OCR Text |
Show (l I I l - . . w: dtz’fiiltt‘r" 13m whiting J. iv. LOUDIB. seam. \ SILVER Lennon: on 8.1.33“! ' usssrnr sun-nu. on: sum am mun. ' ll . c. W.Onhx......nsMontgomory-t. Boom 10 Bin Innoisco, (ll. -_ _.0mce--)Imnn Building. Lower Main Street l _, 7, _~_-. ______ J:B.Lmnsn..... .. ...... ..!'ripco._Ut-h .‘Slx Months. Thruarhlonths. One Month. .. . Single, Qupies............. , 1 533338 TREK-Y 0F SUB508I?noN. Canadian-nun ...,.-........... ”Hung _ 3 .“ NO. 34. SILVER REEF, WASHINGTON COUNTY, UTAH, SATURD AY. JULY I6‘ I88l. Be Careful Whnt You Say. grammar. in speaking of a person‘s faults ; Pray don‘t forget your own; J. N. LOUDER, élleal Estate and Collection Agent mobilise land Dwelling Houses, MinMg and other Proportion to Sell or Lease. Remember those in houses of glass Should never throw a stone. If we have nothing else to do But search for guilt and sin. ‘Tis better we commence at home And from that point begin. We have no right to judge a nun Until he has been tried; should we not like his company We know the world is wi 8; Some may have faults, and who has not? The old as well as young: We may perhaps, for aught we know, Careful Attention Given to all Busi— Have any to their one. . ‘ne’ss Entrustudfio my Caro. omcenxixn 'Buildlug. Silver Reef. Utah '1‘. M. BLOMQUIST, I‘ll tell you of a better he. And find. it works rul well: To try my own defeats to cute. Be ore of others tell; And though I sometimes hope to be No worse than some I know. My own shortcomings bid me let he faults of others go. House, Sign and Y Then let us all. when we commence To slander friend or foe. Think of me hum that one may do V ORAAMENTAL PAINTER RTo ml)” who little know; i L " “no“ 9' 0'1”“ ”mellmefii i‘e ‘ . 1381“,: $33.???blfigilsaiaiifi-‘i'mi‘ Next to Aumond‘a Livery 8%- IE. HAIR STREET ...... . . . .SILVEF REEF upon the membrane of the throat. and .i MEMORY OF THE PAST. nose. Cotton paper is so cheap that a thousand cigarettes can be wrapped The old rocker which for many with it at a cost of two cents. Rice years held a. precious burden and paper is not so much used, as it is which occupied one place by the rather more expensive. It is some- homestead hearth, is vacant, and times adulterated with linen or cot- down stairs the gentle form who octon, to make it cheaper. The average cupied it so long lies in the quiet em— smoker cannot distinguish between brace of death. There is a bush in the commonest and best qualities of the old homestead. The summer paper. One who knows something of breezes steal over the meadows softly, the trade can, however, perceive the and creeping in at the low window s difference at. a glance. “ Tobacco- make mournt‘ul music as they cross nized ” paper is manufactured. It is the sills. The birds in the great trees common paper saturated with to— outside appear to have attuned their bacco and marked in such a way as to notes to solemn cadences. as if even imitate the veins in the tobacco leaf, they, too. shared in the sorrow that very neatly. At a first glanttc’fi fills the home to—day. The bees wouid pass for the genuine article. It ' soberly from flower lo flower, slip the is used for making “all tobacco” (ironing sounds that accomp any Cigarettes and to a considerable ex- flight appearing to be burdene their d with tent 'for wrapping the cheaper sort Ofl peculiar solcninity. The cattle on cigars. By immersing the paper in [the hills are gathered in the shade of water the tobacco ‘ _ can be readily sep- ,seiitinel oaks, their meek cycs inutcly VOL. 3. SOME CHAMPION LIARS. Samoa. Attorney at Law and Notary Public, SILVER REEF. UTAH. _ ,c. motion, Physician and Surgeon, (Juror—hint door to lislpln‘s stern. MAIN 5'1". .. - - Z ERA SILVER REEF. SNO‘V . A t. t o rn o y a t L a. u' ' . Box ii. EBAY EH 'CT'ITY, UTAH. 'iAIII'IBnI ll. 8. Attorney for lit-h. MAURICE N. .KAIGHN _ A1; to Epoxy .— > , . a. t L a w, v' or -. 6‘”: I“Mi/E 0“ ' AH' , Orr-rat: tin. as, "F" f‘”“’ .,...~ .g "6-3aruiul'a milk. ‘ its rest. .‘His'sonuyrs then be o‘er; figgfiigf‘gg .‘fluge‘fglg‘grgim— ° ,' a} Manufacturer. l _ ..... .m , __ 7' . . - , , __ [Philadelphis Times] There is a certain brand of cigarettes regarded as the most saleable in the market, in which enervating (Successor to 'I‘. G. Bailey), drugs are used to a frightful extent. Millions of these cigarettes are sold annually. One house in New York OFFICE—First. door south or White House, sells on an average of five hundred thousand a day, and the profits of the Salt Lake City, Utah proprietor of the brand are said to be a third of a million dollars a year. AXES APPLIUAIXONB _ FOB KINERAL Valerian and a tincture of opium are n Enema; prepares “manta-d. Pro-empuon. Tin-bu Onlmo, Desert Loud Ind Pension strongty used in the manufacture of Plums. cigarettes. The tobacco, which is a Write Iohlm, enclosing stamp {or informaand naturally “on and II" ' "‘1‘ ‘° u" “n" A“ ”"8" Virginia. tt production ' straw colo: ‘ panapnuml'FedP‘0mpu" m 3;?" 232g; and greasy1lli flitdgrlfi John Agent puma-2.301263. Politics, Literature, Society, Satire rtumsnnn s'r SAN rasscrsco. CAL HE ARGONAUT IS A REPRESENTA— T tive our'nulol' American ideas sudlitsuture. ti! thoroughly independent. in its editorial treatment of the topics of the. day. it aims to give the best Pacific Coast literature obuinoblnaswcll as the current good thin of the press. It is published weekly. or. per year; 32 25 for six months; $1 50 fauna mouths—psysble in ssdvsnge. s:51; Md on recei t a rice. sci on c uni. re. Addrfu T E ARifONAUT, 522 California Street. Ssn Fnucibco. California TREMDNT nous: Exchange Saloon, 7 .- A' LEVY? """""""""" PNPNC‘DP dulge in their killing delights, and boys and youths go in swarms for them. What is called “Havana tiavoring’.’ has grown to be an import" ins POPULAR-HOTEL use BEEN EN ant article 0 commerce. Thousands ‘ ,h ‘ commodstions for of barrels of it are sold everywhere. extensivel used in manufactur- immutaauia... .. a. o... m'fim ”Ml" “Mm” “m“‘n" "a, ,ili‘ig‘scertaln "V I ' ' '- "-y F- P' BILL.Plopriotor. 3: ' ' Feed. and livery Stable, Peter ,Mahnken, BMW-Fl" ' ‘ ‘ thatpgs lately been put on the mar— ‘ ' —*~ _ .. ,.. V.» ie inornin the editor took it i his 011]) Md” "1 4“ hone..t 59‘183“ “”h 3:,“ and dished 03- [he follo‘lving fate and know thatnotlnng he had eve" dour. had ““5119“ H pang to the On the next day about. 9 o’clock the editor sat in his sanctum with his feet cocked back and a ripple of amusement breaking over his handsome visage as he perused tlic racy produc— tions of his fertile brain in the columns of the Enterprise. A stranger built (in an unusual tall frame suddenly threw open the door, and strid- LL Kl‘ND's or WooD—w‘orur ‘noux A. on short north-.31; ll? exp‘grrienced work. t for is ros.‘ ons.,wn on "‘ 0“ billi‘egiie'lns‘ ind sundries. ”gunmen?“- PETER MAESKIN. ' _.. 1' ' . . ‘ _ , ~ ' ' , . , ‘ l . ' ' , ' ‘ " :r a a " .. . ' l ‘ ' ‘ Next door to the drug store. Mnln 81v»!- Ollvor Roof. um . .. _ ‘ I don t know, . as: "0“ led B11] Har- name was upon ht‘l‘ lips when she passed away. Alas! his grief is too sacred for the world’s cold eye, too sorrowful for profane intrusion. It is only left for him now to guide others by his own sad experience. - "'Well, I,“ 5““ tell you what he woods he picked up a pine knot, held it. over the axle and squeezed the tar outenit. Old Pete Jennings had a grip that beat a visa, you bet. ’ ' THE B her and Lem Williams in chorus. ‘ L' Wines. a Iqun's CIGARS Oblahable in the UN'ITED STATES. “Stranger," said Lem Williams, as he rose up, “I don’t like to dispute a man’s word, but that’s a blazin’ lie, i an. mam. The summer air is full of sweetness, and I :lin’L gwinc to believe it,” and and the white-haired mother is at he and Bill Harker, outlicd and disrest forever. With her the battle is gustcd, mounted their horses and left ended and the victory won. Tipper with a. serene smile on his face M. l]. Qurax. BAH-norms“ J. gun: ., ___...._.__ ing into the room, announced himself as he whittled the edge of a cracker‘ A Good Deed. QIIIRK BROTHERS as follows: box. ~——~v-“-— . “My name is Allison—~Clay Allison. There is nothing so noble and .__.s.. A Romsrkable Girl. Is Editor Dill in ?” touching as a really spontaneous act The man in the chair hesitated a of generosity, after all. The other A strange and supernatural power moment and then answered. “No, day, a rough, careless looking stran- has just been discovered in a little m sir—Dill is still in bed. My name is ger was walking up Mission street, girl who lives in Little Rock. She is Smith.” near Sixth. when he observed a lot of a daughter of two respectable parents, It is of this Allison that the story is fioodlums clustered around the gate named Carison, honest and poor, who told regarding the killing of a gam- of a small frame house, in front of have several other children. The bler named Chubb at Cimarron, New which a poor woman was weeping family lives on a small farm, and in Mexico. Court was in session when bitterly, suiroundcd by her terrified dirt and happiness. There is nothing The Pioneer. the murder was committed, and the children. A scanty array of house- remarkable in either of the parents Sheriff took Allison immediately be- hold goods on the pavement showed or these children, with the exception fore the Judge. When Allison came that it was a case of ejectmcut. of their youngest daughter, Winnie, to the front he suddenly whipped out “What are you abusing that woman who is six years old. Infect, they a big navy revolver, and placing it for?” demanded the "man from be- are very commonplace people. The 0.0 of "I. In.“ nsmm I'IblOI before him on the table said: “Jo 39: low,” _ _ addressing an ill-favored in— child has exhibited . ciarvoyant _ . ‘ _ powers .- . ‘ “a “flu." :3qu m “Sheriff di‘arm the ri‘oner” said the Judge: a p t ’ “Your Honor, I beg to be excused,” replied the Sheriff. “Summon a posse,” ordered the Judge. “1 will kill the first man that moves,” exclaimed Allison. “This Court stands adjourned for the present term,” was the only further order of the Court, and the prisoner . and the Court moved out of the . . ' ' Vile asitis, it is bought up the plate in the camera. in great masses by agents of the manufaoturers, who turn it. into a dingy pulp and subject it no a bleaching process to make it presentable. The lime and other Substances used in bleach- 1' “The 13“ch “WW“ 3‘ “‘9 31""!is at. all, times I! the service of the public) {or the purposes of social rocreution.‘ No improper chcmters tolerated. PETER WELTE. lCAPlTOL. landlord- “she can’t pay her rent, and I ani going to bounce the whole outfit, that’s all.”_ , “I’ve a good mind to bounce you, ’ said the stranger, indignantly; “what is the amount that she owes you ?” “Twenty-two dollars. ” “Here, take it out of that,” and the angry man took out his wallet and handed over a $100 greenback. The evictor respectfully turned over the receipt and the chan e. Forcing an additional “V” on t e happy woman, the stranger walked l‘aPiCdlY “Wi‘y' factored from filthy scrapings of rag~ when he had put her in position an: Blacksmithing & Repairing pickers. “5 ‘ ""cl'ny' ___,_. I AM NOW PREPARED T0 SUPPLY the Trade. Famill ' and the public gouersllv with a Choice ole 0 Beer, by the lieg. Quart or Bottle. Beer delivered free to any part of Silver of and ad}:cent violnities.“ ' l short time. All eyes were turned to....Alw|yl on land the but to bear burdens that would never! ward the speaker, [Denver Inter-Ocean] and they began to Agood story, with a touch of the have come had he abided by the! size him up. “I reckon old Pete Jenpathetic in it, is told regarding the, counsels of that gentle mother when, l nings,” continued the stranger, “was WINES, LIQUOBS AND CIGARS notorious outlaw of New Mexico,Alli~ 3 on a day long, long ago, he turnedl about the heftiest man in these United onouaa manna. son, and a distinguished editor now; his back upon the homestead to go States, if I ain’t mistaken. You see, outium the strange world to meet of this State. The latter went at one . one day he was hauling some fence time to Trinidad and became the and mingle in its manifold experience. posts in an ox wa on, when the editor of a small daily publication at Standing beneath the shadows of the 3 wheels began to creak ikc they needed that place called the Enterprise. old homestead to-day, what would he . greasin’. lie looked under the wagon About that time Allison had been give if he had never departed from- for his tar bucket and found it. warn’t What would hey iliar, and what do you raiding the saloons of Trinidad. those counsels? suppose he Main St... on vet 1190!. Feeling in an unusually , happy mood give if he could look back and see did 1’” rien s an r ai . e m orme a. man named Travers, that if he would search on his farm in a certain place he would find a treasure. He searched, and unearthed an old leather pocketbook containing$20,000. The effect of the trance which the little thing seems to go into is- very exhausting, but is beyond the control of the parents. They are supersti- tions, and believe that their daughter is to become famous. The ignorant neighbors take advantage of this . , opportunity for peeping into the look- n . lhe o lady looked hard at the spot indicated and then got up and walked across the floor and minutely inspected it, and then turning to the photographer, gently remarked, “I don‘t see anying have a very harmful influence thing there." ‘1 ‘ , "m m... I , Liquor. and Cigar“ on ma. "’ PIN! GLUE 300! IN Mr Philadelphia Said uul ”unsound“. 9 ' - ~ h t, ' h' a in “N u madam lease look “ entric cuss t 3 ’EM'd . th e h 0““ {fig—glass 8 35m.tgfagle‘l , nh‘htgi'eiabzlgguggfilbig an", “1 m Tilestgo ggggliflg eghsd e] y:ind steadily nun. , ht lehrlsapher , Place too’nan rice in Turin I{heoldwall,” The firstnggelpné kind 15mm“looking said a photogr 0f Winnie, lady owner, “ha: is: musmgly strainge onectems to say’ gen._ ’after ’the _ philanthrop. erally ag‘ifiwerg u egagxanp rii; ' Silver Roof, Utah. ,past as none 03 the Others recall it. l had been in the neighborhood but 3 3 Why? Because to him it. was given A Comical Outlaw. it's,“ Ari-13;: l: asoflodggili kdl‘ltitbliatdgoli budding from opposne doors _ ' Wsite’s Bravery. kind}; of cigarettes. It is don’t make no inistakel I want jus— diVidual, who was carrying out the of a startling nature: bhe Will sit in . akiuqu trance andlufOrm customers certain kinds of cigarettes. It is Court responsible.” “I ain’t abusmg her,” growled the pf thgll' age ellintdoglsie (isegith'o; then!m the touca 33L M. influenza .. Are dealt over‘khe bar to patrons. WPrivute Club Rooms attached to the ' establishment. extensively used in manufacturing tice done, and propose to hold this fnrmture. bean which 3:135:05, drug called mellalotis, a deadl poison, seven grains of which will ill a. dog. Imagine the effect which must result from pufiing that vile stuff into the lungs hour after hour. . The paper coverings are also a fruitful source of evil to the cigarette Mullins so. allvor Boot. III-b smoker. There are three sorts of pa, per in common use, made respectfully from cotton and . linen rags. and, rice ., '7 Wines, Liquors fund Cigars ; on the market. By the use of drugs L l .‘ At this popular resort none but the choicolt ant flavor, and have a soothing effect hide." it is possible to make a very inferior quality of tobacco pleasant. Mannfaioturers, therefore, put these vile things on the market at a price that makes it easy for the poorest to iii- - - - 12l’Cents plaint,” remarked 3“}. i that a little time obtain a fascinating control over the smoker. The more cigarettes he smokes the more he desires to smoke, just- as is the case with one who uses opium. The desire grows into a passion. The smoker becomes a slave to the enervating habit. To the insidious effect of the drugs is attributed the very success with which this particulcr brand has met. Unfortunately that success has caused an army of imitators to spring up, and everyday almost. some new brand of drugged cigarettes is placed T ”Wcll,” he replied, “corn’s sorter‘ ’gin to tasseling, but the stand is powerfully poor. ” “That seems to be a general com- t can detect the “We have a curiosity to 566 this heart .Ot th“",19“"g ”with.” Who?“ dld- H" lll'opptd “P the .aXle-tl‘ef‘. Presence of valeriaii by the smell. pest Allison—this monster in human “WW “PS “0“ “0‘1“ “9‘91 ”10V“ 1“ Wk The drugs impart a sweet and pleas- form, from whom men run and prayer for the wayward boy whose the the wheel ofl, “lid stepping outin . Washington, D. C- “Wham”, d‘y' , Beer, - - the lips. The result, however, has! the birds’ SUlt m l notes, the bees’ Stiftg “That reminds me of a man I used not been satisfactory. i hum and the wmd's low sighs, as 110m: : to know in Buford county, Alabamy,” gof the others hear them; recalls the i said fi‘fi-u ,, o o , a stranger named Tipper, who perienced tobacconis An American Journal at... California Brewer-y. SAL0ON. . , De? Wit the tobacco to that o thelel'7sf “PS 1" the llUSh and silence 01‘ pile on the wood and kept. pilin’ till limiter alone. A number of tips or l the night when She UDOH 1161‘ knees § .luukins had a cord and a half offireholders ecss lo which it is subjected. lin ex- brilliant paragraph: The Argonaut, } q . armed from it. resting on the quiet holds in all the this here country ain‘t good MAIN ‘TREETH-"T '''''' “HER BEEP Arsenical preparatio ns, it is said, semb'aiices of grief. Upon the porch . for"Yes. . raisin . co~ u . ' ‘ . "; ' in - ' said Lem as he are used in bleaching most Cigareite are gathered sirong men anti mature ; took a 13-95;] ’A. ‘ Bailey , Land. ' have been dei iscd with a l alone asked the . Fathel' 10 111055 1101‘ l wo'pd on his Shoulders, new to .overcome he turned the evil ‘ci‘l‘ccts'ofj darlings, ”0,11. 119‘" I)“ fell! ..bfiéll,ljlt§ i,anu.’qa§fiodhulirmi:d-theand boat. lung.” : .A,°gl..,. .chAfi'giiTugv-a A}? "iiptclflmilt‘difflfi‘bdl‘i’r { [WWW "fl Fwy will \V;i:\v.mt l‘d call 5. purty tolerable I l . ' baicco from coming into contact with, features bl‘OllZ (led hears; stotlt man.” Points Gnchferod. in an Interview with Biol“, ’Eublio in (limes. p Hank’s grocery is situated on the edge of a prairie in southern Texas, and on Sunday quite a crowd used to meet there and swap news and lies and have horse races and get boiling drunk and indulge in other harmless NOrth Main Street, .Silver Reef amusements. Old Lem Williams used to be on hand every Sunday, JOHN PENDRAY.----.Pfopr'letor and was considered the boss liar in ' the State. One Sunday Lem 'Wiliiams BEST OF LQIUORS & CIGARS. himself was seated in front of Hank’s And Lager Beer on drought. - ‘ grocery store, spitting tobacco juice at grasshoppers, when Bill Hai'ker remarked: "How’s crops up your way, Lem ?” w— C Insox CLARK. ' The Stranger from Alabama. Draws In the Pot. chug; "but if you want papers. and oil of creosote is produced women who hastened from naturally as a consequence of com- , cities when this sad message distant. 1i to see corn what is corn, you orter go came to i to Fort Bend. When I was bustion. The latter has a most inju— gtlicni—-“inoi.her is dead." farming The Butcher-'- Love. They are ion the Brazos, in that. country rious effect upon the membrane of the , very silent of speech. , my but memory is ' corn grew so tall and thick s corn-r or "ran nruxn's" sum; YOIT. throat that I had anti upon the lungs, and is said : caii'yiiig each of them back to the i to hang lamps on the to accelerate the development of con- 1 days of childhood, when their mule's A butcher loved a tender maid. young ‘see how to plow a furrow. ears to sumption in any one predisposed to l limbs grew strong with the It was To woo her were his designs, romp and ,UOI‘l], and no mistake; and in the And he sent her copies of gushing verse— the diseaae. Papers used by a variety ;exercise over the very fields across In fact, real tenderloins. fall the stalks were so high that I had of manufacturers were burned for the l which they are glancing iii—day with to knock to the ears down with satisfaction of the reporter, and a I tear—dimmed eyes. To the time a susThe girl, alas! he could not sort— when safras pole. Darn my skin, the pungent, stifling odor arose from all -' mother’s voice was heard She would love him as a. brother: calling were so big that it tuk a strong cars But when implored to marry. said: man of them. I them at all hours; to the days when "Tripe. please, and find another.“ One firm claims to have discovered l mother‘s prayers were breathed above to carry niorc’ii three. of them at a The butcher still pursued the girl, a process of dcnuding cigarette paper 3 the crib and cradle that her darlings , time."~ "Speaking about strong men,” reHis lens became much holder; of its deleterious eii'ects. Little faith, : should be kept from evil ways and The girl at last, to find relief. however, is put in its professions, and gsorrows’ bitter cup. ’l‘hey remembe lmarked Bill Harkcr, "sorter causes lee to him a cold shoulder. r me to remember an old steambo the paper used by it smells as vilely 1 her in all the flush and lovelines at s of captain who used to run on the Ho knew then that his hopes were vain. ' when ignited as any other. A lead- i noble womanho Yazoo od. They recall her river in ’53. One day he But. in he left he said ' lug tobacco merchant, speaking of the : gentle lessons stopped at a ”Bilice you have caused me such distress, and her tender disci- l landing for some wood, and the nigfact that so many thousands go oulpline; her loving I‘ll hannch you when I‘m dead." s and her l gcrs were kinder slow about bringin’ complacently smoking paper-covered ‘yearning solicitude;kindnes her ain- * it aboard. Old J udkins, IIe-piued andend grew thin and pale He felt his w“so nick: the captain, cigarettes, notwithstanding their well l lug Spirit {“111 her abidinguncompl smiles; her . roused up and. cussed everythi Bun,” woe was such he did not know known pernicious cliects, said that. , Ilevrr ceasing toxls and never ending : within reach. Says he, walkin’ ng Whether to liver die. up cigarettes wrapped in pure tobacco ,i cares; her nieekness: her sweetness: ' to the woodpiie whar the. iiiggers was leaves, while less injurious, would be , and above all, her faith in the He tried Lo drink to drown his cares, Divine put work: ‘Pile on yer timber, much And there found no relief: yer more expensive, and that. be-t influence of prayer. Through misty ionery skunks, and let me show ye‘r lint daily grew more woehegone— Sides, people in time grow to prefer. 95"?5 they ,hf‘ill‘ 0‘10“ again, the 801" ‘ how to carry wood!’ an‘ he stretched You never sausage grief. the pungent flavor of the burninr' pa- 5 voiced petitions accenthng from motli- l out. his' arms. chll, sir, the diggers ms weny'souleoon willnnd We have none of our own. . N. B.-0ur noni- no authorised to collect ‘ moneys due this 9m“. tising And ottond fordovol'vto all his “up ' other man hmlug upon: than u the representative. of tho . . publisher. 1:111??? Phlllglttggolgrfingid£gglig Stir-radio; cape attention pflf'mflghrdhrmuredurgtfftly to himself, as he out the neigirborhood, and is becomput on a little more pedestrian steam: “It’s no use talkin —letue is its own reward. I co dn‘t have. t ing talked of as one of Arkansas’ remarkable productions. another such a chance to work 011‘ t at The nearest approach to n conficounterfeit in a 'year."—-[S. F. Post. i dence game is pulling a mule‘s tail. '7 V ’2 I I l I Pro “I... “11m l: ' :. ‘ p . . ___ ' .‘n'm ‘ Ind ‘ l h .‘ a;.. I wnto. moul- A!" “5“! 1 .r ' “ lath”; V'guwsonlll'l‘li‘" "a Insulin-so" - |