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if I Ad 0 1171 LIFE INSURANCE acre money selling LIFE less work and less competitiOn anything else chanca or energetic Address iI v Utah annd idaho o MAIL POST clerks carriers Salary to Examinations in City or 17 tree Immediately for Dept lochester N Y MEN IN irOwn successors I 0 il Mrs 1 nl 1 10 Al Fl South East FOR OJ stock only first 0 S McCornick nick Block YE DESIRE FOR two or rinh week to do doI I LOLIO 01 linni I I g Ii g 14 North Main Street city crAs JOIS ANT nd n man In Ii loni alt State H C jitter dIy SIS SIScar car tine ci the following will confer by informing 0 r ii care or Deseret News 1 N formerly of Falls of Alla j jI I I Burg formerly cC Utah Samuel of bridge Alta canada Cuss W formerly of fling horn 1 John Ii Cramer of U Or U Dormitory Lake City C of Charles fon ii or Mont JR Phillips of 11 Provo Arthur engineer of Frank or Idaho c i formerly of o ALi MAKES repaired exchanged and sold Utah Co 62 Second South Street FOR EVERY lUND bi office paper Agents w PRINTING kinds of etc lone at the Dee eret NeWS SUPPLIES AND LEGAL blanks of News Book New and Cash trade or Co South Street NATIONAL CASH OS OScar car agent Ex cash register No 21 Main St BIDS AND ESTIMATES oi printing loose and card systems promptly tho Deseret News LEITERS that h c the personal dictation The Co liCe 1 Trust Bell c for forI button No 1337 I Cut Cutmer it wIth purchase mer PaInt Ac ad Store South diamond ring Gypsy setting one at GLASSES IE oI along night to News a OIt TWO MARES ONI light hay 7 year old LOCC one dark buy I years weight Garfield CC Foundry and work nIl smelter a N W S L OJ MATERIAL Steiner utin St work reinforced plain ornamental So Sib SAMUE MAKES steam smokestackS rear ID W t CO stean anti bat water iEn rs South AND wood brass iron and given Pat Pattern St tern No Reed J R Prop roOf roOfing air furnace South Temple Hat ing cornice etc GRAS CO OFFIC l r If to bUild see us Walter MI Jones NO erd Street CO COAL of Tl iloth phones tos red t g Ii nd Creosote CI P 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Hid CARPETS ON TIlE oar Guarantee satisfaction Ask our Phone American Va awn Carpet Cleaning Co CoS S I STEAM CAttiEr CLEANING feather renovating Ork guaranteed Car West and so emple Emyr Bynon Bell Tel hOME CO prices Offices flo WI NATIONAL CO COt t let South lOch phone phoneD D JAPANESE house cleaner V 2nd So St 3 FOIl AND of every description try tIne Salt WORK AND ROCK WORIC DONE cheaper itT methods Magdiel Bros or orI U I CSt Second p t ii e r JIb 1 to GT lORAN ns Salt r l Leli Salt flIR D Chi I nd Ito 5 Miln GI r Templeton Phones It OPTICIANs 0 CO tot manufacturing opticians and prescrIptions someday Grinding on i I the fitting to tine eyes 1013 r OF i work a Sira I ii Sou I ii 1 I 2414 I nois a smil El it e IO titling system l nile 1 Bell Ic idi ng C rr r Mrs T Li 4 h e I Fiat St V t fats IOAN TIlE PilO inako real estate liOn ah urea competitors d jR year 0 2 NOTES OF iI bought ascOt ty cheapest Cates InC clUes 0 cC No 5 Eagle nik nil cI warehouse nd 1007 A ii FRAZIER VAN STORAGE CO V CO 1 enns anti careful men No I 4 PADDED GOOD clean warehouse by Inn pace 5 Eagle md Z Zt t C ShOE West Beta phonsa Bell gg lad ewed Oc Dope Ou wait Mi r lB 0 31 iI new iiI lI sr STOVE Dr all makes C l tV md 2319 Chas Peterson St J braiS 4 scenery las electric g COol dressers china anal St To nur md C BUY i Fair 7 tenTh HIGhEST iRICE PAID FOR 4 goods Ill ALL Send i once Phone YOU WANT AN M Call co lET 1 in hiti i ie DESERET ar 13 South Bell phonic 5 id GoodwIn Mgr t wit co SCAVENGER uTAh Mgr EGO So ash Both phones 1619 lh 5 a co tP C C CS 1 S 5 I t l |