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Show HOW ABOUT THAT NEW SPRING LOCALNOTES BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS. Sale of Clean-u- p sent planting all kinds of nursery stock. Call in. Big SHOES & SLIPPERS MUJN-fci- $1.50. Mrs. J. W. Whitmoreand children returned Monday i week's visit in Salt Lake City. Good two room brick house and lot for sale cheap, Susie M. Ostler. Percy Robertshaw has moved to Santaquin where he is interested in some mining properties. A bargain in furniture! All my household furniture g o o d as new - - must be sold by May 25. Call early. J. F. Quist Conkey's Poultry book means UNDERSOLD. dollars to anyone. Free if y o u bring this ad to Lunt'a Pharm- WALL -- acy. Will Nielson has Nephi to go into the COATING.- blacksmith-in- g tiade and has rented the old wliat yon have been looking .for. s remarkable covering power ha It and i ipreading qualities. It ia easy to mllx and easy to apply. It spreads easily, and will not show laps. Xs Cal-O-Tin- Don't think of Lime. Think of We have it in all colors t. Lindhart shop. FOR SALE-1- 0 acres of farm with house and corral; just north of Creamery. Inquire at residence of Ben Lovell. Mrs. J. S. Cooper has been ap pointed district deputy president of the state assembly of Re- bekahs. Want to buy four or five 1400 young mares; several young pigs, and a good milch cow. En quire at Times office Misses Mabel and Alean Sperry are home again, their school term at Burtner w here they have teaching, having ended Be sure to hear Dr. lecture on "Health and sanitation" in the Tabernacle tu morrow evening. A vital subject and an eminent lecturer. Ik Carl Nelson of Provo has been engaged as instructor in music j i the Nephi public schools for next year. Mr. Nelson is now studying in the east, and comes nighly recommended. Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Hobbs art up Irom Los Angelc-- on account I the serious 1 i n e s a of Airs, j.lobba' lulher S. E. Malmgrei. hu is siuying at the home ot hib Jaughler Mrs. J as. Jackman. 1 Tinners & Plumbers. ) Phone No. Nephi, Utah. 1 ARMOR rj4 The Busy Men and Women. Find our Ice Cream Parlor jut the place to eat their special. Whether it be an Ice Cream Special a Malted Milk, or !3ot Drinks awd Cakes, We can serve you "As You Like It". Eat your next noon-da- y flinch with us. noon-da- y "Always Something- - "WIIEIlf- - CVCRYHODY CiOES. Fone 27 GRADUATING TIME Ice for sale. Edward Kendall. kinds Bottled fresh fruit-al- l for sale cheap. Mrs. C. E. Bigler. I pay top price for r'rank Booth. Leave word at tailor shop. FOR SALE two good young Jersey cows. Apply to II. A Christiansen. S. A. Chase was over from Eu reka this week visiting with his wife and children. Attorney B. N. C. Stott return ed to the first of the -- The sweet girl graduate from the eighth grade or high school at Bellas all other grades will want cincthing nice in dress for Commencement exercises, something a little nicer than perhaps any other time in her life. Anticipating these wants, we have secur- ed a most beautiful line f White (Joods, Laces, and Embroideries, from which the most beautiful dresses can be made, also we have something extra nice in muslin underwear, and some very pretty ready made white dresses, all of these goods have been priced at figures that represent a great saving in comparison to the prices usually charged for these goods. Select your dre ;s goods and Trimmings now and let our Dress .Making Department make up your dress. Eureka week. FOR SALE-- a few! shares of Nebo Highland stock. Inquire at Times Office. The name of Miss Leah Pette-gredoes not appear among tht list of teachers for next year, lor does she give any very plausible reason for its not being. We venture to wonder what's up. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Ellert-on- , formerly of Mona but now it rovo, nave announced t n t i marriage of their daughter Hazel. to William Dunn. The marriagt be solemnized in the Salt iake Temple the latter part ol the month. Dr. J. G. Irons has purchased the r.ewly bulit horn of Einesl .Vinn. opposite the home of Den- iis Wood, consideration 1 1,100 .urs. Irons has returned irorr. Logan where the has been at ending her mother who hu been ilL Architect Enoch Burton reports that he is drawing plans for a modern bungalow for Robert .teDhenson. to be built on t h e old Collinwood corner. He is also planning to re model and add story to the home of G. make "home industry" suits with Provo woolens. styles. G. W. Booth, tailor. Miss Luella Bertleson of Ephraim visited in Nephi this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. I Latest Christensen, The regular monthly meeting of the board of county commis sioners will take place Monday, W. Lunt We notice that N e p h i can claim two point winners in the Excelsior Mer. Co intercollegiate track meet neld at Provo Saturday between the K. Y. U. and the U. A. C. A. D. "The Quality Store." Ellison of the Aggies took second and place in the hammer-throw- , Frank Winn of the B. Y. U. took third place in the broad jump, GioihQS I m 1 "MOTHER'S Bir SERVICES. Next Sunday evening at 8 o'- clock a special Mother's Day service will be he Id at the Presby- terian Church under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society. The public is cordially invited to attend. Fallowing is the program: of Mother's Da;t" 'Purpose Mrs. A. Green. Tell Mother V 11 Be Miss Lillian Robertshaw "The White Carna Reading tion." Miss Blanche Blackburn Duet "Till I See My Mother's Face." Mr. and Mrs. Davis Solo "My Mother's Hands". Miss Marcia Starr. Cornet "Silver Threads Among The Gold" Mr. A. D. Plumb Address "Mother" Rev. C. K. Davis. Quartet "My Mother" Mrs. Davis, Miss Greenwood, Mr. Davis, Mr. Plumb. We have uat reeelved a new line of Liquid Face Cream For whltnlnj and beautifying the complexion. There le a email sponge given with each bottle. Ask for Creme De Carmelia 50o the bottle. We also carry a complete lln of Toilet Artloles. All the best soaps on the market. LINT'S PHARMAGY "Prescription Druggists." Stake Conference Tomor- row. May 13. The Juab Stake quarterly conwill convene here in the anference H. C. to Bird wishes jlDr. The entertainment given in Tabernacle tomorrow and Sunnounce that he has opr.ed h i s the Presbyterian Church Friday day. Good music will be renderand dental office in ths evening of last week by Mr. A. ed and several of the church auWhitmore building. Lincoln Kirk was a very excelthorities from Salt Lake will be Mr. and Mrs. Walter Adams lent one. The impersonations in attendance to the Hyde A Salt Lake City are visiting with Mr. 'Adam's parent. Mr. tnd Mrs. Henry Adams. Walter iias a position in the job department of the Tribune-Reporte- r Criming Co. in Salt Lake. w f Hos- NEPHI MERCANTILE 00i 1 til --r- alus Where Good MerclianUise Is Cheaper. s Refreshing-.- NEPHI DRUG CO. Fons 27 E show you our iery at Tal-mag- e's r- -i Then perhaps a few pairs of Stockings are needed? if so, ask us to in Armor Plate cream. returned to V mu m from Chas. Foote & Sons. CAL-O-TI- NT i ter. g, NEVER if Lake Monday to visit his daugh- ALSO A lot of Men's and Young Men's Suits all High Grade tailor-Inworth up to $20.00 the suit, your choloe for $9. SO. Don't fall to see these the greatest bargains ever offered here. You can't afford to miss this opportunity. Bettor coma In and look thm over, while our atocka are oomplsts.At prio- that will appaal'to the careful buyer. $1.25 1.73 2.0O 2.CO and up to $6.0O for "BEST EVER" Suit for boys and little ki.ts. m m Judge Greenwood went to Salt Lot of Man' Shoes and Oxfords, all sixes, Tans and Blacki, High grade, worth up to $5.25. your choice only $1.77. ONE PRICE TO ALL on im farms. T. C. TU L.UAN proved Irrigated Winn. L. Frank made a business trip to Salt Lake the first of the week. Lot of Ladles' Shoes and Slippers all sites. Big variety of style and high grade, worth up to $4.00, your choice .ly SUIT YOU WERE THINKING OF FOR THE BOY? Money to loan T. H. Burton II. E. Howell has in for pre- were most vivid, and the quick change from one character to another surprised and delighted the audience. The impersonations of characters from Dickens were especially clever. address meetings. O i Mrs. R. J. Henriod and Miss Haydee Patten went to Provo, Wednesday, to attend the funeral of R, EJwin Loose on that date. EXPERIMENT! You may be trading; at a good store now. Maybe they sell merchandise as good as ours. Maybe not. You can't tell till yon try ours. The next time yon purchase Give us a trial And compare thorn with the ones you have Make, Finish and Value. Quality, If the ones you have are as good. You've cot a mighty good store to deal wit!;. If ours are better, your experiment has paid. THE TOGGERY Judge us by the good we carry. 'easHS'T m W 4k THIS SPACE Belongs to the only ex elusive grocery store In Nephi.J uab County,Utab, U. 8. A. GROCERY CO ENTERPRISE Reliable CooJs" "Mie Mouse of i |