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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, August 7, 1969 The Millard County Chronicle Published every THURSDAY at Delta, Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY R. h. (Bob) RIDING PUBLISHER INEZ RIDING EDITOR o. Letters and unsolicited unsolicit-ed articles for publication publi-cation do not necessarily neces-sarily reflect the policy pol-icy or views of this newspaper. No letter should be longer than 300 words. All letters must be signed. Name will be withheld only by specific request. Entered as Second Class matter at the Postoffice at Delta, Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879 Subscription Rate $4.25 a year In advance Six Months $2.53 Advertising Rates on Request MEMBER VUI STATE SS0CIAT10I MAriQNnL UJEW8PJPPER Association - Founded 1885 Second Ward Continued from front page) mentary school. Mr. and Mrs. Paul (Zolet) Peterson of Murray. They will be going to New Orleans this fall so that Mr. Peterson can finish his schooling. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Voorhies and family of Provo. They will be moving to New York after summer school this month. Mr. and First Ward Hews JUDY ANN STONEKING David Jensen, Tommy Bladen, Robert Killpack and Eussell Bird spent twelve days at the National Scout Jamboree, Farasut, Idaho. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO PUBLIC PUBLIC HEARING State Route-27 US Highways 50 and 6 F-029-2(3) Delta Railroad Separation The State Road Commission of Utah herewith advises all interested interest-ed persons of proposed improvements improve-ments in the nature of a new highway high-way overpass structure on US Highways High-ways 50 and 6 in Millard County, Utah. The location of the improvements improve-ments is as follows: Beginning at the west end of Delta Main Street and extending westerly 0.33 mile over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. The governing officials of Millard County and Delta City have been notified. i A public hearing will be held at 1:30 p.m., Thursday, Saturday, September 4, 1969, at the Delta City Building, to advise the citizens of the reasons for such design features fea-tures and to hear matters pertaining pertain-ing to the social, economic and environmental effects of such proposed pro-posed highway improvements. Schedules for acquisition of right of way and for construction will be discussed. Maps, drawings and other pertinent perti-nent information developed by the Utah State Department of Highways High-ways and written views received by the Department from public officials and agencies, public advisory ad-visory groups, and other interested persons and groups will be available avail-able for public inspection and copying copy-ing at Utah State Department of Highways, 880 North Main, Cedar City, .Utah. HENRY C. HELLAND DIRECTOR OF HIGHWAYS STATE ROAD COMMISSION OF UTAH By order of the Commission Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah June 12,1969 Published August 7, 1969 and August 28, 1969. NOTICE The Millard County Board of Education Ed-ucation will accept sealed bids until 5:00 p.m. August 12, 1969, on supplies for the school bus garage in Delta, Utah. Anyone who desires to bid on the supplies may pick up the bids at the Millard School District Office Office in Delta, Utah. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Talmage Taylor, Superintendent Published in the Millard County Chronicle August 7, 1969. NOTICE OF VACANCY Utah Telephone Company has an immediate vacancy for a Microwave Micro-wave Technician. A First or Second Class FFC Radio License is required. Experience with A.E. step equipment, equip-ment, toll and subscriber carrier installation and maintenace will be helpful. Send resume to Tal Wardle, Local Manager, Utah Telephone Com pany, P. O. Box 635, Delta, Utah, or call collect, Area Code 801 864-2711. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. Published in the Millard County Chronicle July 31 and Aug. 7, 1969 IIOTICE The Board of Education wilil ae cept applications for the position of Secretary at Millard School District Office up to August 8. This position requires shorthand, typing, and operation of the Sen-siatic Sen-siatic 1500 bookkeeping machine. Other information may be obtained by contacting Superintendent Taylor Tay-lor at the District Office. Talmage Taylor, Superintendent Published in the Millard County Chronicle July 31 and Aug. 7, 1969. They had a great time. Mr. and Mrs. Bevan Thompson entertained at a party last week for the outgoing Bishopric. Attending At-tending were Bishop and Mrs. Ward Killpack, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nickle, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Roper, Mr. and Mrs. Med Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Moody and the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Bradshaw and children of Cedar visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Orvil Jeffery and other relatives. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Pearson and other rela- j tives of the area have been their ' daughter and granddaughter, Lu-Junna Lu-Junna Smith and Karen of Vancouver, Vancou-ver, B.C., Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Applegate were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Moody Former residents of Delta, the Applegates are now making their home in Magna where Mr. Apple-gate Apple-gate is coaching. The Carol Ann Farnsworth-Jack 1 Bishiop wedding ceremony and re- j ception brought many friends and relatives from far and near. It was a lovely evening. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Iverson spent some time in Silt Lake Inst week with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nicol and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wood and children chil-dren and Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Dut-son Dut-son and children. Joining the family fam-ily at Salt Lake were SSgt. and Mrs. Launny Hansen and four sons of Alaska. Sgt. Hansen is now discharged dis-charged from the U.S. Army after nine years service. Three of those years were spent in Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen will make their home in Burley, Idaho. Mrs. William Fears of Ogden. An enjoyable time was had by visiting and playing games. Visitors at the Norman Gardner home were their grandchildren, children of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner Gard-ner of Provo and Mr. and Mrs. Don Adamson (Diane Gardner) and 3 children, r.U of Salt Lake. Mr. David Crafts of Salt Lake visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Crafts. .Patriarch Taylor, father of Mrs. Mrxine Chruch visited Sunday. Connie Whicker drove to Logan Monday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nielson and see their new baby. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Barben and Russell Stewart traveled to Marys-vale Marys-vale Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Keith Barben and family. Three of the children returned for a week's visit. Visiting the William Starleys and attending the wedding of Jack Bishop were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ca-hoon Ca-hoon (Ruth Starley) and son, Paul of Cedar' Mrs. Harding M. Starley IDorothy Starley) and son and daughter of Rockford, 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cammach (Kay iLynn Cahoon) of Tooele. Pres. W?rren Henderson returned home Saturday from Chicago where he has spent the last 37 months as president of the Northern States mission. His daughter, Dorothy Theobald who has been with her father since the death of her mother Artie Henderson, five months ago. Meeting them at the airiport were M-. Prul Theobald,, Mr. and Mrs. Bil Henderson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nielson and Joan and Mr. 9 O YOU MLrMiD A PHONE . , mm UIAII plan your telephone service f7T ahead of your move . . . Hj SE CONTINENTAL SYSTEM plan your house for telephone convenience . . . with extensions. Contact Our Business Office or Service Man. and Mrs. Allen Whicker, former missionaries of the mission. Gale Searlc and Ludene and son Rex of Kearns came to take home their two children who have spent the past 2 weeks with grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Twitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Sorenson of College Ward, Logan, parents ot Mrs. Clara Parkinson, visited Sun. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson (Juneal Judd) and children of Los Angeles are visiting mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Judd and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robison and children and Mrs. Maxine Church and Kevin had a nice trip to Calif. They visited Disneyland, the ocean and relatives. They visited visit-ed Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beck (Joan Ball) in Los Angeles and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robison. The Sampson family reunion was held Saturday and Sunday. They toured places of interest, the Old Mud Fort, the Great Stone Face, the Dam, the sandhills, the Cemetery Ceme-tery and had lunch at the city park serving over a hundred people. Out of towners attending were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sampson and family, Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gil-bert Gooch (RoeAnn), son, Thayne and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Harmon, Mr. George Chapman and cousin, Peggy Olson, Mrs. Melba June and daughter, Mrs. Ferris Miner and son, Mr. and Mrs. Aldus Chappell (Rayda Bishop), Salt Lake Fern Chappell, Aglie Pnyne and Fern. Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Don Clark, Bountiful, Mr. and Mrs. Al ma Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Peterson and family, Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Peterson, Salt Lake, Mr, and Mrs. LeVee Peterson, and many many more family members mem-bers and residents of Delta. BUY YOUR $ When you visit Salt lake City, drop In at our friendly storo. K ft) Brows through the wldeit selection of western clothing and ft) W saddlery in the country, latest styles. Fair prices. (8 SADDLERY RANCHWEAR WESTERN BOOTS $ Send for your FREE 96 Page Color Cafaocjue w ft) Order by mall. We ship anywhere. ft) I iacke Wclk Q RANCHWEAR V JS Serving the Nation from the Heart of the West W $ 62 East 2nd South Street Salt Lake City, Utah 841 1 1 ft) K Dept. "N" 864-2381 n CHURCH LUMBER DELTA, UTAH YOUR AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR KIMGSBERRY HOMES LOVELY TO LIVE IN EASY TO OWN f V -..J F3"- r V PRE-BUSLT UNDER FACTORY CONDITIONS DELIVERED TO YOUR LOT AND FOUNDATION Forget the frustrations of building your new home. Buy a Kingsberry Home which will be delivered completely finished inside and out . . including carpeting, built-in appliances and beautiful cabinetry. Your dealer has pictures, floor plans and all details. See him now! PRICED FROM $8,500 TO $20,00' KING53ERRY WEST A DIVISION CF iFXff BSC1 ITT ST M Plonts ut Salt Lake City, Pocaleilo, Meridian and Po:t Falls BankAmericard welcoma Use "Ste wwDdTs innosli to Badk to Sdtool St. Ir) phi mmm ScnicaBula owned ud bcaucd 8ttkAoaiaSKYittCa).ta |