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Show ‘ ' . '1“ K‘ ‘2‘": it ’79” xTv 5:)»,‘10‘1! }§¢« ’ *-‘“ 3,3, _ < V or “I. /' VOL. v. l ‘ ‘ - T . SIL‘VER REEF RIIB ER I SILVER REEF’ SILVER ”REEF, WASHINGTON COUNTY, UTAH, L TAH' ' ‘ __ ' P35113110“ Every 83““le Mornlng‘. oflce_MI\-ER Buildinu, Lower Main Street I .‘ v . 1 Z 5 3 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. l882. No: 38 An Extraordinary Ofl‘er. tr 08 “ ' -— ~ 'lliimll There are a number of persons out of em. ‘5 ployment in every country,-yet energetic men willing to work do notneed to he. Those willin'.‘r to work can make from sub to $500 a THE POLE FIEND. . ‘ . .‘ 8 month clear, working for us in a pleasant and Slth613156 permanent business. The. amount our agents k, ' C A P I T 0 L ’ make varies, —some making as high as $500 a TERMS OF SUBSCRIPIION‘ month. while some as low as $100, all depend One year. . .. $:l 5‘) Main 51., Si] vor Beef, ing on the energy of the agent. We have an six Months 2 5" Tires Month 1 50 article of great merit. It should be sold to THE BEST . .. One Month ..... .... ...... evtry house-owner, and pays over 1 0 per He has lured them on and on, Delivered by carrier, per. “ ee .. cent profit, Each sale is from S3 50 to 31010. By the mystic polar spell, MINER PUBLISHING COMPANY One agent in Pennsylvania sold 32 in two Till at last their cruise is done, Publishers and Proprietors. days, and cleared $64. An agent. in New And he has them-cofliucd well. CIGARS . , York made $45 In one day_ Any man with Fronts. talhand icy (:1ng energy enough to work a full day, and will ‘In the t'urtherest frozen zone, do this during the year, can make from 72.0 0 He can float his steel-blue flag to $6,0(llayeur. We only want one man in From his unpoluted. throne. AT each county, and to him wegive'the exclusive BAILEY & PARSONS, snleaslong as he conIinues to work faithAnd he laughs iu horrid glee, fully for us. There is no competition, and As he sees the dead below, (Successors to T. C. Bailey,) nothing. like our invention made. Parties :Bythe always frozen sea, having from $200 to 31.000 to invest. can I, In the land of.cudless snow. BY obtain II General Agency for ten counties'or Is the North Pole nearer yet. a State. Anyone can make an investment III. II. Qnmx. BABTHOLOEEEW J. anx For the dead men lying there? of from $2.3 to $1.000 without the least risk of Is the puthwav less beset, Editor and Proprietor. loss, as our circulars will show that those in QUIRK BROTHERS Or the sky or sea more fair? vesting $25 cnn after a 30 days' trial return the goods unsold to us and get their money We have paid a fearful price back. if they do not clear at least $100. They For an nlmost worthless gain show that a General Agent who will take ten Land Agents and Attorneys In the land of ancient ice counties and lllV(S[ :216 can after a trial of It has a General Circulation throughAnd the Pole Fiend‘s dark domain. 90days return all goods unsold to us. and out Southern Utah, therefore, as We may let him keep his throne; have money returned to them if they fail to an ADVERTISING MEDIUM, It was never worth the cost clear at least. $750 in that time. We are not Q‘Notary Public in the afice. 0f the precious ones. our own, It 15 among the paying salaries, but want men willing to Who are last among the lost. I' work nndobtaiu as their pay the profits of The Pioneer ' ——N. Y. Sun. their energy. GIBSON CLARK, Men not willing to work on our . . Rates low, which will be forwarded terms will not work on any. Those meaning business will receive our large descriptive to applicants bv applying to HOW A .CAT INTERVIEWED circular, and extraordinary ofi'er by enclosing J. W. Carpenter, THE BEES. Finest Billiard and Pool Tables a three cent stamp, with their address. The Printer & Publisher, first to comply with our terms will secure in the Territory. Charles Kaiser, who has the only Box 561. St. George, Utah. the county or counties they may Wish SILVER REEF, UTAgi‘. to hive of beesgiu ,towr‘i, says that. when work. :1 he first got his swarm, his old cat’s Address, Rsuxnn MANUFACTURING 00., First Class 118 Smithfield Street, Pittsburg, Pu. curiosity was much excited in regard if" FOR iiii grnfrstéiumd. Wines. Liquors & Obtainable in the, Published Monthly IlliilTEB STATES. St. George, iltah, .7. H. CASSIDY. Land Agents and, Attorneys ‘ . _ Salt Lake City, Utah. J. W. ‘CARPENTER, BIRD & LOWE. Only 50 Cents pr annum. Salt Lake City, Utah B E E T . Billiard. Hall Attorney at Lani and Notary Public, c. MANTOR, Physician aiid Surgeon, 0 max—I ;" \‘Iex’t‘do 01:57? to-Hal in’s , star pg”, l. 7...“ to thedoiugs of the little insects, the like of‘w‘hich she ha‘d'iiev'er seen be— fore. At first shenvatchcd their com- Liquors and Cigars m 2' ~ fiun‘imer govern-go ..,.rINJl2 ,ctusm stress? . MAURICE M. KAIGHN THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW PRE pared to furnish the trade and families With an excellent article of l‘lfl II Salton GENGER P053i Mnnnfncturcd by himself, which he will sell in large or small quantities, and (it ~.'.'cr to any part of the town. IIA RRY M. EDWARDS Muunfuctory in rcur of Balpiu’s store. Next door to the drug store, Main Street. Silver Reef. Utah CABINET SALOON, ....Always on hand the best 9-K The smell of the crushed bee alarmed , WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS iii“ GEORGE NILLER. Opposite the Harrison House. and enraged the whole swarm. Bees 8 NOW PREPARED TO FURNISII The by the score pout-ed forth and darted I all kinds of liquid refreshments. est brandsof into LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Salt. Lake bottled beer on ice. the. my ot‘ the cat. Tubby rolled herself in the grass, spitting, sputtering, biting, clriwing and squall— ing,r as a cat; never equalled before. Shenppeared a mere ball of fur and Q‘Fiuest Billimd Table in the City. the parrot that was left alone with the monkey, old Tabby had a dreadf ul MAHNKEN & JONES. TAILonmc Hus an it lies BEG TO IXFORBI MY OLD FRIE NDS and the public gent-rally that titted up and opened a lunch-house. l have and am prt'pnrcd to H‘H'L‘ the finest oysters and duintiest lunches at anytime of night. 'lIoping to merit a liberal sharelIc patronage.1remuin, very respecof the pub~ tfully. N. JOIINbON. Silver Reef, October 15. 1851. LOWER MAIN STREET time. Two or three days after this adventure, Tabby was caught by her owner, who took her by the neck and ! than she gave a tremendous 3:. the topbf a high fence and vanished. leap each shining hour.” -‘ A. LEVY, ------------------ Proprietor General . l: FHQTfidthi-ES GROCERIES Are dealt over the bar to patrons; You who wish to behold your shadows ot‘to-day in the future, call on James Booth, at the Post Olilcc, who is ready to work ever y day and guarantee satisfaction, at the lowest living prices. 36-1m ....AND.... @Private'cmb Rooms attached to the establishment. California Brewery SAL0ON. NOrth PROVISIQNS ansr OF L"- A. Pure Para Gum F Wines and Liquors Silver Reef UTAH. m Street, Silver Reel J. PENDRP " Union India Rubber Co’s TOBACCOS, CIGARS, . ’f‘ houses. &_ News. .35; Leger 33.6.9” on draught. ricer, a. -. - e. -_, - 12 ; Cents \ ’ sells": Brant RUBQER Bears EVA.“ on Inrrnrroxs z ‘ fiilrer kept, I" Be sure the . 4f Boots n ooFon the. hee I an“ h 'ped, CRACK 4kg}: pk sta m ”‘0 PU’R Gui/SPRI . NGS on ls" in}. fonret nnd m” E ius t Drt-vent-Iheir'crackin o ' now making ‘4‘ 91" which the 8.5.3108 Soles m‘witgn rbrenking ‘ which will -‘ . twice ns'loug ns nny'RIIhh er‘Boots ' - FOR 2A1 I; . X A' L» DEV. Ens. Blacksmithin g' 8g fiepgi-ring done, will please take notice that. Dr. Nichols porposes remaining in the I‘LL KINDS or: WOOD-WORK DONE ALLKIND‘ ‘IU‘BBERI’ r. on short non‘ flop 99in“ Cen tre and FirstWest Street Reet'but u'short time longer, . mg. no Ei-‘vERINéI' Link ce,‘by'oxperienc s proba- men. Aeent for' work— iE U‘" G Fish‘Bros ‘ Winonaed wano bly not. morethau three weeks :c n G ‘ Ir BOO.. TS "“3 " .1701 , they uuachmentil'a d s- ‘ ' ' {9°17 ' ingn ,5. WIN-.QXIIST. spéc und lult rw' y.u “erbium" qu‘vPYg .- p should apply, ‘ttl'ly.& ‘ “ 4 j higfllpthl always on hand. ‘ Main ASK FOR , Bonanza Flut lint: assortment of fine Imported Eng l . Wmes, Liquors and Clga rs Dealers In Peter Mahnken, WPnrties wishing dentistry work an MAIN STREET ............ SILVER REEF to V R At this popular resort none but the choicest AG “Henceforth she will not. meddle “with the little busy bee,” that; “imp roves l KM“ threw her down near the bee-hive. No sooner did she strike the ground ’ Pine Suits Mattie to Order I immerse saloon. bees’as she rolled and tumbled about. SILVER REEF.... ............. UTAH She was at «lengt h hauled away with a garden I'ak'e, at the cost of several severe. Stings to her rescuer. Even Lower liIain Street. Bonanza. after she had been taken to a distant part. of the grounds the bees stuck in 'l‘abby’sfur. and about once in two THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE minutcsshe would uttcr an unearthly FIRST , Class rooms, which can be rented or without board, on reasonable terms. With " yowl ” and bouncc‘a full yard in the air. On comingAdown she would try NO BAR IN THE HOU SE. to scratch an ear, when a sting on the Who appointments throughout, are com- bllt'k would cause her to turn a sucplete for the entertainment of guests. cession of back somersaults and give The table will supply the best the market vent to, a runni ng fiI-cof squads. Like nfl'ards. LAFAYETTE House -, ‘ @LUNCH ROOMS oftihe opening leading to the hive. ED. THOMPSON, Prop'r.- Always on hand. Notice for Publication—N . 1095. , . 1 5' 11g: and gfl;lag§i;hL ’zI. (llsfitilté. ‘Sllef L ZTSD.- U‘F‘i‘rcs=-. 1. , SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, hum sun, SILVER night: August 1.1882. thé‘n' flatt‘eu‘ed‘h‘erselfupouthc ground NOTICE . _ m . , IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J. Q and crept along toward the hive, the following-named settler has filed with his notice of intention to make tinal proof “tail horizontal and quivering. It in support of his claim. and that said prool will bl: made before the County Clerk was clearly evident that she thought Court of the of Kane County. Utah. at the County Attorney an Law, the bees was so‘ni new kind of game. Scat. on Saturday. Sept. 91h. 1882, viz: Owen Isom. of in Dell. Kane 00., Utah. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Finally she took p a position at. the H. E. 3502.Mounta for the SE94 SE); Sec 1. and NEH NE}; and “'54 NEH“ Sec 12, Tp 41, entranc e to‘the hive,‘aud when a bee S R 12 Omen: No. 81, Main Sta-set, nan: to _McW'. lie names the following “'llnt‘fit Oornlck's Bank. to prov" his continuous residence upon. l‘s came. in or started out made a dab at and Rainy Public in Ofice. cultivation said land. viz: Jest-pl] M. it with llt‘l' paws. This went on for :1 Sanders. of of. Mountain Dvll. Kane county. Utah. Wi lam Hus-lam. oI‘ ViIgvn Cin. Kane time. without attracting the/special atcounty. Utah. James Jackson and Martin tention of the inhabitants of the hive, Slack Jr., both of Toqucrville, Kane county, Ftah Presently, however, “ Old Tabby ” II. )ICMASTER, Register. BAILEY 55 PARSONS, Atty‘s for Applicants. s; ruck and crushed a bee on the edge PETER MAR NKIN 235.... : c.- r. : $35 b M N V’ Idle Tr'0 man-7)- .3.- \ . ' 5 : -—" By the always frozen sea, In the land of endless snow. Is the Pole Fiend glad and free, With his vic.ims lying low. 3‘: -31 , . . |