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Show THE LEHI SUN, LEIII, UTAH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1910 II M I If M I I DeLUXE CLEANERS We Specialize In Cleaning Ladies' Fine Apparel WE HAVE SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR CLEANING AND BLOCKING MEN'S HATS RALPH E. ELLISON, Manager We Call For and Deliver Phone 7, American Fork r We Have It! Xou get more for your money when you buy ; our COAL. Zero weather is here, Stock up now - Don't subject your family to any unnecessary discomfort. dis-comfort. Low ash, high heat content and dependability, dependa-bility, even if the temperature tem-perature is sub-zoro. II A K I) MAN COAL CO. W. R. Hardman, Mgr. PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 154-W "You aint seen nothln' yet, 'till you've seen Susan." Paul Christofferson, who Is attending at-tending college in Logan, spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Christofferson. Mrs. Jennie Npstrom spent Sunday Sun-day visiting In Spanish Fork with her sister, Mrs. H. P. Hardy and family. Mrs. Alice Tuckfield is reported to be quite 111 at her home this week. Friends are hoping for her speedy recovery. Mrs. Thomas Colledge returned home last week, after spending the past few months In Reno, Nevada, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buckwalter and children of American Fork were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Swenson Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Evans and two little daughters, Carlyn and Kathleen, spent Sunday afternoon visiting In American Fork with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buckwalter. Local Items Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Thomas of Salt Lake City visited here Sunday with relatives. "Mrs, A. E. Adams spent Tuesday and Wednesday visiting In Salt Lake City with relatives Mrs. Irene Brown of Ogden Is here tor a ten days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Col ledge. Friday Mr. and Mrs. David I. Gardner attended "Gone With The Wind" at the Paramount theatre In Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Garrett and son, Thornton, and Allen Chip man spent Saturday visiting In Salt Lake City. George Flack and Minnie Flack 01 Fairfield were here Saturday evening to attend the First, ward play, "Grandma Goes Hollywood." m YOUR DOLLARS DO DOUBLE DUTY Among Our Many Bargains See and Try Our New HUMMING BIRD SILK HOSIERY At 79c Other Values up to $1.50 THEY SATISFY BECAUSE THEY'RE TOPS GOODWIN'S The Home of Wolverine Work Shoes Mr. and Mrs. George Bone and son, Brian, of Springville, spent Saturday and Sunday here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bone and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wing. "Pardon me, but have you met Susan?" Mr. and Mrs. Nlel Kalmar and baby daughter, Dorothea, of Granger, Gran-ger, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Kalmar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Coates. Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davis and family, fam-ily, all of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Clarke of Ogden Og-den visited here Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Asa J. Clark and family. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Colledge were Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Peterson of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walker and baby of Salt Lake City. Mrs. Ruth Wilcox and Miss Eva Christofferson were In S'alt Lake City Thursday. While there they attended the show, "Gone With The Wind" at the Paramount theatre. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Carson and daughter, RaNae, and Mrs. Hamilton Hamil-ton Laird spent Friday and Saturday Satur-day visiting In Eureka with Mr. and Mrs. Webb Brady. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. David I. Gardner were Mrs. R. B. Gardner of Salt Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gardner of West Jordan. Mr. , and . Mrs. Floyd Goates of Salt Lake City called here Sunday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dansie and family en route to Springville to visit relatives. Mr. Goates Just returned from St Louis. Wednesday Mrs. A. E. Doll in company with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Crookston of American Fork at tended "Gone With The Wind" In Salt Lake City. Misses Thelma, Arleen and La- Priel Goodwin, Mrs. Eudora Ross and Mrs. Eunice Larsen were guests at a party Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Clarence Sundberg In Sandy. Mrs. Alfred F. Adams entertained at a birthday dinner Sunday, honoring hon-oring the second birthday anniversary annivers-ary of her little granddaughter, Jule Adams, of Ogden. Attending were the child's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glendor W. Adams of Ogden, Frank Adams of Salt Lake City, and members mem-bers of the Adams family here. The "Pot Luck" club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Holm-stead Holm-stead Saturday evening. A delicious de-licious luncheon was served, after which the evening was spent in playing "500". Prizes were won by Mrs. Victor Smtih, Mrs. Clifford Carson, Mack and Clarence Holm-stead. Sale of Nationally Famous Desserts JELLO or JELLO PUDDINGS' America's Favorite TAPIOCA 1 KC Minute 11C, For J- J Tapioca - pkg SPAM - - - - - 25c Standby Milk for 27c Sugar, 10 lbs - 61c Powdered Sugar 3 lbs. 23c Macaroni and Spaghetti ..- 3 lbs. 25c Matches, carton 8c Wyandotte Cleanser, 1 can for 10c, 2 cans for 11c Crystal White and P. G. Soap 10 bars 37c Ariosa Coffee -V -- 19c Dinner Club Salad Dressing........; quart jar 23c Candy Bars . 3 for 10c Don't forget we have a complete line of Gerber's Baby Foods 3 for 23c Gerber's Cereal Foods 21c Carnation Wheat Flakes, large pkg. 16c Toilet Tissue 6 for 23c Brooms :.:. 39c and up Seasonable Fruits and Vegetables Bananas lb. Gc Grapefruit -t doz. 25c Lemons ............'.....I.............. .. doz. 23c ; t Fresh Quality: Meats -'j Phone 30 We Deliver Promptly GOATES FOOD MART Main Street Lehi, Utah P.-T.A. Members Present Play Peter Lott Dies In California i Peter Lott, 71 years of age, of Joseph, Utah"", a former resident of Lehi, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Marlon L. Wanlass, In Rodeo, California, on Tuesday, January 30, according to reports received re-ceived here. Mr. Lott was the son of John and Emmellne Moltn Lott. He spent his early boyhood in Lehi, later moving to Sevier county where he spent many years. He went to California to spend the winter with his daughter, when he became ill and passed away. The body was brought to Joseph, where funeral services were held Saturday. Interment was made in the Joseph cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Wanlass accompanied accom-panied the body to Joseph from California. They visited here during dur-ing the week end with Mr. Wanlass' Wan-lass' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wanlass, and left for California Sunday evening. Lehi Man Injured In uto Accident Sunday On Thursday evening of " next week (February 15) the Parent- Teachers association will present a three-act comedy, entitled "Introducin "Intro-ducin Susan" in the high school auditorium. The play is one of the very best. It is a royalty play and exceedingly exceed-ingly high in entertainment. The committee read a number of plays before this one was finally selected. A strong cast has been selected and Miss 'Jerry Thomson has been chosen as the director. Cast members include Tom Wof-finden, Wof-finden, as the young college professor; pro-fessor; Miss Flossie Jackson, as Susan, his wife; Rex Zimmerman, as Buddy Chalmers, a young football foot-ball star; Miss Lee, as Bobs, Buddy's Bud-dy's girl friend; Donald Lott, as Ross, an old competitor of Dick's; Miss Beryl Curtis, Dick's former sweetheart; Mrs. Dean Prior, as Violet, a love-sick maid; Gerry Thomson, as Aunt Cordelia, Dick's wealthy aunt; Max Skinner, as Cyclone, Cy-clone, a prize fighter, brother of Violet's; LeRoy Loveridge, as Susan's Sus-an's hot tempered father; L. B. Brown and Dr. J. G. Jones, as attendants at-tendants from the Insane Asylum. Don't fail to see "Introducin' Susan." If you don't meet Susan you miss half your life. Comments gathered hither and yon backstage: "I think they're all crazy!" Doc Jones and L. B. Brown. "Death is too good for a traitor" Leroy Loveridge. "What a life a professor leads," says Tom Woffinden, long suffering suffer-ing husband of Susan. "I'm going home to papa," says Florence Jackson.' , "Criminently; but itH be good", says LaRue Prior, the shrinking Violet. ' "Never have,. I . been so embarrassed," embar-rassed," says Rex Zimmerman. "If you've just been operated on, don't come youll' split your stitches" Don Lott. "What do you think I am, a man?" Lenore Lee. "Excuse me, but you won't need your handkerchiefs unless its to wipe away tears of laughter" Beryl Curtis. - "What a play! What a cast! What a night! Gerry Thomson. H. T. Vance of this city suffered a bruised shoulder Sunday at 7:45 a. m. when his automobile was involved: in-volved: in a three-car collision at Second West and South Temple streets, Salt Lake City, it is reported. re-ported. Police traffic investigators reported re-ported Mr. Vance's automobile, northboufid on Second West street was struck by a car driven west on South Temple street by Harry E. Ittmore, 50, of 825 Roosevelt ave nue. The . impact pushed Mr. Vance's car into an auto driven by Emory A. Smith Jr., 32, of 1802 Lake street, which was being driven north in a lane parallel to Mr. Vance's machine, officers stated. Mr. Vance was treated at police emergency hospital. Lehi Students Register For Quarter at "Y" I HEALTH INSURANCE CIIILDREX A o BiteuiiitcL I r Its a Small Premium to Pay for Insurance Against Future Sickness and Disease! Here is a policy of insurance that affects something money cannot buy: the health and physical well-being well-being of your children! The premium is a few pennies a day, and the policy is paid off in brighter eyes, stronger bones, solid flesh and all-around good health. Apply now for this policy! Call 83-J Have it Delivered to Your Home THREE-BAR DAIRY State Street Six students from Lehi are among 360 additional students registering during the winter quarter at Brig-ham Brig-ham Young university here. This sets a new record of 2752 for the total registration this, year, according accord-ing to the registrar. The students are: Dean Willes, Harold C. Hutchings, Wilson Lott, Earl Banks, Keith Bushman, and Lois Dickerson. Winter quarter students will' en joy a rich cultural and recreational program as well as normal university uni-versity work according to committee commit-tee reports. On the lyceum program, pro-gram, Jim Cherniansky, pianist; Gaspor Cassado, cellist; Enist Wolff, baritone; and Mary Ellen Chase, novelist; have already appeared. Seven more programs, featuring ten performers equally famous in music, writing, and International affairs . In addition to regular weekly student body and social unit dances and social functions, the annual winter sports carnival and Junior Prom will take place in February and March respectively. Ladies Silk Ringless Chiffon HOSIERY inreau Shades for 69c We still have a Bargain on LADIES' PRESSES New Spring Merchant Men's and Boys' New Spring HATS and CAPS WORK CLOTHING for Men andBoys ' NEW SHIPMENT OF SHOES For Children, Girls, Boys, Ladies and Men. POWERS SHOE STORE Quality Merchandise at Reasonable Prices Marriage Announced An announcement that will be met with much social interest is the marriage of Mrs. Susie Lewis and W. E. Winn, both of this city, which took place last week. The many friends of the couple are extending congratulations and countless wishes for their future happiness and success. Announcement Donald Chipman of Amerlc-of Amerlc-of the marriage of his Miss Donna ChiDman Gardner, son of Mr. and f gus oar oner of this cih The marriage was soleid mansion, Wyoming, on & 8th and is just being mao wj uicu uiauy mentis this i Several socials are being In honor of the young mm For the present they are : their home in American Fv ROLLER SKATING LEHI Monday and Thursday Valentine Skating Carnival FREE HATS HORNS SERPENTINE NOISEMAKBtS Monday, February 12 Free Bus Every Monday and Thursday Leaves P. G. Bank : A. F. Bank 7:20 Rates to Parties. . Free Bus available forPd CARNIVAL AT PARK RO-SHE WED., FEB. Hospital Notes Mrs. John Doyle is receiving medical med-ical care in the local hospital. She was admitted on Thursday. Mrs. Jennie Church is receiving medical treatment in the hospital. She was admitted on Wednesday. Leona Lamb was removed home from the hospital on Monday, after receiving treatment for several days for pneumonia. Mrs. Adeline Peterson, who underwent un-derwent an operation on her leg several days ago, has been removed to her home from the hospital. She is improving nicely. DR. BECK WILL SPEAK IN LEHI THIRD WARD Next Sunday evening I of the Brigham Young c at Provo will be the principt er in the Lehi Third k subject, "Romance and J will deal with Love, C: and Marriage, and fil special interest to all yoim Musical numbers will i given. The' program is rd direction of the Sunday officers. A large attendance wllfc dated. "Introducin" Susan", to be play hit of year, so says dramatic committee com-mittee of the P.-T. A. Lehi P.-T. A. Add New Books To Library The following new books may be had from the P.-T. A. shelf in the Public library during the month nf February: "A Good Girl Grows Up", by Ruth Fedder. "Leader By Destiny", Jeanette Eaton. "Another Mexico", by Graham Greene. "Personality and the Cultural Pattern", by James S. Plant. "Children in the Family," Harold H. Anderson. I "Clark Gable hesitated to play I Rhett Butler in 'Gone Witn m,. -v Wind' until he found out who Susan was." Mr. and Mrs. Harvel Bennett and jcnnaren and Miss Melba Hutch-i Hutch-i ings of American Fork visited here Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchings and family. UHiiinmnii Meiling's VALENTINES are Kings of Hearts Beautiful Valentines of all kinds for endearing messages of the season. Valentine Boxes 10c to $4.50 Valentines, all Varied Valentine Cards to send f- a Gift Valentine Favors and - Cards. Give a Magazine Subscript for a Valentine. MEET YOUR FKIE AT Meiling's Confectioner! f 1 For Every Occasion Be assured of the Beauty that is Naturally Yours XY I r Dress up your hair with a New Permanent or New Hair Style . . . Avail yourself of our Service and look your best alvtt1 PHONE 18 FOR APPOINTlENTS Eva's Beauty Shop Sirs. Eva Anderson |