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Show Millard County Chronicle Thursday, December 10, 1964 First 7ard Hews LEONA WORKS Mrs. Kenneth A. Hayes and two children have been In Delta with her father, Mr. E. E. Gardner since he was released from the hospital two weeks aeo. Saturday morning Mr. Larry Gardner and son Scott and Mr. Kenneth Hayes came down and are taking Mr. Gardner to Salt Lake to stay for a while. He win be livine with the Hayes at 1924 East 7090 South, Salt Lake City. Mr. Gardner is getting stronger every day and wishes to thank his many friends and neighbors for their many calLs, cards, visits and acts of kindness shown him since ms accident ac-cident of November 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hayes and family were at the Gardner home for Thanksgiving. Mrs. Gary Winkle and two children child-ren of Salt Lake spent from Sunday until Wednesday of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brog Hop kins and Jacqule and Debra. Mr. and Mrs. Cloy Broderick and Dennis ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomas. Mrs. Tony Deordon and daughter Stephanie, Mrs. Delbert Crapo of Fillmore and Mxs. Grant Stevens of Delta with the Works family. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hardy, Beniti, Bevan and Vivian went by train Saturday to Ogden where they visited vis-ited with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hardy and family. Saturday night they visited the Christmas Village in the Ogden City Park. They thought it was a beautiful sight and well worth the trip. They returned home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Jackson, La-Mont, La-Mont, Jessie and I visited Sunday afternoon in Holden with Grandma Jackson and with Mr. and Mrs. Wells Kenny and Glenda. Mrs. Ruth Jensen, Elbert and Dan visited Friday and Saturday in Spanish Fork and Salt Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Farris and family fa-mily and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Jensen and family. They returned home Saturday evening and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Jensen came to Delta a n J were here Sunday. Mrs. Clara Killpack received word Sunday of the death of her cousin Mrs. Eunice Jorgenson Naylor. Mra. Naylor had been appointed a mem ber of the Federal Aviation Agency Agen-cy Women's Advisory Committee in May, 1964 by President Johnson. She was a member of the "Ninety-Nines" "Ninety-Nines" international women's pilots organization. They had as a project pro-ject to mark runways with large 6 ft. letters, having done Milford's just recently. They were going to do Delta's this fall but as they Intend In-tend to resurface it in the spring, they were waiting. Funeral services were Tuesday at 2 p.m. in Salt Lake. Mrs. Killpack and some mem bers planned to attend. Mrs. Rex Sperry spent from Thursday to Sunday in Caliente, Nev. visiting with Mrs. Vera Rowley Row-ley and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Westerman of Salt Lake spent the weekend in Delta visiting at the Rex Sperry and L. L. Sperry home. The Young Marrieds of our ward had a meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hale Jeffery. The lesson was given by Randall Douglas to five couples. A Christmas party was planned for Dec. 17 to be at the Douglas home. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Learilt and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jeffery and family were in Mesquite, Nev. to attend a birthday party for Mrs. Clara Adams. Mrs. Adams was 89 years young Nov. 27. She is Mrs. Leavitt's mother. Betty and Clayton came home Sunday and the Lea- vitts stayed and came home Monday. Mon-day. Five of her seven children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews, all went to see Mrs. Adams'. It was a real thrill to read Dan Valentine's Corner last Thursday where he sent a collective valentine valen-tine to all the members of the Sunshine Sun-shine Club in Delta. The Sunshine Club is a group of widow ladies from the Delta First Ward organ ized by Bishop Dr. M. E. Bird. They were the ones who originated the plan in Delta not to send Christ mas Cards to each other, but to donate the money to a worthy cause. The most worthy cause at that time was West Millard Hospital. Hos-pital. It was started in 1958. The first year only $14.00 was turned to the hospital board. Since that time around $4,000 has been turned in. It has been turned into a project pro-ject for everyone and as Dan Valentine Val-entine says "A Valentine to all concerned". MRS. EDNA CHRISTENSEN . I O&JNs I Sear Make it a M iU 7 .COTY Ghristmas J 111! 'i : .'i !W1 I A toilet water gift ensemble for holiday giving. All four Coty fragrances in generous sampler-size bottles. Sampler Set .............. .. 4.00 pi t L'AIMANT EMERAUDE L'ORIOAN PARIS' Service Drug Compounded by Coty In iht U S A. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Cropper and Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Cropper went to Nephl Sunday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Cuman Cropper. While they were there Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mau-rice Dorton and Neva Cropper came down from Salt Lake so they all enjoyed a family afternoon of visiting. visit-ing. Mrs. Hulda Anderson of Oak City visited several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Peterson. Deseret Rook Club was held Mon day evening at the home of Arpril-la Arpril-la Scow. Luncheon was served and Rook was enjoyed by Fern-Crafts, MarGenne Rowley, Jackie Black, Bessie Webb, Delores Ogden, Lucile Sampson, Elaine Moody and Lucille Hales. Prizes were won by Fern Crafts, MarGenne Rowley and Jackie Jac-kie Black. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jensen and son Brad and Mr. and Mrs. Axel Jensen spent Thursday in Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Warner returned re-turned home Tuesday after having spent the past few weeks in Salt Lake City and Ogden. Mr; and Mrs. Henry Dewsnup vi sited- Wednesday in Flowell with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mace. Jn Spanish Fork Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Cropper. They purchased two bulls while at the Sale there. Mr. Frank Black was In Salt Lake the first of the week where he had a doctor's appointment. Mr. O. L. Dutson was in Cedar City Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jensen, Dale and Bonnie spent the first of the week In Salt Lake City. . Mr. and Mrs. Verl Gritton of Salt Lake visited several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Black. Visiting in Fillmore and Scipio on Friday were Wells and Eva Rob-ison. Rob-ison. Myrle Bennett and Beatrice Erick son spent Friday hi Provo. We want to say "Thanks" to everyone who helped to make our Ward Bazaar such a success. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Eliason and family spent the weekend in Salt Lake visiting with Cleo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parnell Hinckley. Visiting in St. George over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Garoid Moody. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Knight have had their grandson Shawn Knight of Provo with them over the week end. - - Home from College over the weekend were Gill Dutson from CSU, Darrel Scow from Snow College. Col-lege. Dale Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Jensen and Martin Eliason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Eliason, Elia-son, were advanced to the office of teachers on Sunday. Mrs. Eleanor Bishop of Salt Lake visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Allred over the week end. Mrs. Edna Christensen and Mrs. Cassie Johnson attended a Postmaster's Post-master's Convention at Fillmore Saturday evening. Verl Black of Tooele spent Sunday Sun-day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Black. ; ; . ; Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Christensen and son Clay of Salt Lake spent Sunday with Mrs; Edna. Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Eliason and family. Gill Dutson, son of Mr.' and Mrs. O. L. Dutson, hair received a mis- Sutherland Green Stamps Boost UTAH Business The Sperry and Hutchinson Company is proud of its part in the growth of Utah. S&H employs Utah people, spends thousands of dollars with Utah's transportation trans-portation industry, and helps local merchants build up business. S&H pays Utah taxes. It boosts the state with special programs like the S&H Tourist Promotion. S&H Green Stamps are redeemable for fine merchandise mer-chandise too. "7 Mr. and Mrs. Harlon Stone made a trip to Scipio Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Shurtz and family have moved to Kearns and will make their home there for a whhe. We are sorry to lose so many of our young people. Reva Losee was taken to a Salt Lake hospital during the week but is In the West Millard Hospital feel ing so much better now. We hope she will toe home this week. Pat Williams of Nyssa, Oregon vis ited the weekend with hLs brother in-law Freien Shurtz and family. We have measles on one side of us and mumps on the other side. We hope they will all be better soon. Tuesday the Relief Society had their theology lesson given by their leader, Linda Boothe, which was very nteresting. Thirteen members attended. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Perkins were in town Saturday doing some Xmas shopping and visiting with their old friends and neighbors. Sure good to see them. Bertha and family fa-mily live in Ely, also, Wallace and family, while the men work In Mc-Gill, Mc-Gill, Nevada. Had a nice letter from Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Larson of Mesa, Ariz., visiting in the nice warm sunny place; giving us an invitation to come and visit them. We wish to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Ron Oliver on their baby boy born on Saturday, Dec. 5. All are doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Lorin O-liver O-liver will go up on Wednesday to see the new grandson and Hilda will stay and take care of the little girls. Don't forget the Jolly Stitchers Christmas party on Dec. 12th at the Woodrow Hall. Pot luck supper and; cards afterwards. ' Tressa Jenson made a trip to the wedding of her grandson Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark made a trip to Salt Lake for a medical checkup for Marjorie last week. Helen Hersleff also had a checkup with Dr. Cowan. weeks in Delta with the family of Mr. and Mrs. Al Willden. Mr. and Mrs. Max Bliss were in Delta Sunday to visit with the Bliss family. Mrs. Max Bliss is a cousin of Mrs. Zola Lambright and Mrs Al Willden. We were all shocked and sadden ed by the sudden passing of Mr. Oren filiss. Mrs. Keith Ross is visiting in Sait Lake with her daughter, Mrs. Wes Dutson. Mrs. Ha Forster spent Thanksgiving Thanksgiv-ing in Roy with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Forster and family. Miss Shauna Kay Hare, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hare, was confirmed a member of the church Sunday by Bishop Lem Lovell. She was baptized by her father. The baby daughter of Mrs. Ra-Nae Ra-Nae Willden Bennett was blessed by her grandfather, Mr. Earl Willden Will-den and given the name Wendy Elizabeth. Mrs. Bob Webb and daughter Geneal attended Sacrament meeting meet-ing in Delta Third Ward Sunday. HINCKLEY THIRD WARD AREA NEWS BEA WILLDEN Christmas is drawing near. Hope we get snow for the holidays. Mrs. Eddie (Connie) Smith is back in Delta after spending the past year in San Diego, Calif, where Eddie has been stationed. Eddie will receive his discharge Dec. 30th and come to Deita for a visit after which they plan to make their home in Quiney, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Little returned re-turned to Delta Saturday after spending five days in Delta, Colo, visiting their son, Dale Little and family. Mr. Eldon Carter and Mr. Don Tipton of Spanish Fork came to Delia Wednesday for a visit with our family. We visited the Willden Brothers mine, which was very interesting in-teresting for our friends. A n d I might say quite a climb to the bottom bot-tom as Bonnie and I found out. 1 must go more often to keep in shape. Bonnie Carter, Marilyn Willden, RaNae Bennett and myself made a trip to Spanish Fork Thursday where we visited Mr. and Mrs. Eldon El-don Carter and on to Provo to do a little shopping. We took Mrs. Paul (RaNae) Bennett and baby Heather to Orem where she v. i'l visit for a few days before return ing to her home in Cheyenne, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Car er and baby ba-by Stacey returned to their home in Granger after spending two sion call to the Central States Mission. Mis-sion. His testimonial will be at Deseret Des-eret on December 27th at 6:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb spent Sunday in Salt Lake with their daughter, Mrs. Oneta Moffett and children. Visitors at the home of Golda Talbot during the Thanksgiving holidays were Celia "Payne and children of Granger, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hunsaker and family of Orem, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Lee and family of Springville, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Riding of Delta and Cleone Tal bot and boys of Provo. Nov. 28th Carol Bishop and Golda Ta.bot were hostesses for a stork shower for their daughters Gwen Rogers and Linda Riding. Guests at the Eugene Bishop home last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rogers, Mrs. Leila Rogers and Calvin Rogers of Milford. Ruth Talbot entertained her Rook Club last Wednesday night. Guests were Lyla Rae Morris, Kelly Talbot, Tal-bot, Mavis Hardy, Reva Talbot, Clara Stewart and Eiaine Hardy. Enid Damron won high member, Dorothy Damron second, Clara Stewart Ste-wart high guest, Lyla Rae and Er-ma Er-ma Cropper grand slam and Belva Morris low. The Cluff Talbots ate Thanksgiving Thanksgiv-ing dinner at their daughter, Lyla Rae and Larry Morris's home, then went to Kaysville to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Spendlove and family. fa-mily. A very lovely and well attended wedding reception was held in honor hon-or of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilde Saturday night. Those attending from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Mcintosh and son Fred, Julia Lawrence, Maline Cropper, Crop-per, Mike Crockett, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ekins and David Ekins, all of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Cropper and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Judd and family, all of Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Ekins. and son William Ben and Mr. arid Mrs. Du-ane Du-ane Ekins, Logan; Mrs. Gladys Wilde, Pauline and Carolyn Wilde, Clair Wilde and Bill Sullivan, Park City; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hilton and family and Miss Irene Hilton, Orem; Or-em; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reeve and family, Fillmore; Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Cropper, Milford; and Mr. and Mrs. J i m McCormick of St. George; Dr. and Mxs. Dan O'Niki and two daughters, Salt Lake; Mr. and Mrs. William Mace, Flowell; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stephenson, Holden; Lorraine Packer, Springville, Spring-ville, Arizona; Carolyn Burgess, A-merican A-merican Fork; Gayle Groo, San Francisco; and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Tripp, Sheryl and DeLora Schlappi of Callao. A new baby boy was born to Joy and Eldon JSIurst on ' the 28th of ..ovember. The Bernell Thomas's were week end visitors of the Parry Taylors. They live in Eureka now. The Taylors Tay-lors recently visited in Springville with Mrs. Taylor's sister and family Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tolley and were Sunday visitors at the Ekker Ranch. Belated is that the Aroet Taylor family met at the Boyd Schena's home for Thanksgiving dinner. Present Pre-sent were all the Schenas', Mrs. Aroet Taylor, the Parry Taylors' and the Darrell Taylors'. :OT-j'T 2:$iwJ; "" "fn Tflwi&zZ?1 -ii.'.', Mm h 's-i J y CillMlXiill - - &J M WJ Holiday a lv5f (nmfrfinn.Q ? Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dutson have moved into the Frank Bishop home. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop have moved to Salt Lake City where Mr. Bishop has employment. Thanksgiving dinner at Carl Theo bald's home was served to Mr. and Mrs. Marion Manwell and children of Placentia, Calif., Mrs. Grace Bell and children Ronnie and Cody of Bountiful and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Theobald and Michael. Our sincere sympathy goes to the Oreu Bliss famiiy on his untimely death. May they be given the strength to carry on in this hour of sorrow. ...and best wishes for health, happiness and success In the year ahead. It has been a real pleasure serving you. ..thank you! mm Id (0)1 15 STARTS THURSDAY PRFEM 10-INCH VELOCIPEDE 95 Tubular frame; chrome-plated fender and handle-bar; red streamers, Flam red with white trim, large metal saddle; sad-dle; white sidewall tires. C(tC(CtCCCCCCCCC)C(CCClCCCCC)C(CCCCCClCCICtcicCir'i HAND CRAFTED NUT BOWL With ( Picks and NUT CRACKER 257 Hand made of white ash in walnut finish. Six metal picks and nut-cracker. Felt bottom. GLEAMING CHROME-PLAT ED CHIP & DIP 90 REG. 6.98 HOLIDAY SALE Classic 17" oval plate with solid walnut handle, and crystal-clear glass dip which fits snugly in center of tray. Won't tarnish or rust. ft H I X A X X 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X REGIMA JU portable SHAMPOOER-BUFFER REG. 24.88 -hocoay SPZCAL The brush shampoos upholstered furniture, fur-niture, car seats, mattresses! Lambs-wool Lambs-wool buffer polishes furniture or cars exterior. Pump fed shampoo dispenser; insulated; 10' cord. ' 7-LIGHT INDOOR MULTIPLE SET CHRISTMAS LIGHTS LIST PRICE 1.62 SPECIAL SALE PRICE If one goes out the others stay lit. New spring clip safety sockets and add-on connector. Pretested. UL approved. I " 00 Ntw Idta lor "Great Coffee" COFFEE CONE by David Douglas CARAFE WARMER 12 FILTERS MAKES 2-8 CUPS Place coffee in filter paper in boilproof cone, pour almost-boiling almost-boiling water into cone . . . serve the best coffee ever! THERMOMETER Mi My l Indoor Outdoor REG. 7.50 White plastic; 9'4"x24". Outdoor temperature regis ters on tube, indoor on dial. RECHARGEABLE FLASHLIGHT REG. 4.91 goo Recharge it yourself by removing end cap and plugging it into any 1 10-Yolt AC outlet. Strong nickel cadmium power cells give brilliant light. Shock-resistant plastic case. 5-year guarantee. teOzck&IhckBr UTILITY SANDER SPSCUL U jJ Ruggedly built; above-average power. Two-handle control; con-trol; handy thumb-tip "On-Off "On-Off switch. Takes 3"xV' paper. 4000 orbits p.m.; 2.2 amps.; 15 hp. m I EN THE SPERRY AND HUTCHINSON COMPANY 1164 E. 21st South, Salt Lake City, Utah u Hi f D C LTP'S LDEPflRTmiinT STORE JJ SX 3 i- H. (Speed) RIDING 3rd W. Phone: 4551 I 54 So. |