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Show m -- - MEPHI RECORD- Sueeeaaor to "Tbe Enaign" June etttbliUcd Friday mr. to. i The Farmers Column, i Let Vm tnicker at the farmer laugh Proprietors and Let them pass their jokes on Uncle Josh; Hut when rations sort o' shorten and thar'a little to bolt down. W.L.COOK, Publish. PablUbed ever Friday Utah. j at Kephi City, TERMS: One Year Six Mouths Three Months entered at the Pout aw $1.00 50c. 25c. ... Office aeuoud-claa- a Then they recognize his worth b'tfosh. r is more t han a battalion o' the lected dude; And like fcaul he's bead and shoulders 'hove the iowdertd, kid gloved lie Cough Remedy. Mr. Arthur Chapman writing from Durban, Natal, South Africa, says-"As a proof that. Chamberlain's CouyU Remedy ia a cure suitable for old aod vounv, I pen you the following: A neighbor of mine had a child juet over two months o!d. It bad a very bad couh and the parents did not know what to give it. I einested that if they would yet a bottle of Chamberlain's Coumh Ueiuedy and put the dummy teat th baby was sucklu it would no doubt cure the child. This they did and brought about n quick relief and cured the baby." This remedy Is for eitle by all druggists. WTTmTmTTrwnmmwffTfTfrfrTWTTnfTTTffa : wen Reuben comes to to wo. J.L. BWINQ Legal blanks of all kii.ds for sale at this oIMch FROM SOUTH AFRICA. New Way of Using Chamberlain's spi-dj- brood; For he nets the earth and makes her give to all mankiud her food, at Neptil City, Utah Aod be keeps the world a wiiicm rj matter. . the mornin'. i JOHN HENDR1CKS0N, Propr. (SiH'iwuMiruiii. it. r.iKiifn.i A MRS. CECEUA ST0WE, Oiator, Entre Nous Club. d -- y. l1 1 ?;. - Mas alwtys in Stock. assartmtnt of Fresh Vegelables to Mjh-c- from. t FRKK Chance on A Thanksgiving h urfcy Given with every 52c. Purchase. Cliaso, Uxos.L'TAh. NEP1II Livery and Feed MINI Buss mNta a hiin 1 1 1 1 1 in lrlo II 'Stable. HUH 1 H. D. GOLDSBROUGH Marnr. n" Uatlr A All. Yard Main Slrwt Agent for the celebrated Kemmerer Coal. Try it, and you will Leave ordera at u no other. I.ivery Stable cr, Tithing Oflice. t la e A tight foundation to the house is a great fuel raver. This will be a year when it will pay to save fuel look up the cracks in tbe foundation and remedy thern. then, good bye to old Ikssv.m Tbe Wutter makers of Uollaud have hit upon a plan to make the UuKHt high grade "dairy butter" of i'lulippine cocoa nuts. Now, I f lr a 80 r3 hrc-Mi- " Hil Lai....a: ...a; I'rort Wrecks. can 13 cured, evfii tho worst c4k rtignation i r,o lire. Loisl'ragg ncceiir-- hor.f-lfrt.-- . of Uorcl.cfctrr, .MaR.., is on of many vriio. life wn. raved by lr. Tin grea' KitigH new discovery. is reinely guarant'l for all Throat Lout ijd l.ui'ir riiarmicy. Junc'a - O'and i. Qw.wvl Ar ier gr Ciprma I UmlW Oird.....,..?! 0am i:5tm L rr-r- a loi gatients. OLD and PURE For HAGUE le h & HE1II I rtionHilil frr many a railway vrrtk and tho ratine bw making human wrecks ,fiiTf from Throat and Jlut ainte the ud troubles. Lting vtntofltr. King's Discovery for Couhi in pt ion, Coughs and Colds and Physicians urescribe it for their m ciddicata OAnrj i Ciirel.fi'siieps The filo in coming. Tho automo-bil- e ft.'Kt Tiial iH.ltles is going. The r do neither, thf-are with u always. K'p for on the ilo and both tTes o.'ie eye On the automobile and do col forget thm ,n ?cur ,f J01 Tako midft. hi pm i ..Calleolp pta Arrive Lra president, W. J. Adams, directeir and vice president, J. W. pMimao, director rtalaa oootn of Juaa run dally Sicurr secretary aod treasurer. Cha. II. Grace director and Albert U. Pax man, di J. A. COTTItELL, Agent, NVh. . W. Ou t. irr. O. P. A-- T. A. rector, oball hold said offices and be Salt L - City, t'lan aid ortlcers of this c ompany unVil the Monday in Jepteoiler, 190r, aod until their tuccteuor are duly elected Denver & Rio Grande R, R. and qualified. AancLr. tx. "Scritic Line of the. IfarM. Three of tho directors f this conot Tbe rVat I .In ta otton ball coutitute a quorum a&d OI.KNWOOD SrRINOS, LHAOVIIXK. CRIP PLK CHKEK, TUKBLO, COr)RAOO t traneact all buMcras and SPRINOS. DENVER AND ALL eterctK all tb crpjrate po'ers cf this POIJiTS EAST. corporation. Tiivxxa Djtt (h tobrr 2'P.b, mx Brtwefa Orand innetlon and trnrr Bv oidir of lb Hoard of Director: FFTECTIVe SEPTEMBER 20. I P00. .1. W. I'AXMAN, Train NoS.Tralo No! Train No Secretary of ExeNior Mercantile Atlantic Clilrayo There are still a few people in the world who do not know tbat turpentine inured on a cut or scratch (tbe very first thing) will Cij.rjpany. preven; Kti nefs and injure quick healing. Dl4itrou !, fs A flood of Fresh and Line Completo rW tru-sli-- m, CHASE m; ii ii miii: i Kaat-bosn- ht 'gb-txi- w. " MnnnnnnnTrmrnnnnnnnTmrmrmd g. - r aa,'v' "Hed Top a' auuiiuuuaiiiamuiiuuuiiiiiiituuiual Mrs. Stowe'a letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknes and howcompletcly Wine of Cardui cures tint sickness and brines health and happiness again. Do not go on auOVr-inUo to your drusrgist bxlav nnd secure a $1.U0 bottle of Wine of Cardui. . fto- - iillv faniouc Ry WhtskHy.' Cured s. iaiW JeKle(!Ll 1- - lIHOlli AUTK-'I.The latest fad is woochuch farm, iv. il Heretofore the Hock of this iug. Once it wa9 skunks, then IJelgidii hares, and now it is wojd-chuck- company being limited to fifty thousand dollars, the eauie il hereby increased Oh layl Next. any thousand dull ire and limited to one huudred th msand dollars to be There will uIwayB be bpginers divided into f jur thousaud shares of and quitters. Some will be quit tweutj- - five do.Urs each. AKT1CI.K VIII. ting while others will bebeginuiDg. The of this company stocahokleie is wood." better to It "keep sawing ehall hold a (netting at its ceoeral Sao Pedro, Los Angeles and e of business in the city of Nephi, place With 3l,000;000 of gold in his County ofJuab, State of Uab, at 10 vaults, Uncle 6am has the biggest o'clock a. m, on the tecond Monday in Salt Lake Railroad stock of the yellow metal ever September, of each year, and tbe board of bhall there and then make gathered ia one place in history. . auddirectors cause to be read written state ment in detail of the condition of tbe LOCAL TIME CARD, Of the five million farms in the business of the company. Tbe board la Effect Jaly laf 1903. United States, three millions pro- of directors may, from tim to time Trlo errive ad depart at variona Stauooa duce corn. The average cost of declare such dlvUeodn as in it Judg tetlv follow ment d Wet'Oosod, Station. growing an acre of corn in America the the conditions of tbe bueioeasof Leave Art wilt warrant, and said company is $5. board may determine the time, kind, Are. 35 aio f 85 pm USpn 7.30 aa Lv manner and term of the payments of an .... Murray. ...9.t7 aio B.ISpm pa f.S smam ...feandy .... s.Oftam 6 0S ptn ' In scientific forestry tbe yoong soch dividend Wpm B OS ta ..Draper... 8 am 4 M pa P.Xtaia th nm I3SM' LeblJn trees are thinned out the under, Oa the seoond Monday in September, S SI am 4 linn, Via 8.Maai Lehl 1905, and biennially thereafter at ald T.IApa 144 am Aimr'a Forli B.t4 aa 4 2M pr brush removed, and every means stockholder pa S.4S am Pleaa'tUroT S IS an 414 ni there shall be 7 45 pm icevticg. T.M am 0.10am.. ..Provo... sunlUpm possible taken to give air and elected for the teem of two years, the r.SC fm B.iSaai Hpriajrvllle T.4 am i.ii pm .23 am lata rork 7.36 am S 37 pa. pm i Spaa to the tree. to officers named article VII. Said 8pm f.U am ... Pajraoo.. T.tOam S.25 pm growing light 9.4 am 7. IS am 1.17 pm Saataqoln offixra shall be elected by ballot and S.40pm 10.13 am .... Mona.... S.49 am t hi pm ltpt 9 44 10 H.Jb Ar 3.46 pm am Mam Meptal Dp pa A man in Dixon, III, lays his tbe persons receiving a majority of tbe I0.1S pm Ar I vetee of the stockholders at such meet i Lr S CO am 10.15 pm L Ja' Ar 5.40 am peach tree down in the winter and ing thai I be declared to be clecte I to IZ.lt pm Lramloplon 4.0& am S in IS am ....OaaU the spring id olElces resp:Ctiely. covers them up and I. Mam Clear Lake tltta sets them up again and raises a big Tbe present incumbent officers ot AflUll- - (Lt S.Wpm Ma 7 I ana L V 10 ford Ar f pm this company, via: 9.01 am .... Lure .... 7.9! crop. A new idea. pa 6.36 pm II.S3am .... ....Uva4a W F. director and Joseph right, Out of C'iO pupils enrolled in the "Kcphi public sch ols thiiyoar, there Is an average daily absence of from 75 to 101. Only one third of ' thU absence is ettinntel ai due to e ftickiiHS. ilanres According t Ik you known that common about fifty percent, of theabssace waJC J, th best thing hoc m, idu9 to trival cause. Parent jy,mcat, put ,m cuts for roan r should bear in mini that there is beat. Tut it on as hot as you cn in this stand it and note the results. It's a compulsory echrol la 'State and that it would be a severe knock oq the c immunity if the authorities should be called upon to Over ,.00,0sl farmers' bulletin enforce it. were distributed by Department of year. Tbe deAgriculture mand f r some of tl.e'e bulletin not A Mfck Day Since. "I was taken etverelr ck with kid- - was so gre t that the department found it iicw.iry to reprint a oev ttouhl. I tried all aorts of none of wbic,i relpvl foe. One riumf;r of tbe eauie. day 1 saw an Ad. of tour f.icctfki l!ilt- ere nd deter mlnei lo try t al. After I felt re lie vet, ar,l taking few do w eocm tbTeallc-rntir I) enrol, aod fca tot iMen fick day eifjee. of lulr, hae beer: cured f Ithfu-matiralgla, Liter so J Ki1rey . t ...... r,,..Tk;.. ;'! .V. of B. V. i wb!t Baas, Fremont, C, ritca. Only 5r, at Lunt'e PLarmary, -Kuril. )v J A subslULtiully ,s follows: Mf Imported .tail Diiuicrfic Cigars from ovarian troubles. The doctor insisted on an operation as iho only way to pet well. J, however, strongly objected to an ojwration. My husband felt disheartened as well as 1, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate placo at best. A friendly druggist advised hiin to get a bottle of Wine of Cardui for me to try, and h did so. I began to improve in afewtlaya and lny recovery was very rapid. Willi; in eightoeu weeks I was another being. ing to quit is alwajn ready with Mercantile Company wilt be held at tbe ottics of enid company in the Cliy some excuse. of Nphi, County of Juab, State of An apple tree of the Grindstone Utah, at It o't'loCK A. M. on Mui:duy the 23rd day of November A. D. 1903 variety near Cuba, Mo., yielded for the purpose of articles IV seventy bushels. Great Scotil Gob VIII nod IX of theamending rticl8 of the ir. to hov us. coiporation of ald company to read choice line Wines ainl Liiunrs, 176 Warren Avenue, Chicago, III., Oct. 22, 1902. For nearly four years 1 suffered that winter approacbeth thing to meet Utile crowds gather-earound the tire, here aui there, discussing the future outlook for Xephiand the surrounding country. In too many iustincas the dark aide ot the (situation id presented in these little caucusses. Why not look on the bright side of the question for a change? It is true that nany towns have greater natural advantages than does our little oity, aud that today she has not the prestige or volume of business that she had in those days whiu we boasted of her as the "Little Chicago." But there are better times in store for Nephi. Certaiu it is that if we all put our shoulders to the wheel, instead of sitting dejectedly by the fireside aud decrying every effort at improvement and advancement, we shall much sooner pull out of the rut. 'What's tho matter with disc assing 'the feasibility of organizing a little stock company and erecting a canning factor? at this place? Perhaps this would be a good project for the new city administrating to take up they have an abundance of .power in connection with tbe new electric light plant that is going to waste. Think it over and talk the - matter up between now and spring. We can conceive of nothing that would be better for this commu- nity at present than a canning faot-orIt would furnish employ- - meat for a great number of boys and girls that are being taken - away Iroin home each year because of the fact that there is do demand Uxere for their services. There is no soil in the country that is better adapted to tomatoes than ours. As it is now, we cannot afford to raise and transport them to Ogden and then back again, because of enormous freight rates. There is a a growing demand for canned fruits and vegetables and certain it is that Nephi is the most practicable point south of Salt Lake for a cannery. Talk it up. Lprw if neui y Notice to Stockholders of Excelfarm laborers ia Unite receive sior Mercantile Company. and the busy to a son of the year is 15 to 25 cents a day. Notice is hereby given that a meeting almost at an eud, it is a common The baud that is always wan t of tbe stockholders of the Excelsior Now r i be-- dif-oa-e- 1'iico "0c, nud iW. Iadlli :l :41pm f.:(M " .18 12: 0:30 "- CrtppleCrrk.7:' PurblO f.ij Colorado , :0 " l"nrr HpgeiQ dlt In N' and rirnt iMTTli'r a la rnru.. train. 1 hrauffb 1'ntlaian I 7:10 :20 S .tW " a: am :: r.'.j'lam Exprpaa a I lliepm .: am : ram S pit " a " pm A TJeaCi Sftomrnaclhi c'.K pm ptn :l on all throueb ladlgMttoo II ofUn ciused by ovtr-MinAn eminent authority tart the barm done thui exceed tb.it from the excessive use of alcohol. Kat all lt tbe good food you want Lut don't overload tbe to roach. A wtk stomaca may refuse to dicflt what you eat. Then you need a good distant like DINING OAIiH a la Cart on all tt rouh irsina Kodol, which digests your food without tbe stomach's aid. This rest and Kor dicriptlva) fMiuf biota or tbe wholesome tonics Kod'd contains Othrr iriformation. A(l'lra oon rctore health. Dietln?unnece ary. Eodol quickly rcliev i the feel In of fulntns and tloating front which tome people nuffer after tacals. Salt Lnka, Uah Absolutely cures Indlgcitloi. "n't A- - Pa, and famiW nlrevlo cart to nirauo. Tbrw tonrUt of famlij rtriirn.tn Ut Mew York Cit and Boa ia t'hk'aeo or M. Lotila. rr-- rata. t mphVt Mr, all la foreiatiwn aj pl tojai any 1 io"t Aot.t or to r g. il-- ft I. A. Benton, tfc-fit- .. Mock Certificate o f! ce, at Salt Lake t f nil kini at price. Kodol Nature's Tonic. E. O. DWitt A Co.IC'LI'ac o) hf Prtri4 oua taloil lliuaa tba Vxs. au. Xa boVU M. To Cure a Cold in One Day iaxauve uromo Quinine Tablets. ThU BignatOTC, -- Seven MZSon iKwes sold Li past 12 months, n? jr, Cures Crip In Two Days, on every |