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Show CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED RATES: 3c per word, minimum ad 50c. Ads over 5 lines ISc a line thereafter. D splay ads. 75c column inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use of box no. 50c extra per insertion. FOR RESULTS, USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE CHRONICLE EACH WEK. For Sale NOW IS THE TIME to order your Christmas yarn and pattern needs, from our counter book of fashions. Also, your California Original Designs De-signs Kits-to-Knit of Pauline Den-ham Den-ham yarns at The DELMART. FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO this area. Take over $14.58 monthly pay ments. For more details write, Credit Manager, Box 6179, Sugar House Station, Salt Lake City, Ut. 1021-114 FOR SALE: 4-bedroom home at 67 N. Center. Call 4581 or Contact Bob Horlacher at Dixie College. 92-tf NOVEMBER PERMANENT SPECIALS SPECI-ALS at Fashionette from $6.50 up. Phone 2391 for appointments. KXJOY Chinese Dinners EVERY THURSDAY Mexican Food EVTRY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FINE STEAKS EVERY DAY NEW- Salad Bar Rancher Cafe WILLDEN MOTEL FOR SALE (In Dalta) Price reduced for quick sale Reasonable down payment. Con tact Doug Christiansen, P. 0. Box 34 Neohi. Utah. Salesman for George T. Eckersley Realtors, Pay son. Utah. 5120-tf FOR SALE or TRADE: 1964 Pontiac GTO. Excellent condition. See or call Elwin Pace at 2291. 1028tf FOR SALE: The Earl Willden home 71 Soth, First West 916tf Stokermatic Efficient and Economical Home Heating - AT MORRIS SUPPLY Phone 6974 Hinckley, Utah New $379.00 Used $ 95.00 FOR SALE: Fresh Eggs. Lester Johnson. Ph. 7912. 1028-1111 MEN OR WOMEN STEADY WORK IBM MACHINE AUTOMATION $300-$550 Secure Future For Men or Women Wo-men . . . Age 18 to 49. Working Conditions pleasant. Short Training Train-ing Period Automation Machine Training Center. Send Your Name, Age, Education, Address, Phone Now to Director of Automation Auto-mation Development (Box 248). All Replies Acknowledged. TrucEiDoad TQG3E SALE you are going to need tires for your car, your truck or your tractor, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE! Buy the amazing MARK IV or any other tire right off the truck at my b THIS IS THE TIRE BUY OF THE SEASON See Your Branch Manager, Rex Wood, Delta November 8 & 9, Delta PREPARE NOW FOR WINTER a4k INTERMOHNTAIN FARMERS ASSOCIATION NOVEMBER PERMANENT SPECIALS SPECI-ALS at Fashionette from $6.50 up Phone 2391 for appointments. FOR SALE: 24-inch girls bike. Good condition. Reasonably priced. Ph. 381J1. FOR SALE: Kelvinator refrigerator, excellent condition, $40. Also, 30-06 rifle, $65. One laundry tub, $10. Call 8821. 1021np FOR SALE: Cheap. One 7-ft. Hot-Point Hot-Point refrig.; 1 Coleman oil heater; 1 coal heater. 170 West 4th North, or contact Dave Hofhiens. 11-11 NOW IS THE TIME to order your Christmas yarn and pattern needs, from our counter book of fashions. Also, your California Original Designs De-signs Kits-to-Knit of Pauline Den-ham Den-ham yarns at The DELMART. FOR SALE: Used Stokermatic. In good condition. Reasonably priced. See or call Howard Dutson, Oak City. Ph. 32. 1118 SEE ADMIRAL TELEVISION at low-low Drices. Color and Black and white. We also custom-order for your personal likes. Delta Auto Supply. Phone 4251. 826tf LAY-AWAY for CHRISTMAS at The DELMART. Men's dress perma-Crease perma-Crease pants; Stag Press-Pants; New Van o Press Shirts, both white and colored. RED PONTIAC POTATOES for sale. Contact LaWrence Bradfield in Lynndyl. 1028-1111 FOR SALE: 3-bedroom house. New oil furnace, forced air heating sys tem, and electric hot water heater. Contact Erwin Farnsworth. Phone 5732. . 10128-11118 TAKE soil away the Blue Lustre way from carpets and upholstery. Rent electric shampooer $1. Qual ity Market Furniture and Appliance Dept. ... QUILT TOPS FOR SALE: Pieced or appliqued. Your choice of pattern. Order now for Christmas. Mrs. Eda Christensen, Oak City. 1111 ALL APPLES FOR SALE: Out they go at $2.00 per bushel. See George Prows at Kanosh. Hurry! For Rent FOR RENT: Furnished opts. Utilities Utili-ties paid. $37.50 up. Some newly decorated. Linens furnished or unfurnished. un-furnished. Daily, weekly or monthly month-ly rates. Delta Apta, 235 West Main or call Mrs. Abbott, 2931. 2i27- FOR RENT: Furnished Apt. 158 N. 400 W. Phone 572 Jl. 1014np MODERN APT. FOR RENT, fum- isshed. 295 South 4th West or call 3662. 923tf FOR RENT: 3-bedroom home. Also, for sale, 2-speed Blazer. Phone 3641. 9l30tf FOR RENT: Two-bedroom home furnished or unfurnished. Call 319J1 or 3256. 916tf Miscellaneous LEFT ON CURB in Delta two weeks ago at 242 E. Main, a green Sam-sonite Sam-sonite suitcase. Call 799J5 or 2481. Reward. 1114-11 FOUND: Tire and wheel, 8:25-20. Make, Chevrolet or GMC. Can tie claimed by paying Marvin Lovell for this ad at School Bus Garage. BILL'S RADIATOR SHOP: Complete radiator service, rodding, boil out, repairs. New radiator and heater wes. Used and new radiators. 228U WANTED MAN OR WOMAN Good Watkins Products route a- vailable. Earn $2.50 & up an hour. Operate your own business. Full or part time work. For details contact Richard A. Smith, Monroe, Utah. Phone 527-3534. 8;26-10i28 savings ELECTROLUX Authorized Sales & Service. Lowell Edwards, Ph. 799J2. 42-tf BATTERIES All sizes on hand-Group hand-Group 1, exchange, from $9.95. Guaranteed 12 to 48 months. KELLY KEL-LY SERVICE, Phone 3791. Delta, Utah. 323tf HINCKLEY Lions Club ANNOUNCE THE HINCKLEY SKATING RINK OPENS OCTOBER 30 Beginners 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Advanced 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Private skating parties can be arranged. Call Don Morris at 697J2 FOUR PIANO BOOKS were left at the DELMART. Owner may claim by identification and paying Wanda Wan-da Beckwith for this ad. DONALD R. WESTERN wUl be a- vailable for a limited number of private music lessons in either voice or piano. Ten years piano training with Mabel Borg Jenkins, teacher of Grant Johaneson. Vocal student of Mme. Barbara Eldredge, international Golden Age opera star (2 years), Richard P. Condie (5 years), Margaret Summerhays (5 years), and at present student of Amelia di Francesca, formerly of the Rome Opera, Rome, Italy Call 3701. 1028-llj4 BROWNING COAL delivered or in yard north of overpass. Will delivei sand, gravel, sewer rock, top soli fill dirt, redimix. Call 83, Oak City or 4531, Delta. (Brooklawn Creamery). Cream-ery). 96tl WE HAVE A NEW LINE of Junior Petites Dresses ones you will see in Seventeen. Choose them at The DELMART. FURNITURE NEED REUPHOLSTERING? Have that living room set or favorite rocker re-upholstered and redesigned by Twitchell Upholstery. Upholst-ery. Twitcheil's have served the Delta area for over 15 years. Their reputation for guaranteed service and quality workmanship is unsurpassed. For free consultation in your home, drop a card today. Mr. Twitchell, with over 20 years of decorating experience will call with samples of all the latest furniture coverings and help you choose the color and fabric for your sofa or chair. Save one-half over New Furniture Furni-ture prices. TWITCHELL UPHOLSTERY 150 N. Main Cedar City NOW IS THE TIME to buy your sewing needs for Christmas giving. Huck Toweling, Yarn, Material for every need at The DELMART. Federal Land Bank Representative will be in Delta the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at the Pro fessional Building. Appointments appreciated. Call 5971. 4122-tf Moisturizes Dry Shin Day and Night Helps Fight Vrinhles! Skin Dew Cream with exclusive Collagen Protein (a natural ingredient comparable to the proteins of young skin) works deep to stop dryness. Keeps skin soft. Helps fight wrinkles. Skin Dew Moisturizing Emulsion is Helena Rubinstein's famous, invisible beauty treatment created cre-ated to wear all day under your make-up. It returns a look of dewiness to a skin robbed of precious moisture. SAVE GET First Yard lews LEONA WORKS A recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Turner of Delta and Mr. and Mrs. Eert Sanford of Sutherland, was their sister, Mrs. Susie Sanford Sook, of Evanston, Wyo. She has recently retired as Home Demonstrator in that area. Mrs. Fioyd Moody and daughter, Cindy of Swlt l ake, spent 3 days last week, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Turner, while the men-folks men-folks were deer hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warnock and son, Phyl of Montrose, "owa, visited last Wednesday with his sister and family, Marie Merrell. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bladden and family spent the weekend of the deer hunt in Cedar City, visiting and hunting with Elwood's folks. OASIS RUBY SKEEM Ethel Stanworth had a birthday supper for Conard Stanworth, her son. Some of his brothers and sisters sis-ters from out-of-town were home. LaVeda Bishop was invited to Delta to her sister's home for a birthday dinner. Four sisters from up north were there to join the Happy Birthday. As LaVeda left home o nher way to Delta she was injured in an automobile accident. She sustained minor bruises. Her children were home to spend her birthday, David and family of Las Vegas, Carlos and family of Cedar, Gerold nd family of Tremonton, and Lafon Lavell and children of Eureka. Mr. Arlyn Styler spent a few days with his folks and hunted while he was here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson And-erson and family of Ephriam visited visit-ed with Mr. and Mrs. J. Val Styler, Sty-ler, also. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Skeem spent Saturday in Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Kelly and children of Riverton spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kelly-Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Hendrickson left for Calif., after spending three weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Hawley. Erva Cahoon spent a few days in Salt Lake. Vera Stevens and son, Rulon, were home for the hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Wiley of Granger were down, visiting with Mrs. Betsy Skeem. Mr. Peter Peterson is in the VA Hospital in Salt Lake. Inga's in Las Vegas with her daughter and family, fam-ily, Mr. and Mrs. Bee Welch. Mrs. Mae Cahoon has had her mother with her for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Skeem went to Cedar City, Saturday, to spend the day with her mother, Mrs. Webster, Web-ster, who is ill. Miss Colleen Gillen drove home Friday evening with Colleen Anderson. And-erson. Both girls attend school in Salt Lake City. Mr. Roger Stanworth was home over the weekend. He goes to the "Y" in Provo. Mrs. Stella Hawley and her sister, sis-ter, Nayon Young, visited her Sunday Sun-day from Ely, Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pearson of Salt Lake, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Stanworth. The trick-or-treaters were around Saturday evening. Most of the mothers mo-thers drove them around, while fathers handed out the treats to each ghost and goblin. Each child was proud of his loot and all very happy. A correction in last week's p?p-er. p?p-er. Loren Rowley was released from the bishopric not Loren Skeem. Loren is also Ward Clerk. FOUND: One lu-gallon milk can on Amase Valley road. Owner may claim by paying for this ad. IM M Ml IWI HELENA RUBINSTEIN KIN DEW SALE! 24 HOUR SKIN DEW TREATMENT "thCoftagen Protein SAVE 5.00! BUY SKIN DEW CREAM REG. 6.00 GET FREE SKIN DEW EMULSION REG. 5.00 3.00! BUY SKIN DEW CREAM REG. 3.50 FREE SKIN DEW EMULSION REG. 3.00 Service Drug Co. Mrs. Carrie Black received word last Sunday of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Maggie H. Jensen. Jen-sen. Mrs. Black went to Salt Lake with Pearl Jeffery to be with her sister. Mrs. Jensen died Wednesday morning in a Salt Lake hospital. She had visited in Delta many times and will be remembered by people of our ward. We offer our sympathy to her family. Funeral services were held Saturday at Ephriam, where she was buried. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Faris from Spanish Fork, are taking his parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faris of Tooele, formerly of Hinckley, and Mrs. Faris' brother and wife from Ireland, who are visiting in America, Amer-ica, on a tour of the canyons this week. They stopped in Delta Friday Fri-day and left their two youngest children with their grandmother, Ruth Jensen while they make the trip. The older children are at home because of school. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Hardy and family of Magna, stopped to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hardy, on Friday. They were on their way to Milford. Their young daughter, Annette, stayed and visited with Beniti until Sunday, when her parents par-ents returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Winkle and family of Milford, spent the weekend week-end in Delta, with Mr. and Mrs. Erog Hopkins and family. Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Bird and Mrs. Ciara Killpack returned home Wednesday Wed-nesday night from their trip to the Holy Land. We are all waiting to hear the report of it Mr. Fera Little was in Riverside, Calif., last weekend, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Little and family. Mrs. Dorothy Gardner is home, after spending two weeks in Og-den, Og-den, visiting with her sister. We are happy to soe her back and her arms out of casts. LaVoy Robison left Sunday to fly back home, after spending the deer hunt in Delta with his parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Robison. Lt. T. Dale McCormick and a friend, Lt. E. Gien Gidel of Knox-ville, Knox-ville, Iowa, were in Delta the past week for the deer hunt. Both are recent graduates of the 3500th Pilot Pi-lot Training Wing at Reese Air Force Base, near Lubbock, Texas. Lt. McCormick left Delta Tuesday, for Stead AFB, near Reno, Nev., for a three weeks survival training course. Following this school, he will be attending C-130 pilot training train-ing at Sewert AFB near Nashville. Tenn., for two months, after which he will be permanently stationed at Dyess AFB in Abilene, Texas. ABRAHAM MRS. AFTON FULLMEP (Cont'nued from front page) from school at Cedar City, this weekend, to hunt. Their womenfolks women-folks stayed at home. The Hal Young family came down from school in Provo, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Almon Fullmer, Jr., and wife and baby, spent a week in Moab, with the Richard Fullmer family. The men hunted deer. I hope everyone enjoyed the hunt. Personally I'm glad it's over; it's too dangerous. Hinckley Continued from front page) All the material has been salvaged sal-vaged and people have bought some of it. The brick work will be taken apart one by one so as to be able to use it again. The site will be used for a City Park. Already, many tourists have used its cool lawn to rest and eat during the summer. Plans have been made for swings and a fountain foun-tain to make it more inviting. 3 4 D; Uttsttmzittg '::;r''::-':'Si:i' 1 limited time only Millard County Chronicle I WISH T.O EXPRESS my sincere thanks to everyone who supported me in Tuesday's municipal elections. I take this opportunity to extend best wishes to Mr. Richard S. Morrison Mor-rison in his new office. SUNNY BROOK DISTILLERY CO.. CINCINNATI. OHIO. New Smoothness! Ultra-smooth! That's new Sunny Brook. An extra proc- NeW mildness ! ess rounds off its edges, bright- . , ens its taste. So smooth, it was New enjoyment I voted tops among 6783 people tt t sampled. In its smart new ISeW Smartness I "Contempo" bottle, it's the fin- TkT i i est Sunny Brook since 1891. New popularity! Brilliant! Sunny Brook -today's brilliant choice in whiskey. GOLDEN SPMCE AMGUS SALE Friday, November 12, 1965: 2:30 p.m, GOLDEN SPIKE SHOW GROUNDS Ogden, Utah SELLING 70 Registered Angus -40 Bulls and 30 Females FOR CATALOGUE OR INFORMATION CONTACT ALEXANDER - BROYII ANGUS SALES SERVICE P.O. BOX 885 LONGMONT, COLORADO Co-sponsors: Utah Angus Association Thursday, November 4, 1965 Joseph M. Moody BLENDED WHISKEY 86 PROOF. 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. |