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Show .''iC..'v'"; -i:i.'f! ' ,: ' ...V ,.i;5?!;i.: . . i- i'V RaNAE Engagement Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. Earl Willden are announcing the engagement of their daughter, RaNae to Mr. James L. Carter of Vancouver, Wash. Mr. Carter is the son of the late Melvin Burnett Carter and Bertha O. Carter. He attended the public schools in Vancouver and graduated graduat-ed from Fort Vancouver High School. He attended Clark College in Vancouver, City College in Santa San-ta Monica, Calif., Extension School in San 'Antonio, Texas, (N.I.T.) Northrup Institute of Technology in Inglewood, Calif., the University of Heidleburg in Heidleburg, Germany Ger-many for one year and a half, and graduated from Hydraulic Engineering Engin-eering School of Chunute, Champaign, Cham-paign, Illinois. Mr. Carter studied are in Rome and Venice and in colleges thru-out thru-out the United States. He is at present teaching Scuba diving to HELLO, WORLD -I THINK t I'M GOING TO MAKE IT! When we first met Tommy he had lost all hope. He wouldn't even speak to us let alone try to walk. But hope is our business. busi-ness. So we coaxed and needled and loved him until he crawled out of his shell and stood up. Now he is walking, and talking, and full of hope. Hope raises up crippled children. So does money. We've got hope. But we're looking to you for the money. Not a lot just enough to put one kid one day closer to walking. "Fight with them EASTER SEAL WM- VfCs-S v I FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS V WILLDEN students of Clark College in Van couver. He also operates his own business in Vancouver. Miss Willden has just recently returned home after serving an 18-month 18-month mission in the Northwestern States for the Church' of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Wedding plans will be announc ed later. Merle and Jeavene Ashby Oliver of Ely, Nev., are happy to announce the birth of a 6 lb. baby girl born Feb. 5. The wee one has been named Melanie Kay and has an older sister, Christine, 14 and an older brother, Russell, 6. Grandparents Grand-parents are Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ashby former Deltans now living in Ely. SHOP AT HOME SHOP WITH THE ADVERTISERS against crippling" FUND APPEAL Enjoy ONLY si. - " ' f- 1 1 ah' til Couple to Speak Votes In Monti Temple I Announcement is being made of i the forthcoming marriage of Bar-Ibara Bar-Ibara Lake and Scott Anderson. They will be married Friday, March 15 in the Manti LDS Temple. Parents of the bride-elect are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lake, of Delta. The prospective bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson of Delta. Miss Lake is a employee of D. i " " LA RITA To Speah Vows Wedding plans for their daughter, daugh-ter, LaRita Mae Wilson, to Douglas E. Torrens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Torrens of Deseret, are being revealed today by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Wilson, of Provo. The couple plans an early July wedding to be solemnized in the Manti LDS Temple. A reception is being arranged in their honor. Miss Wilson will be graduated this spring from Provo High School. The benedict-elect has served a two-year mission in the East Central Cen-tral States Mission. He has attend-Brigham attend-Brigham Young University and is now attending Central Utah Vocational Voca-tional School, where he will complete com-plete a course in electronics this spring. Eldon A. Eliason to Head County Easter Seal Fund Drive The 1963 Easter Seal Fund' Drive in Millard County will be guided by Eldon Eliason of Delta. The campaign cam-paign continues through April 14. The appointment of Mr. Eliason, Delta attorney, as county fund chairman was made by Ogden educator edu-cator Rulon R. Garfield, state chairman chair-man of the annual drive conducted by the Utah Society for Crippled Children and Adults. During the next few weeks, vol unteers from throughout the county coun-ty will conduct the appeal for funds to aid Utah's handicapped youngsters and adults. The funds are devoted to providing care and rehabilitation for Utah victims of injury and disease who must have special treatment in order to take their places in society. Much of this .help is carried on at the Easter Seal Vocational Rehabilitation Re-habilitation Workshop in Salt Lake City, where last year more than $55,000 was spent providing handi ! i iiitia mm, Automatic oven and it's budget lovin'! Cook-Master automatic control starts and stops oven-minds the cooking while you're away. Holiday host? Oven holds big turkey. Unlimited heat settings for alt surface sur-face units. Storage galore in full-width storage drawer. Frlgldaira dependability! 30" Electric Model RS-35-63 Choice of 4 colors or white! 229.95 easy termc Stevens and Co., and her fiance has attended Vtah State b'niversity. A wedding reception will follow that evening in the Deseret Stake House. Their many friends are cordially cord-ially invited to attend. Eiridal Shower Mrs. Mary 15; ssett t.nd Mis. GoUl-ie GoUl-ie M Her will co-hostess a bridal shower Saturday, March 9 for Carolyn, Caro-lyn, bride of Lurry Randall. The shower will be held at the Miller residence between the hours of 1 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. A cordial invitation invita-tion is extended to their friends. MAE WILSON capped people with counseling, job testing, placement, work therapy and other services designed to find them a place in the world as rapidly ra-pidly as possible. Additional benefits the handicapped handi-capped receive from campaign funds are wheel chairs, crutches, walkers, artificial limbs, special beds and similar items. These things are purchased by the so ciety for individuals who must have them to make progress against their handicap, but who do not have the money to buy them. The society also provides trans portation to special schools for handicapped people and conduct3 summer camps for youngsters witn disease and birth defects. In urging Millard County residents resi-dents to join other Utahns in contributing con-tributing to a better life for the handicapped of the state, Mr. Elia son said: "The only hope of the lame and the weak is that the strong w,ll give a hand upward." An ideal gift for the college student stu-dent is the Millard County Chron icle. Order today. WHAT MAKES A SUCCESSFUL FARM ? ? ? A strong love of the land A well planned and executed exe-cuted program A little cooperation from nature And. . . a long-range outlook. As a farmer you know that planning is an important part of farming. But have you really looked ahead ALL the way? Make certain that your family and your farm will still be "successful" when you're not here. Plan and provide for the future of your farm and your family through Prudential. See LARRY E. ANDTRSON Ph. 743-6668, Fillmore The Prudential .NSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA a mutual life itmirance company name of your home office, city asd tttle X Couple Married At Trout Creek E3ome Ceremony The Birch Creek Ranch Company home of the Neilscn brothers, Trout Creek, was the scene of a beautiful beauti-ful wedd.ng Friday evening, Feb. 2Jnd. , Sarah LaVon Neilson, daughter of V. W. Neilson and the late Mrs. Neilson, and Kerry Adam, grandson grand-son of Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Adam, Trout Creek, were united in marriage mar-riage in a candle-lighted double ring ceremony. Mr. Merlin Terry, LDS Branch President, Baker, Nev., officiated. The lovely br.de was gowned in ballerina length white lace over white satin, with jeweled bodice, sweetheart neckline, lily point F'.eeves and white lace rosettes c'ustered at the back waistline. Her finger-t p veil of bride's illusion fell from a pearl and rhinestone cown. She wore a pearl necklace, gift of an uncle, Mr. LeRoy Jensen, Ogden. She carried a white satin Bible, an heirloom from Denmark of the groom's grandmother. A single white rose was carried with the Bible. I Mrs. Russell Hoffman, s'.ster of the bride, of Bountiful, was matron of honor. She was gowned in pink lace over satin and carried a black and gold Bible with a pink rose. A second sister, Laura Neilson, of Trout Creek, was a bridesmaid, gowned ;n lemon lace over satin and carried a black and gold Bible with a pink rose. The other bridesmaid, brides-maid, Valoy Sabey, of Salt Lake City, wearing turquoise lace over satin and carried a black and gold Bible and pink rose. Best man duties was performed by a cousin of the bride, Glen Spencer of Trout Creek. Instrumental and vocal numbers were given during the reception by Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Terry, Mr. Clifford Bellander, Mrs. Irene Lem-ker, Lem-ker, and by an aunt and uncle of the bride, Miss Marie Neilson and Mr. Charles Neilson. Lady Lions Are Planning Lvcnt The Delta Lady Lions are plan ning a gala evening on the St. Patrick's Pat-rick's Day theme on Wednesday, March 13, 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Eldon A. Eliason, chairwoman. Other committee members in charge of the event are: Mrs. William Wil-liam Starley, Mrs. Ora Gardner, Mrs. Donna Sorenson, and Mrs. Ruth Steele. All Lady Lions are urged to attend. Jolly Stitchers will meet Friday, March 8, 2:00 p.m. at the home of Fairlyn Edwards. Assistant hostess ' will be Lula Abbott. I Deanna and Allan Worthen of Escalante, Nevada are the parents of a new baby girl born Feb. 28. The new baby is a great-granddaughter of Elida Taylor. when you I l if J Yes, electricity costs less when you use a nameless electric water heater in your home. You get these added advantages too: Install Anywhere A nameless electric water heater needi no flue. Safe Is as safe as the light you read by. Long Life Average life of a "quick recovery" electric water heater is approximately 15 years. Quiet It's noiseless as a light bulb. Cool Exterior Because it is completely wrapped in. insulation, it keeps cool as a refrigerator all over. ' If it's electric, it's bettor! Millard County Chronicle 1 MISS CAROLYN BOHMAN Engagement Made Known Mr. and Mrs. C. Alfred Bohman, Morgan, are making known the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Miss Carolyn Bohman to Spencer Reed Wood. Parents of the future bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Reed Wood, Delta. The bride-elect has attended Weber College where she was a member of Sharmea Social Club and Lambda Delta Sigma. Her fi ance is attending Utah State University Uni-versity where he is majoring In psychology. He has also filled a two-year LDS mission to the Southern South-ern States. A March 22nd wedding in the Logan LDS Temple is being plan ned by the betrothed pair. Col. John S. Mcintosh and wife Sally are leaving for Bakersfield, California about March 17. He has been transferred to the Flight Service Ser-vice Station at Bakersfield. POSY JAKE A l&Mptf 3 n Cluttered valways and pumrnys OW CAUSS SERIOUS IMURtS. Sff THAT SICYClS AND OTftCR OBJECTS Afii KffT (N TttBQ PfiOPtG PiACfSf -rr.il nwm r You get a 1 U, v r uso an 1 8tic i'ii Thursday, March 7, 1963 Announcement of Marriage Made Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Bunker announce the marriage, of their daughter, Reena to Mr. Jim Cole, of Greenfield, 111. The young couple cou-ple exchanged wedding vows Feb. 24th at Ely, Nevada. Reena is a senior at the Delta High School and Mr. Cole is employed em-ployed by the A. T. & T. Co. of Kansas City, Missouri. Vows Planned Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Bishop wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Miss Gwen Lynne Bishop to Billy Joe Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sheri dan Rogers of Milford. The couple will be honored at open house in Hinckley Ward Cha pel Saturday, March 9th between the hours of 5:30 and 9:00 p.m. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. at-tend. Daiiglitcr-in-law Of Deltans In Stage Production Saturday, March 9 and Saturday, March 16 at 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. the Utah Valley Community Com-munity Theatre will present "Snow White and The Mirror" at the Central Cen-tral Junior High School in Provo. Tickets are available in Provo at the State Bank of Provo, Biddulph-Stum Biddulph-Stum Photographers and Murray Music Center, or at the door. The original music for "Snow White and The Mirror" was written by Royce C. Twitchell, wife of Noel Twitchell and daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Twitchell of Delta. Del-ta. Royce was music theory and composition major at BYU and was the composer of Delta Second Ward's prize-winning 1962 roadv show. She has been an accompanist accompan-ist for several yearrs, doing professional profes-sional summer stock in California and acting as musical coach and accompanist for the Utah Valley Civic Opera Ass'n in Provo. She has been production accompanist for BYU Opera Workshop for three years. Mrs. Twitchell will play for all performances of "Snow White and The Mirror", which promises to entertain children and adults alike. CARD OF THANKS We express our sincere and heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many friends for their kind words of condolence and acts of kindness during our bereavement at the loss of our mother, Mrs. Charles Cooper. Ray and Sally Abbott SHOP AT HOME SHOP WITH THE ADVERTISERS U y i mwm UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. Buy better from your dealer now QeaSntf Market 1 |