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Show HINCKLEY , WLIAMINGTOK Gladys Carter Lowell and Esther Petersen and Blaine and Vie Robinson went on a fishing trip to Fremont and to Boulder Mountain. They were having hav-ing some very good fishing, especially especi-ally Blaine. He was wading along with his partly filled creel over his sholder when he stepped in a hole so -deep, he went down out of sight. Lowell just laid on the bank and rolled with laughter. Finally Blaine surfaced and had lost two fish. Instead of Lowell helping him out he shoved him back under to retrieve the two lost fish. This was all Blaine needed. When he came up again his creel was so full of fish, they had an awful time getting get-ting rid of the extra, over the limit fish. Looks to me like Blaine better stick to bank fishing, too much lead in one end.. Cherol and Wayne Blake and family of Orem, spent Monday, visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Blake and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reeve. Reid and Joan Stewart drove to Salt Lake City Saturday to dance and hear Nat King Cole at the Rainbow Randevu. Miss Karen Petersen, daughter of Wayne and Thora Petersen just returned from a two weeks' visit to California. She stayed at the home of her friend, Gloria Grant, at Los Angeles. The girls were roommates while attending BYU. While there, Karen visited Cata-lina Cata-lina Island, saw Cinorama and at Forest Lawn saw the famous painting, pain-ting, "The Crucifixion". She also visited a number of other friends who attended the "Y". Mabel Harder Carol King and her friend, Jackie Bear, of Salt Lake City, are spending spen-ding their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nielson and the Wallace Nielson's. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Eradfield and family and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bradfield and children left Friday, for a weeks' vacation in Yellowstone Yellow-stone Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. T. Finlinson left Sunday, for several days visit in Salt Lake City. The 4-H boys and girls enjoyed the three-day camping in Oak Creek Canyon. Louise Lovell and Clara Johnson accompanied the girls and Burton Hanson and Dick Nielson went with the boys. The boys are quite proud of the fact that they won first place In the skit contest. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lovell and Mr. Fergus McCardell visited relatives re-latives in Nephi, Tuesday. Roger and Connie Anderson, children of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ander son, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson. Mrs. John Crafts is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Roper, this week. Sugarville VENICE DAVIS Croppers Hold IlciiBiioii Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lovell and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lake and families fam-ilies attended the Prisby family reunion in Payson Friday. Diane Lovell and Barbara Lake took part in the program, with a song by Diane and an Instrumental number num-ber by Barbara. CELEBRATE WITH US IN HINCKLEY JULY 23 - 24 - 25 In Wranglers From The DELMART Your Announcer Wears Them Blue Bell Vranglers Headquarters AW -JJti Sunday night the program was given by the Ward, talks by Hen rietta Barben, Zen Boothe, Doug Terry, and LeAuer Shields, Song by Shirley Shurtz and Inga Mae Memmott, a piano solo by Joyce Shields. A good crowd was in at tendance. Mr. and Mrs. Rom Shields made a trip to Salt Lake City and American Ameri-can Fork, where they visited their new grandson, new son of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Shields. Mrs. Doris Abbott made a trip to Hilf Field, to return Mrs. Manly Abbott and family to their home. Mr. and Mrs.. Joel Miller and family, from Sunnyside, Washington, Washing-ton, visited with his sisters, Mrs. Mel Terry and family, and Mrs. George Jenson and family, also a lot of friends and old time neigh bors. Its good to see him again. Mr. and Mrs. Devon Roper are home again. He has been released after four years in the army. They are visiting their families, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Terry and family and the Ropers of Oak City. Mrs. Cal Boothe is visiting in Torrence, Cal., with Mr. and Mrs. David Jacobs. They have a new 8 lb. baby boy. Cal is home, busy as a bee, putting up the peas. Mr. and Mrs. Zen Boothe made a trip to Salt Lake City, during the week. Miss Luana Harris from Jerome, Idaho, is visiting with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rom Shields, for the summer. The Garden Club met with President, Presi-dent, Mrs. Stella Shurtz. Flower arrangements were made, and each member present was presen ted a bouquet of roses, by Stella Shurtz. A good slice of watermelon was served and a good time was enjoyed. Lynndyl MART JOHNSON Mrs. Lucille Johnson entered the Holy Cross hospital in Salt Lake Thursday. She underwent major surgery, Saturday, and Curt drove in Friday evening to be with her. She is expected to be home from the hospital this weekend. Tuesday evening the Mutual held a swimming party at the Delta pool. It was a lovely, warm evening for swimming and following follow-ing it, they all met at the Fireplace Fire-place for eats. A large group enjoyed en-joyed the evening. Roger Overson came in from Ely, Wednesday. He was out of work on account of the strike. His par ents were on a vacation to San Francisco but had returned Tues- The decendants of the three Cropper brothers, Thomas, Leigh, and Wize, held their annual reunion re-union at the Arthur Reeve park and Hinckley ward chapel, Sunday. These families have held this annual reunion for the past twenty years. Robert Robinson and Leigh Max-field Max-field were in charge of the reunion this year. Each family unit spread their dinner on a table under the trees and food was passed all along the long tables. Some of the people from out of town attending were: Mrs. Alfred (Mattie C.) Bliss and her two sons, Martin and Verdon Bliss with their families, of Salt Lake City, another son, Kenneth Bliss, and family from Provo. Mrs. Mamie Nelson of Midvale and her daughter, Maxine Sargenni, and family of Midvale; Glen Cropper and wife, Ada, of Spring Lake, and his son, Blaine Cropper and family of Provo; Mrs. Eva Cheel of Baldwin Park, California; Calif-ornia; Leona Pratt and two daughters daugh-ters of Bellf lower, California; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cropper and six children from Salt Lake City; Mu-rial Mu-rial C. Bush and husband, and four children of Tooele; Mr. and Mrs. George Cropper and family of Orem; Or-em; Mr., and Mrs. Lay ton Max-field Max-field of Salt Lake City, and two daughters, Marilyn and family from Michigan, and one from Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Moody, Nevada, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Mar-ion Warnick and family of Ogden. New officers were elected for next year from the Thomas Cropper Crop-per line. Lloyd Johnson of Aurora, is in charge, with Rex Reeve, Salt Lake City, and Glen Pratt, as assistants. Lyle Pratt will replace Kenneth Cropper, as head of gen-eology, gen-eology, as he has served for 20 years. Sebrina Ekins is historian. Fanny Maxfield of Hinckley, was the oldest Cropper girl present and Glen Cropper, Spring Lake, the oldest Cropper male present. The program was given by the grandchildren and greatgrandchildren greatgrandchil-dren of the three brothers, Thomas, Leigh and Wize. Mary C. Reeve gave an original tribute to the Cropper family. The program con sisted of musical numbers and readings. Between 130' and 150 people attended. 63 Ho matter where you live, you'll get fast,efficient service when you. . . I 7 i , i PI v.- ' -sab i v r n L V U L u n r; t ; t if V- i fan : I 1 MAIL villi.. V XOCii.VCvii.VlS tel., ; No matter where you live, in the city or in the country, you'll get fast, efficient service when you bank by mail at the Commercial Bank of Utah. And that's not all, you'll get new accuracy and convenience in handling funds through a Commercial Bank checking account. Bank by mail! Pay your bills by mail ! Your cancelled checks are legal receipts and your monthly statement gives you a permanent record of your financial transactions. Hero's how DANK BY MAIL works: To bonk by mail, you merely endorse your income checks, mark them "for deposit only," ond send then to the nearest office of the Commercial, Bank. Your deposit will be entered in your account immediately and by return mail the Commercial Eank will send you your receipt plus a specicl envelope mailer for your next deposit. regTF3iC0 MERCIAl BANK OF UTAH .St C'fic: Jpcn'iS fork -! . - -iv:dt c-- ' "s-.TKe Corp. - tt'sbrr Feder-jl Ptsvw Sys:n Booevit - Delta Hbr Duchesne day morning. Mrs.. Effie Johnson and grad- daughters, Susan and Katherine Wilson came up from Los Angeles, for the Johnson family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson came down from Salt Lake City. The reunion was held at the Peter Johnson home in Sutherland, on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Burnham and family were down from Idaho Falls. Coming on Wednesday and were here the rest of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot are home after two weeks In Los Angeles An-geles with their children there. Mr. and Mrs. Arsel drove up on the 4th and took them back fith them. Mr. and Mrs. Wilis Oveson and little son are here while his work is stopped due to the strike. They are at the Clyde Overson home' Mr. and Mrs. Clair Overson and family also have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Overson. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Nielson and family drove to Provo for the day Tuesday. Friday Mr. Nielson return ed to his work in Milford. Mr. and Mrs. Gead Nielson drove to Cheyenne, Wyomong Friday and assisted Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nielson and children In their move back home. They arrived here Monday evening. We are happy to have Bob and Marilyn back with us. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nielson drove to Salt Lake City Saturday. Their daughter, Colleen, and Mrs. Jean Ashby, came home with them. Colleen will be here with her parents, par-ents, while her husband, Bob, Is at summer camp with the ROTC. Mr. a nd Mrs. Danelo Whatcott and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Whatcott and family drove down from Provo and were overnight visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Whatcott. Saturday Satur-day they all went to Kanosh for a family reunion. Mrs. Clarence Hogan is visiting in Los Angeles with her daughter this week. Cordon Shipley was among the FFA members who took the trip to the canyons and parks. Sunday evening Paul Finlinson was the speaker In church. He gave a very interesting account of his experiences in Europe while in the army. Following church he showed pictures he had taken in many countries over there. He was accompanied by his parents, Mr., and Mrs. Ray Finlinson and Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Finlinson. M. a nd Mrs. Roy Thompson and children of Milford vis.ted here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thompson, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert AbesJen and Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Eanks were Nephi visitors Saturday. Mrs. Lile Johnson and Ross drove to Spanish Fork Monday for the afternoon.. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Abeglfn, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell WMkins. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Nielson. Mr. anl Mrs. Bevan Thompson. J. A. Banks. Mis Gladys Ear.ks. Ekii.e Dutson. IDn Creathouse. Carence Hogan. and Ray Wilkir.s went to Manti Monday evening for a session In the Temple, Christ en sen . Heunion Jnltj SO The Christensen family reunion is planned for Oak City Canyon, Saturday, July 30, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Prizes will be given for the best family attendance. Each family is asked to bring a lunch, along with $1.00 to defray reunion expenses. Any good program pro-gram talent is also requested. There will be free melon and games for everyone. Heading the reunion committee are: Merlin, Talmage, and Martha Christensen, Delta. Trash Hisposal Trash is being dumped along certain county roads in the vicinity vicin-ity of Delta. County Commissioners Commission-ers ask that designated areas be used for the disposal of trash. "Let's all help to keep our roadsides road-sides clean of trash". 1 MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE j Delta. Utah. Thurs. July 21, 195S. lieseret (garden Club Work Meet Miss Gevene Adams, Salt Lake City, is spending a two-weeks' vacation in Delta with her mother, Mrs. Martha Adams. She will return re-turn to Salt Lake City, July 24. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid are making mak-ing a week's trip to California, leav ing Delta last Saturday. The Deseret Garden Club held a work meeting at the Deseret Church grounds Friday, July 15, at 4:00 p. m. Beverly Eliason, a member of the work committee, directed the work for the day. General care of the flowers and shrubs was given. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. Cleo Eliason and Mrs. Beverly Eliason. i rail 111 Kit All lew Design ! lew Features in this 0.4 cu.ff. L .?mv.-..-.vmv-m- ; 8 : ,, wJITBfr aBSH3 ft--"--- - , Food Freezer-Refrigerator Freezer-Refrigerator Combination! Model CDV-84 $0.30 ' only w a week After Small Down Payment C - t I i : AH ! !! in New Styling inside and out! COMPLETELY SEPARATE FOOD ter Compartment, Egg Server, FREEZER keeps food fresh- lots of Tall-Bottle Space, frozen for weeks. PORCELAIN HYDRATOR is full- SELF-DETROSTING in Ihe re- width, keeps fruits and veg- frigerator gets rid of frost etables at their crispy best. and defrost water... auto- REFRIGERATOR SHELVES and matically. T . ice Trays are rust-proof, REFRIGERATOR DOOR has But- golden aluminum. BUILT and BACKED by GENERAL MOTORS Sf6 38 w i 1! ikXT'-'Mt i 1 n ' . rfsi&-Msf ( -r x, "7 , '' j CChO I . I C ' - '" I him f a --'I I i ! i ? JT .;" x.. L..J I ,--.::;:; I V i J j t . . ' f' . u.i 6' '4 if . w Z.. , v . j A v if extra aIO . . You can taste the smoothness of 2 extr years at no extra cost mellowed to G-year-oId pertect.on. extra quality ...Ail Kentucky maoe-alt st'aiij'it bourtun. Famous for 'ts natural fjl J t me Kertatky flavor. extra ValUO ... Its friendly p'lte 14 a al Jt that can't be beaten. a treat worth repeatinc 7 l STRAIGHT BOURBON V.H!SKEY 65 PROOF ECHO SPF'NS CiSTiLXlNG CO. LCUiS'LLE. KY. |