. Dated at Nephl, Juab County, Utah duy. Keep fresh, cool water where 1919' 24th of the March. day they tun drink often. EARL S. HOYT. SamIn the muter of the etitate of About the fifth day add a little Clerk. Fifth Judicial District for uel M. Ueud. deceased. Juab County,- Utah cruckod wheut and cracked corn, NOTICU L. A. Minor, Attorney tor Clolrtjn gradually reducing the amount ot oat Rule Clothing Company The petition ot Annie E. Read, meal and bran. Leave out the bran First pub. March 28, 1919. Last praying tor the approval of her first after the seventh day and keep a dry pub. May 2. 1919. uccount as AdminlHtratrlx of the mash composed of bran, 100 pounds; of Samuel M. Read, deceased, Hhor'ts, SO pounds; chopped barly in tick msTiturr cockt haw lii'on set for hearing on Monday, or outs, 25 pounds; fine charcoal, of the Fifth Judicial District In and the f.th day of Muy, A. D. 1919, at two pounds; and fine salt one pound, for Juub County, State of Utah lo.oo o'clock a. m. at the Court before them In a hopper. If milk Is house. In the court room of said not available, stop feeding eggs and court, at Nephl. Juab county. State add 25 pounds of beef scraps, corporation, Plaintiff, tif Utah. Aftftr two weeks eliminate toe oat vs. Witness the Clerk of the said court meal and a scratch of 190 pounds Thomas M. McCune. Defendant. with the seal thereof attlxed, this wheat and 50 pounds chopped corn SUMMONS 21st dtiy of April. 1919. should be fed. defensultl Keep dry alfalfa The Stute o Utah to the EARL S. HOYT. Clerk. dant: leaves, grit and fine charcoal always You are hereby summoned to apbefore them. Ity Eugenie Candland, Deputy. pear within twenty days after service T. H. BURTON. Seul When the chicks are three or four f this summons upon you. If served Petitioner. for old turn them out In the orweeks Attorney within the county In which this action First publication. April 25.1919. chard, or give them the run of the ia brought; otherwise within thirty farm wher they can get plenty of days after service, and defend the Lust publication. May 2, 1919. green feed. Keep the mash or scratch toed before them in hoppers when they are on free range so that will not have to go hungry. they us all horses the between and Exists thut come In bore to be shod. The homes uppeur to understand that we ure to relieve their suffering from A NEPHI INTERVIEW having on worn out and unsafe shoes. We always do the beet work of which we are capable and at Mr. Kkilllcorn Tells III Experience The following brief account of an interview with a Nephl man seven years ago. and Its sequel, will be read SON with keen Interest by every citizen. John Sklllicorn. farmer, says: "I was troubled with kidney complaint 23 for some years. I suffered Intensely and often was compelled to quit work on account of the lameness and weakness caused by kidney trouble. Last winter I was particularly bad and it was all I could do to get around. The pains over my kidneys were so bad I became stoofJed and crippled. Fortunately. Doan's Kidney Pills were called to my attention and I used them. I received immediate and wonderful relief. Doan's relieved the pains and aches snd regReasonable Rates Satisfactory Terms ulated my kidneys." (Statement given In May, 110.) We make a thoughtful study of your par NO TROUBLE SINCE ticular requirements, which enables us to On April 4. HIT, Mr. Skllllcorn said: "I don't have any trouble with give your business more than ordinary my kidneys since I last recommended Doan's Kidney Pills. I consider the service. cure they gave as permanent." Don't Price (0c. at all dealers. Ask us how. Keep you loans at home! simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Kkilllcorn had. Foster-Mllbur- n Co.. Mfgrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. IN TIIK DISTMCT COUNT , Of The Fifth Judicial District of The State of Utah, For Juub County es-tn- te A Friendly Feeling 0 L tig i'' Times-New- does s Job We print Butter Wrappers. print every description. Vf CAVANAU6HM TROUBLES ARE OVER Titular Ituilt Him l' So lie Is Vow Working Hard livery Day 1 weighed the other Uuy I had Kilned 35 pounds, and that's only a part of what Tuulac hus done for me." kuUI L. L. Hooks, ot North Roswcll, Gu., In relating hit experience with Tanluc. "I suffered from HUfh mi awful case of stomach trouble," he continued, "thut could hunlly eat u thing and nothing tasted rljsht. The little I forced down didn't give me any strength and at tim"ti I would ehuke from the gas thut form1 wus so weak ed In my stomach. and mtitcralilu I junt couldn't do any work ut all and wus junt uhout all in. "I commenced to take Tanluc because I saw the good it was tlolng others, uud I could feej all the difference in the world right from the start; it simply made nie feel like u new man. My trouble are now over, it built me up wonderfully and un working hurd. using pick and shovel avery duy, and never have any more (rouble with my stomach." When fun ml I GRANITE 1 MONUMENTS IlEACTH'l st 1 TbiiIuo Hold it In NKphi l, AND KVl'.ltlSTiNtl Our Guarantee: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. BVV A 8. 7. Grafonola tU A l'.Mtl'S I Ilcst tirade ot Material. Best of ArtlHtlo Workmanship. Proportions. l'erfoet Lettering. Substantial Foundutlon-Cureful Settings. Reasonable Prices. Every Every Job Madu RightPromise Made Hood. Due Hundreil Per Cent Service. iitnl nue. Send for Illustrated - KISON T.ILKIXU PIANt'S AND I'l.AVKIt by It. V. MAt lllVi:. Tomlinson, Nuphi Drug Co.. and in PIANOS. A FBI-- : i: DKMO.VSIKA-HOK ure ku by Schramm Juliuuoii Drug AW TIME. lleirennan-Thompso- n Co., In Silver City by Mercantile Co., in Mammoth by Mammoth tiupply Co. Ar. N Robert Lomax Special Itcprest'iitntive Day Musir Co., Salt Ijke City. nes-lleeb- Soldering Aluminum. French niimiifuiiiirer are the most successful In us,- - of aluminum solder. They use It In proportion us follows: Zinc, 80 parts; cupper. S parts; uluni-lum- , 12 parts. For soldering aluminum r the ordinary soldering by menus Iron. !." to it'.t parts of tin are recommended to n to 8 parts of bismuth, which makes an ordinary soft solder. y LOOK FOR TIIF. ITD BAI L 8 Money To Loan on Tho HOOKS SAYS H. C TKADE MAHtv tV 17 i'lW TA . ntouttisb'Ammumlion i?j r Jri I 1 Shootinl'Rtelirii P-T3 e Beesley MAItltl.E AND (iltANITE WO It KM, PROVO, FTAH. Big Soap Bargain 9C O Big Bath & Bars for See Our Windows Lunt's Pharmacy NF.VF.lt SirilHTITUTKS Improved Farm The Geo. C. Whitmore Co. OFFICE FIRST NATIONAL BANK.NEPHI PR3BUE AND GUARDIANSHIP High Costs Affect Operation Greater Revenues Required I KOTICtS Conult County Clerk or the Ke-peil- ve Hlgitera for Fnrther EE I " FORD The Universal Car Il!l!!l,,III,!,11IH!il!l We see le eptieiirrd l r in the and know how of Ford ovrsMT In sm Ih Hie Ford tmrlnrf, and ante I'art matte the Kord Motor dovMy Company, .ford owners (vnrnnlml l.j n a to the reliability of inr wrtie on r'ord rara. . Dna't try In tin II lowraelf, hring yonr rar we are Htlng here. I few Ford and are ante to snake fnlrl good dHiverie. . Txnrinc f ar, .23; ItnnatMrut, VKi; One Tim Tmk (liawia. WO; tiupr, W.Vj Npilnn. 977.V . ,Tbee (wire, f. o. b. I let mil. tr In the matter ot ths estate of Thomas Andrews, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers attached to Thomas Bailey or Wm. A. Warner at their residence in Nephl City, Juab county, Ftah, on or before) the 16th day of July. m (tall rr Wm. A. Warner Administrators of the estate of ThomThomas llalley G. R. Judd, Proprietor 3E n lilt, III. XOTtCK TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of the Ut Osborne Button, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers attached to Thomas II. Burton at his offlc at ths City Hall. Nephl City. Jesb county, Utah, on or before the 16tk day of Jaty, A. D. 11 Thomas H. Sutton, Administrator of the estate of Osborne Hut ton, defeased. T. II Burton, Attorned for Administrator. last pub. Firs pub. Msy J, Il; J. """"'iiiinugin'11""1 Judd Garage zo T. H. Burton, Attorney for Administrators. last pub. First pub. May I; Msy 21, May M 11.and A. D. as Andrews. II! t .We have lb wmf mrthl, rr. fna tiincr) an1 kill (hat they have l NOTICE TO CREDITORS Werth Trylesj. It Is estlmsted thst one pound of nitrogen prnoerly applied to the noil will incresae the yield of whest by Sf least one-thir- 1111 111111 lln 19IC thr has been a traly increase in the price of nil corn men in u products f industry, nhich lias not Ihtii icerease in tclfjilioiie rates. In order V meet the past and present high oot of telephone opiratiou, rtvenue in just proportion to Uis txpsM tMstt bo sscurnl. 1911 Um I 1919 Changes in Telephone Rates 1913 to 1918 Compared with Changes in Wages and Prices SINCE and S ,r h 1 t Tho roaoon is slmplo. The pint of telephone operation has stradily ad vaneod both bseaust of the ineraMJ eoit of material and the incrasel f otnployot. The eonsnmer has realized the necessity of psyint mors fof root, for food, for clothing and for tranirlatioii The telephone the affected conditions same has boai which have hy industry produood highor prieoa in all of the noreftgitie of life. liv-t&- Bttwoen 1911 and 1918, commodity prices advanced 112, wage aod Telephone rati the country over advanced only 72 are needed if the service is to he maintained efficiently and rates Adequate "ti a comprehensive eoale, so as to met the increasing demands of the public. d 4. This eompaay la operating its telephone property under the direction of the I'ostm&Mer General for the t'nited states Government and must secure suffictent revenue to ewrer the cost of rendering the service. Iaibs Hbenkle? nsuslly csatd by All thst sbsolste rest and few applications of Chsmberlsln's LiniThis ailment Is rheamstlm of the muscles. Is needed Is ment Try It. The Mountain States Telephone 8c Telegraph Co. 1m u.v2'al |