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Show Your Representative Speaks interesting one in the legislative processes. Numerous bills have been considered, but the one which has attracted the most attention has been House Bill No. 64 which Is the Governor's bonding program in the amount of $67 million. This is the first time in my experience ex-perience in the Legislature when all of the rules governing activities of the House were suspended in an effort to ramrod a program through the House. Two other bills were ready for consideration which would have saved the state $15.3 million in interest costs over a 15-year period. These would have ear marked the 4 cent sales tax for buildings on a pay-as-you-go basis. The bill that passed would obligate obli-gate the property of the State of Utah and provides for annual payments pay-ments and interest costs to be paid for by a tax on property, set by the State Tax Commission. If no other tax is passed for the bonding program, pro-gram, this will amount to about a 4-mill increase. Today (Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1965) we tried to pass HJR No. 5, which is a ABRAHAM It's Valentine's Day and about three inches of snow fell last night and this morning. It was needed and bound to help some. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stoneking and Mrs. Rose Webb of Delta drove over to Price Jan. 18th to see Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Ide and daughter Patricia, also, Mrs. Morris Johnson, the former Luella Ide and baby. Lola Lo-la stayed for three weeks to help care for her sister, Mrs. Ide who is seriously ill and in the Price hospital hos-pital and later was moved to the Dragerton hospital for treatment and observation. Mrs. Ide is home now, being cared for by her daughter daugh-ter from Calif., Mrs. Johnson. Walter drove to Price and brot Lola home Feb. 7th. Florence Ide is the oldest of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Webb of Hinckley and moved to Price 29 years ago from Oasis. Ben Schena painfully got his foot mashed the other day. He had hard toed mining shoes on or it might have been real bad. My sister-in-law, Mrs. Belle Dun FIRST WARD AREA IIEVS BRIEFS LEONA Mr. and Mrs. Grant Snow were in Salt Lake a week ago and brot the two young children of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Estes back for a visit. Dan Iverson was down from Dug-way Dug-way Monday to keep a dental appointment. ap-pointment. He stopped to say hello to the Hopkins. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Huff of Logan Lo-gan spent the weekend with their parents and families, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Ashby and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Huff. Mrs. Emily Bunker received word Friday of the death of her nephew Mr. Spencer Hullinger of Los Angeles, An-geles, Calif. Mr. Hullinger had visited vis-ited several times in Delta the last year with Mrs. Bunker. Mrs. Bunker Bunk-er also received word that her sister sis-ter Mrs. Owen (Rhoda) Marley of Arimo, Idaho had fell and hurt her back while shopping in Pocatello. She is in a Pocatello hospital recovering. re-covering. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Jackson and Sheldon spent the weekend in Salt Lake visiting with Mr. and Mrs. LaVerl Jackson and family. AND BY THE WAY if anyone found a $5.00 bill floating around Saturday between the Valley Builders and the Post Office, Sheldon Jackson would sure like it, as it sure cuts down on his spending money. He had it when he left the Valley Builders and when he went to mail a package at the Post Office he didn't have it. Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs. Jr. and family of Los Alamitos, Calif, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs, Mrs. Delia Lis-onbee Lis-onbee and with members of the Boothe family. They met Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pace's and had a family dinner. They returned home Monday morn ing. Mrs. Carrie Black returned to Del FARM MACHINERY Massey - Ferguson TRACTORS COMBINES SWATHERS BALERS New Holland BALERS AUTOMATIC DONE EQUIPMENT COMPANY 9 MILES NORTH OF DELTA .UTAH HIGHWAY 99 PHONE 2991 constitutional amendment to be voted on by the people, that would limit the maximum tax that could be levied on tangible property each year. This failed, I now wonder what is going to happen to the initiative of the Individual. Since the 1950's property tax for schools has risen 100 for maintenance and operation along with other increases in-creases for bonding, other school buildings, county and city governments. govern-ments. We are hoping we can make some changes in the Governor's proposal for schools. Millard Counly will benefit very little from this proposal unless taxes are raised 5-mill on the local district. I am hoping we can change the basic program and shift the burden of the extra money to the State. I am working a bill that will do this and hope to have it ready to present at the public hearing on Wednesday Wednes-day afternoon. My bill will cut the property tax 4-mill and will include incentive pay, increased library funds, and increased transportation costs not in the Governor's program but for the same money. LaMar R. Monroe Mrs. AFTON FULLMEB can of Centerville died this week of a heart ailment. Her husband Alvin died four years ago. Belle has been in a wheel chair for 35 years or more, crippled by arthritis. Karl and Eleanor Murray are home after spending the winter in warmer climates. Mrs. Gladys Tolbert is in Salt Lake helping her daughter Dorothy who got her leg broken while skiing. ski-ing. I saw our old friend George Anderson An-derson and wife in town Saturday. It was a pleasure to chat with them a while. Mrs. Otis Corbett is still at the Chester Corbett home. It takes a long time to build our health up when you are not so young. We surely hope she soon feels better. Luena Fullmer is having a bout with the flu bug. We send our sympathy to the friends and relatives of Mrs. Geneva Ge-neva Robinson Bishop who died after af-ter a stroke this week in Salt Lake. Especially to our good friends, the Robert Robinsons of Hinckley. WORKS ta last Sunday after spending two months m Salt Lake with her sisters. sis-ters. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brog Hopkins and family for the weekend were Mrs. Jim Ashton and son James Todd, Mrs. Gary Winkle and two daughters Shannon and Sherrie Lynn and Sharon Hopkins Hop-kins and a friend Karen Clark. Miss Margaret Gardner has returned re-turned home after a visit in California Cali-fornia with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ray Pratt and family of Roy spent the weekend in Oak City and came to Delta Sun day and visited with Mr. and Mrs. John I. Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Gardner spent last weekend in Ogden visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Cropper and family and with members of Mrs. Gardner's family. They return ed home Wednesday. College students will be especially especial-ly interested in west Millard County. Coun-ty. Order the Chronicle for youi student today. yj im m. rrmnn it UUlill SWATHERS BALEWACONS Witnesses Return From Convention The "Willingly Fulfill Your Ministry" Min-istry" circuit convention of Jehovah's Jeho-vah's Witnesses reached a succes ful climax Sunday afternoon In the Utah State Fairgrounds Coliseum as 1,105 persons heard the timely Bible topic "The Moral Breakdown What Can Be done About It?" which was delivered by Ted Jaracz, district supervisor. In covering various aspects of morality Mr. Jaracz said, "If businessmen busi-nessmen want trusted employees, they need to set the pace them selves and if employees do not want their fellowmen to take ad vantage of them, they should not steal from their employers." In speaking of youth and how they may cope with the problems of today, Mr. Jaracz admonished "Do not toy with immoralky by engaging in improper dancing, look ine at demoralizing literature, mo vies and television shows. Avoid petting and obscene jesting. Ele vate your thinking and fill your mind with right desires as set forth in Bible principles. Then when the time comes to select a marriage mate, you will do so with a clean background, make a belter choice, enter the relationship on an honor able basis that will be a blessing to yourselves and a jpraise to God." He pointed out that what is hap pening to youth is directly infill enced by what is happening to the family: "Parents are not able to insist on obedience, honesty, truth fulness, and faithfulness in their children if they do not reflect these 'liocrii-' The Road Report THE SAFEST SPEED IS THE SPEED OF THE PREVAILING TRAFFIC FLOW THE ACCIDENT RATE FOR 20 M.P.H. DRIVERS IS 100 TIMES THAT OF 65 M.P.H. DRIVERS. (Daytime driving on main highways in rural areas) Modern roati tpeed up traffic flow... make f ravel faster, safer for everybody. AMERICAN ROAD BUILDERS ASSH. qualities themselves." Donald Kozina, presiding minister minis-ter of the Delta congregation, stated stat-ed that everyone appreciated the counseling received at the convention. conven-tion. tkmia Ford. proved. Quietness is an earmark of quality Sensational tests by independent consultants-have proved the '65 Fords quieter than Rolls-Royce. Quietness in a car is a mark of quality a sign the car has been built with care, patience, and pride. Built solid to last We Ford Dealers have SOUND LEVEL (all reading in decibels) such a car. We ask you to come in and test-drive one of these new Fords. Quiet-test the quietest! DELTA MOTOR COMPANY, Delta, Utah ONLY YOUR FORD DEALER SELLS 7V USED CARS AND TRUCKS BY ARBA M Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliver are visiting the Dell Ross family this week. They came from Kansas City and are on their way to Old Mexico where they will be living for the next three months. 0 vomit Dealer m a car to be lolk-loyce r iipu rnpn I ROLLS I FORD FORD ROYCE QUIETER BY 20 MPH 67.4 72.3 4.9 40 MPH 759 8l3 53 60 MPH B2G ii!4 2& Leading acoustical consultants conducted tests in which V-8 powered pow-ered Ford hardtops and Galaxia 500 sedans rode quieter than a Rolls-Royce. These tests were certified by the U.S. Auto Club. Millard County Chronicle Oak City News MAE H. Most of the Scouts were dressed in theif uniforms last week (Na tional Scout Week). They sure look ed nice. Sunday evening at Sacramei't meeting the Scouis gave the program. pro-gram. A total of 46 boys took part on the program. Pres. Eldro Jeffery was the visitor and presented the scout charters to Calvin Dutson. The scout cards were presented to the boys by their leaders: Glen Christensen, Cubs; Fred Anderson, Explorers, and Marion Anderson, Scouts. Talks were given by Dean And erson, narrator; Primary Pres. Cher-ie Cher-ie Finlinson, Den Mother; MIA Pres ident, Austin Lovell; Explorer leader. lead-er. Fred Anderson; Sunday School Teacher, Mon.e Nielson; Priesthood Teacher, Vance Finlinson, and Bis hop Finlinson. Fred Nielson led the scout group singing with Beth Niel son at the organ. This program by the scouts and theif leaders was a very enjoyable for the large audi ence that attended. Mr. Don Harris was home from his teaching job at Provo for a cou pie of days. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Alldredge were in Las Vegas Sunday to help name and bless the little new granddaughter. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. Lew Alldredge. The little girl was given the name of Susan Kay- leen. Kenneth Olson of Idaho is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. Mamie Anderson. Miss Hazel Christensen visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Christensen and other rela quieter it Thursday, February 18, 196S SHIPLEY tives. LeRay and Mina Pra.t and son Keith visited a few days with parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Roper and helped celebrate her mother's birth day (Mrs. Nellie Roper, Feb. 14). Also Mrs. Roper's sister. Mrs. Ida Finlinson who had her birthdvv Feb. 14th, also. Mrs. Finlinson had mos- of her children here for the occasion. Best wishes to these love-.y love-.y ladies and many happy birthdays to follow. Mrs. Elua Anderson Is home a- gain after staying for ten days with her daughter Eda at Sunseu She U at the home of Marlow annd Molly Anderson. Old Man Winter still holds first p. ace with cold and snow. Everyone Every-one is anxious for the cleanup cam paign to get going, especially the beautification committee. 7.500 Bead It In The CHRONICLE Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST V Over five million pscktpn of tin WILLA RD TREATMENT hare been tola (or relief of lymptonu of distrat aritint from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Kicks Ki-cks Acid Poer Dliwt'en, Saarar Upeet Stomach, OaaaliMM, Haarthvm, Steep Imnm, ate, due to bceee Add. Aak for "WlllaraVa Mmh" which fully explaine thia home treatment flea at linker Pharmacy 0 GALAXIE 500 2-DOOR HARDTOP ! |