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Show n-S MAKK KVEKY 1'AY MY ST.' . mi n -. FOR VICTORY Buy UNITED STATES DEFENSE BONDS STAMPS JOIN THE PAY. ., 'V k xxvi JjHIUTAH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1944 NUMBER 31 ation Tokens First Ward To Celebrate Anniversary Date American Girls Help Start Bombing Missions Two Accidents Injure Lehi People U. S. Bureau be Into 4 T i r ASKS 1MUS UI1 se February 27 th Canal Widening tb leen U mee: itch- U bs iter-ebel iter-ebel ml s. J. it nrp reminded bv that after February 27 .-keepers wm ucgui uoiiig 1 Tncf fcppn In mind :0n cnuuuc. vrr,T: rt; " ;r red ana diuc situnijo ui ....i. rv.11 mill havn a ,e of ten points each, jegard-0f jegard-0f the value printed on var out your stamps hori-.11it hori-.11it AS formerly. If you e meat purchases totaling 13 tar out two red stamps U at. 20 points. In turn, i'r merchant will give you for InffP seven red tokens, each frth one point. Blue tokens i .riven in change in the irhase of processed foods, and j also have a value of one 'frteach. fhe tokens will have no expi-f expi-f on date, and may be used inever you wish. Crazy Staff 'Doc. what's that you're ioing to give Bill?" Doctor "An anestnetic, ifter he takes it he won't now anything." 'Lor, Bill don't neea tnat, jie dont know anything Hitler went to a fortune teller and asked "On what Jay will I die?" The seeress issured him that he would lie on a Jewish holiday. tWhy are you so sure of that?" demanded Hitler. ?Any day," she replied, "on tfiich you die Jewish Holiday." will be a I He (in telephone, booth), !l want a box for two." Voice (at other end) fSorry, but we don't have boxes for two." He "Isn't this the boxoffice of the fcoyal?" . Alva-"No, this is the mortuary." He "Did you hear about tfte wooden wedding?" I She "That's a new one." S TJo T7 4- T.-1 "c ica, twu x-uies were parried." I A colored drayman doing . I hauling job, was . told he wouldn't get his money until un-til he presented a state-went. state-went. After much meditation medi-tation he produced the folding fol-ding bill. "Three comes tod three goes, at four bits J went, $3. I A soldier sought shelter Si the cook's tent, during a tost storm that -swept wough the camp during jraneuvers. He noticed wat the lid of the soup kettle ket-tle -was awry, permitting e dust to blow into the JP. and called the cook's ; :nuon to it, and remarked re-marked Tf 1 j , , jruu wimia Keep "e covered properly, " "UUJun t nave to eat so FS? dlrt ith our soup." 1 See npra rviTr 1J : J we pdni, - angrily, "your ZTS,ls to se your .5LS0l.replied, ) ' w eat it." WYU Plala and grey shirts sizes 14 to 17 . Wolverine shoes wvi i16 Inch laced boots J8 and work rubbers- 'iJJ boots-rubber boots hd nT .i"111" outings Wuibatpmows - u,-j Ollllte ni mi S and a tot of other uie goods at Good win s If in iaLBonds we all fin. PVeSt. An Old timp pc.1oVm.oh - vwtwiauun is ce- ing planned by the First ward u """nwrsmp m commemoration commemo-ration of the organization of the S Festivities will continue S Sy5' Tuf sday Februafy y, and Wednpsrlnv nrou my, , J WUU1 i. The evenings of both days will oi.cu iuu 01 run ior old and The feature ning will be a banquet in the ward house, a revival of the old time picnic, in which each family fami-ly brings its own. Groups of relatives or friends may put in together and eat at a reserved table. On account of food rationing, ra-tioning, it is not deemed advisable advis-able to attempt the usual type of banauet. hut. th in charge is confident that the T-i "I V i kna..l .111 tm,mvi-uaiiqueii win De a nuge SUCCesS. A strlnw csvtotfa ,ui UVAVLLVC Will furnish music during the meal. As a further attraction Tuesday evening, the Relief Society will present a play with a cast of women, ditrected by Mrs. Gladys Peterson. Advance word is that 11- i j . wie piay is a scream. During the second evenin-. the M. I. A. will present a variety program to be followed by a dance to the music of Carter's Orchestra. A special feature of tnis evening will be the Birthday Cake Observance. A huge cake is being prepared by the Primary association, large enough for everyone to have a piece in connection con-nection a cold drink which will be provided free. No admission charges are being be-ing made and every ward member, mem-ber, young and old, is invited. Fifth Ward Reunion Plans Progressing Preparations are going for ward for a gala-ward reunion to be held in the Fifth ward Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb ruary 29 and March 1, it is announced an-nounced by ward officers. Arrangements Ar-rangements are being made for a banquet, to be served cafeteria style by the Relief Society, a novelty program, and a dancing party. All adult members of the ward are to be entertained Tuesday evening. No ward meetings will be held on that day. Children of Primary age will be entertained Wednesday afternoon. after-noon. The affair promises to be worthy of attending, and all ward members and former members mem-bers of the ward are cordially invited to attend. , . - 1 I . ' '.' ' " - ' . A ' ' ' T , t , ' '- ' i 1 , v -4 $ i . - ' i I ' ' . 4 it A Si t ' V..:,. . '' ' :;t ' ""-.v f .!?:,'.'..- j & ,v. V '. , ' 'A l r? Sir.- - -y X .1 " .-rv .c..- ij vy ' 4 Eight trained hands three pairs of them feminine-unite feminine-unite at one station on the Chevrolet assembly line producing pro-ducing one of the great fighting weapons of this war, the Pratt 8s Whitnev aircraft best-known bombers and cargo planes. Capably supplying "manpower" to back up the armies of the United Nations, hundreds of women are at work in this plant, which is one of 17 in Chevrolet's nation-wide manufacturing system geared into the Pratt & Whitney aircraft engins assignment. Projects Named By Lehi Priesthood Firemen Answer Call On Main Street Priesthood Droiects for the month chosen at Priesthood union meeting Sunday as follows: fol-lows: Church Service Committee. The project is to have each Melchizedek Priesthood member of the stake visit the temple during the month and do the work for four names, in order to help fill Lehi stake's quota of names. Personal Welfare Committee. The project is to have each Melchizedek Mel-chizedek priesthood member in attendance at Fast Meeting next month, and to have a fast donation dona-tion paid from each family. Class Instruction. The project is to have each member read the new textbook, "The Life of John Taylor," and bring the book with him when he attends Priesthood meeting. Miscellaneous. The project is to urge each priesthood member to have a home evening with his family during the month. Farm Labor Supply To Be Checked In connection with its annual survey during March, the Agricultural Agri-cultural Adjustment Agency is to cooperate with the Committee for Economic Development in its survey of post-war farm employment employ-ment and improvements. While the A. A. A. is not sponsoring spon-soring the C. E. D. survey, its agents will display the C. E. D. forms at the various farm plan meetings and after their execution execu-tion by the farmers, will collect the forms and return them to the C. E. D. State headquarters. mi. . att Afrrfmilr.Tiral Aeents nie uuuij .tig,""- will have representatives present . 1. i-jn-c- n p-mlain the at SUCH meeiiin&a - i forms and assist the farmers in their execution. The purpose of the survey is to ascertain the number of returning re-turning servicemen and displaced displac-ed war workers who can be given employment at the termination of the war. f Farmers are urged to come to the farm plan sessions prepared to indicate the number of warK ers they are likely to employ and also their intentions as to the construction or repair of build ings and other farm strud Sd to Purchase farm equipment and household furnishings and aPlfrsatedbytheCeE.D. that employment must be pro vided for ten million more workers work-ers after the war than was provided pro-vided in 1940. P.-T. A. PROGRAM WEDNESDAY A special program, semi-pat riotic in nature, is being prepared prepar-ed by grade school students to be presented in the high school auditorium Wednesday evening, February 23, at 7:30 p. m., under the direction of the Lehi Parent-Teacher Parent-Teacher Association, it is announced an-nounced by Mrs. Gladys Peterson, Peter-son, president of the organization. The program promises to be one of interest to all ages, ana the public is cordially invited to attend. Lehi firemen were called to a freak fire Friday evening at the rear of the Main street business section, when flames and smoke were much in evidence. The blaze was extinguished within thirty seconds of the time the firemen arrived with the truck, preventing any . damage which was threatening the rear of the business section. The fire began in some fuel oil which had been pumped from k storage tank back of the building. build-ing. It had run east from the bank to the near the . telephone office gathering in pools. When ignited from a rubbish fire the rolls of smoke and-.flt.mes -were alarming. The fire itself was not as bad as it looked but rear doors and a utility pole were schorched before it was out. No actual damage resulted. Forestry Supplies Tres In Earliest Orders Ceiling Prices Announced Retail ceiling prices, variations according to variety or grade, all prices by the pound unless specifically spe-cifically mentioned: All apples, 12 cents; bananas, 9 to 12 cents; grapefruit, 8 to 11 cents; lemons, 13 cents; oranges, 7 to 10 cents; tangerines, 14 cents; cabbage, 6 cents; carrots, 10 cents per bunch pound; clip ped topped California carrots, 8 cents per pound; topped Utah carrots, 3 cents per pound; lettuce, let-tuce, 11 cents; onions,- 7 cents; potatoes, U. S. No. 1, Idaho, 10-pound 10-pound sack, 49 cents; Utah, 47 cents; Utah ungraded ana un classified potatoes, 10 pounds, 27 cents; spinach, 15 cents. We Have on Hand the Following: Sheet Blankets, Cotton and Wool Double Blankets, Sheets Ladies House Dresses, Hosiery, Anklets, Blouses, Sweaters, Turbans, Aprons. HATS for Men and Boys Shoes For The Family Ladies O'SHOES With Medium Heel 1250-300 DEER RIFLE Almost New. With Shells. 1-SINGLE SHOT 22 RIFLE. Carpenters OVERALLS High School Boys and Men's CORDUROY TROUSERS Men's Work Trousers Powers Shoe Store MADC STREET LEHI Fifteen orders amounting to 5775 trees, have been filled in the past few weeks by the forestry nursery of Utah State Agricultural Agricul-tural College, announces Professor Profes-sor J. Whitney Floyd, forester of the Utah extension service. February 1, 3783 order blanks were sent out to farmers of the state of Utah. Fifteen orders were filled from these order blanks. Eleven counties were represented represent-ed in the orders. The counties are Box Elder, Carbon, Salt Lake, Davis, Duchesne, Iron, Juab, Millard, Sanpete, Sevier and Weber, states Professor Floyd. --last year -at this ' time, bniy five orders had been filled, and order blanks had been distributed distribut-ed to farmers at the same time. Extensionist Floyd emphasizes the importance of ordering early, as all orders will be filled on the basis of priority, and late requests re-quests may not obtain the specific speci-fic trees desired. Every year, the forestry nursery runs out of certain species of trees, declares the specialist. Species available from the 150,-000 150,-000 individual trees originally listed include: softwoods, the Eastern Red Cedar, Ponderosa Pine and Blue Spruce. Hardwoods Hard-woods are Green Ash, Siberian Elm, Black Locust, Honey Locust, Russian Olive, Siberian Pea Tree, Black Walnut, Golden Willow and Lombardy Poplar. Ration Reminders Remember two red points plus four cents cash given in exchange ex-change for each pound of used fats. PROCESSED FOODS Book Four. Green stamps G, H and J expire February 20; green stamps K, L and M expire March 20. MEATS, FATS, ETC. Book Three. Brown stamps V, W and X expire February 26; brown stamps Y valid February 13, also expire February 26. SUGAR Book Four. Black stamp 30 expires March 31, 1944. Stamp 40 valid for five pounds canning sugar until February 28, 1945. SHOES Book One, stamp No. 18 and Book Three, airplane stamp No. 1, both good for one pair of shoes. No expiration date has been set for these stamps. Thirty days advance notice will be given to the public if and when an expiration date is set GASOLINE Stamps No. 10 ("A" Book) good for three gallons gal-lons until March 22, subject to change. KILL THE BLACK MARKET ENDORSE YOUR GAS COUPONS! Lawrence Hardman, son of Mrs. Viola Hardman, i3 in the American Fork hospital, Bobby Brooks is nursing head injuries and Art Gibbons, also of Lehi, is suffering bruises as a result of a headon crash of two cars west of American Fork Monday night Young Brooks was driving one car- and Gibbons the other and on the wide curve the drivers became confused and a headon crash resulted. Hardman was the worst injur ed receiving a badly cut head, sprained wrist and numerous bruises. He will be out of the hospital today, it was reported. A second headon crash involv ing Lehi people occurred Tuesday evening about 9 p. m. at the First ward church on the highway going east out of American Fork. Iver Peterson, accompanied by four young women including his daughter-in-law, were .proceed ing west and Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Hardman and their year old son were headed east. Slick roads evidently threw one of the cars out of Its lane and they crashed headon, demolishing the front end of the Peterson sedan and throwing Mrs. Hardman and baby out of their pickup, The Hardman baby received a badly cut forehead over the eye Occupants of the Peterson car and Mrs. Hardman were badly bruised. Mrs. Peterson had several seve-ral front teeth knocked out. All were removed to the Lehi hospital hos-pital for treatment before re turning to their homes. Night officer Willard Peterson investigated the Tuesday acci dent along with State Patrolman Melvin Grant. No charges were filed. New Books At Library Listed Mrs. Ella Christofferson was a Provo business visitor on Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wing were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George L Bone and family The following new books have .been.jce.cenUy added to - he sneives or tne Lem Carnegie 11 brary, according to Mrs. W. W. Wathen, librarian: Thunder head, O'Hara, the author of My Friend Fllcka; Corner of Heaven, Norris; When Hearts Are Light Again, Loring; The Little Locksmith, Lock-smith, Hathaway; Syrian Yan kee, Rizk; Survival, Bottome; A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, Smith; Paris Underground, Shiber; God is My Co-Pilot, Scott. The following were added to the rental collection: The Dark Horse, James; Silvertlp, Brand; Twin Sombreros, Grey; Riders of the Night, Cunningham; Murd erer's Vanity, Footner; Murder in Retrospect, Christie; Easy To Kill, Christie. The following books were tak en from the rental shelf: So Little Time, Marquand; Floods of Spring, Bellaman; Blind Loyalty, Pedler; Chariot of the1 Sun, Carroll; The Runaway, Norris; The Solitary Horseman, Loring; The Blind Man's House, Walpole; The Drifting Cowboy, James; Law and Order on Haifa-day Haifa-day Creek, Hendryx; The Man From Mustang, Brand; Red Clark Takes a Hand, Young; Raw Gold, Hendryx; Riders Across the Border, Gregory; The Patriotic Murders, Christie; The Grade Allen Murder Case, Van Dyne; The Egyptian Cross Mystery, Mys-tery, Queen; The Dragon's Teeth, Queen. SPECIAL PROGRAM IN FIFTH WARD SUNDAY Members of the Suel Bushman family will present the program in the Fifth ward Sacrament services Sunday, February 20, at 7:30 p. m. This is the first in a series of programs to be presented In the ward by family groups, in accordance ac-cordance with the plan adopted by the stake. Ward members are cordially Invited to be present. STAKE OFFICERS VISIT SACRAMENT MEETING Lehi stake officers made their first monthly visit to a ward Sacramental service Sunday evening, when they visited the First ward. Thirty-five stake officers were in attendance at the meeting. The next visit will be made to the Second ward on the second Sunday in March. E. O. Larson, construction engineer, en-gineer, asked for bids Saturday . for the enlarging of the Murdock canal running north from Provo canyon to bring Deer Creek water to this area. The first unit Includes the construction of three concrete siphons, one concrete flume, and, two or three minor concrete structures. The concrete siphons will have an Inside diameter of 8 feet and an aggregate length of 7,000 feet. The principal items of work and the estimated quantities Involved are as follows: 82,000 cubic yards of common excavation; 3,000 cubic yards of rock excavation; excava-tion; 10,500 cubic yards of excavation exca-vation in changing the channel of the river; 6,000 cubic yards of compacted embankment; 63,000 cubic yards of backfill; the placing plac-ing of 7,600 cubic yards of concrete con-crete in structures; and the placing plac-ing of 1,900,000 pounds of reinforcement rein-forcement steel. The bids are to , be opened at 10 a. m. on March 15, 1944, In the Provo office of the Bureau of Reclamation. The successful contractor will have 30 days in which to start work and 300 calendar days in which, to complete all of the work in. the contract. The going ahead with construction con-struction of the Provo Reservoir canal was recently approved by the war production board, as a result of the work being recommended recom-mended by the war food administration admin-istration as an aid In the war food program. A direct allocation alloca-tion of steel for the construction of the concrete structures was made by the war production board at the time a priority was granted. The enlargement of the Provo Reservoir canal Is a part of the Provo river project. The present canal, which has a capacity of about 200 second feet, is too small to servfe the lands which are purchasing storage water from the Deer Creek reservoir. With the work authorized by the .war-prod'tlosjpard "he capacity capa-city will be tentatively' increased to about 350 second feet; and when all the work on the enlargement en-largement is completed, the canal ca-nal will have a capacity of 550 second feet. The latter work is not intended to be done until after the war emergency. The canal Is the highest canal on the east side of Utah county and extends ex-tends northerly from Provo river to the Jordan Narrows, a distance dis-tance of 22 miles. Only Muskrats To Be Trapped Now According to a proclamation issued by the State Fish and Game Commission only muskrats are to be trapped In Utah during the spring trapping season, February Feb-ruary 15 to April 1st. Licenses for trapping are being be-ing issued by an regular hunting hunt-ing and fishing license stores. Responsibility Calls For Keen Vision The keen vision of America's Ameri-ca's hard - working men and women will help us i win this war! So to keep on your job with the greatest efficiency, protect pro-tect your accurate vision. Come to us to have your eyes examined and be be correctly fitted with glasses glass-es if you need them. E. N. Webb JEWELEK ft OPTOMETRIST Uaim Star Laid, Utah |