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Show Thursday, March 28, 1963 t Millard County Chronicle oman s Pace - mas Glim 7l gH)GAnnouneement o Opit House . . Marriage Math tleeeption Honors ISriiUsl Pair . Ella Mae Mitchell and Maynard Taylor were united in niarr.age in a eerem.Jiiy performed Feb. 16 by an uncle of the bride, William Mitchell o." Escalante. The cereal.).:,, cere-al.).:,, i.si ai. ine home of the .bride's parents, Hr. and Mrs. Mel-vin Mel-vin Mue.ie.i. Parents of the grooi.i are Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tayior of West Virginia. The newlyweds greeted guests later that evening at a reception at Deita Third Ward. The bride was lovely in her floor length gown of bridal lace which fell into a chapel train. Her shoulder should-er length ve 1 of lace was held In place by a crown of sequins and pearls. She carried a bouquet of red and white roses and carnations fashioned into the shape of a heart. Merle Gowers Mitchell, sister-in-law, served as Matron of Honor. Bridesmaids were LaWanna Mitchell, Mitch-ell, sister and RaeNae Tolbert, cousin. cou-sin. They were gowned in pink sheaths. Flower girls, Tawnaya and Jerry Mitchell were in pink bouffant bouf-fant nylon frocks. Kenneth Collier filled best man duties. Ushers were Delbert and Vernon Mitchell. Keith Tolbert emceed the following follow-ing program: Jerry and Emily Jus-tesen, Jus-tesen, vocal duet; Donna Jeffery, reading; Jean Tolbert, vocal solo; Sherry Hardy, dance and Phil Raw- linson, so'.o. Out-of-town guests were Mr. an Mr.; Jo.vid Jacobs, Torrance, Cal f.; Mr. and Mrs. Chess Jacobs, Ogden; Delu..ii and Merle Mitchell, Win-m-mucca, Nevada; Vernon Mitchell, w'-'j. .jrda:;; .h.i. Ui 1 Couaer anJ soa t .1 umi-j, and William Mitchell of E.icaianU'. k vx FldeiiSy Ciisli The Fidel ty Club was entertained entertain-ed at the home of Ora Gardner on Thursday, March 14, with Pearl Snow and Ora Gardner as hostesses. host-esses. Mr. Carl Webb showed slides and things he brought from Sweden. Swe-den. Dinner was served to the follow-ng: follow-ng: Hannah Larson, Arta Henderson, Hender-son, Clara Killpack, Dorothy Gardner, Gard-ner, Ava Stariey, Eila Black, Zola Wright, Verna Gardner, Thelma Seegmiller, Ora Gardner, Pearl Snow and the following guests: Mrs. Spencer Webb, Carl Webb, Fenton Gardner, Margaret Gardner and Estell Gardner. Hate and Janice Cropper Rhodes of Fillmore are the proud parents of a new baby boy born Sunday, March 24 in Fillmore. The new baby ba-by weighed 7 lbs. 2 ozs. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lester Les-ter Cropper of Deseret. r j- x I f-t SoiiW: - : .: , . :!?& 'Zi: v'-: V'-. ... .. . .. I 'L :l :r!i:: : f ' f?? t SMi':: ':::' k '':' "' ' ' " " ' ' ' ' ' " tern MR. AND MRS. MAYNARD TAYLOR BUY HOW Ship'n Shore' embellishes the blouse with embroidered applique 4.00 . v ; ; ..... sir II Simple blouse. Only one adornment. That's the beauty of restraint. 65 Dacron polyester, 25r.3 cotton. Easy-csrr. u".-'-. "-y !n-:r .?0to40. DC LTO'S MISS NANCY DEANE BLACK Engagement Made Known Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Black of Deseret are announcing the engagement en-gagement of their daughter Nancy Deane to LeRoy (Gus) Fowles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon H. Fowles of Sutherland. The bride-elect is a graduate of Delta High School and Ex-Cel-Cis College of Beauty in Salt Lake City. She is at present employed in Salt Lake. The future bridegroom also graduated grad-uated from Delta High School. He attended Central Utah Vocational School in Provo and graduated in electronics. He is also presently employed in Salt Lake City. The couple have circled June 8 for their wedding. VENICE DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Memmott of Salt Lake are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alden Shurtz and fam ly for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and family of Dugway visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Losee. Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips and small son and an exchange student from Japan from Salt Lake v sited with friends, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis Sunday. The exchange student stud-ent from Japan said he never had seen such a wide area of farming ground. The Relief Society had their annual an-nual day Tuesday afternoon. The theme was of years ago in dress and song. Those taking part were very cute and quaint from the nin-teen nin-teen hundreds up to the present day. Those taking part were Verla Jenson, Shirlee Shields, Sharon Clark, Choral Clark, Faye Clark, Hilda Oliver, LaRene Davis, Yvonne Shurtz and Ireta Shurtz and June Losee. A birthday cake was cut for he ladies present with other refreshments. re-freshments. Virginia Lyman from the stake was the visitor present. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Terry attended 'he cap ceremony of their daughter Sandra in the Holy Cross Hospital last week. We wish to congratu late Sandra in her achievement this far. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boothe and small daughter of Salt Lake visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zen Boothe and Judy over the weekend. Floyd Hardy from the Sunday School Stake visited our Sunday School. Those on the sick list this week are Harold Jensen, Stella Shurtz, Rufe and Christine Clark and Jaco-sa Jaco-sa Shields. We hope they .vill soon be well again and out to church. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meinhardt made a trip to Las Vegas last week to meet his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Meinhardt for a week's vacation. They report it was cold and windy. We were happy to meet the Doc Twitchells, the Harold Winds and the Auer Jensens at the Jolly Stitchers Stit-chers 50th anniversary party and to meet Bert Jensen's new wife. 11 MR. AND MRS. S J COTT ANDERSON Reception Honors Delta Couple The Manti LDS Temple was the setting March 15 for the double ring ceremony of Miss Barbara ' Lake and Scott Anderson. . Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lake, Delta. Mr. And- erson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson, Delta. A reception honoring the couple was held that evening in the Deseret Des-eret Stake House. The bride was lovely in a floor- length gown of silk organza with embroideried flowers outlining the ' Congratulations to them. I Virginia Jensen is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jen-. sen and taking care of her mother.' Grace is improving and can be up a few hours now a day. We sincerely sincere-ly hope she will soon be well again. Gary Bohanan, the little son of Mr, and Mrs. John Bohanan is staying stay-ing with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Clark while his parents, are vacationing in Europe (Spain, London and Paris). They report having a wonderful time so far. j Ward Curtis visited our church Sunday night with Elizabeth Hinckley. Hinck-ley. Margaret Jensen is home from the hospital and is on the improve. Her parents brot her home Friday night. Sunday night the program was given by the bishopric. Talks were given by Lillie Memmott, Lee Boothe and Wayne Davis. A large crowd was in attendance. Artie Hill made a trip to Payson Thursday with his lamb to the Vet. Clair Porter. He left the lamb and will get it Tuesday. The Community Garden Club asks everyone to get out and beautify beau-tify their homes and gardens. Burn the weeds and leaves and get ready ior spring. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Eu-gene H. Bishop was the setting of a Saturday afternoon wedding of their daughter, Miss Gwen Bishop and Mr. Billy Joe Rogers. Bishop Karl Workman officiated.. A recept on followed the ceremony cere-mony at the Hinckley Ward chapel. Keceiving in ine line were par-, ents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. gene H. Bishop and Mr. and Mrs.1 bhendan Rogers of Milford, parents, of the groom. Mr. Robert Bishop of Sandy was best man. Miss R.ta Bishop was maid of honor; Miss Lelia Warby, matron of honor; and Miss Vicki Bishop, bridesmaid. The bride was beaut ful wearing a full-length gown of laee and net over taffeta, with lily-point sleeves. She wore a veil of illusion crowned with seed pearls and rhinestones. A five-tiered wedd ng cake was decorated by the bride's mother. It was done in white with clusters of pink roses along with wedding bells in whilte with silver and swans. Tables were decorated In pink and white. Miss Carolyn Bohman became the bride of Spencer R. Wood in Logan LDS Temple rites Friday, March 22nd. Parents of the bridal couple are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bohman of Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Wood of Delta. Open 'iouso honoring the newiy-sveds newiy-sveds will be held Saturday, March ;?0 f,:00 In !):0n n m. at the homo of Mrs. Norma Wright, 122 So. 400 West. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. Couple Honored A wedding reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. Gary Morris will be leld Saturday, March 30, 8:30 p.m. o 11:30 p.m. at Deseret Stake House. Parents of the newly marrieds are Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Baker md Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morris. 32wt Today Louise Lyman, President of Delta Gi'rden Club, announces the club will meet Thursday, March 28 (today) (to-day) at D?lta Second Ward, 4:00 p.m. Topic of discussion will be compost. com-post. The club membership is open to all interested in joining. FAMILY DINNER HELD A family dinner was held at t'ic home of Ruth Steele Sunday afternoon after-noon in honor of Mr. and Mia. Bert Jensen. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jensen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jensen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Zane Crafts, Mr. and Mrs. Auer Jensen and family, of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. John Wind, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wind, from Wendover, and Mr. Charlie Allen. Visiiing at the home of their mo- hor, Mrs. Annie Broder'ck, last veekend were her daughter and "amily, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kay and laughters, Patty and Debbie, Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. High' iewman of Dugway and their daughter, dau-ghter, Linda, who lives in Massa-thi'setts Massa-thi'setts and her new baby boy. CARD OF THANKS The daughters of Mrs. Eliza Hook Taylor wish to extend their sincere gratitude to all who helped in any way in the loss of their beloved mother. Mrs. Eliza Clark Mrs. Lillias Christensen Mrs. Christina Damron Why travel to shop? Shop thru the pages of the Millard County Chronicle. neckline and continuing down into in-to the skirt. Fitted sleeves with tapered points at the wrist added the right touch to the princess style bodice. Her butterfly veil of sheerest illusion fell from a crown of pearls and sequins. She carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds encircled en-circled with white carnations. Attending the bride were Susan Lake, Ranae Stephenson, Jeri Ash-by, Ash-by, Pamela Morrison and Margie Wright. They were gowned in blue brocaded taffeta and carried pink-tinged pink-tinged white carnations. Jeanette and Laurel Lake, s'sters of the bride, were flower girls. Gary Church was best man. Mother of the bride was gowned in a pink sheath and the groom's mother wore a blue lace sheath. Both wore carnation corsages. Pat Hansen was at the guest book. In charge of gifts were An-nalee An-nalee Church, Francis Whicker, Phyllis Wood and Colleen Gillen. Master of Ceremony for the program pro-gram was Robert Horlacher. Ap-pear.ng Ap-pear.ng on the program were Judy Shepherd, Maralee Young and Barbara Bar-bara Jackson vocalizing "Because"; Jean Taylor, original reading; Kay and Ray Christensen, medley of love songs; Cleo Whicker, trumpet j solo; Elaine Dekker, original read-, ing; Susan Lake, piano solo, "Blue; Bells of Scotland"; PhU Rawlinson, : two vocal solos with guitar. The couple left on a honeymoon trip to Las Vegas, Nevada and thru ' the canyons. They are presently making their home in Logan where Mr. Anderson is attendine USU and will graduate this spring in Diesel Engineering. 1 Lindon J. Robison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lindon W. Robison of Fillmore, was named the recipient of a $300 19 6 3 Sears-Roebuck Foundation Scholarship for agricultural study at Utah State University. SHOP AT HOME SHOP WITH THE ADVERTISERS hi j, to all Early Bird Gardners and Gardenettes HOW IS THE TIME TO -PLANT THE GARDEN PEAS -PLANT THE SWEAT PEAS -PLANT THE TOMATOES AND PEPPERS (in the hotbed or jiffy pots) -PRUNE THE TREES AND SHRUBS -RAKE THE LAWNS -PLAN YOUR GARDEN ORDER YOUR SHRUBS AND EVERGREENS AND GET YOUR OTHER SUPPLIES AT Quality Market GARDEN SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS 5v IweVe BEEN TO EACH hi WE WANT TO BE your source of medical prescriptions, prescrip-tions, drugs and sickroom supplies. To deserve your confidence and patronage we offer the finest dugs and m supplies at reasonable prices. M k mMMzMi: J YOUR VlCXatt STORE "Health Headquarters For Home & Farm" You too, may have your Kitchen Modernized If , I I h if j ' v 1 u v f X I sj U , i, j ij i p l lLw j r-t : i ts I " I ' X f COMPLETE SERVICE PLAHH1KG. PLAIIS, BANK FINANCING AND FREE ESTIMATE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PLUS 1 YEAR WARRANTEE CALL COLLECT 484-6202, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH OR CALL 5531, DELTA, UTAH Utah License No. 2263 |