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Show ,LA‘“ ilfllmtumt glitter. ,“gllifitellmttaus. grammars, city. gttiarellttumm. ‘, “k LOWER MAIN STREET, Importer and Dealer IT) SILVER REEF ................. UTAH T—‘ 25 0t) 25 01) ": 00 HIS POPULAR HOTEL HAS BEEN EN tirely refitted, having accommodations for 300 guests. and willeontinueto be the only MILL 8. MINING SUPP-HES first'class house in the city at moderate rates Consisting in part of all sizes of Hayley G B, Trustee. Bayiey G B, Trustee. Crandall W G, Tr Brass Fittings, Belting Chisholm D Catlin Ju “lines and Liquors The Live Representative and Packing, EW T Trustee W. B. Sager I Main Street, Coffin Jas, Trustee Coffin Jas. Trustee Patent, Nov. 11,1879, m Medical Electricity 4?.é \ HORNE’S ELECTRO (The Only Gem/ ) F Eiertm1thnctlc inc. nails,h'ew_s «iGNETIC BELT. Premium State Fair. . 810; Electrodlflgneilt ’ $10, Electra-Mastic Bells, 9 Grant E R. tr stee.. ixhfiéfiffitéwhlme Grant E Ii. trustee agti‘ARAX'l ED Grant E R. trustee p0 ive “rant E R, 1.1" ’ ...rant E R, tru. Grant E R, tru. ee. . F YEAR. SILVER REEF. ..................... . L'TAII Assayers’ Goods ......DEALEB 1X ...... BETOIITS, ORUCIBLES, MUFETES, MELTJNG POTS. BONE ASH. LITHA RGE EFST IN THE “’01th mcure without .medicine—Rheumatism, P:DlsdEEC, Impotency, Rupture, Dys , Spinal Disease, The True Exponent A FULL LINE OF Patent, Nov. 9, 1350. La Collin Jas,T1 stee ’ The Mining Industries £750., ETO., ETC. CLOTHING, Grant E R. trusted, andreds o fcures W J. HORNE Pro . &Manuf’ _752 Marke Grunt E It, trustee. . t at... éan thneisco, Cal.“ Cuoking and Heating Stoves Junes-ly Gents’ Furnishing Goods OF THE .... 198. Grant E Grant E Grant .E Grant E Grant E Grant E AND 9 . . Bi . Spinneyr STATIONE RY, NOTIO‘SS. Iti great variety and of best manufacture flats, Boots and Shoes Treats :tll Chronic (v Special Diseases Grant E R, trustee. Young Men Great Sandstone Deposits CARPENTERS’ 6t BUILD ERS f Hardware. Tonacco, CIGARS. Grant E R, trustee. ‘ 'HO MAY BE SI'FFERING FROM the effects of youthful follies or in ' Grant. E R, trustee. Grant E R. trustee. The largest and most complete stock of this. the greatest boon ever laid at the a of sud'ering humanity. DR. SPINNEY willr Ii Sash and Panel Doors and Windows guarantee to Grant E ii. trustee. Grant E R. rustee.. . Grant E R, trustee. forfeit $501) for eve ' Scininzil \Venknes‘s or private dis . .‘u o Grant E R. trustee. ...3; 3°, Grunt E R, trustee. g. truste Latham 8: King, truste who tion. 1 1:.) 51) 25 U0 slight sinartincr or burning sensation and a I wcakcninpr of the system in :1 manner the patient cannot account. for. On examining e131. tru. lC 31 trphy E P, trustee Murphy E P, trustee Messcr. Bacon 8: Co, tru Noble & (1011 H. trustee Noble (£200 11 H. truste Parsons 11B, trustee. Parsons H B. trustee 101) iuo 100 l'ursons H B. trustee 100 Parsons H B. tru Parsons H B. tru Parsons H B. tru . Paterson James, ltu Randolph. )iackint 100 100 100 5 f l trustees . ............... Richardson. Hill & Co, trustees .................. 1883 Richardson, Hill .53 Co. trustees .................. 22-1.”: A: which wt'zikn Dr. fect en (3 second stage of seminal . lune w lguarantee 21 per- Ufiice Hours-~10 to from 1010 11 A it. Co . Call orztddrcss mayS-lf 50 15":0 100 ‘25 00 :1 0 100 25 01) 100 215 00 knowing: themselves indebted to the undersigned are hereby requested to cull and settle 100 25 DO their accounts. T :10 .30 1: .30 trustees ............. . Richardson, IIi trustees.... .......... 20 100 Co, WOOLF & JORDAN. SHERIFF’S SALE. a 00 Pr vaL‘E OF AN EXECUTION TO 1_ _ ) inc. tlll'nctt’d L" 00 _ trustees ................... 2532 50 Richardson, Hill 1: Co trustees ............... Richardaou, Hill ti; (. 50 trustees .................. 2801 Richardson. Hill 8: Co. trustees .................. 2803 Richardson, Hill ti: Co, LU from t‘ a District t'ourt of the Third Judicial Distr t of the Territory of L‘inli.iu favor of Cl rles Richens et til. 12 09 _ and against Enos A. Wall to sntis a balance of Q 1: do _ of $1.1: tit) and $3900 . ._ of suit, with 111terest and accruing costs. I have levied npoii 13 90 _ the following—named property. lo-wi ‘ All the right. title and interest owned. possessed nd Harvey Hardy. 5 on 21 judgment 10 ‘3 00 or held by the said Enos A. Wall on the 16111 trustees .................. 2824 Richardson, Hill 8'. Co. 5 _ 1 3:) day of August. 1379. the dztlc on which n transcript of the judgment docket was iiled trustees ................. 28:56 Richardson, Hill :51; Co. trustees . . .. ........... 2879 Richardson. Hill .82: Co. trustees .................. . “3131 Richardson, Hill 3: Co. trustees ................. 3103 Richardson, Hill & ‘o. trustees ................... 3164 ‘20 _ 0 00 in the efiice of the Recorder of Washington County, in rind to the followlnr; property. towit: that certain mining claim. or lode, known its the "lieuucr 11 1e.“ situnicd in the Harrisburg 111111112 District. “Washington County. Utah 'l‘vrritnry. together with all the tenements, ltereditamcnts and appurtenances .' 50 _ ‘30 L ' 00 thereunto belonging or iii any wise apper— 100 mining as the property of said Ellt \. Wall and will expose the same fol le, or so much as will satisfy plaiiitifi"s demand. to» wit: seven hundred avg) fifty-eight dollars and seventy-five cchts ‘81,..8 75), with interest 10 OJ from November 1, 1575‘. 1C0 _ '0 00 Court-house door. in St. George City. \Vashinutou County. Utah Territory, on the 17th day of September. A. D. 15:51. CD, Richard son, trustees ....... ‘II' Richardson, H1 100 “ Richardson, Hit """ 0 trustees........... ....,_._ ;, Iilcbard son . ‘ A. 0,, 3 trustees ................. Richardson, 11111 x trustees....... Richardson, Hill on, trustees ................... 3265 Richardson, Hut & C trustees ............ Richardson. bill a 13 30 Y 0 ‘40 _ . 2-10 _ 2° 00 ,_ . 10 trustees ................... 3189 Richardson, Hill A: .truetees ................... 3198 Richardson, Hill a C0. trustees ................... 3*“ trustees .......... Richardson, 1: 1 u trustees. . . Schmiedelt, Notice to Creditors. IN GROGEREES 3;? -\ well-appointed workshop l with special conveniences for maria heavy and light iron, copper and tinware. Purchasing from first hands, I am pre A Bold, Fearless Exponent l l i .....\\1)... pared to duplicate Stilt Lake prices. , THE PROBATE COURT IN AND for the County of Washington, Territory ofbllltahram thedinntler of the estate of Ju. _. ccease l co L ’1‘ s 1:th .m'coo i‘o er. nu y p trntors with the will it ~ gexed of Jacob Jo deceased. give notic All persons but 11;: claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tho same to us the :own OF THE PEOPLE. \ith the necessary vouchers, at Sun :1 Clara.Washington County, Utah Tetiitot'y within four months from the first publication of this notice. re nired bylaw. MARIUS E 1G ' r . JACOB TOBLER u Administrators with the will annexed of Jacob Jose. deceased. julyfi ‘ PROVISIONS gUBSCRIEE Hay and Grain, ,_ L0, 100 100 100 110 100 9-5 50 and costs. Terms, CASH. 2° 00 25 on St. George. August 27, 1581. T" 110 100 Si 00 at the AUGI’STITS P. HARDY. Slicrifl' or Washington County. IT IS THE BEST! JULIUS SULTAN, SAN FRANCISCO The Largest Circulation EXAMINER under the new management as zimorn 111;: paper. has outstripped all its conipeti (Successor t0 Jacobs 5; Sultan) the latest news telegraphic, local and market reports; and it editorials are honest, in- Terms- II. E. No. 5213 for the NW}; of SE); of Sec Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Best: Advertising Medium best family Daily. one year. 56, six months. S3; “’eekiy. one year. Q 2; six months. 51 25. Postage unid. Addre. . EXAMINER PUBL SHING COM‘Y. (5 Montgomery St , San Francisco. Editorial Rooms, 538 Sacramento St. HE ‘jNDERSIGNED OFFERS HIS News and Stationery business and 11x 12. Tp ~11. S R 12W. (if S L )1. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, George Gardner. Joseph M. Sanders, vi7 Norris Wilson, Jorgcn Peterson, all of Virgin City, Kane County, Utah. H. McMASTER. Register. GRGCER‘IES BAILEY d: Pansoxs. Amy‘s for Applicants Provisions, Produce, Assessment Notice. I. l. liege. CROCKERY, HARDWARE Send for "a. Specimen Copy ‘ EEDS MINING COMPANY—Location of principal place of business, San Francisco. California. Location of works, Silver Reef District, Washington County. Utah Territory. Notice is hereby given. that at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the 17th day of June. 1881. an assessment (No. 5) of twenty-five (25) cents per share was levied upon the capital stock of the Corporation. payable immediately in United States gold . . AND . . . . Mining Supplies, Harrison House Building, coin, to the Secretary. tit the ofllce of the ..AND.... Replete with Local Happenings and MAIN STREET ............ SILVER REEF Company, Room 6. No. 327 Pine Street, San Francisco, California. ‘ Any stock General Dealer in Matters of General Interest. PROVISIOIGE ....AND.... Boots and Shoes upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the 28th day of July, 1881, will be delinquent, and advertised for DRY GOODS Gents’ Furnishings, sale at public auction; and unless payment is made before will be sold on Monday, the 22d day of Angust.1881._to pay the delin ncnt assessment. together With cost of advert sing and iteroteoarot ”please; all EDI“. d f D‘rec’tors . . B) or D. B. CHISHOLM, Secretar . Office—Room (i, No. 327 Pine Street, t,” F. MILY Francisco. Cnliforn GROCERIES titres, with or without the building, for sale at a bargain. seat, on Saturday. August 6, 1851, viz: W IL 1AM ISOM. of Virgin City, Kane County, Utah. Meir: Street. Silver Reef. Utah dependent and vigorous. Its columns are clean. and contain no scandalous. personal or orIcnsive matter. It-is the newspaper yet published. LAND Orrica, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. l { June 2?, 1881. .NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN- THAT r the following-named settler has filed his notice of intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said prob! will be made before the Judge—or in his ab» scnce before the County Clerk of the Court of KlineCounty, Utull,—nt the count tors. and is now rcgarded by all as the leading newspaper of the Coast. it is britnful of NOTICE. .5 0,, 25 09 Lower Main Street, Silver Reef Sale to commence at 12 o‘clock noon. _ 2a 00 _ 35 09 EXAMINER THE L‘o. 3U x __ \ notice for Pubitcation4No. 624. NOTICE. N ACCOI'NT OF INTENDED DISSOlution of copartnership. all parties trustees .................. 2151 Richardson. Hill 6.; (. Hill of See 1. and NW9; of NW};. Sec 12, 743 S R He names the followinz witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said hind. viz: Wm. H. Laws, Victor D. Cram, Ashton Nebekcr. J. W. McAllistcr, all of Johnson. Kane County. Utah. 11. MCMASTER, Register. BAILEY d: PARSONS. Att‘ya for Applicant it ti to S. Sundays atiou free. Thor- DR. SPINNEY & CU. THE ONLY NEWSPAPER “'HI‘K‘E LEAD, ZINC AND PUTTY J. J. IIAilPIN. 11 Kearny 5.1., San Francisco. 90d LAND OFFICE, SALT LAKE Cur. UTAH TERRITORY. Julie 2-1, 1881. \TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT .L the followingvnanted settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim. and that said proof be ma 'e before the Clerk of the Court.will of General Dealer in ...'. Oils and Glass, ary Organs. ough L’XilllllllflilOll and advice. 35. trustees .................. 2110 Richardson, Hill d: o. Richardson, 'l‘O L.” D. STRONG, YOUR HEIR OR ssigns: You are hereby notifiedSthat I lnive expended for you in money the sum of $1,327 50. for the years and labor 1878, 1879. 1&393nd1881. on the KauarraCoal Compa ny‘s claim. near Kantirrn. Kane county , Utah Ter‘ ritory, that being the amount of your assessment on said claim. and unless you pay the same within ninety days the expira, tion of this notice. together from with cost of advertising, your interest in said the be forfeited to said company by claim will the opera tion of the law. “ J. B. FRANCIS, Agent. bilver Kane County, Utah. at Toquerville, Utah. on July 30, 188}. viz: D. S. 8111?. Win. D. Johnson. Jr., for the SWM of NWfi: WV, of SW14 LIQUOR-9 1nd 3 healthy res- :1 all such ctr torazimi of the geniltrur , trustees .................. $304 .v Crosby. all 01’ St. George, Washi y, Jesse W. ngton Conno 1y, L tub. . H. McMASTER. Register. Brim & Lows, Attorneys for Applicant. FOR THE SAN FRANCISCO Co. trus Richardson , l . troubled with too frequent evacuathe bladder, often accompanied by :1 :10 the urinary deposits :1 ropy sediment will be ill) I found. and sometimes all particles FM hum '11 "fill—appear. or he color will beof1.."al~ on 5 thin milkish hue. 51ng11 changing to a dar _ ' and iorpld appearance. There are many men who die of t difi‘icultv, ignorant of the AND Published in Southern Utah. .‘1 12 ' 2 :2.) 1‘ 10 1‘ Leisewiz H _. Lowe Geo A. MIXED AND DRY PAINTS There are many at the age of thirfy to six'}' WINES l J. A. Turrill i In Southern Utah. Middle-aged Men. :25 00 d: claim. and that said pronfiwlll he made before the County Court 5 W. of y kind or character which he undcrta t. and fails to cure. . Grant E It, trustee. Richardson , f cretion will do well to avail themselves Grunt E R, trustee. Grant E R, trustee. Hill following-named settle notice of hisintcntion to make r has filed final proof in support. of his Notice for Publication—No. 620. G No. 11 Keartiy Street, S. F. Grant E R. trustee. Grant E R, trustee. Grunt E R, trustee. Richardson, Publication—No. 697. RANGES ”a Grant E R, trustee. Hill W Notice for Reef, July 16,1581. It, trustee R. trustc . R, trustee R, trustee. R, trustee. R. trustee. Richardson, all of Santa Clara, Washington County, Utah. 11. MCMASTER. Reoiater. Barter & PAitsoxs, Att‘ys for App icant. \ ..catalogue. GUBLER. Declaratory State ment No. ‘ for the NW}; of the NEH-1 of Sec 17. Tp S H-e names the following witne42, sses to prove his continuous resid ence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Hafen. John S. Stucke, Marius Ensig n and Jacob i‘obler, R 16 \V . Notice to (Io-Owners. GROCERIES Grant E R. trustee.. Grant E R, truStee.. has filed said lemd,.viz: Loren Robert Gardner, Richard Bentle zo Brown. Trustee Coflln Jas, 'I‘r stee Coffin Jas, Trustee tng-named settler notice of his intention to nud_lllf1 N9. of the SW13, Sec 2:}, R 16 \V . lie names the follow in Tp 39, S witnesses to prove his continuous resideing nce upon and cultivation of lRail and Bar Iron a Specialty. Trustee. Publication—No. 696. of Wash-‘ incton County, Utah. at St. Geor e, on Sat-‘ tit-day. November 5. 1881. viz: C ARLES F. len'TER, Homestead Entry No. 4132 for the b“ 1. of~tlie NEAQ, 11nd SE31; of the NWZfi. or a Live Community.‘ Trustee. for LAND OFFICE, Sub-r LAKE Ctn', Unix, I ‘e tember 27. 1881. NOTICE IS .HEREBY GIVE N TH’AT . the follow Last) OFFICE, SALT LAKE Ci-rir, UTAH, l Septe 17. 1881 ' NOTICE IS HEREBYmber GIVEN THIAT .L . the TOBACCOS, CIGARS, Cas Pipe and Tubing, Iron and F. P. HILL, Proprietor. P R 0 VI S i 0 N S : —4- «w HvatMt-M-HH-t 12 .30 1‘3 5:) Terms,82.:301)erda:v‘. 111 ll .....\ ND.... vVashington, D. C. I IRON AND STEEL. f; 53 g. 5 GROCERIESI i HR WE BE w?2.3 THEM : Fill" lidlldE t '5 and Notice make final proof in support of his claim, and “'1“ be made before the Clerkthat said proof Court of Washington County,of the County Utah. at St. George. on November 12. 1881, viz: CASPER General Dealers in San Francisco, (.‘zililorniu. 3??) 00 l SILVER REE? ................. UTAH i: 10'.) :30 said day, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon. together with the costs of advertising and expenses of the sale. D. B. CHISHOLII. Secretary. OFFICE—Rooms F; and T. No. 327 Pine street. i: i\'o. hits. Am‘t. 1581.1” the hour of two [2) o‘clock 1". .\r. of HTonth a Silver Flee, MAIN STREET. BELOW CENT RE, MONDAY r. Names. Amazeen, R Alden ..... Bradshaw G H, trustee. Barrett & Walker trustee Brigham Henry 1’ Bayley G B, trust No. (Jet-t. d.1402 on is t: as follows: California, , the ’I‘uEN'lY-‘ECOAU (22) (lay of AUGUST, ‘3 June, 1881. the several amounts set oppoisle the names of the respective shareholders, Francisco. Ha pin ts NOTICE—There are delinquent upon the. following described stock, on account of asnessment (No. 5), levied on the 17th day of Sun £1.11. 3: Location of works. Silver Reef District Washington county, Utah Territory. Monm...c-._..~_-- t: l EEIIS DIINING (‘0MPANY--LOCAA tien of principal place of business, San Francisco, California. And in accordance with law, and an order of the Board 01 Directors. made 011 the 17 b day of June, 1881. so'innny shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold at public auction. at the office of Parker Crittcnden. auctioneer, Room No. , No. 30?. Montgomery street. i: t: Delinquent Notice. . ”2% WAgency for Singer Sewing Machines. fiGoods promptlydelivered free of charge J. R. RICKARDS. Advertising Rates on Application Notice for Publication— No. 41' Tobacco and Cigars, 100 ‘0 °’ ,- Dissolution Notice. 100 25 M7 00 6 25 . TOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT .L the firm 0 LIDDLE BRQS. ti: CQ., Schmledell, Hochaladter It: Go. trustees .............. 828 Hoehsuadter at 00, trustees. . . . 1 doing business at Silver Reef, Ltah. is dis- sold null proof will bamade before the 1(1) g(; 03 solved by mutual consent, JanirvsC. and Donald S. Liddlc having sold their interest to 50 Rtein Nat, trustee.. stein Nat. trustee. 100 10‘) 1.3 50 .35 m, _ . Worillcy, Land 8: Judd. The business will be continued by“ oolley. the Court of Kane county, at the county on Thursday, December 80111. 1810, viz: J .._ Jepson. Sh. of Vlrgen City, Kane county, . .35 0,) 3', 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 (.0 2;, 00 25 [0 625 2 to 7 50 Lund d: Judd and R. T. Gillespiveginder the firm Iltll'ne of GILLESPIEH LI ND & CO. who will assume all the liabill'lcs of and rereive all accounts due the late firm of Liddle Bros. 1!: Co. JAMES C. LIDDLE, l). S. LIDDLE. R. ’1‘. GILLESPIE. _ \VOOLLEY, LU.\D & JLDD. Silver Reef, Utah, August 18, 1381. ‘ _ .3293 ,- a Go, trustees. . . . . ......... 100 103 100 trustee. . trustee. 100 100 trustee. 10J trustee. 25 Stein Nat, trustee. Scott John F.... 10 30 Shows“ .1 M, tru V'erdenal D F. trusw 1354 Woods a- Fraeborn, trur- ees.1693 Wood: A: Freeborn, trusteesJi'M Woods & Fresher-n, trustees 18'29 Woods & 'E‘reeborn. trustee ‘ ' Woods it: Freeborn, trustee 9 Water-house JnoThoa,trtiateci 86‘.) OTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN’ , undersigned settler has file" . Schmiedell, 11.0 JUST RECEIVED 5U 1‘1) 5'1 5.1 20 5 5 5t) 50 100 1.. 50 fig. I C L 0 T H I N G And Ladies’ Articles,- intention to make final proof in ., claim. and secure final entry thereo . ....A full line of assorted.... WALL PAPER Terms of Subscription: H. E. No. 5009, transmutation of D. 8. No. 69 for the 8}; NW%, and SWX 8W%,sectton 26, Six Months ........ .. ........ township 4], 1i. 3. 1'2 W, and he expects to prove his continuum residence Spot! and cultivation of said tract by two of ribs lollgwlng. Which will be Sold at Lowest Prices .. 3 00 House, Sign and Ornamental named witnesses, viz: TAILORING PAINTINIG 11- “1°” ‘8 Paper Hanging 8: Kalsnmining 1 25 12 50 12 50 ALL PARTIES IN’DEBTED TO THE Branch House of Goldsmith & 00., late doing business in this City. are hereby notl ITAn assortment of fine imported English Cloths always on hand. fled that all unpaid accounts owing to said firm have been placed with J. N. Louder for Shop corner Centre and FiretWest Streets 100 25 0.) 25 00 75 00 . collection. GOLDSMITH & CO- nun conn . com, une- . y' n. Montana, Register. 4N0. A. BAILEY. attorney {or applicant. I Miners’ Union Meetings. n :1 300 n Cit In all its Branches. Fine Suits Made to Order 1‘. I191 houseJnoThos,trua!ee2~i36 George Humphrios, John ipendlovegegermuh Wright. Notice. “ aterhouse JnoThos,trustee'22‘19 , One Year .......... .... .................. $6 00 A SPECIALTY. .1. \vixooisr. LOUDER F. M. BLOMQUIST. K. of T. B. n, a. STEELE Publishers. LAR—Mfi'rrxos or ’IKE Hfiiiiierg‘Ilnion of Harrisburg Miihy District will be held at Miners Union lag-1 on the first and third Wednesdays ofnevcry mouth. Members of the (inton‘aiexraglse‘sxel . ll Ell: {Illegihxvmm Secretary. Prceldt its; |