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Show i. V- - ' 4 ' THE TIMES.NEWS THE Circulates throughout Cast Juab County. An Independent paper published in the in-- ', terest of ail the people all the time. Let us enter your name, on our subscription list. boostei for the Agricultural and Mining interests of Juab County. A valuable advertising medium, being widely read by the Subscribe Today. citizens ot the county. A The Time. Vol. 10, No. 26 HEM HOLD Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Friday, April 4, 1919 CLUB STATU SCPKIUTSOlt HOMK ECONOMICS I'AVS II Hi II COM PI. IMF. NT TO NKPHI IIK.H SCHOOL WHICH IS I.F.AHF.Il MO(i ANJELEGTION organization of of the Ne- Iomestic Science and also the Domestic Art Iiepurtment. Miss Cox stated thut the work here was far above the uverage in almost 'every phase, and the work being done by Miss Wight and Miss Itlackett was L3 "v-- ! Vice-Preside- Indeed worthy of special mention.. This br'nga to mind, very forcibly, the fact that for yeuts the NepUl High School has been a leader among tlx' 11 gh Schools of the State in practical education, and we can now to the work being done by the Manual Art Department also, which Is under the supervision of Mr. Spend-lovand which Is also a lead- in this line of good work. n. January, l!2f. Th" Seeietury reported that the (;lu'i had now a paid-u- p membership Of 68, and efforts would be made to bring the number up to int. All through these states. He states that during the training of the Moth Division, under British Instruction, the greater purt of the troops were quartered In billets. The British instruction and training was of great advantage to the Division in many particulars, especially In regard to organization of railroads, supplying of troops, developing great efficiency in the handling of horse transports, and in learning the most successful meViods of trench war -efer e, 1 COMPANY MAY BUILD GRAIN HERE ELEVATOR ;imi: t.itwv & mii.mnu to. kkf.ction tiik conmdf.ium; III IN ll.llt; ); AMOI NT - Mr.-AU- iCiJ'itlollS. enro'iniltlK Walter Klreen was tnk-- n to the llitv Cross Hosp'tal at SaH W. momMig. for treatment, Mr Kirgen brourht home from the herp herd atout n week ago. but on account of his condition not t'n'-xda- linwtnr much Improvement. IL was deemed hchl to take him o Salt Lake for treatnn nt. His sister. Mis erected in this rity. France Kirgen. act oinpanicd him to the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jospeh Warr. Mrs Wm Morgan and Mrs. L'nie Hick-limmotored to Hall Ijike Friday EXPEGT ft PROSPEROUS where thev visited their son. Wllford. at Fort tH'Uglas YEAR AT SUGAR FACTORY Of I.IAVWIV ;eo ttstler has nearly completed the erection of a big silo on Ms farm tons capacity. Other of aboii! farmers In Nephi who are expecting commence work on alios id the nuir future r J. V. Harnes. Wm I'.rou n and le is Garrett. 2l IK US ur. trip company mor Of INSPECTION IN SAN PETE I left Samer Training area on July 4. 1918. tor the Third British Army Sector, where it arrived July Stb. All units trained w'th the British in the Artoia Sector--) VALLEY AMI ADJOINING (HI MILS, TO llt UHINH lOlNT YK.li!. semessiil Sheriff iJan Martin was tn Nephi Monday, closing up the business of the Itrafl Hoard, of which he was chairman. He says the property 11 sed by the Hoard has now all been sold and the records shipped to Washington. I V. For the purpose of looking ovr tb't district to see that everything is In t ad.ress for the spring planting sn..n. President T W. Rss and see-a- l other officials of the Gunnl son Valley Sugar ( o.spany recently stett several days In Ssn Pete and sd!o nin cotinlles tefore returning to Kilt ke In reference to the outlook for the f'.f.t seann of operilion, Mr Ios suc.to Is, red that indications for most promising l tiarof are tt.e Gunnison Valley "The a. 'it 't are fh" Tig a lcen entnn sU'tn ver he prospt." he: said ' They realite that wi'h the present hith price of beets. th possibilities for nsk!n money n beet growing ar Lnne'iaily good. ' ll I. fact, not un- ,Itce;lb1 to the farmers of this state Vnn snga fartory ! lo thct wherever rated fhere you ran always find pros- wf ir The tmn invariably g! r.an I lrompf Action on I be Part of The Fire IVpnrttnrnt lrrrm Possible Serious Conflagration y Afternoon. Slight Was Sustained Damage tot Tuc-ula- About one o'clock Tuesday after-- n alarm of fire was turned In. Investigating It was found that a Dre bad started In the Emro dance hall, caused from the overheating of a Urge stove, which Is situated close to the wall. The fire of department was soon at the scenefine the blare, and extinguished the before much damage was done, other than a burned window casing and a badly scorched wall. Had not jirompt action been taken the fire would soon have reached large proportions, on account of the structure being composed principally of wood. mm an and on two srs nf fat J E. Ingram and Geo. Goble left Monday, for the Fat Stock which Is being held In Halt Vonday for Newhouse. I'tah. where Enke this week. Mr. Carer accom- they will arrange for tf'jiftcg their to sheep off the desert. panied the shpmertt and rspect carry off some of the prif.es. Ed Car.'ef loaded he . 1,-- A NEW AMERICAN cn'-sf'i- twl in There r wl!l h in t sed f ,:f nisl-ir- Kenneth Judd was very pleasantly surprised Mondav afternoon by tser.tv two of his school friends, at A mrwt enjoyable tlm his home was had. and dainty refreshment were serTed to those present. . I AI TI planting. and with It,' Mt-fjic- t ff t'rt In final shape. the tfitrtv fiav liiore IsVir our for l- thn -s "ill be according rmpleton. tirnste " to ene'reer yh I'in 5li rufr.ed j Mr I I f Vi"kt f or-- .. Stiwdx ftm .r.r th Cci.f'.ff! r ,i JTr. TUtmM ,.. O'esn wei't Vrt trr, v t ..;:r 'al to r. j I r..itb. ' t. r'Tg j ) OK TAKEN f7 ,pJKL n of the wtiirh will be given bv the 3.c,r.ft. " A big 'i'ioM It !? KrMtt, April 4 : 'M s't'i be seen St noon All sre wnrklrg to FriiisT 1 - If 'g 9 ) f aijfl erery'"!y r s ;.' el a g'.d lime. Er"'n . April lllh. 7t Junior m.f i fo I s t,e ti e?"it ereflt of IVtft ferret the beat dan" t', 1 r.,1 MEMBERS TIONS. PICK 'K OK COMMODITY r.NCEKTAIN. tiOVEHNMKNT HAH A I.AHtii: STOCK- - this training most valuable for the American National Army officers, who hail not hud very much previous experience in caring for the needs and welfare of the enlisted men. "DurHig this period the British Army rendered our Division very Important Service In obtaining and transporting supplies. At one period the shortage of certain utiartermaster articles was so great that It seemed possible 'that it would be necessary to have British uniforms put on American soldiers However, clothing from the Stales urrived in time to supply all the outer. garineiiu, but all other clothing, auch us shoes, socks, ttnderwear, etc. were supplied by the British Army. "On the morning of September 26. 1918, onr Division went- - into aftion making 3n attack near Bethineourt. On our right we were supported by the 33rd Division, and on our left In two days we by the 4th Division. nine advance,! kilometers, and reached the army objectives along the Meaise river. On October 4th we again attacked, and during nine days of heavy fighting we advanced another four kilometers. October 12th we were relieved, and while resting we received new uniforms and new guus, among which were the Browning Machine Guns and the Browning Automatic Rifles, much to the delight of the men.. The coming of the Browning guns marked an epoch In the history of the Division." The report gives n great deal of d4at information showing the work oT the Division, and the various placea where they were stationed, being too voluminous to publish In a paper of hls slue. In closing Ser geant l.fil nier.Hys the, SUth uivis- kffrwn. and Ji'as a right, 13 Jie known as a fighting division. It has never failed to. accomplish the task it was given to do. It has never too difficult. found its problems John does not know when he will be released from the service. It being two years in August since he left his home In Nephi. (VifseiTS.s. ' AST ' Tuesday J. R. Kdghelll came down to Nephi, and will remain here tor a few over days, looking the Mr. o the wool situation. Kdghelll says price of wool is very uncertain at the present time, owing (2) to the enormous amount of wool held which by Kngtund, was bought at a considerable lower figure than what American growers expect. The American government has a lot of wool on hand also, which it is disposing of as rapidly aa possible, but this government baa reached an agreement with the wool men of this country not to dump their holdings on the market when the new clip Is states ready. Mr. Kdghelll that if the war had continued week another ihe price for this year'a clip would have been as the government had made, the matter In hand at the time the armistice was signed. Ed 4 BIG WATER QUESTION LATE DRAFT BOARD 2519 Men Were Registered! In Juab County During the War. Attorney W. A. C. Bryan Makes Report to Draft Board, on Completion of Big Task This Week County Attorney W. A. C. Bryan the following report to the local Draft Bourd this weekLocal Board for Juab County DDan .Martin, chairman; Steele. Bailey, Jr., M. !.. memner and examining physician; A. II. lielltaton. a. taller. Olga Bryan, chief cleric, riutsh-e- d the work of this Board on March submtted - 3 1st. The registration of June 5, 1!17, held 117U registrants.. .June 5. JSlfc held 7l registrants. .. Registrat 'on ol August 24. 191S. held 19 registrants, Ken miration of September 12, 1VIS, held 1257 registrants. Total registration in Juab County 2519. Registrants enlisted, out of the June, 1917. registration, 78; out" of June 5. 1918, registration, 2. . Total enlistment, HIS a tr-e- ts p A Xv gzSEli l'heron .came dow n Jarnes from American Fork 3iiri4v, snd Miss 'Life in the Trenches." by i I j Jane V Mr spent Sunday w'th her parents tn Nephi. tetnrning to the ft.rter city I" Clyde Olprn lert Sunday for Rait Monday, wher she Is ot gaged Im. C.iy, where he will enter the teaching nchool Enlverslty of Ctah for Ihe remainder of the school term. Friday morning Mr snd Mrs. Spencer Eorret were msde harpy by I,. Frank, manager of the Ooldn the arrival of a fine h.hy boy. Rule Store, went to Gunnison yester- - Sren(er a unierilod yet whether to .liy. to look after Jits business Inter- - have h Tirv trained for n svifttot ot not. e?tg in that city. II. Ockey. It i - .SO. RegUitrunts mobilized "and Inducted out of June 5. 1917, registration 24i; out of June 5, 1918 registration. 29; out of August 24. 191s. registration. 7; out of September 12. 1918. registration. 17. Ttrtal mobilized and inducted. 298. ' Total enlisted, mobilized and inducted. S7S. The records made by this iloart have been shipped to The Adjutant General of the Army, Selective Service Records Division, Washington, MEMBERS OK STRAWBERRY W.. D. C. In the crates the records TER COMMITTEE LEAVE EOU weighed 871 pounds and occupied 35 SALT - LAKE WEDNESDAY, cubic feet ofspace. WHERE THEY WILL MAKE Dr. E. J. Howell, of Eureka, and . AN AGGHESIYK EIGHT Dr. N. J. Rees, of Nephi. during the TO SEt I HE WATER wr, gave cheerful, valuable and InFOR THIS SECTION cessant aid to Air. Ballcy. lu the physical examination of registrants. This Board and Its offcers broke T. C. Winn and R. H. Evans, members of the Strawberry Water Com- all strike rules, paying no attention mit lee. left for Salt Lake Wednes- to hours or days, but kepi right at every minute, having complete day, where they were Joined by other work, members of the committee, and. also confidence. In . each other atld thelr u committee from the Commercial superiors, and Just as ready' to step' Club, to meet with Senator Sraoot, in the trenches Inat the front, upon the office of the with a view to getting his help to ob- call, as to stay tain a share of the water for this val- war record. It Is to be hoped that the vampire ley from the Strawberry Reservoir. As expressed by Mr. Winn at the politicians may not be able to seriousmeeting Tuesday night, this la the ly hamper the work of the Peace may be last chance, unless they can induce Conference, but that they of Senator Smoot to make an aggres- able lo make sufficient exhibitionmark place the fight for this section. The com- their craven souls to WILL FURNISH FREE POISON sive mittee will work to tbisnd. and en- of Cain upon their cast Iron faces. Yours truly. deavor ro make such a showing to W. A. C. BRYAN. him. for the great need of more waFarmers of This Valley Can Secure ter be will he that this for valley, Supply of Poison From Count) convinced of our claims and strenuKxtemilnae Agent Woodbury. our cause. work for WILL EXTEND THEWATER ously lion of Penis Should Begin .Vh, Experts April Say Wm. Foote lefi Tuesday for his ranch In Snake Valley. In the western INJEAB FUTURE County Agent Woodbury informs part of the Slate. last a was visitor Vlv Pass a Nephi this paper that he will have supply Itk CITY COl N II.MFN" LEAVE FOR of poison and other Ingredients for Tuesday, returning to SaTl on WHERE THEY SALT LAKE. Wednesday morning killing rodents and other pests, had In a few days. Farmers can Mrs. Rose Card and son, Osmond. WILL INSPECT THE VARIOl S MAKES OK WATER PIPE-S- , get this free, providing that the de of Salt Lake, are visiting at the home mand is not heavy, as he does not of Mr. jnd Airs. J. R. McPherson AND ITIUH.lsK A CAR know bow big a supply he will have. this week. MIAII Kilt THIS CITY but It will pay the farmers to consult Mrs. Geneva Allred and children him in regard to it. left Saturday for Logan. I'tah. where Count ilmen Thomas Bailey, P. Ii. In the opinion of experts, April he will loin her husband, who Is Cowan and Water Superintendent A. is early enough In most counties In employed In that city. for Salt Lake Tuesne ball. The i Mr. mid Mrs. J. W. Olpin returned G. Gowers left where begin putting" out day morning, they will look male squirrel Is the first to appear horn from t alltornta. over the various makes of water followed by the female squirrel about where ThU'sday have been for several pipes, with a view to purchasing a Mr. Richtwo or three weeks later. sr load for Nephi City. It is the weeks, enjoying a vacation. ards, who has had considerable ex has been pro- intention of the City Council to ex13th, April Sunday. In In ad this work I'tah. perience as tend the water mains to the north vises the use of saccharine In all claimed by Governor Bamberger, that all east part of town, so that all rest-denrodent bait, and this has now been I'tah Peaceon Day. uld hebeasks tn that section will b" able to devoted to that day meetings added to some of the strychnine. jet rity water. There are also some the cause of peace. the old pipe thai needs Isklng up The spring business In Ford cars of and replacing with new, and It was standLONG RANGE GUN- to the be to appears fuJ!yop thought better to get a car load at ard of other years. The Judd Gar- one time, and thus obtain a better ten tht cars sold days past age have Petprice. Earl to the following people: While In Salt City the Coon erson. T. L. Smith. Roy T. Cowan. rllmen. 'v with City Attorney T. along of BlshnD a Garfield, Wm Orms. H Burton, will met with the Ktate to the Vona. and a one ton truck Road Commission, In relation to the Bonneville Lumber Company. paving of the State Road through Nepht They expect lo have definite information of the plans of the Commission twfore they return. 1,1. 1. A. WILL Jame Shaw was over from Muni Wednesday, attending to some matENJOYABLE PROGRAM WILL HE ters of business In Nephi. Mr. Shaw L RENDERED AT THE TAKER- - Is moving his family to Tremonton. NACI E NEXT SI N PA Y Ml I'tah, having sold bis farm to Mr. Ed Jones and Mr. Jones, of NINO. ENDER AI SPH EH OF this city. OFFICERS OK M. I. A. EVERYIMIDY INVITED Mr and Mrs En'xh Bowles left The proerarn next Sunday evening, yesterdav for Satt Lake City, where at the Tabernacle, will be given un- they wiM make their home for some : -- c der the auspices of the Stake Offi- time. cers of the M. I A. The meeting left Mrs Ve! Carter and family will commence at o'cPk k. FollowSaturday for Shelley, Idaho, where ing is the pttigram ; she will jo n her hulitnd. and where Rearline. by Roscoe (irovef. Vocal Duet, hy Mrs. Ralph Rellis-to- n they expert to make their home this summer. stid Miss Lutte Rrough. Selections hy High SchooO hes-tr- s -- t !;v tke -.' e- V Th: has rertainlv been the week of luncheons Monday and Wednes-da- v the Iotnetic ftcience g'rls of the Kecend Year (Tas. served a lunflein, and Toesday Tery rtflic'o'is ! ? r.t body gave tfie free lunch-eo- i to ihe students and members of the faculty Tuf'isv th members of the cat had their ptctnres takep. had As a via!.r this week we b Cot. State Snpefvisor of Home the fs'ioty at C.unni riertio The feoorted to s that prac.t fBl'ii all the iv.ai hitiery and el ii mPii ts tn tlled and only the fin'sii'ne totirhes are needed to P't' nlmr.st fcmir ANII I 111 IMITH,t WHS f c.jnpleled). We frdind I TV lET OK EE f ..n 11 A FN4V WEEK ONS. SERVED llV IsflMESTIc MllAtt; .IRtS. "Millll," tltol "EE IME return of spring, the farmers are le land In shape c'r.nir.r to get th t ant " 'pate a !atf itl'fs" In he bet 'reae hy the time the planting 1 t LIVE HIGH SCHOOL NOTES tr'ble this yur for th Kns rfttit snued. y.r loth Division were located between Aruly Woods on the right and Arras on the left. While with the British in this sector our troopa were attached to the lira lab 4lh. Oth aud 6th Corps, and IlKJ KM'KMHTI'ltK wore on active duty in the trenches. At this lime the Artillery units of the E. R. Alton, manager of the Globe Division had not yet rejoined the Grain & M'lllng Co... In thl city, suth Division, was called to Salt Lake 'Wednesday, The Brtish policy of seeing that to confer with the management of his la done, lor the m 4.f to eeryth'ngi.Hible tba rectio. Altivt ciui!jjn) nn reniScrt uf thrt fighting Toeil seems to r. !vvnlrJr'Hn Nephi, same as the. American hays thu his compaoy I gjlny. to be exactly the of teaching buld one In the central part of I'tah. Regular Armytheirpolicy first and greatest and If the bus'ne transacted here officer that be duty Is to look for the comfort and Is sufficient, it will undoubtedly needs of the enlisted men. This erected In this city. Ths company already have a large policy Is so well emphasized by the grain business here, and maintain British high command that we found an office Jid warehouse In Nepht. and with this showing it Is more than SMALL BLAZE AT EURO KALLl likeiv that the elevator will be I'lUIX ltir.it l fare. The THIS CITV. F HIMNKSS TltANSAtTKH Hl.ltK JCSTIFIKS TDK OF WFI.I. KNOWN lU'VKK TALKS OK WOOI, CONHI. A u 4 1. SUBMITS REPORT TO PRICE OF WQOLUNCERTAIN DURING LATE WORLD WAR Sergeant John Latimer, who left State Nrhi soon after thewhoUnited la still in declared war, and a most inter France, bus sent home esting uccount of the work of his Oivisiou, the Suth, since it was or- gunieed on August 21.' 1917. He bus been attached to the Quartermaster's Department, and hua been in churge of supplies- for the DivisHe says the men ion named above. were Western principally from Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, the division being named the Jllue Kldge Dlvlson," after the lUue Kulge mountains, which run . Tiy-sila- -- partments ill! Writes Interesting Record of Activity of His Division Since Its Formation. Pays Tribute to the 'British Command In Looking After Their Men. Eightieth Division Is Known as the "'Fighting Division'' and Took Part In Some 'of the Big Engagements phi High School lust Monday, Mlaa Cox. Stute Supervisor of II o in e Kconomlcs, pa'd a high compliment to the work being done In the 4 The New., Vol. 3, No 34 w.... FTKR inapectlng the Home lOconomlcu de- A Commercial Club wan completed last evening, when a tall net tn officers were elected liy the vote of about forty mom-- . l.7.u" ft! present. The names oT tlios selected are President, A, V. Oudd; KlrHt r. X. J. Kees; Second L. A. Whit more; Financial and Uncording Secretary, . Ralph Urough; L. Corresponding Secretary, Wm. I!oyt; Treasurer, V. M. Foote; Hoard of Directors, J W. Houd. A. It. Geo, A. Spurry, Jr., and Wm. G. Orine. "Tiese officer will serve In .until the first annual election the member present expressed themselves m being willing to give their hearty nupporl to the President, and t!ie rest of the officers. In making the Club a big success for the progress of th;t city. One of the first actH of the Club wax to appoint a commlitee i go to Salt Lake Wednesday," and work In conjunction with the present Straw-lurr- y Water Committee, who had a meeting with Senator Smot on that day, relative to bringing Home of the v' r Into I hid valley This committee consisted of Thomas Halley, P. B. Cowan aud L. A. Miner. The Club will endeavor to eliKapje the rooniH formerly occupied hy .the old Commercial Club, and If Ihey are successful, these rooms will be fitted up and furnished In a manner In l: the itirR wtth the important of was Much enthusiasm orn "ii.utlon. and manifested by those present. lise Vtub starting ouf "ondef TI' EXPERIENCES I'TAll STH)OI.S the Nephi Vice-Preside- NEPHI SOLDIER BOY RELATES HIS MAINTAINS HIGH STANDARD Officers Are Chosen Amid Much Enthusiasm. A. V. Gadd Elected President. Club Gets Busy atd Sends Committee to Salt Lake in Interest of Water Project '.The TIMES-NEW- S . v, - |