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Show SUTHERLAND . . . MRS. ZELDA OGDEN Mr.' and Mrs. Bill Clark had Miss Dorothy Rodalbuogh, of Salt Lake City as a guest this week. Clei Christensen returned from his trip to Texas this week, and reports he enjoyed ie very much. We wish to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lyman on the birth of their new son, born in Salt Lake, Feb. 13. The Primary (held their Valentine party with a probram and dance . after which ice cream and cookies were served. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bennett, and family made a trip to Logan. They returned the day of the big wind storm in the northern part of the state. Tihey said it was really terrfic. They saw tipped over trucks and trailers and a lot of destruction it left behind. ' A family dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marven J. Moody, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Church, and two girls, who left to make their home in Calif. Also to welcome Mr. and Mrs. DiclcMoody. Dick has just been released from the armed forces. Mr. George Chemberlain and Carol entertained the Sutherland School with a very interesting program. pro-gram. Carol danced several dances and Mr. Chamberlain played his musical saw, violin, and the family fam-ily of Harmonicas. The students enjoyed It very much. Meeting Sunday night was under the direction of Willard Stephenson, Stephen-son, member of the High Council. Are Married In Home Ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bennett are announcing the marriage 01 their daughter, Colleen, to Kirk Johnson, John-son, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson, of Holden.- The ceremony was performed Friday, Feb. 6, at 7:30 p. m. at the home of the bride's parents, by Bishop M. E. Bird. Present were the parents of the bride and bridegroom, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Bennett, and members mem-bers of the family A wedding supper . was served after the ceremony, and the new Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left to make their home in Holden. Van Bishop gave a talk and two songs were rendered by Ferrel Wil-lden, Wil-lden, accompained by Lael Hilton. Fireside chat was held at the home oil Howard Johnson, with Ralph Erieksen being the speaker. We are glad to see Ora Mae May up and around again, after her accident. " Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrel Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner attended the ball game in Provo Sat. night. Mrs. Mary Johnson entertained her Primary class at her home Friday ; night, with a Valentine party. Miss Analee Johnson entertained a group of friends Saturday night at a Valentine party. Country CI uli Is loiter t allied Members of the Country Club held a no hostess party Monday night, and met at the City Cafe 'far dinner. Later the guests went tj the home of Mrs. Dorothy Sieele for cards. Present were June Reid, Verna Shepherd, Dorothy Steele, Lois Maxfield, Elinor Roberts, Fern Mortensen, Elaine Knight, Rayda Knight, Ruby Vodak, and Beulah Bassett, Club members, and Neva Robinson and Lucile Stapley, the guests. At cards high score was held by Mrs. June Reid, second high by Mrs. Shepherd, and low by Mrs. Steele. Mj. Loo Davis is recovering after his '"recent illness and Mrs. Davis is back to work at the Sutherland Hot Lunch room, . A birthday party was held at the home of Wilford Munster, Mon day night, in honor of Mr. Hurman Munster. Supper was served to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker, Mr. and Mrs. John Wind, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fonte, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Underbill, Under-bill, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Munster, Mr. and Mrs. Auer Jensen, Mrs. Lowella Nickle, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Wil-ford Munster and Mr. Joe Mercer. Later 500 was played with John Wind and Leulla Nickle winning high prize and Josie Walker, booby prize. "They're always good since we got the m Eiemtc MN6Bf A faulty oven in an old stove can ruin any good cook's recipe. A good electric range ifl worth its weight in gold. You'll love the convenience of today's new models. They're easy to use, beautiful and completely dependable. You'll get perfect results every time! See the new electric ranges today. There's sure to be one to suit your needs and budget. "Only the productive can be strong and only the strong can be free." O Wendell Wilkie mm f COOK ELECTRICALLY! ' nam. Vs: If you waht v real whiskey value, ) a drink with smooth, at a reasonable price ' Try It Today! V , ft ,11,. . j f ft - , j i te. . r j CMSTAIRS EROS. CISTILLIN5 CO, lfC fEW YCRK, N.r. ELENCCO WHISKEY. 86 PROOF, 72 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS Hinckley Ketv MABGENE HILTON I i Mr. and Mrs. Ross H il ton and children, Rosalie, Clen and Raymond, Ray-mond, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hilton and 'Mr. and Mrs. Ren-dell Ren-dell S wensen last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Dee Bennett and family were the visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Talbot. College students home this week end were Mr. and rMs. Dale Bliss, Mae J ean Petersen, Amelia Jane Cahoon, Neal Swensen, Lowry Bish op and Daryl Cropper. For th e past t wo weeks the Service Mens'. Committee h as had bake s al es at Gene Morris' store. The proceeds from th ese sales will go to servicemen. Ladies from the town have furnished the baked bak-ed goods. Mr. and Mrs. Hush Hilton were visitors in Fillmore Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Allred, Marilyn Mari-lyn and Miss Spiller went to Salt Lake City last Saturday. Mrs. Lester Hepworth was the visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Hepworth last weekend. Henry "Anderson was visiting with Patricia Pratt at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Bill Pratt. Mr. , and Mrs." Dick Knott were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Bishop for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stringham and daughter, Raymond Robinson, Merlin Theobald, Cloyd Theobald and Dale Carling made a trip to Logan last Saturday to see the Utah Aggies and Wyoming play basketball. Miss Thola Hepworth is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Or-lando Hepworth. June Hepworth is also here visiting vis-iting with Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Hepworth. He has been stationed at Fort Ord, California. He brought a girl friend, who also visited at his home and the home of Miss Amelia Jane Cahoon. Johnny Moody is home from the service. He is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Turner. John Crafts is also home from the service. He has been stationed at Massachusetts, and is on his way to Iceland. He is visiting with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Charels Crafts and family. . It seems wonderful to see our servicemen and we wish them all Godspeed. Mrs. Geraldine Allred is home visiting with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Le Grande Black. She is em-Dloved em-Dloved at Dueway. Mr. and rMs. George Ekins and family were in Spanish Fork last Saturday on business. Miss Cynthia Ann Whetten Is visiting here this week with Miss Ealine Stevens. Mrs. David Stevens is helping Mrs. Grant Judd of Pleasant Grove who is recovering from arQpera-tion. arQpera-tion. A birthday party in honor of Gam Bishop was held at his home Monday night, Feb. 16. Guests were Gwen Bishop, Alice Faye Bliss, Clara Carpenter, Mary Ellen Cropper, David Ekins, David Stevens, Ste-vens, Eldon Ekins, Gary Greener, Krlstlne Hardy, Lois Hatch, oLis Petersen, Jeanette Hurst, Margo Jensen, Richard Johnson, Owen Davis, Kathie Pabst, Charles Terry, Susan Reeve, Mark Skeem, Rose Ann Spencer, Lewis Swensen, San dra Taylor, Russell Talbot, Mike Bishop, Barry Bishop, Donny Bishop, Bish-op, Dale Carling, Miss Carmen Rose, teacher and Steven Black. Games were played and nice re freshments were served. Gam is 7 year old and his birthday cake was made in the form of a merry-eo-round. with animals and all. The games were played with the theme of a circus and each child was given an animal to act out. The children all had a lot of fun. Mr. nd Mrs. E. E. Likes and son, and Mrs. Hazel Owens of California Califor-nia were visitors of Mrs. Agnes C Likes and Mr. and Mrs. Milo Bish-op Bish-op in the last week. It was Mrs. Agnes Likes' 88th birthday and many visitors came to see and visit with her. Literary Club was held at Mrs. Dana Bishop's home. Mrs. Dolpha Bishop gave the book review entitled en-titled Sojorunes," by Margaret Rawlins. Those present were Mrs. Ivy Allred, Mrs. Beulah Black, Mrs. Phillis Bennett, Mrs. Erma Cropper Mrs. Roma Ekins, Mrs. Joy Hurst, Mrs. Elaine Hardy, Mrs. Angie B. Pratt. Mrs. Belva Morris, Mrs. Bet- tie Jane Morris, Mrs. Melba Nelson, Nel-son, Mrs. Ruth Robinson, Mrs. Helen He-len Shurtliff, Mrs. Harriet Spend- love Mrs. Lillian Warmck, and Mrs. Wynnie Wright. Guests were Mrs. Nina Mecham, Mrs. Vie Robinson, Rob-inson, Mrs. Bertha Love, Mrs. Ruth Talbot. Mrs. Ixis Wilson, Mrs. DolDha Bishop, Mrs. Beryl Hardy. A lovely luncheon was served and a wonderful evening enjoyed by all. Mrs. Merodean Anderson and two sons. Glen and Dean, have returned to their home in Salt i nire ntv after visitinz here 10 days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meron Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Talbot and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Skeem have just returned from a trip through Renn and Donner's Pass, enroute to San Francisco. While they were in San Francisco they visited Mr. Und Mrs. Dale Little. They then ! went down the coast to Los An j geles and Torrance, where they ', visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Square Dancing Friday Night There will be square dancing Friday night in Delta First ward recreation hall. All those interested are invited to be there. II. II. S. News MARGENE HILTON MILLARD COUNTY CHRONICLE Delta, Utah, Thurs.. Feb. 19, 18S3 The students enjoyed a show, "Sergeant York," last 'week. It was a true story of Alvin C. York, with Gary Cooper in. the leading role. Parents' Day will be held Friday, February 20. An excellent program Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Riding and , has been planned, daughter, Bonnie, are leaving this Tne students received a school weekend to visit in Craig, Colo.. PaPer last Friday. This issue was with their son, Robert Riding, and based on the theme of Valentine, family. Lincoln's and Washington's birth- - .' days, and what those great niea '- stood for. The Mustang Leader ette stnft has worked hard and has put out some wonderful sehool bot. They returned home by way of Las Vegas and visited Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stewart. . A party was given at the Nephi Stewart home by Oleta Larsen and Jerry Brinkerhoff in honor of Don Larsen, who left for the armed forces. Games were played and refreshments were served. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Don Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Nephi ewart, Mrs. Evelyn Larsen, Mrs. Eva Ireland, and Bob Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Mer-rill Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Holt, Mrs. Louise Sly, Mrs. Roberta Carter, Mrs. Carol Bishop, Miss Elsie Talbot, Hugh Judd, Neal Larsen, Lar-sen, Jim Larsen and Ruth Larsen, brothers and sisters of Don. The Primary is conducting their annual Penny Drive. These pennies go for a very good cause; to help children in the new hospital, hospi-tal, So if atjprimary teacher calls at your home, please cooperate with them and make this penny drive as successful as other have been. A Temple excursion will be held on Feb. 28 for all people from the Primary age to go who have not been baptized for the dead. The Sacrament meeting this week was given by the Delta Seminary Sem-inary students and was very inspiring. in-spiring. The theme of the evening was preparation and standards of temple marriage. Many wonderful talks and musical numbers were given by the students. Fireside chat was held in the Relief Society room with Clare Bishop as speaker. He otld of army ar-my life and experiences he had had. After his talk light refreshments refresh-ments were served. A Founder's Day program was held at PTA Monday night, Feb. 16, at 7:30 p.m. The chorus came from the elementary school and gave musical numbers unders the direction of Mrs. Phyllis Bennett. Talks, "Looking Forward," was given by Mrs. Cloe B. Hilton. Talk "Education and Parents," was given giv-en by Verdell Bishop. A four layered layer-ed birthday cake with 56 candles honoring in the PTA anniversary was cut and served to eevryone present. papers. Keep up the good work as the paper adds a lot to sehool life. The Pop Club stunt last week was as much a success as the others have been. The girls wore pom poms, some were niarroon and white and others blue and white, designating the schools, Hinckley and Eeaver. They marched march-ed on the floor forming a "London "Lon-don Bridge is falling down" line and girls passed under this arch. They marched into four circles at each corner of the gym and sang Hinckley high sehool songs and then marched to yrm a heart for Valentine. BarbaraTMshop, daughter daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bishop, did acrobatics in the middle of the floor. After she had completed her act the Pep Club girls marched off the floor. Mrs. Roma Ekins -Oak tJily- Mae H. Shipley Sunday evening the stake pageant, pag-eant, "Could This Happen To You," was played at the Sacrament Sacra-ment services in the recreation hall. It was good and appreciated by a large crowd. Last Tuesday night the Scouts ;;nve the recommittal program at MIA. Talks were given by Richard Talbot and Cecil Jacobseon. During Dur-ing the class period the Scouts entertained en-tertained their parents with games after which refreshments were served. , Mrs. Edna Christensen received word of the death of Mrs. Ella Carlson Hansen, wife of Anglo Hansen. She was killed in a car accident at Bakersfield, California. Her son Daryl was badly injured. His leg had to be amputated. Elders Joy Ilarmsworth and Bolton Bol-ton from Roosevelt, Utah, missionary mission-ary friends of Scott Sheriff, visited Scott's folks. Sunday Scott left for Fort Douglas. Mr. A. M. Roper will celebrate his 85th birthday Feb. 22. He is looking fine and is looking forward for-ward to having his friends call on that day played for the stunt. After the game the danced to records. students Hint. ? . s DMAS ...... i itf',.)' ! " 9 II " V i I lUNSJT Hit Ti.i.iLif ... ' T a wtm.m-w I ..! wmr?NmiMKn iamaiutkim mmmtkWiimmm thnfimtittf'-JtMIB "s- toit&? 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For complete Information about any of the new International Trucks, see ASHBY'S, INC. TivU - - - Utah D pnn I --4 V i I - liLiU flTST j Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tal- |