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Show Millard County Chronicle The Millard County Chronicle Published Every Thursday Ct Delta. Utah By CHRONICLE PUBLISHING COMPANY R. H. (Bob) HIDING . OWNEB-PUBLISHEH INEZ BIDING ASSOCIATE EDITOR BOB RIDING. JH - - APPRENTICE Entered as Second Class matter at the Postofflce at Delta. Utah, under the Act of Congress, March 3, 1879. Subscription Hate: $4.00 a year In Advertising Rates WATER CONSERVANCY (continued from lront page) ceed $500.00 per annum payable monthly, plus all necessary traveling travel-ing expenses. 4. The Board may appoint a Treasurer, who may be the same as the Secretary, and may employ a Chief Engineer, an Attorney, and any other agents necessary. Powers of the Board DOUG CHRISTIANSEN Do you have a Fire Ins. Policy expiring ex-piring this month? Replacement costs are up. Is your Fire Insurance adequate? Call us today for a complete com-plete review of your insurance protection. pro-tection. . DON'T BE HALF SAFE BE FULLY PROTECTED! Phone Today 2231 CENTRAL UTAH INSURANCE CO. First Security Bank Now, INTERNATIONAL Harvester with "its own'! new D-301 diesel engine, designed and engineered by INTERNATIONAL for medium-duty - International Trucks, brings diesel economy and durability to pickup-and-delivery and other "short haul" operations! You get every money-saving money-saving diesel advantage in a complete International Inter-national chassis-and-engine "package". . . backed by years of experience in diesel design and service ! See us now for full details on International development low-cost trucking! Order now! D-301 dienel enjrina is International Trucks from 16.000 n .f' I NTERNATIOAU TRUCKS Thursday, November 10, 1960 advance; Six months, $2.25 on Request NATIONAL EDITORIAL A SI (TbcATlfolN V w w 1. Can authorize the District to levy and collect taxes and special assessments. Maximum levies are one-half mill prior to the commencement com-mencement of construction; one mill after commencement of construction, con-struction, and five mills in areas to be served by Colorado River water. wa-ter. NOTE: Property owned by the state, towns, cities, school districts, dist-ricts, drainage districts, irrigation districts,, etc., are exempt from assessment. 2. May appropriate, purchase, sell or lease water to irrigation districts, dist-ricts, municipalities, corporations and indivduals. 3. May borrow money and incur indebtedness and authorize bond elections. 4. To study, investigate, and promote pro-mote water development within the district. TELLURIDE DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Max Bennett, and son, Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Western attended attend-ed the party in Richfield Monday night when retired and retiring employees em-ployees of Telluride Power Co. were honored. Smorgasbord dinner at the Rainbow Cafe was served to Telluride Tell-uride personnel and partners from Richfield, Nephi, Milford, Beaver, Marysvale, Panguitch, Gunnison, Salina and Delta, guests from Southern Utah Power Co., and officials of-ficials of Utah Power and light Co., from Salt Lake City. THANKS FIREMEN Meltire Workman would like to take this means of thanking the Delta Volunteer Firemen for their quick action at the fire in one of Mr. Workman's homes. Tanks very much. SHOPPERS WISE ECONOMIZE THEY SHOP WITH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE i v. this latest in mm mWL k - . - - i - ) . ill i; -. . mi International D-301 Engine gives you low-cost diesel performance for the short haul. Naturally aspirated 301 cu. in. engine delivers 110 hp. at 3000 rpm. Weijfhs only 902 lbs. or 8.2 lbs. per horsepower. Here ia high torque output at low speed, plus low fuel consumption and long life between overhauls. J. tt. 1ML available in cumpact-design or conventional to 19.000 lba. GVW. I - LOVEIX & JEFFERY, Delta, Utah ARTS AND By Beth Mecham Anderson Honoring as officers of the American Amer-ican Art League, Rath Nielson and Klee Finlinson of Leamington, Utah When I think of the ladies of Leamington, I think of all of the ones with whom I have associated and reached through personal contacts. con-tacts. This always gives me a pleasant pleas-ant feeling. Some fourteen years ago when I started to teach classes in Interior Decoration, Landscaping, and Applied Ap-plied arts at Leamington for adults, the whole town turned out to support sup-port the classes. They cooperated with the program from the first class on through the years. Then when we started a class In oils of landscaping and still-life, Myrtis and I were delighted when they came down to my home to paint once a week. They had to travel in all kinds of weather, but they always made it here. It has been so much running for them to come to Delta for so many things a week. Yet, they wanted to learn art and other fields of learning enough that they were ready to sacrifice many things for it. The ladies from Lynn-dyl Lynn-dyl also have done the same for years. When I have had art shows and flower shows in charge they have been among the ones who have helped to contribute and make the shows a success. So this week I would like to honor the ladies of Leamington, ' the artists who are making the The P-TA sponsored their annual Halloween carnival last Monday, with fishing ponds, other games and bake sale. The children all came in costume and a very good time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harder drove to Ogden, Thursday, where Glen made arrangements to take over a barber shop. He is working there now and the family will follow later. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Dutson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barton and girls spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Dutson. A very large crowd of friends and relatives from here and out of town attended the funeral Friday, for Mr. Shelby Nielson. He was born and raised and lived most of his life here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gunn and son, Gene of Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gunn of Cedar City, spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nielson and Theron, having hav-ing come up for the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lambright, of Fallon, Nev., brought Mrs. Margaret Margar-et Bradfield home, Saturday. She has been staying with them and working for the past four months. . v r - Inc. ss M, WORLD'S W COMPLETE ' W I ' - x, . - TALENTS struggle for the pleasure they are receiving from painting. We have two of these good women wo-men as officers of the American Art here in our county, Mrs. Ruth Nielson, and Klee Finlinson. Both artists are of the creative type, the kind who like the extra-special, lovely, part of all they came in contact with. I have seen them make flower arrangements out of stumps, bark, and cones, and then paint them o ncanvas. Pansies from their gardens, violets of distinguished disting-uished color from a prize collection. collec-tion. The mountain top of Fool Creek Pass, the winding Sevier River Riv-er at sunset. All original, a desire to create stirs them into seeing and app'eciating the beautiful to the eyes of an artist. These women have held an art show each year in connection with National Art Week. They are a live group women like Claudine Nielson, Niel-son, Myrle Finlinson, Wanda Johnson John-son and many more. AH' painting to enrich their lives:' ' If you have ever been to Leamington Leam-ington on "Leamarado" day you will know what hospitality means and how friendly these people are. There is to "be an American Art sign at the entrance of Millard County from the east, at the head of Leamington canyon. The townspeople towns-people will give their, support to this, I am sure just like many other towns in this county. "What makes you makes Mil- lard County; we' need industry in this county." CLARA JOHNSON Mrs. Laura Nelson is in St. George, visiting and helping Mrs. Ronald (Glenna) Nelson after the arrival of the new grandchild. The Relief Society held ' its annual an-nual conference Sunday night, with Sister Dorothy Gardner visiting from the stake board. Mr.' Gardner accompanied her. The meeting was conducted by Pres. Eva Dutson. Talks were given by Thelma Nielson, Niel-son, Myrle Finlinson and Elaine Johnson. The music was furnished by the Singing Mothers. Prayers were offered by Sister Ruth Finlinson Finlin-son and Sister Gardner. ' George W. and Carol H. Hatch, Salt Lake City, are proud parents of a son, born Nov. 4, The boy has three sisters and a brother, and is the 25th grandchild and 8th grand son for Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Hansen, Han-sen, of Delta. Mrs. Hansen spent last week with the Hatch family, and brought young Amy Hatch to Delta for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Morley, of Salt Lake City, visited friends and former form-er neigbors in Delta over the weekend, week-end, and Mr. Morley hunted pheasants. WEST DESERT ROUilD-UP SHIRLEY We had a nice Halloween school party in Callao, Friday night, Oct. 28. Friends from Gandy and Trout Creek were in attendance. The George W. Tripp's had 19 of their family members home for the deer hunt. Leila Maxfield is feeling fine now, but she's staying in Delta taking care of her mother, Rebecca Stapley, who isn't feeling too well at this time. Verna Sims was home in Callao with her family, last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hyde of Gandy are having little Carol Ann's tonsils ton-sils out this week. She will be in the Delta hospital for a few days. The school nurses wish to pay their annual visit to the schools out here, November 10th and 11th. They will stay at the Faulkenburg's overnight. They plan to visit Callao first. Moving south, they will catch Partoun school, Gandy and Garrison Garri-son schools. I BELIEVE The preacher led a person into the water and asked if he believed? The man .reverently answered "I do." He was baptized. The preacher led another into the water and asked the same question. ques-tion. This person most humbly answered ans-wered "yes." He was baptized. The preacher led another into the water and asked the important question. "No!" was the hurried answer as the water closed over his head. When he came forth, the preacher asked him again. "No! I don't believe!" was the determined reply as under the water he went again. When once again he bobbed to the top the preacher in a firm tone of voice asked again if he believed? be-lieved? "Yes!" came the sputtered reply. "Yes, I believe you're trying to drown me! as he went under again. Mr. and Mrs. Gam Brown, and their five daughters and 10-months old son, Gregg, of Salt Lake City, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Avery Eishop, and her sister, Mrs. Cecil Losee, and family. Mr. Brown joined the pheasant hunters. Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen, Mrs. Ruth Steele and Mrs. Sharron Stoddard drove to Evanston, Wyo., where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil Heyborne. and celebrated Kevin Heyborne's 8th birthday. Elmo Myers, of Salt Lake City, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aneus Myers for the pheasant hunt. With him were his chi.dren, and Mrs. Myers remained 'in Salt Lake. CLASSIF CLASSIFIED RATES: 2c per word, minimum ad SOc. Ads over 5 lines 15c a line thereafter. Display ads, 75c column inch. Will not be responsible for errors on phone-in ads. Use of box no. 50c extra pe r insertion. FOR RESULTS. USE THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OP THE CHRONICLE EACH WEEK. For Sale HAVING DECIDED TO QUIT FARM- ing, the following farm machinery is for sale: John Deere grain drill, fertilizer and seeder combination, rubber tires; Myers sprayer, trailer trail-er mounted; two-bottom two-way plow; seven ft. mower; sand plane, 10" blade; Towner dyker; spring tooth harrow; 15 ft. spike tooth harrow; 8 ft. three-point scraper; Ford spring tire cultivator; John Deere tractor dump rake; Fergu son side delivery rake; three-point hitch subsoiler; Ford ditcher blade; three-point hitch corrogator; Ferguson Ferg-uson double disc plow; rubber tire wheel barrow; 1-ton International truck dump bed; Transport trailer tilt platform with winch; Ford die- sel tractor.; 1959 Custom Rambler, overdrive; 120 acres for sale, long time easy terms, most in alfalfa, all custom leveled; modern home. Will sell without the home if desired; de-sired; 160 shares water stock for sale. John Hersleff, North Tract. lllOtf FOR SALE: 1947 Chev. dump truck good condition; also, Ferguson tractor with loader. Call at P. W. Watts residence, Delta, Utah. Phone 4072. 10I6-11I10 DU MONT TELEVISION World's Finest. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY, tf Use our efficient Carpet Shampooer FREE with purchase of Blue Lustre Lus-tre shampoo. Workman's Home Furnishings. FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1955 Mer- cury 9-passenger station wagon. See Clark Cook or ph. 254J2, Delta. ELECTRIC MOTORS: Electrical supplies,- bronze bushings, Black & Decker drills, grinders, and emery wheels, Sickle grinders Delta AUTO SUPPLY. tf See MORRIS SUPPLY for STOKERMATIC HOME HEATERS Hinckley, Utah FOR SALE: Used electric stove in good condition, $50.00. Call at the former Hugh Hilton home, Hinckley, Hinck-ley, Utah. 11 13 FOR SALE: 1951 Champion Stude- bakef, in good condition. $125.00. Ph. 372J1, Delta. 1110 BE READY for Winter Weather with Rubber Overshoes for all the family. fam-ily. We have a complete stock. Buy now at D. Stevens Co. ROBERTS First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barber, Delta, is the baby girl born Nov. 5 to Gary L. and Mae Jean Barber Clark. He is also third great-grandchild for Mrs. Nell Watson, Wat-son, of Delta. Mrs. Clark is with her parents at Delta while her hus band, SP 4Clark, serves in the U.S. , Army Signal Corps at Okinawa. I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bishop, of Salt Lake City, were weekend visitors vis-itors in Delta with their sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Pace. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Turner for the pheasant hunt were their daughter and husband, hus-band, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Snow, and son Jack, of St. George, and son, Edward Snow, and Mrs. Helen Turner Starley, both of Salt Lake City. , Mrs. Archie (Billie Ruth) Young. with her 3-weeks old son and his older" sister, have returned to their home in Salt Lake City after a visit vis-it in Delta with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mills. The baby boy was born at the Delta hospital. My Neighbors ft. "Dear, you remember your old high school flame " NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Lillis Greener, deceased. Creditors will present claims with Vouchers to tf.e undersigned on or before the 1st day of January, 19C0. Floyd Greener, Adiministrator of the Estate of lillis Greener Eldon A. Eliason, Attorney First Publication: Nov. 3. 1960. Final Publication: Nov. 24, 19C0. H. if LEGAL HOTICE PHILCO T.V. Don't settle for less than a Philco. First in Quality, First in Performance. See th new 1961 Philco TV today. D. Stevens Co., Furniture Dept. 1215!6x FOR SALE: the former Ray Smith home, now owned by Roy Steele. If interested, contact M. J. Harris or phone 497J1. tf FOR SALE: 3 bedroom modern home, at 254 South Center, Delta. Call 3452 for appointment. lljlOtf FOR REST and comfort see our new pillow back recliners, only $49.95. Workman's Home Furnishings. CLOSE OUT: on all appliances in our stock. New models, new styles at reduced prices good buys on used washers and refrigerators. D. Stevens Co., Furn. Dept. ll243x PLASTI-KOTE Spray Paint. No brush, no mixing, all colors, plus clear. No muss, no fuss, just spray it on. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY. tf FOR SALE BY OWNER at great sacrifice: 1 750 gal.- deep well pump; 1 30-in. jointer power plane 1 12-ln. band saw; 1 7-in. table saw; 1 1-gal. churn, electric; 1 Cinder block modern 3-bedroom house. See H. E. Tanner, Hinckley. 10j27-ll17 See MORRIS SUPPLY for ARTIST'S SUPPLIES Hinckley, Utah BE READY for Winter Weather with Rubber Overshoes for all the family. fam-ily. We have a complete stock. Buy now at D. Stevens Co. catteries for Cars, Trucks and Tractors. Full Laher line Including Mustang, Exeter, Nonstop Priced from $10.75. Guaranteed 2, 3 and 4 years. AH adjustments made by us. DELTA AUTO SUPPLY, Delta, tt FOR SALE: the A. T. Twitcheil home, 459 West 4th South. For in formation call Roy Twitcheil or Una Willden. Ph. 5711 or 3422. CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE: Contact Eric Gillen or Evan Skeem or Ph. 3126. Will make good offer. SEE the all new, never-wear-out nylon 1002 Mohawk carpet. Practically Prac-tically indestructable. Beautiful colors col-ors only $10.50 sq. yd. D. Stevens Co., Hdwe Dept. Ilj24;3x ATTENTION: See the wonderful value 4-piece sectional, this week only $259.95. Workman's Home Furnishings. FOR SALE: steel granary; write to Howard Holman, 315 E. 1950 S. in Bountiful or see Wallace Holman, Delta. 1110 TERRY CLOTH seat corers and car mats, all colors. Priced right. Delta Auto Supply. tf BEAUTIFUL chrome sets for a lovely love-ly kitchen, as low as $59.50, $79.50, $99.50. 5-piece and 7-piece sets, at Workman's Home Furnishings. Lost and Found LOST: Keys, 1 dox or more on two rings hooked together, east side of town Monday, Oct. 24. Earl Willden. Will-den. For Rent FOR RENT: Three large room furnished fur-nished apt., with plenty of closet and cupboard space. Nice and clean. House is located at 124 So. 100 W. Call 593J1 or 2311. lljlOtf FOR RENT: 4-room modern home; 5-room modern furnished home. M. H. Workman. Phone 4431. FOR RENT: 1-bedroom modem furnished house. Phone 338J1 11110 P7V7 yn) "if I y i. k nil 17 f t, iv n El i j tiff i r SATURDAY AFTERNOON & SUNDAY AT R1VER2 HILL WEATHER PERMITTING 3D AD Wanted WANTED: Pasture for stocker cattle. cat-tle. Contact Arnold Leavitt at Delta Del-ta Feed Yard or call 377-J2. 1020tf WANT TO BUY boy's 24-inch bike, in good condition. Ph. 322J4. Miscellaneous BE READY for Winter Weather with Rubber Overshoes for all the family. fam-ily. We have a complete stock. Buy now at D. Stevens Co. BAZAAR SATURDAY, Nov. 12-AU are invited to Delta Third Ward Relief Society bazaar, supper and program, Saturday night. Supper, 6 to 8 p.m., at 50c per adult, 25c per child, and 10c extra scoop. Program Pro-gram during supper, auction of handwork (fine for gifts), at 8 p.m. Sale of children's used clothing at 5:30 p.m.- WHEN YOU fill your freexer this fall think of Talbot Packing and D. Stevens Meat Market, where you get those Hickory Smoked Pre-smoked Pre-smoked Hams from your pork. We will render your lard and put in 2-lb. packages to fit your freezers. A packing plant where you are assured as-sured your beef has the proper care and cleanliness of a State Inspected Inspect-ed Plant D. Stevens Co. and Talbot Tal-bot Packing Co. TOYLAND NOW OPEN: Lay-away now for Christmas while selection is good. D. Stevens Co., Hdwe Dept. Il24j3x MAKING DOLL CLOTHES again this year. If interested see Louise Allen or call 5941. 1110-17 FOR CAKES, MADE AND DECORATED DECOR-ATED for birthdays, weddings, special spe-cial occasions, fruit cakes for the holidays, call Mrs. Betty Johnson, Delta RFD, ph. 5552. 1124 BAZAAR FRIDAY. Nov. 11 Deseret Ward Relief Society invites all to their bazaar and program Friday night in Deseret Ward hall. Program Pro-gram at 7:30 p.m., followed by auc-ton auc-ton of bazaar articles, which includes in-cludes quilts, fanciwork of all types popcorn balls, baked goods and candy. WILL TEND CHILDREN at my home, toy day or hour. 25 cents per hour per child. I have plenty of toys for them. See Mrs. Marilyn Stoddard, Delta, ph. 321J1. ATTENTION DEER HUNTERS: Let us process your deer this year. We have plenty of cooler space to store them seperate from the beef and pork. Bring the mto us skinned or unskinned, we will take care of them properly. D. Stevens Meat Market or Talbot Packing Co. CUSTOM LEVELING, LAND PLAN- ing and plowing. See Conrad Stan-worth. Stan-worth. Phone 3383. 1110 WE WILL SHIP HOGS eveay other Wednesday, October 12 & 26, etc. DELTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION, tf GOVERNMENT SURPLUS SALES NOW anyone can buy DIRECT from U.S. Government SURPLUS DEPOTS, by mail for yourself or for resale. Cameras, binoculars, binocu-lars, cars, jeeps, trucks, boats, hardware, office machines and equipment, tents, tools and tens-of-thousands of other items at a fraction of their original cost. Many items brand new. For list of hundreds of U.S. Government Surplus Depots, located in every State and overseas with pamphlet pamph-let "How Government Can Ship Direct To You," plus procedures, HOW TO BUY and how to get FREE SURPLUS, mail $2.00 to SURPLUS SALES INFORMATION SERVICES, P. O. Box No. 1818, Washington 5, D.C I U |