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Show FIRST WARD AREA HEWS BRIEFS ' . Millard County Chronicle Thursday, October 11, 1962 1E0NA WORKS Support YOUR hometown newspaper news-paper by supporting your hometown home-town advertisers. HUNTERS Hunting ' Knives $ .98 Binoculars 7X 24.95 SCOPES all sizes (MOUNTED FREE) Cartridge Belts 4.98 Deer Bags 79 Lined Gun Cases 3.50 - CAMPERS - Sleeping Bags $ 9.95 Folding Cots 7.95 Portable Toilet .......... 5.95 Aes, reg. 4.98 1.98 Shovel 1.49 Gas Can 1.98 Coleman Stove 12.95 GUMS AND AMMUNITION Lowest Prices In Town MEN'S THERMAL UNDERWEAR UNION $2.49 Warm Leather Insulated Boots 8" tops $14.50 Be prepared for snow. U.S. Rubber Insulated SNOW PACKS $13.50 Red Crew Neck Sweat Shirt $ 1.49 Red Flannel Shirt Red Water Proof Thermal Gloves .... HUNTING CAPS Red or Yellow 1.98 1.19 .98 SPECIAL USED 30:40 . . . $25.00 WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF SADDLES, BRIDLES, HORSE SHOES and BLANKETS Shop at our store for all your ... HUNTING and CAMPING NEEDS C DC LTfl'S N "jftPBRTmEnT STORE J) J Li. and Mrs. Wallace H. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe Waddingham, v. sued with relatives in and around Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bishop, Mrs. June D.-lia last week. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Bassett, Mrs. Blanche Works was in Hoi- Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Maxfield, Mr. den Saturday, Sept. 29 to attend and Mrs. Wilford Munster, Mr. and the-wedding of her grand-daughter, Mrs. Bill Wilson, editor of the Mil-Bonnie Mil-Bonnie Stevens and Tony Dearden. lard County Progress. After dinner Visitois at LDS Conference in Salt they visited. Lake this week were Bishop and I Mrs. Blanch Works, Mrs. Lyd'.a Mrs. Arthur Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. ' Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Bishop, Leoyd Lovell, and Mr. and Mrs. attended the wedding of Peggy Seth Jackson. They attended the Stevens and Don Rowley. Mr. and meeting Friday night for Bishoprics. Mrs. Grant Stevens are parents of Mr. and Mrs. J. iaMont Works the bride. Mr. and Mrs. George and Jessie were in Salt Lake Friday. Rowley, of Fillmore, are the parents The wedding of Mr. o n d Mrs. of the groom. Jerry Hawley was a lovely affair. ' Weekend visitors at the home of Jerry and Paige have lots of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Workman were friends who came to offer congrat- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Workman and ulat ons. Students home from col- son Stephen of Salt Lake. lege to attend the reception were Sunday n'ght, October U, Bruce Jerry Huff, Fred Works, and Velma Taylor a recently returned mission-Odean mission-Odean from our ward. ary, will give his report. He was Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Crapo, of in the Swedish Mission. I'm sure Fillmore, were Delta visitors Thurs- he will have many interesting ex- mn f Education Meets The Doard of Education held its direction of Principal C. L. Bennett. amount of $1,200 was accepted by October meeting at the school dis-jThe conference for teachers on the trict office in Fillmore on Monday, east side of the district was held October 1. AH members of the I at the Millard High School auditor- day. They visited with Mrs. June Smith and Mrs. Crapo's . mother, Mrs. Blanch Works. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riding entertained en-tertained at a dinner party Saturday Satur-day night for the following guests. MEW IW IE W mm mm HL g PROOF Jill SUNNY BROOK SUNNY BROOK How do you Ilk your whiskey? Smooth and Mild? BUY THE STRAIGHT Smooth and Extra Mild ? BUY THE BLEND DID SUNNY BROOK BIST. C8.. UTOHllI. KT. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 90 PROOF, KENTUCKY BUNDED WH1SKIY86 PROOF, C5X GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS Rediscover how enjoyable travel can be Going Domeliner is If! 1 I! 4u mi pleasure "" , Ceteris! Ati is an ideal time to travel ... and for pure pleasure, Domeliner is the ideal way to go. MeohiiM is an exciting adventure. Delicious food of jeer choice, prepared and served exactly how you want it in the regular diner, or in the Dome Dining car featured exclusively on the "City of Los Angeles," "City of Portland" and "City of Denver." MMf-Mvia family Farts apply to both Pullman and Coach travel. Generous baggage checking allowance usually covers everything you might need for a vacation or business trip, without extra charge. fernery is more romantic and beautiful viewed at eye-level eye-level through wide vision Dome windows. Accommodations so restful and relaxing you'll wish the trip were longer. Your choice of economical leg rest reserved Coach seats or luxuriously private and quiet Pullman rooms, lounge cars also add to your travel enjoyment. Htrt't an added convenience. By rail, you leave (and arrive) sWafe. Enjoy a fall trip now. Set your nearby Union Pacific ticket agent for reservations. OMBKtS "CITY OF 10S ANGELES" THE CHALLENGE IT "Cmr Of SAN F.WCISCO" "Cin Of PORTLAND" "CITY Of DENVER'" "CITY OF ST. 10UIS" 51 UNION PACIFIC periences to relate. We invite you to come. Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs of Torrence, Calif., are in Delta looking look-ing after their property and'visiting with Mrs. Jacob's mother, Mrs. Del- la Lisonbee and her brother, Bill Lisonbee and family. Sh'rley Rae Iverson was home from school in Salt Lake over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner and family of Salt Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gardner over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Worthen of Pangu.tch are visiting with their brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Owens. Mr. and Mrs. Etvin Allred were in Salt Lake on business Saturday. Mrs. Bud Holman from Billings, board, the clerk, and the superin tendent were present for the meet ing. The board meeting was advanced ad-vanced from the regular date of Wednesday to Monday in order to avoid conflicts with the LDS General Gen-eral Conference in Salt Lake City. GANDY SCHOOL UNDER CONSIDERATION ....The superintendent Indicated that the enrollment at the Gandy School was now only six pup' Is. He advised the board that this was the minimum number of pupils which could be in average da'ly membership in the school and still receive state iinancial support. Close control and observat'on of this school will be maintained in order to determine the advisability of its continuance. MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC The matter of the mental health clinic in the district was given consideration by the Board of Education. It was the decision of the board that the mental health clinic could be continued with the district providing the local funds necessary until the next calendar , year, providing the county at that ' time would participate in the program pro-gram to the extent of one-half the necessary local costs of the pro-' gram for the entire year. It was noted that the mental health clinic has been financed 30 by the j school district, 30 by the county, and 40 by the State Board of. ium under the direction of Superintendent Super-intendent Wright. Two teams from the Utah Department of Health came to our district on that date. APPROVES EXPERIMENT In other action, the board approved approv-ed a para-professional experiment in the Delta High School English Department. Under this program, a teacher assistant will be employed to work with the regular English teacher who has been scheduled for an increased number of students per day. The experiment will be conducted In the English classes of Mrs. Marvel Clayton with Mrs. Adrian Ad-rian Hansen acting as the assistant under the para-professional pro gram. BID ACCEPTED FOR DISMANTLING HOLDEN SCHOOL The bid of Lowell Peterson in the the Board of Education for disman tling the Holden School. Mr. Peter son will be given sufficient time during the fall and winter months to complete this project. BUILDINGS PLANS UNDER CONSIDERATION The clerk read a draft of a monograph mon-ograph prepared by the superintendent superin-tendent in which alternate building build-ing plans were outlined with approximate ap-proximate financial costs of each. The monograph gave a detailed description of the advantages and disadvantages under the various alternate building plans for the district. The board gave these various var-ious plans careful consideration. Visitors at the meeting were: Ruth Jones, Joy Bennett, Lorene Smith, Virginia Johnson, Lenore Bunker, Mary Henrie, Louise Lyman Ly-man and Lorna Bunker, all from Delta. 7.500 Reao It In The CHRONICLE it Mont., was in Salt Lake for Relief , Health. The above revenues are in1 Society Conference. She came to addition to fees paid by clients who1 Delta for two days to visit with participate in the clinic. The coun- J her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ty commissioners will be asked to1 Roberts and the Wallace Holmans. react to this proposal In their meet-1 Tekkla Dekker returned from jng scheduled for Wednesday,! vvasiimgiuii wnere sne .visuea a October 3. ruece and family. While there she went to the World's Fair. The Sunshine Club met at the home of Mrs. Clara Killpack last Thursday. Fifteen members enjoyed a lovely birthday cake made by Mrs. Killpack for Nora Knight. It was so good to be together again. This was their first meeting since June. Mrs. Scott Christensen and child ren, Don, Dennis, Karen and Sandra, Sand-ra, of Salt Lake visited the week end, with Mrs. Madge Christensen and daughter. While here they visited vi-sited Lehman Caves, hunted arrow heads in the West DesVrt, visited the Great Stone Face at Black Rock and on their way home stopped at Fort Deseret. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Sh'elds were in Provo on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hawley re turned home from their honeymoon after visiting in San Francisco and Lake Tahoe. They are at home at 339 West 200 South. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Gardner were Ogden visitors last weekend. The Stake Relief Soc ety and all the board members from Deseret MENTAL HEALTH CONFERENCE FOR TEACHERS Through the cooperation of Dr. Paul R. Ensign and the stall of the Division of Mental Health, Utah Department of Health, a series of conferences for teachers of the district dis-trict has been scheduled in the important im-portant and vital field of mental health. The first of these conferences confer-ences was held on Thursday, Oct. 4, at 4:00 p.m. The conferences for teachers on the west side of the district was held at the Delta Elementary Ele-mentary School and was under the from a trip to Europe and Russia. They were with the same group as Orran Ashby. While there they visited vis-ited in Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Ger-many, Austria and England. They enjoyed slides and a report of the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Bab Price were in Draper to attend a wedding reception recep-tion last weekend. They left Friday and came home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mynard Mangum of Salt Lake Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fera Little Sunday. Mr. Mangum Stake were in Salt Lake for Relief is a brother of Mrs. Little's. Society Conference. Those from .he Delta First Ward were Presi-Jent Presi-Jent Ora Gardner, Donna Jeffery and Melba Crafts. Mrs. Clara Killpack v sited in Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Little and family spent three days last week with their, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fera Little. Visitors at the Grant Snow home VOTE- (5oi?i?sr. V 1: n li FOR- -CONSCIENTIOUS EFFICIENT . -ABLE The Right Man for the Job (Paid Political Adv.) .4anti with her brother and sisters last week were Grant's brother,' or four days last week. Her "broth-! Rex Snow and Jim Fisher from ' er and his wife recently returned Bountiful. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT No. 1 A JOINT RESOLUTION PRO- al property, not to exceed POSING TO AMEND ARTI- $2,000 in value for homes and CLE XIII, SECTION 2 OF THE homesteads, and all household CONSTITUTION OF THE furnishings, furniture, and STATE OF UTAH, RELATING equipment used exclusively by TO TANGIBLE PROPERTIES the owner thereof at his place EXEMPT FROM TAXATION, of abode in maintaining- a home Be it resolved by the Legisla- lZr!Jit& . ture of the State of Utah, f 1V1h JLh' two-thirds of all members Z n elected to each of the Houses Z ?JEI It L twin f; i ii,.. tary service of the United voting in favor thereof. staeg or ftf Sute of uuh Section 1. It is proposed to and by the unmarried widows amend Article XIII, Section 2 and minor orphans of such dis- of the Constitution of the State abled persons or of persons who of Utah to read as follows: while servintr in the military Section 2. All tangible prop- service of the United States or AMEND ARTICLE XIII OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 13, PROHIBITING EXPENDITURE EXPENDI-TURE OF REVENUE DERIVED DE-RIVED FROM GASOLINE, OTHER MOTOR FUEL AND HIGHWAY USER TAXES, FOR PURPOSES UNRELATED UNRE-LATED TO HIGHWAY USE. Be it resolved by the Legisla- and for administrative costs necessarily incurred for said purposes. (2) The administration of a driver education program. (3) The enforcement of state motor vehicle and traffic laws. (4) Tourists and publicity expense in any single biennium not in excess of the lesser of the following: (a) .5 percent nf th tntnl hipnnifil revpnnpa ture of the State of Utah, from motor fuel taxes, or b) two - thirds of all members an amount equal to the 1959-elected 1959-elected to each of the Houses iqri biennium voting in favor thereof: Section 2. The secretary of Section 1. It is proposed 'to state is directed to submit this amend Article XII I of the Con- proposed amendment to the stitution of the State of Utah electors of the state of Utah at by the addition of Section 13 the next general election in the to. read: manner provided by law. Section 13. The proceeds' Section 3. This amendment from the imposition of any shall take effect upon approval license tax, registration fee, by the electors of the Btate. driver education tax, or other charge related to the operation st of State' of "th. SUti erty in the state, not exempt the State of Utah were killed P Ch"; thT state Utah' D0 HEREBY CER-under CER-under the laws of the United in action or died as a result of F"?. ."'fj1 . TIFY that the foregoing is a States, or under this constitu- such service may be exempted tion shall be taxed in propor- as the legislature may provide, tion to its value to be ascer- The legislature shall provide tained as provided by law. The by law for an annual tax suffi-property suffi-property of the state, counties, Cient, with other sources of rev-cities, rev-cities, towns, school districts, enue, to defray the estimated municipal corporations and pub- ordinary expenses of the state lie libraries, lots with the build- f0r each fiscal year. For the ings thereon used exclusively purpose of paying the state for either religious worship or debt, if any there be, the legis-charitable legis-charitable purposes, and places lature shall provide for levying of burial not held or used for tax annually, sufficient to pay private or corporate benefit, the annual Interest and to pay shall be exempt from taxation, the principal of such debt, with-Water with-Water rights, ditches, canals, m twenty years from the final reservoirs, power plants, pump- passage of the law creating the Ing plants, transmission lines,- debt. pipes and flumes owned and SectJon 2. The secretary of used by individuals or corpora- 8tMe ls to this tions for irrigating lands 1 within protose4 amendment to the the state owned by such Individ- lecyor3 of the State of Utah uals or corporations or the in- in the nt ral election i dividual members thereof, shall th m&nn providei by law. not be "Ptely taxed as long Sectim 8 tf d ted b the as they efiall be owned andused electors cf th!s tUt. this exclusive y for such purposes. amendment ,hlB take effect the Power plants power transmis- f t d of January, 1963. sion lines and other property ..,... used for generating and deliv- I, LAMONT F. TORONTO, ering electrical power, a portion Secretary of State of the State of which is nsed for furnishing of Utah, DO HEREBY CER-power CER-power pumping water for irri- TIFY that the foregoing is a gation purposes on lands in the full, true and correct copy of State of Utah, mav be exempted the constitutional amendment from taxation to the extent that proposed by the regular session such propertv is used for such of the "Thirty-Fourth. Lgis!-purposes. Lgis!-purposes. These exemptions ture, 1961. as appears of record shall accrue to the benefit of in my office, the users of water so pumped tjj 7TTNESS WHEREOF, I under such regulations as the have hereunto set my hand and legislature may prescribe. The affixed the Great Seal of the taxes of the indigent poor may state of Utah,- at Salt Lake be remitted or abated at such Cir, this 29th day of August, times and in such manner as 1962. mav be provided by law. The . . TOnvTn legislature may provide for the LAMONT F. TORONTO exemption from taxation of Secretary of BUt homes, homesteads, and person- (SEAL) and the proceeds from the im- full, true and correct copy of the Constitution cf the Utah to read as follows: Section 9. The members of the Leg;slature shall receive such compensation, not exceeding exceed-ing $1,200.00 a year for the legislative leg-islative term and ! 10.00 a day expenses while actually in session, ses-sion, and mileage as provided by lair. Section 2. The secretary of CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT No. 2 A JOINT RESOLUTION TO or damaged by rights of way, -t : . iuu, luaiuim -UL any tAtiiwr ma uii .i. i 3 gasoline or other liquid motor- ccTt"X ZZl fuels used for propelling such 11," vehicle, except for statutory re- th Jf1 J funds and adjustments allowed ""ftvi PP & of record thereunder and for costs of m , collection and administration, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I shall be used exclusively for nave hereunto set my hand and highway purposes as follows: affixed the Great Seal of the (1) The construction, im- c; thj 29'- f Anffugt, provement, repair and mainte- jg.-y 1 VA nance of city streets, county roads, and state highways, in- LAMONT F. TORONTO eluding but not restricted to Secretary of State payment for property taken for (SEAL) CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT No. 3 A JOINT RESOLUTION PRO- proposed amendment to the POSING TO AMEND ARTI- electors of the state cf Utah at CLE VI. SECTION 9 OF THE the next general election in the CONSTITUTION OF THE manner provided by law. STATE OF UTAH, RELAT- Section 3. If adopted by the ING TO COMPENSATION OF electors of this state, this MEMBERS OF THE LEGIS- amendment shall take effect the LATURE. first day of January, 1963. Be it resolved hy the Legisla- I, LAMONT F. TORONTO, ture of the State of Utah, Secretary of State the State two -thirds of all members of Utah, DO HEREBY CER- elected to each of the Houses TIFY that the foregoing is a voing in favor thereof: full, true and correct copy of the constitutional amendment ion c : T. J - otx wun t. iv is uruLFuaeu w i , amend Article VI. Section 9 of Z"t.. C 4 - v a uic a uii w jr - a uui ii MaiBA- State of . , " i in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the Sute of Utah, at Salt Lake Citv. this 29th day cf August, 19C2. LAMONT F. TORONTO Secretary of Stat Slate is dire-ted to submit this (SEAL) |