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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, November 24, 1966 SECOND WARD AREA NEWS BRIEFS EDDYS BARBEN Mrs. Lucille Kimber spent 3 days last week in Calif. In Anahiem she visited her brother, Mr. and Mrs Paul R. Strong, and an aunt, Elizabeth Eliza-beth Batcheller. In Whittier, she visited her mother, Mrs. Clarissa Keast, in a rest home there. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Bassett spent a day in Logan on business, and while there visited Mrs. Bas- sett's brother, Evan McMurdie. Mr. and Mrs. Clesse Hilton and family of Kaysville and Mr. and Mrs. Gill Hilton of Orem, visited in Delta with their mother, Mrs. Vera Hilton this week. The 2nd ward members and friends of Owen Holt were saddened sad-dened Thursday to hear of the sudden sud-den death of his wife, Eva. We all send our love and sympathy to the family at this time. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Halsey will be glad to hear that their son, Dennis, who was shot in the leg during the deer hunt, is slowly improving. Dennis was on the critical list for several days at the LDS Hospital. He has undergone under-gone surgery to rebuild a new artery art-ery in his thigh and upper leg. He is still being fed through his veins and receiving blood transfusions. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Violet Snow just returned from a 2-weeks visit in Sacramento, Calif, with her son, Harold and his family. While there, she saw several sev-eral forme Delta people. They had dinner with Lila Mse Sampson Deb enham and her family; and Lynn Bassett and his family also attended attend-ed the dinner. She visited Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Huff and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen, who are attending the U. of Calif, at Davis. She had a wonderful trip. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Twltchell had a very enjoyable weekend. They went to Salt Lake to visit and help celebrate the 89th birthday of Mrs. Zephyr Steele. She Is in the Brook-side Brook-side Banner Nursing Home1 in Murray. Mur-ray. The birthday dinner was held at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harlo in Salt Lake. Members of the family attending were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Erown of Lander, Wyo., and son, Don of Kearns; Mr. and Mrs. Verl Kimber (Lois Twitchell) and family of Kearns; Mrs. LuDean Searle and 3 daughters of Kearns; Mr. and Mrs. Noel Twitchell and daughter of Bountiful; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Campbell of Clearfield; Mr. and Mrs. Odell Campbell of Idaho Falls, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Bry-ant Stringham of Firth, Idaho. Mrs. Stringham was the former Miranda Campbell. The Stringhams have just been called to fill a mission in Dallas, Texas, and had just been in the mission home. Mrs. Twitchell attended the testimonial for the Stringhams. Mrs. Lucille Kimber left again, Sunday, for Anaheieni, Calif, for the funeral of her brother, Paul R. Strong, 52, who died suddenly of a heart attack, while at work in the Long Beach Post Office. Mrs. Verdella Adams, Gloria and Joan were in Salt Lake, Monday, to see Nolan off on a plane for Australia. We are all glad to see Mrs. Lr-mira Lr-mira Bishop home again, after a long time, having her eyes operated oper-ated on. We are happy she feels good and is able to be out again. Pres. and Mrs. June Black and Mrs. Black's sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Berryman of Murray, spent a week in Calif. They attended a Reed family reunion in Englewood Park, where 50 family members attended. at-tended. They visited Disneyland, and had an enjoyable trip. The June Blacks went to Ogden and Provo Saturday and yisited their son, Ladd and family and in Provo with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Robison and family. Pres. Black's brother, Alma, from Texas, met them in Provo at the Robison home Saturday, for a family dinner. A very large group of Delta people peo-ple attended the ball game in St. George, Saturday, and enjoyed seeing see-ing Delta win the game. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen and Ruth went to Provo Saturday to stay with Kimball's children while they attended the ball game. Mr. and Mrs. George Hatch (Carol (Car-ol Hansen) of Denver, Colo., have been transferred to New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen, Ruth, Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Kimball Hansen and several grandchildren are going to Denver, to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Hatch before they leave for New York. I Miss Linda Kay Barben, teaching school at Crescent City, Calif., took her Sunday School class and a group to the Oakland Temple last Friday, and were baptized for the dead Saturday. It was a grand experience. ex-perience. Linda is having many fine experiences in Calif, and has some very fine roommates. Aim AH AM MRS. AFTON FULLMER Sugarville (Continued from inside) Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Losee made a trip to Provo for Doctor appointments appoint-ments Wednesday. Mrs. Leo Davis, Henrietta and Marie Barben made a trip over the weekend for a visit with Leo Davis in the Veterans Hospital. He is a little better. We wish him a speedy recovery. Word has bee received that Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brinkerhoff have a fine baby boy, born Nov. 7th in Beaver. All are doing fine. The program in Sacrament Meeting Meet-ing was given by the Leaur Shields familyTalks were given by Melva Shields and Leaur. A piano selection selec-tion by Julie and a song by Walter, John, Julie and Carlie Beth, accompanied accom-panied by their mother, Shirlee. A good crowd was in attendance. Mr. and Mirs. Bill Clark are working work-ing on their new home on the Lambert Lam-bert place, good luck o them. Christine Clark left Friday to visit vis-it in Calif, with her children, Ray, Phyllis and Shirley and families during the holidays. Rufus will join her later. Ronald Poulson had the misfortune misfor-tune of having his car burn up Sunday Sun-day night in front of the Corry place. We also have lost a house. The Keith Corry's have moved their house to Sutherland. Sorry to see them go. Venice Davis had a quilting Wednesday Wed-nesday in her home for the Relief Society. About 12 members worked on the quilt. Linda Boothe and children have been visiting for a week in Kanosh with her mother. The "Kinfolk" wore seen on T.V. Sunday night where they sang for a Legion Banquet and Convention in the New House Hotel. -, ,, . DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE COME IN AND SEE OUR CHRISTMAS TOYS and GAMES NEW- Sfa-Press Pants For Boys and Men .'For Dress and School Also: Sfa-Press Shirts Yinter Coats and Sweaters The latest in young men's shoes Resistol Western Hats New, Western Shirts for Winter WESTERN BOOTS LADIES . . . Shop early for your Christmas Dress NEW ONES IN TODAY Poor Boy Blouses in all sizes, both plain and print i Pajamas, flight Gowns, Robes, House Coats, & Peignoir Sets Ladies Dress Shoes, both Flats & Heels. Sweaters, Slips Handbags and many other items that would make lor a MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS Our sympathy goes to the Holt family this week at the death of their wife and mother, Mrs. Eva Holt. Also the Heyborne family. Mr. Milo Heyborne was found dead near Parowan. He had been missing for two months from the rest home in Parowan. Patty Schena, the 12 year old daughter of Neno and Shirley Sche na is now at home. She has been in the Utah Valley Hospital for treatment of rhuematic fever. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Larsen went to spend the winter in Mesa, Ariz, doing Temple work and basking in the sunshine. Reva Bliss and I attended DUP meeting last week aat the home of Lavina Bunker. Mrs. Inez Moody gave the lesson on early Utah railroads rail-roads and Mrs. LaFay Corry read a very interesting history. Pumpkin pie and hot chocolate were served as delicious refreshments. I didn't get a count of ladies present but it was a good crowd. Mr. Bob Taylor went to Grand Junction, Colo. Tuesday and he and his wife Harriet were expected to go to Denver this weekend to visit Myron Taylor and family. Jack Beuhler sent and got his trailer house and moved it to Las Vegas. Mrs. Sandra Rassmason calls her mother from Vernal every week. Ed and Margaret Taylor are expect ing Sandy and Scott to visit them Thanksgiving Day. Rodney Fullmer went to Dixie to watch Delta win the football game 20 - 13 Saturday. Peggie Corbet told me her fiance, Jay Stone has been discharged from the army to help his widowed mother farm. He arrived home Sat. Gladys and Sherman Tolbert are Elk hunting down Fish Lake way. We hope they have good luck. The Hoelzles are driving the bus. Joyce Tennant had a tonsilec-tomy tonsilec-tomy Saturday in the Tooele Hospital. Hos-pital. She is the daughter of Frank and Faye Tennant of Tooele. The water is still running in the ditches. Some of the farmers are late irrigators, fall grain, etc. Carl Stoneking brought Lola home from Salt Lake, Nov. 5. He stayed to pheasant hunt with his father. Walter Chailes and Helen Marie Thayer and son came down form Murray on Nov. 7th. They also brought Helen Marie's pony 'Sheba' down for the winter. They went back home Wednesday. Walter and Lola took Mrs. Rose Webb, Lola's mother, to Oak City to visit the Ray Lovells . They also went to wish Ralph Stoneking a happy birthday on Nov. 11th. Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone. Postmaster Black Announces Mew Postal Service Postmaster June W. Black of Delta todny announced that henceforth hence-forth all first class mail, personal sound recordings (voice letters) and weighing 5 pounds or less and measuring not more than 60 inches in length and girth combined, will be airlifted on a space available basis between the United States and all military post offices overseas. over-seas. Also, under Public Law 89-725 --The --The Dulski Military Mail Act which was signed by President Johnson on November 2, 10GG, second sec-ond class publications such as news papers and magazines published weekly or more often, and featuring featur-ing current news of interest to the military, will be airlifted from San Francisco to the armed forces serving ser-ving in Viet Nem. Postmaster Black explained that parcels weighing 5 pounds or less and not exceeding 60 inches in length len-gth and girth combined, paid at surface rates, will be moved by surface sur-face transportation within the Unit ed States from the points of mailing mail-ing to the port of embarkation. To speed up separation and delivery de-livery of these smaller parcels falling fall-ing within this category, Post master mast-er General Lawrence F. O'Brien directed that all parcels be clearly marked upon acceptance at the post office with the letters SAM (surface airlift mail). This will eliminate the task of reweighing and measuring the parcels par-cels at the San Francisco Concen tration Center prior to dispatch to Viet Nam or other overseas military post offices. Postmaster Black also reminded mailers that Christmas parcels weighing 5 pounds and under, though they e,re given airlift priority prior-ity from San Francisco to Viet Nam on a space available basis, should be mailed no later than December 1. Airmail, he said, should be sent no later than December 10. The deadline for Christmas pack ages weighing MORE THAN 5 pounds pou-nds going to Viet Nam and other overseas military post offices by surface means was November 10. CLAS SIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED BATES: 3c per word, minimum ad 50c. Ads over 5 lines 15c a line thereafter. D splay ads, 75c column inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use of box no. 50c extra per insertion. FOR RESULTS. USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE C'IRONICLE EACH WEK. For Sale FOR SALE: 2-bedroom home, recently re-cently remodeled, carpet, drapes. 214 S. 1st West. Phone .5936 or see Richard Baker. 6'16tf WOMEN: Write or call for FREE Opportunity Booklet about the Won derful World of Viviane Woodard Cosmetics. P. O. Box 597, Delta, or Ph. 864-247N7. 11 24-2 22np Miscellaneous DON'T merely brighten your carpets car-pets . . . Blue Lustre them . . . eliminate rapid resoiling. Rent electric shampooer $1. Quality Market Furniture Dept. FOR SALE: two-bedroom home located lo-cated at 142 North Center St. Call Ken Lake at 3361. 1124-12 1 BUY HIM A WINTER COAT for Christmas. Shop now for Christmas gifts in our Men's Dept. D. Stevens Co., Delta's Dept. Store. FOR SALE: A 1954 Chev. Pickup truck. Contact Max Johnson. Phone 7906. 10'20tf NEW STOCK of Boys' winter coats at NED'S CASH MARKET. Corduroy Cordu-roy parkas and 100 quilted nylon. ny-lon. Ideal for Christmas giving. FOR SALE: 1955 Pink Crown Victoria Vic-toria Ford. Once in a lifetime opportunity. op-portunity. Call 6988 or see Ray Dut son, School Bus Garage. ll24tf 12 NYLON CARPET. Only $3.99 sq. yard. (Plus ptd and ins.) 15' Nylon heavyweight $5.99 yd. D. Stevens Co., Furniture Dept. 11124 I am deeply grateful to all those who voted for me at the last election elec-tion and to those who worked in my behalf. HAROLD L. BECKSTRAND A New PoilcyhcU Every 22 Seoondi My oomptny Bute Farm Mutual insure cars at this amttlnf rate pcauM It offers the moat modern protection available, pro rides hometown aervice wherever you drive and paasea Important operating eavings on to lta policy holders. See if you can join the company that inauree mora cars than any ether. Call soon. Kennard Riding AGENT 3 Vood Stamp Continued from front page) items which are competitive to Am erican agriculture. Bananas, tea and coffee may be purchased as these items do not compete with agriculture in the United States. Uuder this program, a single per son with an income of $86.00 per month would purchase $18.00 worth of stamps and receive an additional $6.00 worth of bonus stamps, which would give him a purchasing power of $24.00 for his $18.00 investment. Two persons with a monthly income in-come of $138.00 would receive $50.00 worth of food stamps for $36.00. This program is designated to increase the food purchasing power of persons of low income and, there fore, their consumption of desirable foods. Also, in order to be eligible for food stamps, households must meet the real and personal property lim itations established by Utah Law. These provide that single person households shall not have more than $400 worth of real or personal property and a family of more than one person may not have more than $800 worth of real or personal property. pro-perty. The va'u "f a home owned and also an automoh'ly is c:;e:;;;)t in determining eligibility. HINCKLEY Lions Club ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THEIR SKATING RINK FOR THE SEASON ' EXCEPT FOR SPECIAL PARTIES Contact DUANE GALLI, Ph. 6921, SEASON TICKETS GO ON SALE NEXT WEEKEND . HEAT VOUR ENTIRE HOME economically eco-nomically with new or used Stoker-matic. Stoker-matic. Morris Supply, Hinckley. 11110-1211 PAINT SPECIALS Inside, outside enamel and flat enamel. Colors limited. Reg. $6.90 gal. Special at $1.98 a gal. 79c a quart. D. Stevens PRO Hardware. 11124 LADIES' DAY: Special prizes every Tuesday, 66 Service Center, Delta, FOR SALE: Marion Killpack barber bar-ber shop property on Delta Main Street. See Marion Killpack or call 5856. ll17tf NEW STOCKS of brushed denim pants, latest cuts in Faded Blue, Burgundy or Loden Green. Ponder-osa Ponder-osa brushed denim shirts at NED'S CASH MARKET. PIANO FOR SALE: New bench and recent work on piano. Call 6957. ll17-24np OPEN THANKSGIVING DAY TURKEY DINNER. TRIMMINGS (Call 2741 for Reservations) ALONG WITH STEAKS, CHICKEN SHRIMP ON THE REGULAR MENU WE HAVE SPECIALS O.N THURSDAY ... Chinese FRIDAY Mexican SATURDAY Pizza AT Ifiaiielier Cafe RANCHER CAFE WILL BE OPEN Thanksgiving Day with Turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Call 2741 for reservations. LAY-AWAY NOW Your Lane Cedar Ce-dar Chest for Christmas. Good stock. 10 will hold. D. Stevens Co., Furniture Dept. 11;24 ELECTROLUX Authorized Sales & Service. Lowell Edwards, Ph. 799J2. 4,2-tf HAVE 1961 FALCON Ranchero Pickup Pick-up in good condition. Will trade for 15 young ewes. Call 743-6238, Fillmore. 11 17-24np WANTED: Responsible woman for occasional baby sitter. Call 5692. Ilj24 WILL WEAVE your old rags into beautiful rugs for Christmas guts. Phone 5721 for information on how best to prepare rags for weaving. I have on hand some rugs for sale. Ava Losee, 144 N. 4th W., Delta. 1110-121 LOST: Young brown dog between Delta and Hinckley. Would appreciate appre-ciate any information. Ph. 8839. FOR SALE: 1S62 Chev. Moma Cpe; 4-speed. Also, stack of approx. 40 tons of chaff. See H. Meinhardt, Woodrow. " 11124 FOR SALE: Modem 3-bedroom home. Large carpeted living room. Excellent location. Contact Mrs. Karl Jeffery, ph. 4212 or Jim Williams Wil-liams at 840 N. 100 W., Sunset, Ut. ph. 825-4508. 6 30tf LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A- Diet Tablets. Only 98c at SERVICE DRUG. 8j25-12j8 Utah. 10!13tf FOR SALE: Red Potatoes. T, A. Dennison, Hinckley. Phone 6899. NEW GLO WEAVE 45" Fabric, 69c per yard. Cellocloud Batts, 2 lb. $1.99; 1 lb. $1.59;- 1 lb. $1.19. at The DELMART. , FOR SALE: 22 rifle, Fieldmaster, Remington. Good condition. Call Ken Bishop at 7923. ll24tf idverllslnq worfe for you v;. A 50-pound bag of LAKESHORE PLAC-0-MILK (nutritious new calf milk replacer) and a CALFATERIA PAIL Both for just $(0)95 A 50 pound bag of Plac 0 Milk replaces 500 pounds of whole milk. With the price of milk products, particularly dried skimmed milk, having soared, Plac 0 Milk can save you a lot of money. Plac-O Plac-O Milk contains 56 percent milk products and every needed protein, vitamin, antibiotic, fat and fiber necessary to insure good growth and good health. More than 75,000 calves were fed this ration last year with excellent results. Try PIAC O MILK at this special introductory price. Distributed exclusively by. branch manager REX WOOD A 1NTERMOUNTAIN FARMERS ASSOCIATION There's a branch nearby to serve YOU! SHOP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS in our Shoe Dept. See our excellent lines of house shoes, Men's dress oxfords. Boys' dress oxfords, Ladies' Lad-ies' dress shoes. Buv shoes for all the fnrr.i'y at D. Stevens Co., Del-t Del-t s Dept. Store. FALL BULBS are in stock and ready to be planted Qualify Market HARDWARE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS at The SAHARA NOV. 26 thru NOV. 29 Curtain time ... 8:00 p. m. EACH EVENING (one performance only) Matinee: 2:00 p.m., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Prices: S1.00. 75c. 50c Call 3346 for reserved seats $1.25 each COLOR TV will be limited a-gain a-gain this year for Christmas. Order your favorite style today. R.C.A. Philco. D. Stevens Co. 11124 BUY HER A WINTER COAT for Christmas. See our excellent stocks of coats, dresses, house coats. Ideal for Christmas. Shop early at D. Stevens Co., Delta's Dept. Store. For IXent THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. A Shetland pony. Reasonable. Ken-, neth Adams, Delta, Utah. Phone' 864-7986. 12:8 FOR SALE: One well drilling machine ma-chine for 2 to 4-inch pipe. See. W. E. "Doc" Black, Delta. 11:10-17 FOR SALE: Electric pump. Fine for a water system in the home. Call 3191. ll!24tf RALPH'S AUTO BODY SHOP. Expert Ex-pert painting, body and fender repair. re-pair. First and Main, Delta, Utah. Phone 2396. ll24tf FOR RENT: 2-bedroom modern furnished fur-nished home. Call 2596. 9j29ti GOT A HOME TO RENT? List it in the Chronicle. A fifty cent ad can bring good renters. FOR.. RENT: ..Furnished . apt... Call 4366 or 2311. WHY LABOR all day raking leaves? Rent a lawn sweeper at Quality Market Hardware. 11110 THANK YOU CARD We wish to extend our sincere appreciation and thanks to all those who were so kind to us at the passing of our wonderful wife and mother, Eva Holt. Owen R. Holt Lee Holt family Earl (Irene) Stanworth and family LEGAL NOTICE CONSULT COUNTY CLERK OR RESPECTIVE PARTIES FOR FURTHER DETAILS FOR RENT: Furnished Apts. Utilities Utili-ties paid. $37.50 up. Some newly decorated. Linens available. Daily, weekly or monthly rates. DELTA Apts. 235 W. Main. 714tf FOR RENT: two-bedroom home. Call 5726. 9;29tf FOR RENT: Furnished 2-bedroom Apt. with heat. Call 3251. 10!20tf FOR RENT: two-bedroom modern home with wall-to-wall carpet, furnished. See Kennard Riding or call 5321. 10 8tf FOR RENT: two-bedroom house. Newly decorated, garbage disposal. Vivian Jacobs, 205 South 4th West or call 3856. 11 3tf WHY LABOR all day raking leave? Rent a lawn sweeper at Quality Market Hardware. 1110 FURNITURE NEED REUPHOLSTERING? Have that living room set or favorite rocker re-upholstered and redesigned by Twitchell Upholstery. Upholst-ery. Twitchell's have served the Delta area for over 15 years. Their reputation for guaranteed service and quality workmanship is unsurpassed. For free consultation In your home, drop a card today. Mr. Twitchell, with over 20 years of decorating experience will call with samples of all the latest furniture coverings and help you choose the color and fabric for your sofa or chair. Save one-half over New Furniture Furni-ture prices. TWITCHELL UPHOLSTERY 150 N. Main Cedar City CARL'S RADIATOR SHOP. Complete radiator service, rodding, boil out, repairs. New radiator and heater coes. Used and new radiators. 225U BROWX1NG COAL delivered or in yard north of overpass. Will delivei sand, gravel, sewer rock, top soil fill dirt, redimix. Call 83, Oak City, or 4531, Delta. (Brooklawn Creamery). Cream-ery). 96tf HAVE A BEAUTIFULL stone fireplace fire-place in your home. Ready to install in-stall for less than $200.00. Gas or electric logs. See at Morris Supply, Hinckley. ll10-12jl BATTERIES 6-volt (group one) $7.95, exchange; 12-vole (group 24) $12.95, exiange. KELIs'YS SERVICE Phone 3791, Delta. 5!12tf FAT HOG SALE at Delta Livestock Auction, Oct. 4, 18, Nov. 1, 15, 29 or every other Tuesday. Sale begins at 11:00 a.m. Federal Land Bank Representative will be in Delta the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at the Professional Pro-fessional Building. Appointments appreciated. Call 5971. 422-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Gladys Carter, also known as Gladys S. Carter, deceased. deceas-ed. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned Joint Administratrix and Joint Administrator at the office of their i attorney, Dudley Crafts, at Delta, ! Ltah on or before the 3rd day of February, A. D., 1967. Peggy Crane Joint Administratrix Stewart K. Carter Joint Administrator Dudley Crafts Attorney for Administrators Delta, Utah First Publication: Nov. 3, 1966 Final Publication: Nov. 24, 1966 USAIR FORCE THE AEROSPACE TEAM Sm yoor tocml AJr Fore Rtcrvlfr 1966 RAMBLERS - 550.00 above invoice CLASSIC Y8 - CLASSIC 6 AMERICAN 6 BUY A HARLEY-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLE FOR CHRISTMAS AT REDUCED PRICE. SPOR BROS. MOTOR COMPANY DELTA PHONE 2411 |