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Show "What friends?" IN OLD ALGIERC 'Why er I don't just c4Q to mind. .I"'" wiiicii mo yarn i3 wound form "UYUOTT ON S1NCUE MEN tno shuttle with which they work Why. Edith, you don't suppose It was Home Life Different " I've always kept out of your From Any Other ...i. ii . .. way," j . whww Bomenmes the limb of a tree ia Mayor Knotts of Hammond Cham. said Miss Edith, afleotlng to totter be- anything like th4s, do you? No Part of the World. No plona the Cause of Married Men. neath the weight of a large brown uouy i ever cared two pins about If The traveler who visits the fringe of used to keep the weft tense while the I is Cupid's pattern had I'd leather-bountoll you directly." right bower, Mayor Knotta being worked into it. Tha cities on the coast of Northern Africa book, "but I suppoe "You are positive?" now which has been added to the ions list frame upon which tho carpet is being of Hammond, has again championed you will have to make the acvmte positive. You see, I don't advertised by the tourist agent, savs made was perhaps used by tho great the cause of matrimony. Bachelors, quaintance of all the sisters and couseven recollect who It was " Day Allen Willey. finds Algiers per- grandmother of the girl who is now at says the mayor, are a detriment to a ins and aucts. Albums am ,m,u..i an who will hand it down to her community, while married men are "Dli ,n,i.u i blip pose ii was to uo out of style, I know, but I think haps the most interesting of all, yet work valuable assets. In an appeal as a family heirloom. children few Americans just families will always have them. No, really, i was jut joking. Bertie, 1UUB- - u uie he asks the merchants and mancarpets are what Is doesn't it seem atrange?" the line I don't require your which yond divides the French you.' support, thank Known as "pics," 2Vi from the Arabian city, for one is conyards in length ufacturers of the city to employ mar"What?" Just sit down there quietly and behave 1 Va and in width. The tendency ried men only. Mayor Knotts declares "Eight months ago wo didn't know tent to saunter alons the boulevards or late isyards yourself while I show them to you to work larger designs on ac- that single men are the chier foment-rand don't make any stupid comments. each other at all. and now here we are and avenues, with their of labor troubles: that thev ar count of tho demand from the French 1 sitting here engaged." shops and their mlxturo merchants who taid 'uehavei yourself.' " and as a rule, do a town mora reckless, sell most of this pro"It seams too good to be true to me of civilized and barbarian attendants. duct. While "That isn't misbehaving." said the harm than good. sell more the elaborthey It is in the old Algiers the walled ate sometimes. When I think of i- and prospective member of (Tie family. for really faublous prices, tMayor Knotts a year ago offered to of the past that one finds a home the designs how city "I'd like to know what you call it." something; might have happened weaver seldom gets over what marry free all couples residing In life different froti perhaps nd I might never have seen "Very nice, as rar as it went" any other would be $6 in American money for the Hammond and to give them moral you! I and "Don't Berth. Now look here. Here's was thinking of going to St. Louis country in the world. Although on the pics, and for carpets double this size, other support in establishing their of border a desert and last pa and ma to fcegin with. They're reregarded as a the average price is about $10, year." homes. He finds that his offer had vmvv wnere ine visitor b life is in "Bertie suppose you had." cent of course. V don't like ma's exIt may- represent three or four not the desired effect, for few couples pern gnoum ne venture in it after months labor. The "You would have wobablv ave applied to him. Then be evolved pression very voll; she looks "bo serbuyers come prinhave nightfall, the stone great walls which from round someone else you liked." ious. Pa's all right." the French colony in Al- the idea of boycotting bachelors and' cipally for centuries have formed the homes T iaii!j-giers who are acquainted with tho placing a premium on married men. so u,nuu l inave aone anything of 3f Its inhabitants, is patterned some most expert weavers. They visit the on uie Kind." Saturday he mailed to tho heads af the moat artist ic handiwork ever old "Good likenesses, both of em of every business and at tegular intervals. "Don't you think you would?" quarter The manufacturing made by tho hand of woman. When finest "This." said Miss Edith, turning the "I know I wouldn't Why didn't I Dne carpets are sent to Paris and enterprise in Hammond an open letter pase, is Ruth when she was a little bit speaks of art caruiMs and rugs, tho London, where they find a ready sale pleading with them to employ only un.i nujooay i lined before? Do Jeslgns which come of a thing. I think she's cunning, from Teheran, to tourlats and art married men and to keep single men ' connoisseurs. you think you would have found some the ancient ' don't you?" capital of Peru, Turcom-ini- a on probation only in case one else?" they showed and France and Belgium are LATEST ABOUT BRAINS. "Awfully cunning." inclination toward matrimony. in r . to um.ie certain I wouldn't. No- - brought "And that one on the opposite tide mind, for the enterprising In his letter Mayor Hammond argued la Jim when he was a baby. He seems tody I could have cared for as I care merchants of these countries have ad Observations on the Relation of Skulls that during the years of labor trouble ior you. No I guess it was all fixed vertised their wares thrmiirlmm th to be surprised about something." to Mental the Powers. up In Hammond has been notorious :hat Man's curiosity is naturally bound- the "I'd never have recognized him. It's beforehand. We are just cut out for lew world, but in old Algiers such men were the first to lalk single was a the of each, less other, darling: I don't believe it part dally life of the the first time I ever saw him without concerning his brain, which is be- atrike. Married men. he declared, are centuries before lieved to be the seat and the token of more uwiue any difference if I women probably bis pipe. I'm surprised, too. Where ", u'u ua and long suffer! nir and patient was of to nad Reaving that in mental St. gone thought Southeast do you come in?" power which makes him less likely to Louis, I'd have met ern go out on unjustified Europe. It is believed that in this the undisputed king of the earth, says strikes. "Never mind about me. That's you somehow. I " The states that single mayor of iart the world was the birthplace of tho Ixindon Express. If the brain men do not Grandma Brown. Ycu never savr Tier, make as good citizens. He :he Industry. The Arab women who were really such a box of drawers as declares they are but she's likely to come here for a visit There was an abrupt start aa a ma- J well behind reckless, Inclined these walla inherit their some phrenologists have assumed, to in the spring. You'll have to miud tronly looking wastefulness in spending; that ihey lady entered the room. lalent from long lines of ancestors and with everything in its place and all rome into a town when a new enteryour P s and Q's then, sir." "Well! ".she exclaimed, "what are he one who can accomplish the finest possible faculties you accounted for, She does net look very venomous." two young people is started and usually after a doing here in th jandiwork Is the envy of her asso- - human heads could be classified as prise short "Bertie! Well, 1 should say she dark?" :iates, for there is a constant rivalry readily as plants, and nobody could some and reckless career, depart fir didn't. She's the sweetest, loveliest other town, having done tho . .I . . ! . t "I was showing Bertie the nhoto- - is to the one who can conceive the fall aw tiu.v uiBiinguisn oeiween mem any town no good and oia tning that ever was. She used to grapn leaving only unpaid; nost beautiful ideas. more than one can fail to select roses bills album, mamma." said Edith. and friends around the saloons. pet me to death when I was iit'i "H'h-m!said the matronly looking Weaving is regarded not only as an from lilies. girl." Knotts' Mayor in part as letter is One might predict absolutely from a lady. "It didn't look much like that to iccompllshment but as a duty by the "I'd like to knew how she could helD me." follows: Mgerlan, who thinks or the warp and glance at his head that a given young Chicago News. It." "It Is a well established fact that man must become a great financier or veft as the housewife "Goose:" rained upon her porch or the plants a poet or a philosopher with no more the city receives little taxes from peo"You know that I am sorry that I o carefully nurtured in the door ple who do not own their own homes yard danger of a mistake than In asserting and are not did not know you then." nermannttv i,tf..nrio.i one hat It tree is fortunate that weaving will produce acorns and jarden. "When?" lth the city. It also is well known s a household custom, for It is indeed another apples. But the shrewder sort "When you were a little girl. I seem i boon to the female who must spend of phrenologists see that this will not that when we have, by the expenditure 3f much to have lott such a lot of time." Tiost of her life in seclusion, enjoying do, and so they endeavor to modify the ?eeded ln lime, labor, and money uc A treat continued. 10 society except that of her relatives bases of their science to suit the Infin- locating an industry In this "You didn't lose any time after you md friends, veiled from all men except tely varied facts of human nature and ;ity men rush rush in from other lev ralitlcs to be employed in such indusdid know me." jer kin and her husband. Hour after development. and do not become permanently try, I The brain-studlour twisting and sorting the yarn, real progress in "Well, knew a good thing when I is Identified or interested in tho communw it. made nonotonous as it may be, gives her at by those who undertake the Aever mind; I won't lose any divert-Ionity. as east some as work, far more time if I can help it." possible, without any There are women in the old city who preconceived and preperfected theory "I expect you'll stay down at your "They are usually the first to create 1 to save or lead mlslwad dissatisfaction 10 them. Dr. II. Manbetween the employer club four nights out of every week." probably fpent from to 15 ears of constant labor in this way. for wegKa nas recently published In the ind the employe, the hardest to con- "Youve got another guess coming." he mechanical processes used in the "proceedings of the Royal Scientific trial n lime of disturbances, and when "Bertie!" nodern manufacture of carpets and Society of Bohemia" some remarkable misfortune monies as a result of their "Sweetnesa." are unknown and the work is observations on the relations of the Jgitatlon they leave the city without nigs "Are you quite perfectly, absolutely in lone same way that It was per weight of the brain and the size and oss to themselves, having nothing 'o the sure that that you do?" .ormea centuries ago. When It is shape of the skull to the mental pow- ake with them but a reckless an I rest"I'm perfectly, absolutely sure that Hated less disposition and nothing to leave some that weavers work ers of man. rapid if I don't nobody in the world ever did .rom 8 to 10 hours daily for a These Cthind them but unpaid bills and r imshow investigations the period "Oh. I think mebbe I do a little." ;f five or six weeks to make what is portance of good feeding to brain de- community worse off for their having "Edith!" :alled a "carpet" less than thr var.ia velopment. The brain cannot do Its Ived In It. It is further well known "Now, Bertie, Stop Yea, I'm sure. n length and two in width, an idea work without an abundant supply of :hat a man who supports a family and You know I am. Bertie, Aunt Martha :an be gained of the toll which is in- - pure, blood. Other las a eotti? of hrs own is not only a u king at you! There! I wanted rclved, yet some of the patterns re- - things being equal, a heavier brain im- better citizen but a more thoughtful, to show you ths album and you don't lulre three months' attention day after plies greater mental power, and Dr. peaceful, and efficient employe. eem to be Interested one bit" Jay before the last strand is fastened Mantlegka finds that persons employ"Any sober, industrious and honest ed In Industries where the nourish- man who wishes to la so e ...... u.le mj aear, wnen we ud It is ready to be sold. may "Who's this?" asked the young man. of ment Before the is tw she to enters her Insuffibody teens a 1p home Hammond the apt at.1 were engaged I always slept ith your girl pay for "I told you that was Aunt Martha, r Algiers takes he- - first lesson In cient and the muscular exercise slight, t at what would to have practically hj last letter under my pillow. The other Is Uncle Henry. They show, as a rule, higher brains thaa do pay for rent. If he does not w tsh f i do veavmg, either under the tuition of justwed And I too, darling, often Hme member of the d to be quite wealthy, but Uncle family, or in one more favorably circumstanced persons. o we dou't want to waste our tlm went to sleep over your letters. Blacksmiths and f the school a which are located here Henry lost hi mony Ln some InvesIn money and energy trying to assist ind there In the city. She has plenty general have heavier brains than lim. tment nd now he seems to have f time to devote to it, for the girls of coachmen; but the latter exceed car Sweet Williams. changed a good deal. He won't work "I have, therefore, decided to These he middle and lower classes receive penters In brain weight, and. carpen and border lovely fcny more, Aunt Martha Just plants are much letter similar to this to each of him. Of course, that' a ft,,n. neglected, partly because their admir iittlo education In othr ways. As yet ters exceed persons employed in cloth- :he Industries and employers of lalwr secret, but I won't keep anything fiom ers fall to procure plants In their prop sld Algiers Is rlmost unknown to th: ing industries, while at the bottom of n our city, asking them to carcf.illy he scale stand those who arc engaged er season and from propagating from hri&tlan teachers or missionaries. you." jonsider the above suggestion"! m fur "And I'd never keep anything Trom choice plants when a good list Is once I'ears arc required In fore one becomes in the manufacture and sale of alco- is practical, when employing labor, secured. Seeds should be planted Jufficlently expert to perfect the more holic drinks, who are apt to do moro ind to give the preference to men you." every spring, from specially fine and ntrlcate patterns. One of the first or less drinking themselves. "Are you quite surer families and honestly endear-rln.. It would also appear that the weight . I mli-h- f is rte Irnt lit what the . taught European sm-e" to have homes of their own in "Quite We'll Just tell each whb; una win Keep tue rail a good luck mark. It is of the brain may bf Increased by the well slock usually renewed each year, I rind othr everything won't we, darling?" community. exercise of Its own functions, jur "I feel assured that if we can secure they are sure to do well if layered as t small cross or circular spot placed in cirect "I'm ure f wouldn't hide a thought we do corner, sometimes in the center of men of mental training showing, as a he from you.! carnations, notch the shoot Just jie cooperation of the employers if r i carpet. Every pifc woven has this rule, greater brain weight than others. we can rapidly Increase our home "Nor I from you. I tbnk that's below a Joint, Lend It gently and carp ark upon it, for It i considered a It should be remembered that the size to avoid fully wning population, lessen the burden some wlmre .i . breaking, press down in r tt. ..nint . couples make a mistake Who ma v of the head cannot be taken as a f taxation, and mee iirojpciina to the soil, sure bring peace and this is ell me! read not tiling things to each other. We being upon it from thf evil one. trustworthy Index of the weight of the Thto our city, and at B prosperty or wont be like that, will we?" Cleat sanrl at lestgn is never uppiy in bright brain. The organic quality Is the main he name time extend many favors and wrought hand to Just under "I don't see how place the cut on the dolors, but thing. people can if they always in black or Kom idvantages to the employers of labor blanch, reps the earth over it null tr uly love each other." fery dark tint The reason for thi u ind stcure to them Immunity Trom i.i in, u!hij? email PiaKes to hold "t in jnknown. as the Algerians refuse tr "I don't either." Ungrateful William. and illegal William Tell, having just shot the :bougbilRs vexatious t wDp- -i don t think pple do position, then water well, see to hls ell It They are not averse, however. , roubles with lalor. their care ror one another as much a we daily; in a few weeks they will be root- :o vlrid colors end many of them, al apple off his son's hrad, was smoking The mayor closes his letter vhh ,n ed and must be cut from the old do do you?" plant ; though they are harmoniously blended. the cigar the proprietor of the gallery ippeal to the manufacturers ami merplanted, shaded, card for In wafer pparently through the Instinct of the had given him for ringing the bell. "I'm sure they don't." "It is a good thing." murmured Wil chants to call a meeting and take s'e-regularly till established, you nave scaver. Nearly every house contains to the employment of marrie sne or more rooms which are devoted liam under his breath, at the third .ooking "Bertie, we are going to look at the your finest varieties ecired again men in their factories and stores. I only puff, "that didn't get this thing light album. Now tell me what you think reppat.Hg this each year the beds keep to the weaving as well as emhmMorv v y will end the labor he This, 1 declares, ed before tried that feat!" ell filled with your best sorts. Any which is also carried on extensivclv of this girl." town and raise t!.e of the troubles Then he went on "Trtl me who she is first I'm not that ccrne in msgenta or muddy purple ill hough the girls and wkomen have slanders how much to tell the by- - standard of clH?n-'- ;, r" c better he used to tint should Le pulled up as the wnoie dot attained the perfection reached by to do a make any rash breaks. I've rIng shoot when he was a boy. Cincinnati jt pvryt''. wjb 1'flf, Wen through photograph albums, be- necessary for cashiers or paying Mir Jiner nations in the Industry. he Married mn, lasting good. to familiarize themselves with l.r)o, As already staled the work Is done Commercial Tribune. fore." become clfiTfris, permanent 000 thumb mark, more or yen, but a sntlrely by hand. In pleasant weather communThe Rtal Question. of the for the good "Whom did you look through ibom book of working such marks coirtd be kent for Jome of the dooryards, if they can be I wish to marry He argues that the manvff-.rrwith?" ity. youf daughter" reference when doubts arose concern- :alled such merely open courts from the man. paid young having received great ben-f"V.hy, with friends. Yon know it's ing a of walla the by r.l There is eon signature. masonry The old man was a sensible old man. 'he town of Hammond, should re;!p-rocat-e early ot so uncommon form of enter ways something about a forgery that Ain a dozen or s score of females each "Can t support yon In the by employing the marriel mn are style to rou me at llks looking J'p that leads to iospicloo, and if foy3owel try, aasslng strand after strand of the yarn which you have been accustomed?" and giving them preference at all he JMjtfc?" to dfect New York Press. ipon the rude frame. A wooden block asked. 'Puck. Umea. TREAT FOR BERTIE. A . d T any-bod- y s half-Parisia- n nair-araoia- n - . I " . well-nourishe- d pur-mas- metal-worker- s ad-Ire- Mip-Iwr- ss ts g sup-jortin- -- g 1 a 4 la-jo- . ton-inue- d - - n 1 n-- s, ) sur-ounde- d -- l |