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Show The Nephi Record. j V- - have been established in wisdom llecorder, Mrs. Dolphia Teas dis dale. and patriotism, and it has 'EOLD RELIABLE tinctly elevated and extended the Treasurer, Miss Ettio Stdwell. influence of the city. Marshal, Robert J. Ord. Justice of the Peace, John S. With especial pride do we point man to the wise and economical Cooper. ner in which the present City INDEPENDENT TICKET. Council has carried out the wish and mandate of the people, in For Mayor, E II. Sparks. construc the establishment and For Council men, long term. 8 tion of our magnificent electric Thos. Worthington; short terms, light system, and while the taxes Frank Sells, John Harris, John have been temporarily increased Sid well, G. B. Hobbs. to build the same. stiU that extra Ileeorder, Mrs. Lucy Morris. is burden very tritiing Treasurer, El fie Foote. ight with the satiswhen compared Msirsh.'il. A. M. Sowbv. faction felt in owning and con Justice of the Peace, Wm. trolling our own light system, in Stout. stead of paying tributs to a pri Absolutely Puro. DEMOCRATIC PLATFOKM. 7HEREIS NO SUBSTITUTE vate corporation and expending from fifty to one hundred dollars We the democrats of Nephi per month for our street lights City in convention assembled UN POLITICAL CIRCLES as is now being done by a num having full confidence in the ber of our neighboring cities. in the integrity of do we wish to call judgment and Especially the citizens of this city respect 'Platforms and Tickets of the the attention of the people to the submit for their considci- f Various Parties. ff ct, that, before the installation fully ation the candidates of this con That Nephi will not have a of the electric light system, they vention and make the following the pockets of :ompctent and satisfactory set were paying into declarations. bf officers to fill thevaiioas mun- - the Coal Oil Trust the sum of Wo respectfully call attention Dollars per Hundred Three the offices ensuing cipal during to the deplorable condition of our erm is no longer a question month, the major portion of water system that lias been ui. With four good tickets in the which is now kept at home. der the supervision of the Re lield the people should be able to Even at this time, with the elec pab.ican party since its install .hoose a splendid lot of officials, tric light system in its infancy, ation, and we thcrelore charge llielow we publish the tickets and it is bringing into the City them with the responsibility of latforms look them over care Treasury a handsome revenue, We further call besides paying the running ex said condition. ully between now and the 3d of the tax payei t and lighting our streets. the attention ;iay of next month and then let penses to facts: the following In again placing a ticket in the is go to the polls prepared to in installing the present That cote for those best qualified to field for Municipal offices, we do olectric licht system, the work ill the offices, regardless of pol- - so with every confidence in the was given to boys and non-prof the citizens of wise no can be judgment there and tics, perty holders to the entire ex uestion but that Nephi can Nephi, and with the firm belief clusion of the bonafide tax-pabusi that they appreciate the intellioast of a good, clean-cu- t Re- ers; that the expensive mistakes ; i i ic.--s uaminstrauon uunng iimu gence and progression of the that have been made by the pre publican party, and if again sent administration is nsuing two years. directly placed jn possession of tle reins in fact to the that UKPUULICAN PLAT FOIl M. chargeable of our city government, we men were appointed The Republicans of Nephi City. pledge our officers to the same competent to office for party reasons and . Alirough their chosen represcu-Xtives- judicious and economical adminmet in City Convention, istration that has characterized not for their fitness for sucl tmsitions. .iJinlfintr back unon the record of the handling of public affairs in Wc are a party of progression :hievetnent and looking forward the past by the llepublicans. and improvement and not of ob to a lield of duty and appealing THE TICKET. struction and we hereby pledge tludgcment of the citizens- Mavor. Wm. II. Pctteirrew. 'our candidates to. in every way, .Jr Nephi, making these declarCouncilmen, long term. Alfred further the interests of our fair ions: Lunt; short terms, Jas. Garrett City, consistent with the needs We indorse the wise and administration of the Jr., WTm. G.Orrne, J. W. Hrough and financial condition of the tax payers. nunf Citv Council. Its acts and A. U. Paxman. o y .1 J cco-mic- al eThe Dull Season ihb i i --c- SOLID GOLD. Our Prices are Not High They are the ) lowest possible when considered first of all. Can wo hIiow yoti our T. DENN & ,W. ExeaTsio 3The Jewelers. We pledge our candidates to provide ;j snltihle cistern for the .iuii.il; il tiV? sarpiu- - o ty water -- for use during First National the summer ing waste through defective hv-- d rants and pipes. Listly. in appointing men to office wo pledge our candidates to consider competency and fit ness rather than political debts. Till: TK'KKT. Mayor, G. M. Whitmore. Councilmen, long term, James liiglcr; short term. Chas. Hall, W. T. Dcnn. Enoch liurton, Jas. D. Pexton. Marshal, Geo. Kendall. Kccorder, Edna Morris. Teasurer, Hose H. Fatten. Justice of the Peace, V E. Candland. SOCIALIST (Continual on pntf-- ' Surplus and Profits General Btnkin llu all Its branch. Special attention vn to out of town business. 1 lEO.rwniTMonK, W. S. McCOKN1CK.Vi--Pw.Hlru- Notary Puouc it V. m. mm-- . v mmmtm m. ad Abstracter. ; Makes Dcedn. Writes Insurance Has Monay to Loan. Cad ell jmi a cico home or a pooi farm, or flni you a customer If you nave on for attend to all busioewi at Can U. S. Lanl Oil'.cf, or with Slata Hoard of Land Commisloner. ali OI5 It ioor Sostb of Bank. 4.) - Ranges, Stoves, Furniture, Linoleums, Wall Paper, Curtains, Crockery, and all House Furnishings. J i. T. C. WINN, The Bir Store with Little Prices. 15 irldeot.r:3 O. M. WlimiOKIT, Cnnbler. ECO I.N k Cill.HH. AiMul Caabier. 0 YOUU- 150,0001 '.$90,000. Capita?. PLATFOKM. The Socialist representatives of Xer hi city in city convention assembled endorse the Xationa plitform adopted at Indiana poli lnd. and asking the citizens o Bani of No.,. months, and to stop the everlast xixmiT xximm. Kmafirtxle) &qm$&ixv, CAIL ON US J'oil quality is X&iu CO- - Everythlsig sm&Zj a.t$ srr Is almost over, and wc will proceed to "get busy." Pretty soon we will open up "all along the line" but just now we want to direct your attention to our splendid line of plain band aud fancy SOLID GOLD RINGS. Right now ve have the finest line we have ever shown you which means the best ever shown in 'cphi. The tiniest baby ring to the finer larger ence for the "grown up," and everyone guaranteed i 1 No. 43. Nephi City. Utah, Friday, October 23. 1903. Vol. 14. m |